Showing posts with label November 29. Show all posts
Showing posts with label November 29. Show all posts

Wednesday 30 November 2022


undefinedSOLD BY: Enems Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N3000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs




This study is an assessment of the challenges of local government administration in Nigeria, with focus on Karu local government area of Nasarawa State, the specific objectives are to identify the problems militating against the effective administration, ascertain if lack of revenue affects the effective and efficient administration, determine the effects of local government autonomy the administration and the effect of bad governance leadership on the administration of Karu Local government area of Nasarawa. The research design for this study was survey method. This design was adopted because human beings are involved and are prone to give answers that varies and agreements that will be used as the study’s population. The findings of the study shows that the problems or challenges militating against the effective administration of local government in Nigeria, lack fund, autonomy and corruption. Finally the study recommend that local governments in Nigeria should be made to be more financially stable and independent. If the federation as they are agitating are given right of resources or control in their areas, the local government should equally be considered. To ensure that there is a fair relation between the functions being performed by the third tier of government and their share of available resources in the country.



1.1       Background of the Study

Local government administrations (LG) globally vary in size and structure and operate under different arrangements based on the system of government in different nations. However as observed by Mello, (2012) local governments globally strive to meet peoples’ demands for goods and services in a cost effective manner particularly at the lowest level of government or government at the grass root. Among the characteristics generally manifested by local government is that it is a subordinate system of government or sub unit of a federal/central or state government and charged with powers to perform legislative, administrative and quasi judicial functions as the case may be. It also has the power to formulate policies, prepare budgets and a measure of control over its own staff, with a view that it is rightly position to ensure unhindered and efficient service delivery (Chukwuemeka et al, 2014, Otinche, 2014, Ezeani, 2012 and Tumini 2011).

Local governments operate at the grassroots and are expected to provide services to their stakeholders. In a federal system like Nigeria, local governments are close to the people and hence could effectively alter socioeconomic and political conditions within their jurisdictions. Apart from providing and maintaining basic infrastructures, local governments can complement the economic activities of other levels of government.

This of course depends on the efficient and effective provision of basic amenities and social infrastructures for the people at the grass root. The local government councils are required to serve the public interest in areas of constructing roads,public markets, healthcare centres, drainage, transportation,motor parks, building primary schools, among others. This is because, local administration is the concern of the grass root people in the provision of social and economic amenities to the rural area where they come from, making it government at the door step of rural inhabitants.

These functions of local government are well known and popularized by the constitution of the country. What seems to matter most to the people of the grassroots is to see tangible results of their taxes, contributions, labor expended and the judicious use of monthly allocation from the federation account to their local governments.These local government councils are however faced with series of problems and difficulties, which in the long run constitutes their challenges. Identification of challenges which attend these processes will lead us to proffering or suggesting how they can be properly managed in the benefit of the people in particular and society in general. So therefore, this study focuses on the Assessment of the  challenges of local administration in Nigeria: A case study of Karu Local Government of Nasarawa State.

1.2       Statement of the Problem

The essence of reforming local government system in Nigeria is to bring about stable increases in income, productivity, diversification of its economy and general quality of lives in the rural areas. But the ability of the local governments in Nigeria to accomplish these tasks depends on their financial endowments.It is generally agreed that functionality of local government, the level at which services are rendered, and the quality of services are strongly tied to the financial resources available to it and good governance

Local governments in Nigeria are faced with many difficulties such as bad leadership, lack of adequate revenue, lack of autonomy from the state and federal government etc; this problems among others are cogwheel to the smooth running of the local government system. With the local government reform of 1976, local governments in Nigeria became recognized as the third tier of government, vested with the statutory powers to discharge the duties and responsibilities of government. However, there have been a tendency, conscious or unconsciously, to overgeneralize the problems of local governments administration in Nigeria. Though the empirical fact from extant literature revealed the problems of some local governments in the country, the experience of Karu local government seems to have been ignored in that respect.This, therefore, necessitates a study of this nature to investigate if Karu local government is faced with challenges in the administration of local governance. It is against this backdrop that this study seeks to assess the challenges of local government administration in Nigeria with particular references to Karu Local Government Area of Nasarawa State.

1.3       Objectives of the Study

The broad objective of the study is to assess the challenges of local government administration in Nigeria, with focus on Karu local government area of Nasarawa State. However, the specific objectives are:

  1. To identify the problems militating against the effective administration of Karu Local government.
  2. To ascertain if lack of revenue affects the effective and efficient administration of Karu Local Government Area
  3. To determine the effects of local government autonomy the administration of Karu local government area.
  4. To evaluate the effect of bad governance leadership on the administration of Karu Local government area of Nasarawa.

1.4       Research Questions

  1. What are the problems militating against the effective administration of Karu Local government?
  2. Does lack of revenue affects the effective and efficient administration in Karu Local Government Area?
  3. What are the effects of local government autonomy the administration of Karu local government area?
  4. What are the effect of bad governance leadership on the administration of Karu Local government area of Nasarawa? 

1.5       Significance of the Study

The study has theoretical and practical significance. Theoretically, it will assess the challenges of local government administration in Nigeria, particularly in Karu local government area of Nasarawa State. This is more so considering the debate on the problems of local government administration since the return of democracy to Nigeria in 1999. It will also contribute to the noble goal of making local governments in Nigeria more effective.

More so, this study is expected to add to the body of literature on local government administration and stimulate further research in this direction.

The constant need to improve governance in Nigeria, particularly the local governments, makes the contributions of this work invaluable as reference for further research in local governments administration in Nigeria.

Practically, the findings of this research will assist policy makers and local government administrators in making local governments in Nigeria more financially viable and efficient in service delivery. It will also go a long way in making local governments in the country more viable, efficient, effective and self-reliant as the finding will bring to the fore issues that have undermined the administration of the local government system. It will therefore serve as a guide to local government administrators.

1.6       Scope of Study

The study assessed the challenges of local government administration in Nigeria. The scope of the study will be limited to Karu Local Government Area of Nasarawa state. This is to enable the researcher to carry out in-depth study and a clear understanding of the subject matter while the findings of the study can be generalized.  

1.7       Definition of Key Terms

Some of the basic concepts used in the course of this work, which we believe needed operational definition to enable the understanding and assimilation of this work are concisely defined below;

  1. Local government: Local government is the tier of government closest to the people which is vested with certain powers to exercise control over the affairs of the people in its domain.
  2. Autonomy: The concept of autonomy within the context of local government administration is the elbow room and freedom of the local government to make decisions within the powers and functions to it by law within its sphere of influence. This simply implies the enjoyment of self-governing status. In other words, it refers to the right or freedom of a body to set the parameters of its operations.
  3. Democracy: The word “democracy” when literally translated means people’s power or giving to the people. Consequently, when one talks of democracy in government, he refers to a system which gives the power of governing to the people concerned. By extension therefore, a democratic local government system is that which transfers the powers of governing the local people from any higher tier of external government to the local people themselves through their representative in the local councils.
  4. Tier: This is one of the several levels in an organization or system of government. In this context, it refers to the third tier of government (local government).
  5. Constitution: the system of laws and basic principles that a state a country or an organization is governed by.

undefinedSOLD BY: Enems Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N3000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs

Tuesday 29 November 2022


undefinedSOLD BY: Enems Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N3000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs



This research work examines the Nigeria Police force and crime control in Abuja metropolis with the specific objectives to examine the role of the Nigeria Police in combating crime in the society, identify the inadequacies of the police in the discharge of their functions and to proffer practical solutions for combating crimes in Nigeria. The methods of data collection were primary and secondary data method. The data collected were analyzed by use of simple percentages and descriptive statistics. Findings of the study show that the Nigeria police force performed several roles such as crime detection, prevention, control and prosecution of criminals in their attempt to maintain law and orderliness in the community but without challenges, such challenges as identified by the include but limited to corruption, poor welfare, poor funding, inadequate arms and ammunition and lack of public support. Finally the study recommend that the Nigerian police force should put more effort in improving  their relationship with the members of the public in other to gain the confidence of the people for easy flow of information which is the pillar of crime control and prevention and the government at all level should help in the provision of sophisticated arms, patrol vans/ power bikes, rain coat, and all other crime fighting arms to both the Police to help them contribute effectively for a better crime free society especially Abuja metropolis.



  1. Background of the study

Crime is one of the most obvious events which confront people in this modern age (Giddens, 2004). According to Ugwuoke (2010), crime and criminality are as old as mankind. Crime to Marshall (2008) is a universal feature of all human societies. The reason for this according to Marshall is because there is no human society where norms and values are not violated, from the simplest hunting and gathering societies to the most complex civilized societies. It is because of this universal character of crime that every society is expected to have ‘specific mechanisms for the overall interest and wellbeing of the generality of the populace’ (Igbo, 2007:14)

The phenomenon, “crime” has been a major subject of private and public concern throughout human history. No society is free of crime. However, the question often asked is that even if crime is part of inevitable human behaviour, how much of it can a society tolerate? This question is linked to man’s natural instinct for survival, the ability to respond to any threat to his life and property. Crime poses such a threat, particularly in its violent form. The recent upsurge in violent crimes in Nigeria has created enormous uncertainty in the security of lives and property of individuals and of social stability in general. The incidents of traditional crimes such as armed robbery, arson, drug trafficking and abuse, murder, kidnapping, rape, hired assassinations and ritual killings are examples of the most serious and violent crimes which have been on the increase in the recent past. Correspondingly, White Collar Crimes in the form of Advance Fee Fraud (popularly, known as 419), contract deals, embezzlement and mismanagement in both the public and private sectors are also on the increase. The aggregate of the traditional crimes mostly committed by the less privileged and white collar crimes mostly committed by the highly placed call for a change in the strategies for the prevention and control of crime in Nigeria and Abuja in particular.

The existing patterns in criminal activities show that criminals are getting more organized, sophisticated and brutal in the manner they carry out their dastardly acts, either in the way they physically attack individuals with dangerous weapons or the method they use in taking advantage of their official positions to steal and stash away millions of public funds in foreign and domestic accounts. Equally worrisome is the new dimension in organized criminal behaviour in Nigeria involving acts of terrorism and sabotage against individuals and public places. Recent incidents, in which some individual were stalked and eventually trapped in the volley of bullets from assault weapons, depict the viciousness of violent criminals. These acts are usually well-planned, orchestrated, syndicated and organized in the mafia-type fashion. In addition to these new patterns of violent crimes against persons, there is also the equally disturbing criminal behaviour against the Nigerian economy leading to the collapse of financial institutions and government parastatals. In short, we are witnessing the emergences of dangerous trends in the nation’s social and economic well-being which needs to be addressed by the appropriate authorities saddled with the responsibilities of maintaining peace and orderly in the society among which is the Nigeria Police Force.

The law has clothed the Nigeria Police with enviable powers in the sphere of administration of justice, preservation of law, order and maintenance of national tranquility. The section from the 1999 Constitution provides that the Police shall be organized and administered in accordance with such provisions as may be prescribed by the Act of the National Assembly. In exercise of the constitutional powers conferred on the National Assembly to enact the Police Act.

In the exercise of its primary powers, the Police also act in other spheres which are necessarily incidental to the exercise of the actual powers of the police. For instance, in the exercise of the primary duty of the police under section 4 of the Police Act, the Act gives the Police the power of public prosecution. By these powers, the police can charge and prosecute any person suspected to have committed a crime before any court of law in Nigeria.

In the bid to create a favourable condition for the discharge of the duty of the police; the Police Act has also given the police the power to arrest any person suspected to have committed a crime with or without warrants. The Police by the provision of the Act is also empowered to detain any person reasonably suspected to be in possession or carrying stolen property, or property that is reasonably believed to be unlawfully obtained. For the purpose of forensic investigation, the law empowers the police to take finger prints. It should, however, be noted that the exercise of these numerous powers conferred on the police has to be discharged with due regards to reasonability and decorum. Any exercise of such powers in contravention of procedures accepted practice and the rights of individuals would be rendered ultra-vires null and void. This is importantly so as individual rights are also fundamentally guaranteed by the same Constitution that confers powers on the police.

The vital and indispensable roles peace and security play in all facets of human development and existence, especially in our society incontrovertibly cannot either be swept under the carpet or dismissed with mere wave of hands. This is true because in any society, be it simple or complex, developed or developing and rural or urban, man in his state of nature is a wanting animal, and insatiable, who is always confronted with the problems of diverse interest and goals, at times insolvable, unless infringement upon other people’s right is employed, it is against this background that this study seek to examine the police and crime control in Abuja metropolis.

1.2     Statement of the Problem

Crime and the cases of crime is fast becoming a serious problem in contemporary world. The high rate of crime in Abuja the Federal Capital Territory has raised a general feeling of insecurity of lives and property, and have made residents of the city to cry out for urgent assistance to curb the ugly situation in order to safeguard the lives and property of community members. In an anxious bid to tackle this rising wave of crime, the governments have increased support to Nigeria police service in areas of personnel, logistics and firearms. However it seems that the more weapons and police personnel deployed to fight crime, the more criminal activities are committed. Chukwuma (2002) noted that the much that has been achieved seems to be crime spreading from one area to another. The argument therefore is that to deal with the growing sophisticated armed robbery operations, superior weapons, more personnel and new methods or strategy like police/public partnership (community policing) should be introduced.

1.3     Objectives of the Study

The general objective of this study is to appraise the performance of the police in their role of crime control in Abuja metropolis. The specific objectives of this research work are:

  1. To examine the role of the Nigeria Police in combating crime in the society.
  2. To identify the inadequacies of the police in the discharge of their functions.
  3. To proffer practical solutions for combating crimes in Nigeria.

1.4     Research Questions

  1. What are the roles of the Nigeria Police in combating crime in the society?
  2. What are the inadequacies of the police in the discharge of their functions?
  3. What are the practical solutions for combating crimes in Nigeria?

1.5     Significance of the Study

The importance of this research work cannot be over emphasized. It analyses the role of Police in crime control in the Nigeria society in order to give the public clearer views on police administration.

Also, the research is necessitated to show case the indiscriminate violations of human rights by the police and the gross increase of crime rate in the country which often leaves much to be desired.

With the above issues, this research will serve as a viable source of information to all and sundry. First, it will benefit the police, those engaged in crime control and administration of justice, law enforcement agencies and the court. It will also provide relevant suggestions on how best to curb the increase of crimes; it is also of immense benefit to policy makers, government officials, academicians, students and anyone interested in the peaceful co-existence of the Nigerian populace.

1.6     Scope of the Research

This research is limited to the role of Nigeria Police in crime control in Abuja. It will also look into the issues of crimes prevention and mechanisms for control crimes in Nigeria. But, reference shall be made to Abuja metropolis. Analysis was also made to other police organization to enhance more knowledge on this area.

1.7     Operational Definition of Terms

The following basic concepts are operationalized for easy comprehension of the study:

Community Policing: It is a collaborative effort between the police and the members of the public to identify the problems of crime and disorder and to develop solutions from within the community in crime reduction.

Crime: Crime in this study means any action which contravenes the laws established by political authority.

Crime Control: In this study, crime control is the means of solving crime problems, arresting suspects, processing and incapacitating offenders by the members of society, agents and the criminal justice system.

Crime Fighting Policing: This is the kind of policing that do not need the collaboration of the member of the society in crime control/fight but solely depend on themselves to dictate and control crime example is the police we have during military era.

Crime Prevention: In this study, it is the present interventions in stopping future crime.

Crime Reduction: It is all the effort from the people and the government to reduce the rate of crime in a given society.

Law Enforcement Agencies: They are those that are responsible for detecting, fighting and controlling crime in any society.

Perception: It is the way a set of people see or understand a given circumstances, or the awareness created by some people about something or issues.

Strategy: In this study, strategy is the way or means of doing the same thing in a different way for more positive result.

Traditional Policing: Principally, they are government agency responsible for law enforcement and also to detect and arrest criminals, (Swanson, Territo and Taylor 1998). It is also to mean in this research work the kind of police system used before the advent of the colonial masters, whereby the emirs at the north uses palace guards, the oba at the west make use of palace guards and council of elders of the east uses age-grade to ensure order.

 SOLD BY: Enems Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @