Showing posts with label branding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label branding. Show all posts

Thursday 16 March 2023


 SOLD BY: Enems Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N3000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @





Packaging and branding have becomes very important activities in the production and marketing of good and services. Packaging can be defined as all the activities in production planning that involve designing and producing the container or wrappers for a product. Packaging is obviously closely related to labeling and branding because the label often appears on the package and the branding is typically on the label. Packaging plays two basic roles, protection of the content and communication about the product. As a protecting tool, it helps in the storing, reduction of damage and loss of goods in transit, minimized pilferage and tempering of products in the course of handling. Is a protective device against product damage, contamination, evaporation and chemical change. Packaging helps to identify a product and thus may prevent substitution of competitive goods. Packaged good generally are more convenience.

Packaging as a means of communication involves a series of marketing activities. A firm may package it product in such a way as to increase profit possibilities. Package may be so attractive that customers will pay more just to get the special package.

Packaging as a salient salesman- when a product tends to sell itself without the company promotion then we say the package is serving as a salient salesman. Branding on the other hand means the use of a name, term, symbol or design or a combination of these which is intended to identify the goods and services of one seller or group of seller and to differentiate them from those of competitors. Brand encourages repeat sales- if a product proves satisfactory to a customer; brands make it easy for the consumer to locate that product for repurchase.

Brands simplify sales promotion – effective sales promotion depends (mainly) on branding or identifying the products. Through branding,  the quality and quantity of production can be controlled. This means that poor quality  which might reflect unfavorable an other products and discourage future  trade-could be traced back to the quality producer. With the increase in the number of similar production in the marketing today which has in term led to the persistent  increase in the  level of competition among producers, individual firm do not only improve on the quality of their product, but try to differentiate their  products from those of competitors. This can be achieved through the use of attractive and distinctive packaging and branding.

Hence, this project aims at finding out whether or not packaging and branding are really relevant in the marketing of shopping goods with special reference to royal ceramics Ltd, area sales office Suleja on the Abuja, Kaduna highway.


Historically, Royal ceramics Ltd was established in the year 1992 in Nigeria at Suleja on the Abuja-Kaduna highway about 45km from the capital city of Abuja. Royal ceramics remains the first and art pioneering ceramics unit in sub-Saharan Africa, producing wall tiles, floor tiles, porcelain tiles, red clay blocks and sanitary wares under a single roof.


In product terms an early commitment to quality was made, also the development of port folio of production acceptable and specific to the taste and heeds at Nigerians has been a man plank from the earliest days. Royal ceramics products are distributed all over Nigeria and we understand that a good percentage of their products find their way to some of our neighboring countries such as Niger, Chad and Cameroon. In Nigeria they are the leading source of locally produced ceramic – ware and it is estimated that they have nearly 40% of the market share. Royal ceramics stockists and distributors numbering 72 are uniformly distributed geographically all around Nigeria. They team of marketing professional keep touring all round the country periodically to ensure top quality customer service and also to be in touch with the ground reality of the competition from other local and foreign producers. Royal tiles both wall tiles and floor tiles are available in variety of 750 standard designs  and also custom designed tiles in special sizes and designs are also made available for special  customers. We market wall tiles, vitrified floor tiles and glazed floor tiles in the thickness range of are 6mm to 12mm. The tiles sizes that are usually available are 6×6, 8×12, 8×8, 12×12 and 16×16.  Sanitary ware are available in patented Italian designs and also custom made designs in various colours. The popular colours are white, sky-blue, grey and light pink. Royal has got sophisticated wing for producing quality products by testing raw materials before production, every stage to production and also finished products. The R&D (Research and Development) holds the responsibility for developing of body, ensuring the production department to produce the  right product with right specifications.

Services- Royal has got a service department to educate the lying techniques to tillers and mason and also to attend the queries of customers. They act as a bridge between the company and customers.

The initial investment was USD $ 20million, and over the years the addition and modifications have increased the investment level to well over USD$30million.


The business of a company is centered on serving the consumer with the high quality product. Through the large distributor network, and strong brand developed over one a decades, Royal tiles remain one of the most widespread and population brands in West Africa.

Wall tiles and floor tile plants:

The 2 plants are capable of producing wall tiles, vitrified floor tiles and glazed floor tiles in the thickness range of 6mm to 12mm. the tiles sizes that can be made in this plant are 150mm x 150mm, 200mm x300mm, 200mm x 200mm, 300mm x300mm and 400mm x 400mm. OR you can still use short form of it by saying 150m x150m =6 x 6, 200mm x300m = 20 x30, 300m x300m =30 x30, 400m x 400m =40 x40 . All the equipment has been sourced from SACMI, Italy and the plants are capable of producing 4million square meter of tiles per annum. The production lines are equipped with multiple printing stations, enabling the production of multiple coloured tiles. Royal have a large stock of a variety of punches and in- house screen lab to produce innumerable designs for the market.  To improve the quality of product and save on the foreign exchange from importation Royal had recently begun manufacturing frits for their own purpose and for other industries in Nigeria. Royal now have the capability to produce 20MT of first a day a significant boost to the local economy.


The unit employs 2, 200 Nigeria directly and indirectly and 30 Indians expatriates, it is estimated the another 8000 Nigerians are employed in the various sectors such as mining, supply of raw materials, distribution of finished products  e. t .c they provides accommodation to their employees.


It is an established fact that companies irrespective of where they are situated, what and how they produce, who their share holders are etc, face one form of problem or the other. These problems are often caused by such factors as : high level of competition, political instability fuel scarcity, competitors copying their design, qualified personnel, and raw materials .

Actually, their raw materials yard is capable of holding nearly 50,000 tons of raw materials at any given time. Considering the extended rainy season in Nigeria such a huge storage capacity becomes a necessity. But had it being some imported items such as transparent & opaque frit, zinc oxide, color pigments, printing base, magnesium silicate etc.which they import from Spain, Italy India and other European countries are found in Nigeria the product would have being at a cheaper rate.

On several occasions, the government has raced embargo on the importation of raw material and machineries which has in turn made it very difficult for manufacturers to supplement home supply with imports. Competition is another problems that most companies are now facing today and this has force them to decide new strategies to enable them gain some competitive edge over their rivals. The development of implementation of efficient and effective strategy involves a lot of money ,time etc which would have been challenged towards the achievements of other organization goals. Since packaging and branding add to lost of price ,it is argued in many ways that whether it should continue or not, it is against this back-ground that the researcher carried out this research work to find out relevant of product packaging and branding in the marketing of  shopping goods with special reference to Royal ceramics Ltd.


The importance of this study includes the following.

  1. To develop and transform the researcher theoretical knowledge in to practice one especially as it relates to packaging and branding.
  2. To shows the relevance of product packaging and branding in the marketing of shopping’s goods.
  3. To serve as a reference materials for research work in related fields.
  4. To help researchers in the field of study identify and access the important of packaging and branding in marketing of shopping goods.
  5. To satisfy one of the basics condition for the award of National Diploma (ND) in department of marketing Nasarawa Federal Polytechnic, Nasarawa state.

The main aims and objectives of the study include the following:-

  1. To find out if packaging and branding have any impact on company (Royal ceramics Ltd) turnover.
  2. To find out whether or not packaging and branding help to lower the manufactures cost of distributions and promotions.
  3. To find out whether or not packaging and branding facilities products differetiations.
  4. To determine whether or not packaging and branding provides the much needed information about a product.
  5. To find out why Royal ceramics Ltd uses packaging and branding in the marketing of their products.
  6. To provides the researcher with an insight in the field of study.


Packaging and branding are very important activities in the production of marketing of goods and service in all manufacturing industries will be very difficult if not impossible considering the cost involves time constraint. Base on these, the study is confirmed to Royal ceramics Ltd Nigeria. The relevance of products packaging and branding in the marketing of shopping goods is the essence of this research works.


To decide on the outcome of the study, the following hypothesis are formed to be tested as well as to obtain meaningful information that will aid the marketing of valid conclusions and recommendations.

HI: Packaging and branding are relevant of shopping goods

HO: Packaging and branding are not relevant in marketing of shopping goods.

Note: HI: means alternative hypothesis, HO: means null hypothesis.


In the course of writing a project of the nature one encounter are difficulties which include among other: the problems of locating respondent’s .some of the few that were located responded to the questionnaire reluctantly. The researcher also found it difficult to obtain vital information from the company (Royal ceramics Ltd, Nigeria) As much information are considered very crucial for the survival of the organization, in the same vain ,the project work is much tasking as it was not easy to obtain material ,the cost involves in typing ,photocopying and binding as a student . Inadequate time was another problem the researcher encountered, since the researcher has to share the available time among his normal academic work and the project work both of which are time consuming.

Consequently, very short time was left for  this write-up which thus meant that the work was done in haste in order to meet up with the submission date. Lecturing which is the main task of every lecturer tends to limit the frequency of project supervision.


The terms below have been defined in relation to the context in which they are used in this study for the sole purpose of clarity.

1)       MARKETING: According to the institute of marketing U.K, marketing is defined as the management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitably while American marketing Association considers marketing as the performance of business activities that direct the flow of goods and service from producer to consumer or user.

2)      PRODUCT: Njioku (2000), says that product is the object of a market offer by the firm or producer to the consumer or user.

Nwokoye (1981:95) defines product as “a bundle of physical and psychological satisfaction that a buyer receives from a purchase”

Kotler (1976:183) on his own part states product as anything that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, or consumption; it includes physical object, services, personalities, place organizations and ideas.

3)      PRODUCT MIX: Is a composite or total number of products produced and market by a firm or business unit. It can also be seen as the full list of all products offered for sale by a company. E.g. cameras, photographic supplies chemicals plastics etc .this would include all product all product lines and product items handled by a company.

4)      PRODUCT LINE : Is a group of products that are closely related either because they satisfy a class of need , are used together, sold to the same customer groups, marketed through  the same types of outlet or fall within price range e.g. Guilder, Star etc.

5)       BRANDING: Is a way of distinguishing a company’s product from those of competing products by assigning names or symbols to these product.

6)      BRAND: Njioku (2002:69), on his own parts, a brand is a name,  term, symbols or design or a combination of them which is intended to identify the goods or service of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of competitors.

7)       BRAND NAME: Consists of words, letters\ or numbers which may be pronounced e.g. Toyota, Honda e.t.c

8)      BRAND MARK: Is the part of the brand which appears in the form of symbol, design, or distinctive coloring and lettering, it can be recognized by size but cannot be vocalized.

9)      TRADE MARK: A trade mark is a brand which is given legal protection because under the law it has been used exclusively by one seller. It therefore follows that trademarks are brands and include words, letters number, etc. which may be pronounced as well as pictorial design

10)     FAMILY BRAND: This is a single brand name used for the several related products. Brands may be family or individual brands. It is “blanket or family brand” When the brand name is applied to several products or to each grade of company merchandise.

11)     BLANKEY BRAND: This is a brand that is applied to an entire product mix or to a product in a particular line.

12)     INDIVIDUAL BRAND NAME: This applies to only one product e.g. Volkswagen uses individual brand name for Passat, Jetta, Golf, Audi etc A series of individual brands is more difficult to market and manage because each brand is to be promoted separately and often must be under the direction of a separate division or department. Unilever uses individual brands for close-up, Lux, Omo e.t.c.

13)     BRANDING DECISIONS: Brand strategy is intimately tied up with the question of product mix strategy. A marketer addresses three difficult decisions on brand strategy. The first is whether, and to what extent he should put brand names on his products. His second is whether the brand names should be those of his firm or of the distributors. His third is whether his own brands should go under one, a few or many individual names.

14)     BRAND EXTENSION: A brand extension strategy is any effort to use a successful brand name to launch product modifications or additional products.

15)    CO- BRANDING: This is the practice of using the established brand names of two different companies on the same products.

16)     MULTI- BRAND: This is a strategy under which a seller develops two or more brands in the same products category. A multi brand strategy enables the company to take advantage of different market segments. Consumers respond to various appeals.

17)     BATTLE OF BRANDS: It will be observed that the product mix in any large wholesale or retail establishments provides strong evidence that marketing today involves a battle of brands. Many food retailers handle 5 to10 manufacturers’ brands of product such as tea or coffee with 2 or 3 of their own privates in addition. These brands compete or battle against one another for acceptance by the consumers and for shelf- space.

18)    BRAND AWARENESS: This refers to the buyers ability to identify (recognize or recall) the brand within the category insufficient details to make a purpose.

19)     PACKAGING: This refers to the general group of activities in product planning which involves designing and producing the container wrapper for a product.

20)     PRIMARY PACKAGE: This refers to the product immediate container e.g. the tube holding toothpaste.

21)     SECONDARY PACKAGES: This is the additional layer or materials that protect the primary package and is thrown or discarded when the product is about to be used e.g. the cardboard containing the tube of toothpaste.

22)    MULTIPLY PACKAGE: This is the practice of placing several unit of product in one container.

23)    INDUSTRIAL GOODS: This can be also called producer goods, there are those intended for use in making other products for rendering a service in the operation of a business or institutional enterprise. Industrial goods are not produced for their own sake but are destined for use in the production of other goods or rendering services.

24)     CONSUMER GOODS: These are goods the consumer purchase for imitate use or goods purchases for ultimate satisfaction of personal and family needs.  

25)     CONVENIENCE GOOD: These are goods the consumer need but is not willing to spend much time and effort shopping by soap, .newspapers e.t.c.

26)     STAPLE GOODS: There are convenience goods which the consumer knows he wants before he sees them and which he plans to buy as possible and with minimum of effort. E.g. drugs, food materials and other household.

27)     IMPULSE GOODS: These are an item that as soon as a consumer sees them in a store\ shop a signal comes to him that he needs them and he buys immediately.

28)    SHOPPING GOODS: These are those consumers’ goods which the customer, in the process of selection and purchase, characteristically compares on such basis as suitability, quality, price, and style. E.g. ceramics, furniture e.t.c. 29)     SPECIALITY GOODS:  They are those consumers’ goods with unique characteristics and\or for an identification for which a significant group of buyers are habitually willing to make a purchasing effort. e.g. photographic equipment, men’s suit e.t.c.

 SOLD BY: Enems Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N3000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @

Tuesday 28 February 2023



(A case study of Royal Ceramic Nig. Ltd Abuja, Kaduna Road, Suleja)


This research work is aimed at determining the relevant of product packaging and branding in the marketing of shopping goods with special reference to Royal ceramics Nigeria limited. The organized field work, interview, observation, questionnaires and other documentary materials formed the sources of data and information for this research .All data collected were analyzed by means of descriptive statistics and with the use of tables, frequency and percentage. Seventy (70) questionnaires were distributed but fifty (50) were filled and returned properly. Finally recommendations and conclusion were drawn based on the findings.



Packaging and branding have becomes very important activities in the production and marketing of goods and services. Packaging can be defined as all the activities in production planning that involve designing and producing the container or wrappers for a product. Packaging is obviously closely related to labeling and branding because the label often appears on the package and the branding is typically on the label. Packaging plays two basic roles, protection of the content and communication about the product. As a protecting tool, it helps in the storing, reduction of damage and loss of goods in transit, minimized pilferage and tempering of products in the course of handling. Is a protective device against product damage, contamination, evaporation and chemical change. Packaging helps to identify a product and thus may prevent substitution of competitive goods. Packaged good generally are more convenience.

Packaging as a means of communication involves a series of marketing activities. A firm may package it product in such a way as to increase profit possibilities. Package may be so attractive that customers will pay more just to get the special package.

Packaging as a salient salesman- when a product tends to sell itself without the company promotion then we say the package is serving as a salient salesman. Branding on the other hand means the use of a name, term, symbol or design or a combination of these which is intended to identify the goods and services of one seller or group of seller and to differentiate them from those of competitors. Brand encourages repeat sales- if a product proves satisfactory to a customer; brands make it easy for the consumer to locate that product for repurchase.

Brands simplify sales promotion – effective sales promotion depends (mainly) on branding or identifying the products. Through branding, the quality and quantity of production can be controlled. This means that poor quality which might reflect unfavorable another products and discourage future trade-could be traced back to the quality producer. With the increase in the number of similar production in the marketing today which has in term led to the persistent increase in the level of competition among producers, individual firm do not only improve on the quality of their product, but try to differentiate their products from those of competitors. This can be achieved through the use of attractive and distinctive packaging and branding.

Hence, this project aims at finding out whether or not packaging and branding are really relevant in the marketing of shopping goods with special reference to royal ceramics Ltd, area sales office Suleja on the Abuja, Kaduna highway.


Historically, Royal ceramics Ltd was established in the year 1992 in Nigeria at Suleja on the Abuja-Kaduna highway about 45km from the capital city of Abuja. Royal ceramics remains the first and art pioneering ceramics unit in sub-Saharan Africa, producing wall tiles, floor tiles, porcelain tiles, red clay blocks and sanitary wares under a single roof.


In product terms an early commitment to quality was made, also the development of portfolio of production acceptable and specific to the taste and heeds at Nigerians has been a man plank from the earliest days. Royal ceramics products are distributed all over Nigeria and we understand that a good percentage of their products find their way to some of our neighboring countries such as Niger, Chad and Cameroon. In Nigeria they are the leading source of locally produced ceramic – ware and it is estimated that they have nearly 40% of the market share. Royal ceramics stockists and distributors numbering 72 are uniformly distributed geographically all around Nigeria. They team of marketing professional keep touring all-round the country periodically to ensure top quality customer service and also to be in touch with the ground reality of the competition from other local and foreign producers. Royal tiles both wall tiles and floor tiles are available in variety of 750 standard designs and also custom designed tiles in special sizes and designs are also made available for special customers. We market wall tiles, vitrified floor tiles and glazed floor tiles in the thickness range of are 6mm to 12mm. The tiles sizes that are usually available are 6×6, 8×12, 8×8, 12×12 and 16×16. Sanitary ware is available in patented Italian designs and also custom made designs in various colors. The popular colors are white, sky-blue, grey and light pink. Royal has got sophisticated wing for producing quality products by testing raw materials before production, every stage to production and also finished products. The R&D (Research and Development) holds the responsibility for developing of body, ensuring the production department to produce the right product with right specifications.

Services- Royal has got a service department to educate the lying techniques to tillers and mason and also to attend the queries of customers. They act as a bridge between the company and customers.

The initial investment was USD $ 20million, and over the years the addition and modifications have increased the investment level to well over USD$30million.


The business of a company is centered on serving the consumer with the high quality product. Through the large distributor network, and strong brand developed over one a decades, Royal tiles remain one of the most widespread and population brands in West Africa.


The 2 plants are capable of producing wall tiles, vitrified floor tiles and glazed floor tiles in the thickness range of 6mm to 12mm. the tiles sizes that can be made in this plant are 150mm x 150mm, 200mm x300mm, 200mm x 200mm, 300mm x300mm and 400mm x 400mm. OR you can still use short form of it by saying 150m x150m =6 x 6, 200mm x300m = 20 x30, 300m x300m =30 x30, 400m x 400m =40 x40 . All the equipment has been sourced from SACMI, Italy and the plants are capable of producing 4million square meter of tiles per annum. The production lines are equipped with multiple printing stations, enabling the production of multiple coloured tiles. Royal have a large stock of a variety of punches and in- house screen lab to produce innumerable designs for the market.  To improve the quality of product and save on the foreign exchange from importation Royal had recently begun manufacturing frits for their own purpose and for other industries in Nigeria. Royal now have the capability to produce 20MT of first a day a significant boost to the local economy.


The unit employs 2, 200 Nigeria directly and indirectly and 30 Indians expatriates, it is estimated the another 8000 Nigerians are employed in the various sectors such as mining, supply of raw materials, distribution of finished products  e. t .c they provides accommodation to their employees.


It is an established fact that companies irrespective of where they are situated, what and how they produce, who their shareholders are etc., face one form of problem or the other. These problems are often caused by such factors as: high level of competition, political instability fuel scarcity, competitors copying their design, qualified personnel, and raw materials.

Actually, their raw materials yard is capable of holding nearly 50,000 tons of raw materials at any given time. Considering the extended rainy season in Nigeria such a huge storage capacity becomes a necessity. But had it being some imported items such as transparent & opaque frit, zinc oxide, color pigments, printing base, magnesium silicate etc. which they import from Spain, Italy India and other European countries are found in Nigeria the product would have being at a cheaper rate.

On several occasions, the government has raced embargo on the importation of raw material and machineries which has in turn made it very difficult for manufacturers to supplement home supply with imports. Competition is another problems that most companies are now facing today and this has force them to decide new strategies to enable them gain some competitive edge over their rivals. The development of implementation of efficient and effective strategy involves a lot of money, time etc which would have been challenged towards the achievements of other organization goals. Since packaging and branding add to lots of price ,it is argued in many ways that whether it should continue or not, it is against this back-ground that the researcher carried out this research work to find out relevant of product packaging and branding in the marketing of  shopping goods with special reference to Royal ceramics Ltd.


The importance of this study includes the following.

  1. To develop and transform the researcher theoretical knowledge in to practice one specially as it relates to packaging and branding.
  2. To shows the relevance of product packaging and branding in the marketing of shopping’s goods.
  3. To serve as a reference materials for research work in related fields.
  4. To help researchers in the field of study identify and access the important of packaging and branding in marketing of shopping goods.
  5. To satisfy one of the basics condition for the award of Higher National Diploma (HND) in department of marketing Nasarawa Federal Polytechnic, Nasarawa state.

The main aims and objectives of the study include the following:-

1        To find out if packaging and branding have any impact on company (Royal ceramics Ltd) turnover.

2.       To find out whether or not packaging and branding help to lower the manufactures cost of distributions and promotions.

3        To find out whether or not packaging and branding facilities products differentiations.

4.       To determine whether or not packaging and branding provides the much needed information about a product.

5.       To find out why Royal ceramics Ltd uses packaging and branding in the marketing of their products.

6.       To provides the researcher with an insight in the field of study.


Packaging and branding are very important activities in the production of marketing of goods and service in all manufacturing industries will be very difficult if not impossible considering the cost involves time constraint. Base on these, the study is confirmed to Royal ceramics Ltd Nigeria. The relevance of products packaging and branding in the marketing of shopping goods is the essence of this research works.


To decide on the outcome of the study, the following hypothesis are formed to be tested as well as to obtain meaningful information that will aid the marketing of valid conclusions and recommendations.

HI: Packaging and branding are relevant of shopping goods

HO: Packaging and branding are not relevant in marketing of shopping goods.

Note: HI: means alternative hypothesis

HO: means null hypothesis.


In the course of writing a project of the nature one encounter are difficulties which include among other: the problems of locating respondent’s .some of the few that were located responded to the questionnaire reluctantly. The researcher also found it difficult to obtain vital information from the company (Royal ceramics Ltd, Nigeria)As much information are considered very crucial for the survival of the organization, in the same vein ,the project work is much tasking as it was not easy to obtain material ,the cost involves in typing ,photocopying and binding as a student .Inadequate time was another problem the researcher encountered, since the researcher has to share the available time among his normal academic work and the project work both of which are time consuming.

Consequently, very short time was left for this write-up which thus meant that the work was done in haste in order to meet up with the submission date. Lecturing which is the main task of every lecturer tends to limit the frequency of project supervision.


The terms below have been defined in relation to the context in which they are used in this study for the sole purpose of clarity.

MARKETING: According to the institute of marketing U.K, marketing is defined as the management process responsible for identifying, anticipating and satisfying customer requirements profitably while American marketing Association considers marketing as the performance of business activities that direct the flow of goods and service from producer to consumer or user.

PRODUCT: Njioku (2000) says that product is the object of a market offer by the firm or producer to the consumer or user.

BRANDING: Is a way of distinguishing a company’s product from those of competing products by assigning names or symbols to these product.

BRAND: Njioku (2002:69), on his own parts, a brand is a name,  term, symbols or design or a combination of them which is intended to identify the goods or service of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of competitors.

BRAND NAME: Consists of words, letters\ or numbers which may be pronounced e.g. Toyota, Honda etc.

BRAND MARK: Is the part of the brand which appears in the form of symbol, design, or distinctive coloring and lettering, it can be recognized by size but cannot be vocalized.

TRADE MARK: A trade mark is a brand which is given legal protection because under the law it has been used exclusively by one seller. It therefore follows that trademarks are brands and include words, letters number, etc. which may be pronounced as well as pictorial design


undefinedSOLD BY: Enems Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N3000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs


(A case study of NASCO Group of Companies Jos, Plateau State)


The objective of this project work is to highlight the important of branding and packaging to a product. This study is significant because, it will help in solving the statement problems of branding and packaging in marketing firm.  A review of relevant literature done by other writes on this subject will be carry out by the researcher. It’s objectives in branding and packaging a new product is to have positive satisfaction from consumers and to gain the highest market share in a competitive marketing environment. The study aimed at identifying the strategies of branding and packaging in competitive product with the view to avoid new product failure. Summary, conclusion and recommendation will be made.



1.0     Introduction

The ultimate aim of product is simple to satisfy the needs and wants of the consumer. A product should be given a unique brand name to distinguish it from other goods. The name should be distinctive and easy to pronounce and it should capture the essential product concept.

Packaging: The basic function of packaging is to protect the product; hence it must be durable so as to survive handing during distribution. Additionally, packaging fulfills an important promotion function branding and packaging as name implies are major items of promotion strategy.

The skill of professional marketers is the ability to create, maintain protect and enhance branding on other hand, developing a branding product which requires a great deal of long investment spending especially, for advertising, promotion and packaging .The research project aims is to examine the effectiveness of branding and packaging that is in existence in NASCO group of companies, Plateau State. The production manager is left with the choice of how to brand and package their product effectively so as to identify seller of the same product to differentiate them from that of their competitors.

1.1     Historical background of the case study

Innovation, diversification and growth with faith in the Nigeria economy, which diversified into the production of wide range of products manufacture through associated companies. The company started operation in 1963 with the establishment of Jute Bag Manufacturing Factory in Jos.

NASCO Food (Nigeria Limited) Jos, Plateau State produces the well-known NASCO biscuits in Nigeria 20 varieties to suite every state and every occasion. The company now produces cornflakes and wafers.

NASCO Pack Limited, Jos Is a manufacture of converter of packaging materials including corrugated sheets and boxes printed transweep film and poly bags cellophanes multicolour offset printed cartons and labels.

NASCO Confectionery Company Limited Jos Manufacturing arranges of sweet, jelly, bubbles gum, toffee and other confectionaries. The company’s products are targeted mainly for children and adult.

Nasco House Holds Products produces NASCO detergents soap action bonus brytex solar Hi powersplash, Nova, plus bar soap and beauty soap.

1.2     Statement of the problem

In carrying out this research, a lot of factors were identified as the possible problems of the successful branding and packaging of a product. The advantages and important of branding and packaging to the success of a product, while some condemns it, such problem are expressed as follow

  1. Customer perception: This have a great effect in branding and packing, since it has to do with the way consumer or target audience fell and their attitude towards the product.
  2. To find out the possible effect of intensive advertisement on a product
  3. To establish the product differentiation and high quality product over competition items already in market.

1.3     Objective of the study

The objective of the study is mainly concerned with the effective branding and packaging implication for marketing firms where NASCO Company Jos is the case study under the marketing firms.

Because of the fact that we are using one firm in relation to other marketing firm may affect the generation of our findings as this project does not claim to have all fact about marketing firms due to some certain limitation but it all provide insight to our case study.

The general purpose of this empirical study is to assess the implication of branding and packaging of a product with reference to NASCO Group of Company Jos, Plateau State. The specific objectives are:

  1. To assess the implication of branding and packaging of a product in an organization.
  2. To determine the impact of branding and packaging in an organization.
  3. To make recommendations based on the research findings.

1.4     Significance of the study

The project will be of important to the NASCO group of company .In adopting a more effective way in branding and packaging to take care of uncertainty in the future which is likely to occur in the industry especially in marketing new product.

The findings of the study will also be of immense benefit to other companies who may wish to carry out further research work on how branding and packaging can be used when a new product is introduced into the market. The finding will be useful to students, institutions who may be interested in research.

1.5     Statement of hypothesis

Ho:    Proper branding and packing does not offer a superior protection to the product.

Hi:     Proper branding and packaging offers a superior protection to the product.

1.6     Scope of the study

The study is limited to branding and packaging in a competitive marketing environment in NASCO Group of Company Jos, Plateau State.

1.7     Limitation of the study

Since constraints are features of every human activities limiting the means by which such activities are carried out it is therefore not expected that same constraint have impact on the quality of these research work and these limitation includes:

  1. The time schedule for the completion of the research work was insufficient for detailed collection of data.
  2. Financial constraint: Capital has been rated the most important resources to carry out a given project. Research work to this end was not left out because the information needed to write this project was not gathered in one place.

The researcher was also faced with financial problems. Researcher work is very tedious because it requires running from one place to another in search of information, books, Journals, paper and reports must be consulted but are not always available within, there was the need to travel to gather some of the materials which involved money. Also the researcher printed questionnaires which were distributed to the staff of NASCO Group of Company, Jos which also involved money.

  • Some respondent were skeptical to reveal certain information that were vital to the success of this research works.

1.8     Definition of terms

Logo: A printed symbols designs for used by company which serve as it special sign.

Symbol: A mark or sign with a particular meaning

Packaging: Is the general activities in product planning which involves designing and producing the container or wrapper for a product.

Brand name: Is that part of a brand that people can vocalize alterably e.g. NASCO water product NASCO

Trade name: Names use to identify a particular type of product or is the actual legal name of a company.

undefinedSOLD BY: Enems Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N3000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs

Thursday 6 January 2022



(A case study of Globacom Communication Network Abuja)


This project work highlights the importance of branding to any organization. Brand and effective brand management are integral part of the strategic marketing management. The role of brands and branding toward corporate performance and customer satisfaction has been variously researched. Branding today, as a marketing tool has been recognized as a source of sustainable strategic competitive advantage tool in the organization. No wonder those organizations that have formulated and implemented strategic brand practicing are more successful and profitable than those that have not. In today’s hyper competitive knowledge driven economy characterized with consumer sophistication, the need for organizations to adopt strategically different approaches and method that will radically differentiate them from the competition in term of product, services, practice, structure, system, procedure among others. The study is quantitative in nature, and adopted a survey descriptive approach with the use of questionnaire.The study concluded and recommended that organizations should invest in effective branding to enable the organization the ability of enhancing their position in the competitive industry.



In the manufacturing industry today, a lot of importance is attached to branding and packaging for its significant role in the sale of a product. Branding can create a competitive advantage in the market and increase the products chance of success (Dewalski, 2008, Plant and Veryzer 2005). According to Chang and Wu 2007, the appearance of a produce communicates and this helps consumers to assess the product before they buy.

In developing a strategy for a product, the seller has to confront the branding being expert because of the major role it plays in the product strategy. Distributors need branding as a means of identifying super quality standard and increasing buyer’s preference. Branding is one of the major marketing concept and process which has been accepted as a useful tool for differentiating one firm product from another, makes it easier for individuals or customer to identify product of different customer from another.

Brand name influencescustomer’s attitude towards product which always affect their purchasing decision. The main of brands are to serve as guide to quality and encourage a repeating purchase and help in easy purchase. In Nigeria, a good product brand name assists the firm to sell with less difficulty. In the manufacturing industry today, a lot of importance has been attached to branding and packaging for its significant role in the sale of the product. Consumers need brand names to help them identify different shop efficiency.


The main problem of this research work is that many companies fail to understand the functions and influence of branding which serves as competitive tool in marketing of consumer product. This problem has led to the poor acceptance of their product and for this reason, they hardly achieve their paramount aim and objective.


          The objectives of the study are:

  1. How branding can be used as a strategic tool in competitive market.
  2. To determine the effect of poor branding on product.
  3. To investigate the influence of branding on target customers.
  4. To evaluate the impact of branding in an organization.
  5. To identify the relevance of proper management of branding on marketing of consumer product.


          The following are the research questions:

  1. What are the effects of competitive market on your organization?
  2. Does poor branding of your product undermine its significance?
  3. Does proper management of branding hamper the marketing of consumer product?
  4. Is branding an instrument that influences the target consumer?


Hypothesis is a tentative preposition used as a solution to solve a problem. They are of two types namely: Null hypothesis and Alternative hypothesis.

          Ho: Poor branding of a particular product undermines its significance.

Hi: Poor branding of a particular product does not undermine its significance.  


The importance and usefulness of this kind of research work cannot over        emphasized the user of this research work can be categorized in to the following:

The student, who do the research will learn a great deal which as a secondary source, also into importance to the manager of a companies who will gain a lot from the research. It hope that the recommendation made in this research work will facilitate the improvement of the existing system. Finally, the work will be useful to the library which keep the work in their references section for the benefit of users like students, lecturers etc.


The study mainly involved appraised of branding as a competition tool in marketing of consumer product with particular references to Globacom Communication Network in Abuja.


There are many constraints and factors that were encountered by the research during the research work. The prominent once are:

  1. Financial Constraints: The cost of materials necessary to aid in carrying the research are very expensive, a lot of field work ought to have been done, but for inadequate finance, a limited coverage of the company understudy was embark upon.
  2. Time Constraints: Lack of time contributed greatly affected the quality of work, the academic session very short and the time given to submit the project work also short. Most of the information needed by the researcher in that information needed by the researcher in that company was not accessible for the sole reason of short notice. The study is limited to Abuja bottling company or plant because of time constraint.
  3. Biased Response: Biased response by the respondent was a problem encountered by the research when collecting data.


For the purpose of good understanding of this research work, time has been taken to enumerate some of the unfamiliar terms that have been used. It will help the reader for a better understanding of this topic.

Brand: A name, term sign symbol, or design or a combination of them intended in identity the goods or service of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of competitions.

Branding:  Is a general term describing the establishing of brand name mark or brand name or trade name of a product.

Brand Name: Is a group of words or a word that can be vocalized or spoken that help to identify, facilitate, recognize and differentiate product from that of the competitors.

Brand Mark: Is a part of the brand which can be recognized but not alterable as symbol, design, or lettering colouring etc.

Copy Right: It refers to exclusive legal right to reproduce, publish and soles the matters, things or object inform of literary, musical etc.

Legal Right: This mean that firms competing within the same market are not allowed using similar brand name exclusively preserved by the law.

Trade Mark: Is a brand or part a brand that is given legal protection because it is capable of exclusive approbation or trade mark is a legal right to use the brand name or brand mark.

Packaging: Is the activity of designing and producing the container or wrapper for a product.

Brand Mix: Is the set of all brand lines that a particular seller make available to buyers.

Logos: Is a unique graphic or symbol that represents a company’s product, service or entity. It represents an organization very well and makes the customers well acquainted with the company.

Brand Identity: Is the total proposed promise that an organization makes to consumers or brand identity is all that an organization wants the brand to be considered as.

Brand   Image: It can be defined as a unique bundle of association which in the minds of target customers. It signifies what that brand presently stands for. It is a set of beliefs held about a specific brand.

Tuesday 28 December 2021



A Case Study of PZ Nigeria Abuja Branch



This project work is on the “Effect of Branding on the sales volume of Paterson Zochonic Nigeria PLC”A study of PZ Cusson Abuja Branch.This chapter focuses on the background of study, Historical background of Peterson Zonchonic, Statement of problem, Statement of hypothesis, Objective of the study, Scope of the study, limitation of the study and operational definition of terms.

Brands and branding are by no means a new phenomenon neither or academics or the business world. Francis and Stephen (2003) perceive branding as the creation of three dimensional characters of a product, defined in terms of name packaging color and symbols. The authors posit that brand aid to differentiate product from its competitors, they also added that branding helps the customers to build a relationship with the product. It is possible to trace back the use of brand to the stone age, when hunters used weapons of specific brand’s to succeed in the hunt Almgnist and Robert: (1995). It was during the 16th century; however, those brands similar to those we see today have started to take shape. Some of the earliest known brands were established by the English ceramist Josiah Wedgwood and French Fashion designer Rose Bertin Burke (1996); de Puola (1985).

Since the 18th Century, England and France, there has been a massive development of the knowledge, procedures and theories within branding. Contemporary branding theories have their origin and evolutionary starting point in mid-20th Century, primarily due to development of commercials in mass media Farquhar (1995:10). One of the most recent ideas in the history of exchange relations is the marketing concept. The marketing concept is a management orientation that holds that the key task of the organization is to determine the need and want of target markets and to adapt the target organization to delivering the desired satisfaction more effectively and efficiently than its competitors. The relationship between the consumer and the brand- consumers perception of that brand- customer’s perception of that brand is the key to brand acceptance. The strength of the relationship between the consumers own physical and psychological needs and the brands functional attribute and symbolic values as perceived by the consumer. Hankinson and Cowking (1993).

It has been shown that consumers define the brand relationship from their own individual perspectives and the brand relationship and relational value are very much personalized in the mind of consumers. Customers generate individual relationship based on their individual perception and brand value, brand meaning and their experience. That is, customers seem to personally create and the brand through their comnmunication across multiple contexts Lindberg-Repo, Kirsh, (2001:233).

Fournier (1998) argues that brand could be seen as relationship partner view is to highlight ways in which brands are animated, humanized and personalized that such relationship add value and purpose to their existence and these extra values could be both functional and emotional by nature.

The concept of brand identity has received much attention, and today the majority of marketing companies have specified their brand identity has grown to become a wide concept, now encompassing many of the earlier discussed theories e.g positioning, relationship and brand personality. According to Kapfereer (2008) the brand identity gives guidelines to what parts of the brand identity gives guidelines to what parts of the brand should be kept at the same and what element can modified, allowing brands to evolve in time.

Economic history is well stocked with enough insight into the humble beginnings of present day great corporations. Evidence abound thast about all of the multi-national giant corporation in America, Europe and Nigeria were once cottage enterprises that grew as a result of the sheer ability and especially the marketing skillb and efforts to produce and reproduce existing product better and cheaper.

The adoption of a customer orientation, which forms the basic assumption of the marketing function of a firm places in high premium on customer satisfaction. This of course has very wide application for all areas of the organization. One major implication is that if the firm or organization has to manage its limited financial resources profitably, there is an acute need to identify consumers needs and want before actual production or provision of the goods is undertaken. In the absence of this, the company may be faced with the threat product failure in the face of more competitive brands.

One of the most frequently used means for identifying consumers needs and wants is the study of brand and brand preference patterns. Brand preference consists of customers perception of a brands ability to satisfy his prescribed set of needs more than similar brands in the product class. A consumer’s  preference for a  particular brand among alternative brands is an indication that ceteris paribus, he will translate this preference to a purchase action when the situation arises. Consumers preference therefore is a crucial fact for management consideration especially is an attempt to implement the marketing concept. Since modern marketing holds the consumer as the center piece of all marketing action. It appears logical to state that no fruitful marketing programme can be formulated and implemented without vigorously attempting to identity the tastes and preference to the target market. The need for this becomes even more crucial in a developing economy like Nigeria’s at the threshold of technological take off.

An understanding and determination of consumer preference and factors that give rise to them ultimately become highly fundamental in planning and implementation the company’s marketing strategies. Brand and brand preference do result from both the nature of the product the characteristics of the producer, the seller and the consumer as well as the prevalent situation in an attempt to understand consumer preference on the basisn of the nature of product. One basic approach is consumer attitude measurement. For that reason, marketing academicians and practitioners see the symbolic image of products and services as more important in their success than their physical characteristics and attitude Aaker (1991).

It therefore becomes imperative to embark on this research to explore ways of solving problem and restoring confidence. This is the essence of this study with a particular focus at the effect of branding on the sale volume in Paterson Zochonic Nigeria PLC.


Branding no doubt aids to differentiate product from its competitors and also helps customers to build a relationship with the product. Fournier(1998) argued that most consumers attach a lot of importance to the brand name of the product they are willing to purchase,hence branding increase consumer loyalty, However, in today’s competitive industry market, some brands are largely unknown to most buyers. Other brands have high degree of consumer awareness while others enjoy brand preference. In some cases, a product sell more than other not because they are better in quality, but because of the name it has made on the label, including the level of advertisement.


The general objective of this study is to find out the effect of branding on the sales volume of Paterson Zochonis Nigeria Plc.

  1. To find out the effect of brand awareness on sales volume
  2. To find out the effect of brand availability on sales volume
  3. To find out the effect of brand personality on sales volume


The study will be guide by the following research questions.

  1. Does brand awareness increase product sales volume?
  2. Does brand personality influence patronage?
  3. Does effective branding result in the growth of manufacturing company?
  4. Does brand name have any significant impact on customer repeat purchase?


Ho: Brand awareness does not increase product sales volume

Ho: Brand personality does notresult in the growth of manufacturing company

Ho: Brand does not have any significant impact on customer repeat purchase


The finding of the study will be useful to the department of marketing and of any private and public organization in making decision on marketing strategy. Again the finding of this study will provide additional knowledge to the students who are aspiring to become marketers. Also the final findings of this study will help consumer to benefit through efficient product identification resulting from product branding.

Furthermore, this work will also help to solve the company branding problems and endow the product with distinctive features. It will also provide the basis for further studies.


This study is restricted to the effect of branding on the sales volume Peterson Zochonic Nigeria Plc. a case study of Abuja depot. My critic is not to expose the problem in the company distribution policy but rather to examine and give suggestions and recommendation where the need arises.


Time was one of the major constraints in writing this project, the researcher being a final year student had to cope with other academic activity,

Another limitation encountered by the researcher is financial support. The researcher found it difficult to realize enough finance to enable her travel as often as it could have the desire for the prospect of this research and get enough related data.


Brand: It is a product strategy referring to a symbol or design or combination of them for the purpose of product identification from other.

Sales volume: It the number of unit sold with a reporting period. This figure is monitored by investors to see if a business is expanding on contracting.

Product: A product refer to those physical goods services,experiencesevents,person,places,properties,organization and ideas that is offered to target market for the purpose of satisfying a want and needs.

Trademark: Is a part of brand that is given legal protection because it is assigned exclusively to the company.

Trade name: Is the legal name of an organization as in case of Paterson Zochonic Nigeria plc.and Nigeria Breweries plc.



(a case study of Globacom Communication Network, Abuja)



In the manufacturing industry today, a lot of importance is attached to branding and packaging for its significant role in the sale of a product. Branding can create a competitive advantage in the market and increase the products chance of success (Dewalski, 2008, Plant and Veryzer 2005). According to Chang and Wu 2007, the appearance of a produce communicates and this helps consumers to assess the product before they buy.

In developing a strategy for a product, the seller has to confront the branding being expert because of the major role it plays in the product strategy. Distributors need branding as a means of identifying super quality standard and increasing buyer’s preference. Branding is one of the major marketing concept and process which has been accepted as a useful tool for differentiating one firm product from another, makes it easier for individuals or customer to identify product of different customer from another.

Brand name influencescustomer’s attitude towards product which always affect their purchasing decision. The main of brands are to serve as guide to quality and encourage a repeating purchase and help in easy purchase. In Nigeria, a good product brand name assists the firm to sell with less difficulty. In the manufacturing industry today, a lot of importance has been attached to branding and packaging for its significant role in the sale of the product. Consumers need brand names to help them identify different shop efficiency.


The main problem of this research work is that many companies fail to understand the functions and influence of branding which serves as competitive tool in marketing of consumer product. This problem has led to the poor acceptance of their product and for this reason, they hardly achieve their paramount aim and objective.


          The objectives of the study are:

  1. How branding can be used as a strategic tool in competitive market.
  2. To determine the effect of poor branding on product.
  3. To investigate the influence of branding on target customers.
  4. To evaluate the impact of branding in an organization.
  5. To identify the relevance of proper management of branding on marketing of consumer product.


          The following are the research questions:

  1. What are the effects of competitive market on your organization?
  2. Does poor branding of your product undermine its significance?
  3. Does proper management of branding hamper the marketing of consumer product?
  4. Is branding an instrument that influences the target consumer?


Hypothesis is a tentative preposition used as a solution to solve a problem. They are of two types namely: Null hypothesis and Alternative hypothesis.

          Ho: Poor branding of a particular product undermines its significance.

Hi: Poor branding of a particular product does not undermine its significance.  


The importance and usefulness of this kind of research work cannot over        emphasized the user of this research work can be categorized in to the following:

The student, who do the research will learn a great deal which as a secondary source, also into importance to the manager of a companies who will gain a lot from the research. It hope that the recommendation made in this research work will facilitate the improvement of the existing system. Finally, the work will be useful to the library which keep the work in their references section for the benefit of users like students, lecturers etc.


The study mainly involved appraised of branding as a competition tool in marketing of consumer product with particular references to Globacom Communication Network in Abuja.


There are many constraints and factors that were encountered by the research during the research work. The prominent once are:

  1. Financial Constraints: The cost of materials necessary to aid in carrying the research are very expensive, a lot of field work ought to have been done, but for inadequate finance, a limited coverage of the company understudy was embark upon.
  2. Time Constraints: Lack of time contributed greatly affected the quality of work, the academic session very short and the time given to submit the project work also short. Most of the information needed by the researcher in that information needed by the researcher in that company was not accessible for the sole reason of short notice. The study is limited to Abuja bottling company or plant because of time constraint.
  3. Biased Response: Biased response by the respondent was a problem encountered by the research when collecting data.


For the purpose of good understanding of this research work, time has been taken to enumerate some of the unfamiliar terms that have been used. It will help the reader for a better understanding of this topic.

Brand: A name, term sign symbol, or design or a combination of them intended in identity the goods or service of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of competitions.

Branding:  Is a general term describing the establishing of brand name mark or brand name or trade name of a product.

Brand Name: Is a group of words or a word that can be vocalized or spoken that help to identify, facilitate, recognize and differentiate product from that of the competitors.

Brand Mark: Is a part of the brand which can be recognized but not alterable as symbol, design, or lettering colouring etc.

Copy Right: It refers to exclusive legal right to reproduce, publish and soles the matters, things or object inform of literary, musical etc.

Legal Right: This mean that firms competing within the same market are not allowed using similar brand name exclusively preserved by the law.

Trade Mark: Is a brand or part a brand that is given legal protection because it is capable of exclusive approbation or trade mark is a legal right to use the brand name or brand mark.

Packaging: Is the activity of designing and producing the container or wrapper for a product.

Brand Mix: Is the set of all brand lines that a particular seller make available to buyers.

Logos: Is a unique graphic or symbol that represents a company’s product, service or entity. It represents an organization very well and makes the customers well acquainted with the company.

Brand Identity: Is the total proposed promise that an organization makes to consumers or brand identity is all that an organization wants the brand to be considered as.

Brand   Image: It can be defined as a unique bundle of association which in the minds of target customers. It signifies what that brand presently stands for. It is a set of beliefs held about a specific brand.

 SOLD BY: Enems Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @