Showing posts with label Organizational Effectiveness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Organizational Effectiveness. Show all posts

Tuesday 28 February 2023



(A Case Study of Nasarawa State Judiciary, Lafia)


This project work in the topic “effect of recruitment procedure in a business organization” is a study undertaken to examine certain aspects in employment produced in an organization. The effectiveness of any organization depends on the competence, efficiency, imagination and also the ability of the employee to innovate the organization policies and this can be achieved when the employee are carefully employed and trained. Planning has been described as a “strategy for acquisition, innovation, preservation of enterprises and human resources” any employment process is a composite, complex and comprehensive process. The research is designed to examine the effects of recruitment procedure processes on organizational effectiveness of Nasarawa State Judiciary. The study used primary data collected from Nasarawa State Judiciary staffs with the use of structured questionnaires to collect data on recruitment procedure, and organizational effectiveness. Chi-square method was adopted in analyzing the data collected in the course of the research. The study also revealed that Nasarawa State Judiciary recruitment procedure process is not perfect because the right procedure and steps are rarely and not always followed.In order to achieve effectiveness, Nasarawa State Judiciary should endeavour to put in place a proper recruitment procedure process following the systematic procedures that follow the steps to the latter since the study had revealed that Nasarawa State Judiciary recruitment procedure process is flawed because the right procedure and steps are seldom and never followed.



1.1     Background of the study

This part of the study presents the background of the study, the basis upon which the study was made (problem statement), significance and purpose of the study as well as study objectives and research questions as per Effect of Recruitment Procedure in an Organization at Nasarawa State Judiciary, Lafia.

Recruitment procedure is vital processes for every successful organization because having the right staff improves and sustains organizational performance. The effectiveness of an organization’s selection system influence bottom-line business outcomes, such as productivity and financial performance a dream for any organization like Nasarawa State Judiciary.

In the operations of any organization, recruitment procedure is the major function of the human resource department and recruitment process is the first step towards creating the competitive strength of organizations. Recruitment process involves a systematic procedure from sourcing the candidates to arranging and conducting the interviews and requires many resources and time. Accordingly, Recruitment procedures are conceived as the processes by which organizations solicit, contact and interest potential appointees, and then establish whether it would be appropriate to appoint any of them (Sisson, 1994).

Recruitment and selection is the two phases of the employment process but there is a difference between the two. The recruitment is the process of searching the candidates for employment and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization whereas selection involves the series of steps by which the candidates are screened for choosing the most suitable persons for vacant posts.

Similarly, the basic purpose of recruitments is to create a talent pool of candidates to enable the selection of best candidates for the organization, by attracting more and more employees to apply in the organization whereas the basic purpose of selection process is to choose the right candidate to fill the various positions in the organization. The recruitment process is immediately followed by the selection process, which is the final interviews and the decision making, conveying the decision and the appointment formalities.

Recruiting is seen as a “positive process of generating a pool of candidates by reaching the ‘right’ audience, suitable to fill the vacancy” (Leopold, 2002), On the other hand, he stated that once these candidates are identified, the process of selecting appropriate employees for employment can begin. This means collecting, measuring, and evaluating information about candidates’ qualifications for specified positions. Selection therefore, is a process that involves the series of steps by which the candidates are screened for choosing the most suitable persons for vacant posts.

The more effectively organizations recruit and select candidates, the more likely they are to hire and retain satisfied employees. In addition, the effectiveness of an organization’s selection system can influence bottom-line business outcomes, such as productivity and financial performance. Hence, investing in the development of a comprehensive and valid selection system is money well spent. Recruitment procedure is vital processes for a successful organization, having the right staff can “improve and sustain organizational performance” (Petts, 1997).

As much as recruitment procedure is the first step towards creating the competitive strength the organization, Nasarawa State Judiciary doesn’t accord it the attention it deserves. Since recruitment process involves a systematic procedure from sourcing the candidates to arranging and conducting the interviews, at Nasarawa State Judiciary is always done irregularly. Instead of first identifying vacancy, preparing job description and person specification, advertising the vacancy, managing the response, short-listing, arranging interviews, and conducting interview and decision making as it would be, the practice at Nasarawa State Judiciary is different. What normally happens at Nasarawa State Judiciary is that you only see people hired in positions without going through the formal recruitment procedure procedures.

The basic purpose of recruitments and selection is to create a talent pool of candidates to enable the selection of best candidates for the organization, by attracting more and more employees to apply in the organization as well as to choose the right candidate to fill the various positions in the organization which process must be based on merit or technical knowhow but at Nasarawa State Judiciary the practice is technical know who. Those who are well known to the bosses are the main beneficiaries in this recruitment procedure process. Also to the fact that most of them don’t go through the proper recruitment procedure procedures, the hired are not always the best suited for most jobs at Nasarawa State Judiciary, which has created a number of cost implications for the company and negatively affected its effectiveness. It is therefore, against this background that the researcher decided to undertake a study entitled “The effects of recruitment procedure on organizational effectiveness, a case study of Nasarawa State Judiciary Lafia”.

1.2     Statement of the problem

The effectiveness of an organization’s selection system influence bottom-line business outcomes, such as productivity and general performance however this remains like a dream at Nasarawa State Judiciary because of hiring process being done haphazardly. It is a common practice at Nasarawa State Judiciary of not to follow a proper recruitment procedure, overshadowed by the principle of technical know-who – the well connected. Consequently, this has led human resources’ problems and cost implications for Nasarawa State Judiciary like ineffective performance, employees’ low morale and lost opportunities because of the incompetent staffs. Conflicts among Nasarawa State Judiciary staffs is a common practice as well as higher levels of labour turnover rates that has seen customer satisfaction levels declining steadily, number of complaints rising and customer turnover rates increasing at Nasarawa State Judiciary, a trend that must urgently be reversed.

1.3     Objectives of the Study

The following study objectives directed this research;

  1. To examine the effects of recruitment procedure processes on organizational effectiveness of Nasarawa State Judiciary.
  2. To examine the recruitment procedure policy of Nasarawa State Judiciary.
  3. To analyse the recruitment procedure process of Nasarawa State Judiciary.
  4. To assess the effects of recruitment procedure on the organizational effectiveness of Nasarawa State Judiciary.

1.4     Significance of the study

  • The study will be helpful in the streamlining of Nasarawa State Judiciary recruitment procedure policies and programmes into an effective one that can influence its effectiveness.
  •  The study will provide Nasarawa State Judiciary with a recruitment procedure handbook manual on how to hire the best employees in is employment process.
  • The study will highlight the significance of an effective employment system to other firms in influencing organisational effectiveness, and provide them with a handbook on how to carry out successful recruitment procedure process.
  • The study will provide literature for further research studies for students of higher institution and others in the field of recruitment procedure in the Nigeria perspective.

1.5       Research Questions

  1. What are the effects of recruitment procedureon the organisational effectiveness of Nasarawa State Judiciary?
  2. What is the recruitment procedure policy of Nasarawa State Judiciary?
  3. How is the recruitment procedure process of Nasarawa State Judiciary?
  4. What are the effects of recruitment procedure on the organizational effectiveness of Nasarawa State judiciary?

1.6     Research hypothesis

Hi:     Recruitment procedure increases effectiveness in an organization

Ho:    Recruitment procedure does not increase effectiveness in an organization

Hi:     Recruitment procedure causes wastage in an organization

Ho:    Recruitment procedure does not cause wastage in an organization

1.7     Scope of the Study

The study focussed on how recruitment procedure and effects on organizational effectiveness in Nasarawa State Judiciary.

The study was conducted at Nasarawa State Judiciary Lafia. The purpose of this study is to assess the effects of recruitment procedure processes on Nasarawa State Judiciary organizational effectiveness.

1.8     Limitation of the study

A study of this nature is by no means an easy task in the course of carrying out this survey; the researchers faced a number of constraint which include time and financial constraints.

1.9     Definition of relevant terms

Recruitment: Recruitment is a process of searching the candidates for employment and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organisation

Selection: Selection involves the series of steps by which the candidates are screened for choosing the most suitable persons for vacant posts.

Recruitment procedure: Is the processes by which organizations solicit, contact and interest potential appointees, and then establish whether it would be appropriate to appoint any of them.

High Court: Hears and determines appeals from decisions of Magistrates and Area Courts in all criminal matters.

Management: The organizing and controlling of the affairs of an organization or a sector of an organization, it is also the act of handling or controlling something successfully

Employment: The condition of working for pay. It is the work, especially paid work that somebody does. Employment is also the total number of people who work for pay in a particular population.


Leopold John, (2002):Human Resources in Organisations: Financial Times Press

Petts N (1997): Building growth on core competences-A practical approach– journal of management).

Sisson Keith, (1994), Personnel Management, Blackwell, 2nd Ed

Monday 27 December 2021




This study examine the effect of planning tools on the effectiveness of Novum Agricultural Industry Limited. Specifically the seek to identify the types of planning tools adopted by Novum Agricultural Industry Limited, examine the effect of budgeting on organizational effectiveness in the organization, assess the effects of SWOT Analysis on organizational effectiveness, determine the effect of financial analysis on the effectiveness of Novum Agricultural Industry Limited and examine the effect of value chain analysis on the effectiveness of Novum Agricultural Industry Limited. Survey research design was adopted and frequency and tabular percentage forms were used for data presentation while chi-square and regression analysis was used to test the hypothesis. The findings of the study shows that Novum Agricultural Industry limited adopted planning tools such as Budgeting / Financial analysis, SWOT analysis and Value chain analysis, budgeting, SWOT Analysis, financial analysis and value chain analysis has significant effect on the effectiveness of Novum Agricultural Industry Limited. Finally, the study recommends that Novum Agricultural Industry limited should identify the planning tools that are most effective for the organization and strictly adhere to it to enhance the effectiveness of the organization and that organizations should endeavor to adopt appropriate training planning tools and it relevance because appropriate training provides a solid foundation for employees’ performance.



  1.       Background of the Study

Effective planning is a backbone support to strategic management and it is a major process in the conduct of management. According to Wagner (2016) the importance of effective planning can be explained from four points of view including environmental scanning, strategy formulation, and linking goals to budgets and strategic planning as a process. The planning process begins with setting organizational goals. The linkage between effective planning and organizational performance needs analysis to get a better understanding on how strategic planning is applied in practice and to improve performance.

For planning to be effective and useful, there must be commitment and involvement across all levels of the organization, overcome inherent problems such as; rivalry among departments, projects, resistance to change, resource requirement, resources allocation and so on. The strategy initiatives and directions set up by firm’s management in the form of mission and vision statements and targets for cost saving, debt/equity ratios embodied as argued by Grant (2017) “a framework of constraints and objectives that bounded and directed strategic choices.”

Effective planning in an organizational therefore is made possible through the use of planning tools (Nelson, 2018). Managers use planning tools and techniques to help their organization be more efficient and effective. There are three module of planning tools; these tools are assessing the environment, allocating resources and contemporary planning (Steiner, 2010). Planning tools obtains its basis from the concept that the future of an organization can be potentially influenced by actions undertaken in the present. The process involved the definition of the ideal future state of the organization, the formulation of a roadmap outlining how to achieve it and moving from the current state towards the organization’s future. Steiner (2010) observes planning tools as comprising of the setting of organizational goals, developing policies and strategies towards achieving these goals and the establishment of an in depth plan aimed at detailing the implementation process.

Key components of the planning tools include the mission, vision, goals and objectives of the organization (Nelson, 2018). The mission is a statement defining the organizational purpose for existence, the business the organization is involved in, and how it executes its mandate to achieve its vision.  An organization’s vision on the other hand is futuristic in nature and concentrates on the long term view of the firm. Goals and objectives form the milestones within which short term as well as long term operations framework can be measured (Nelson, 2018).

Organizational performance interrogates the actual output achieved by an organization in comparison with the intended output. According to Richard (2018), profitability, customer satisfaction, product performance and market share are key indicators of organizational performance, achieving efficiency and effectiveness as measured through prudent utilization of organizational resources is another measure of organizational performance as it drives cost differentiation and customer satisfaction.

Effectiveness and efficiency in an organization is to engage in detailed planning in order to identify the sources of raw materials, equipment employed, determines sources of delivery dates, sources of working capital etc. Many organization projects failed due to inadequate use of planning tools, thus a good planning must therefore be realistic, have clearly defined objectives, comprehensive, flexible and economically effective. Thus it is against this background that this study seeks to examine the effect of planning tools on organizational effectiveness in Novum Agricultural Industry Limited Karu, Nasarawa State

  1.       Statement of the Problem

In most of our organization today, productivity of workers is far below expectations, many business organization incur a lot of losses from wastage caused by lack of effective planning which results to inefficiency of workers and low productivity. In view of the many challenges that business organizations are exposed to, it is imperative for them, both profit and nonprofit organizations, to anticipate challenges, identify their strengths to meet anticipated challenges and take control of available opportunities to obtain maximum productivity through the use of planning tools. Unfortunately, in most organizations, planning tools such as network analysis, cost benefits analysis, SWOT analysis, benchmarking, Perter’s five forces, competitive analysis, budgeting etc are not effectively used and implemented properly. Many organizations do not attach any importance to planning tools and strategic planning therefore; do not have strategic plans for their organizations. This could be borne out of lack of appreciation and knowledge of the relevance of using appropriate planning tools to enhance organizational effectiveness. Despite the fact that the use of planning tools has brought far reaching revolution which has tremendously transformed most business landscape, it is still plagued with some constraints in so many organizations. Some of these constraints include wrong application of planning tools, unethical attitude, poor organizational structure and Non conformity of the rules and standards by the workers of the company towards actualization of the strategic goals. In an attempt to address this unfortunate development, there is the need to critically examine the effect of planning tools on organizational effectiveness in Novum Agricultural industry Limited.

  1.       Objectives of the Study

The general objective of the study is to examine the effect of planning tools on organizational effectiveness in Novum Agricultural Industry Limited. The specific objectives of the study include:

  1. To examine the effect of budgeting on organizational effectiveness in Novum Agricultural Industry Limited.
  2. To assess the effects of SWOT Analysis on organizational effectiveness in Novum Agricultural Industry Limited.
  3. To determine the effect of financial analysis on the effectiveness of Novum Agricultural Industry Limited.
  4. To examine the effect of value chain analysis on the effectiveness of Novum Agricultural Industry Limited.
    1.       Research Questions
  5. What are the effects of budgeting on organizational effectiveness in Novum Agricultural Industry Limited?
  6. What is the effects of SWOT Analysis on organizational effectiveness in Novum Agricultural Industry Limited?
  7. What is the effect of financial analysis on the effectiveness of Novum Agricultural Industry Limited?
  8. What is the effect of value chain analysis on the effectiveness of Novum Agricultural Industry Limited?

1.5       Research Hypothesis

The researcher formulated the hypothesis to find out the relationship between planning tools and organizational effectiveness in Novum Agricultural Industry Limited. These hypotheses are thus stated below:

H01: Budgeting has no significant effect on organizational effectiveness in Novum Agricultural Industry Limited.

H11: Budgeting has significant effect on organizational effectiveness in Novum Agricultural Industry Limited.

H02: SWOT Analysis has no significant effect on organizational effectiveness in Novum Agricultural Industry Limited.

H12: SWOT Analysis has significant effect on organizational effectiveness in Novum Agricultural Industry Limited.

H03: Financial analysis has no significant effect on the effectiveness of Novum Agricultural Industry Limited.

H13: Financial analysis has significant effect on the effectiveness of Novum Agricultural Industry Limited.

H04: Value chain analysis has no significant effect on the effectiveness of Novum Agricultural Industry Limited.

H14: Value chain analysis has significant effect on the effectiveness of Novum Agricultural Industry Limited.

1.6       Scope and Limitations of the Study

The scope of the study is limited the effect of planning on organizational effectiveness in NOVUM Agricultural Industries Ltd. Specifically the scope of the study will limited to the following planning tools: environmental scanning, budgeting, organization’s mission, vision, goals and objectives

Limitations of the Study

The authenticity as well as validity in a research work of this magnitude and nature is limited by number of factors both economic, materially, socially, physically and otherwise.

The authenticity of findings surely depends largely on the degree of honesty exhibited by the officials concerned, some vital in information was not revealed because of their competitors, having no insight on information as the running and operations of their company.

Secondly, this project work required one to consult some books by way of exploring the library in preparing its review and compilation, but the piece of work is therefore restricted to a number of books available. Moreover, the investigation on this research work only covered the company.

1.7       Significance of the Study

The findings of the study will be of great assistance to the management organizations especially Novum Agricultural Industry Limited to address various planning issues and planning tools that affect their performance. To understand and appreciate the critical aspects concerning strategic planning and impact on overall firm’s performance, as well as seek ways to support and facilitate planning tools  and work towards eradicating bottlenecks to achieve effective implementation of strategic decisions. 


The study will also provide stakeholders in the real sector of the economy especially the agricultural sector with a basis of understanding planning tools in the industry or organization and seek ways of adopting best management practices hence contributing positively to the overall sector planning.


The study provided information to current and potential scholars on the area of planning tools and organizational effectiveness in both private and public sector. Likewise, researchers may want to gain insights and explore the area of planning tool in the agricultural industry.

1.8       Historical Background of Novum Agricultural Industries

 NOVUM Agricultural Industries was founded in 2006 as a large scale commercial agriculture and agric-processing company. In 2010, a supreme feed was born with the installation of large scale commercial feeds mill in Nasarawa state. With the mission to produce and supply the highest quality animal feed in Nigeria. NOVUM Agricultural industries installed a factory for processing soya beans and groundnut providing fully inclusive operations to ensure that NOVUM Agricultural Industries (NAI) performs its vital role of converting grains and oil seeds to the highest quality animal feed available through partnerships with world leading animal feed Additive supplier, it is committed to excellence and on-going innovation and control over the inputs used in the feed production process.

However, the industry started with functional departments, with general manager as the Head of General Administration who is responsible for overseeing all milling operations of the company, including the poultry feed factory, the fish feed factory, the oil mill and maize meal factory.

But as time goes on, it is expanded both in size and the productions, and specialized in much foundation by creating separate sub departments, like administrative department, finance department and operation department.

The administrative department deals with the recruitment, decision making and welfare of the workers etc.

The finance department deals with all type of monetary transaction of the company. The operation department includes the design and management of products, services and processes, the operation department evaluates and allocates resources to effectively deliver of products and services.

Before any work can commence in NOVUM Agricultural industry, the laid down planning must be followed, that is the production policy must be known and the process of manufacturing machines requirements, factory layout, storage and handling systems, skill required in men and their method of training and re- training can be determined. This policy is largely well determined by nature of being carried out.

1.9       Definition of Terms

The meanings attached to some terms as used in the context of this study are given below:

  1. Planning: – It involves selecting enterprise goals and department objectives, then finding ways of achieving them.
  2. Effectiveness: – This means the ability to producing a desired result.
  3. Efficiency: – This means the ability to produce something without wasting materials, time and energy.
  4. Organization: – This simple means a system where two or more people agreed to get together and coordinate their activities to meet goals.
  5. Human Resources Planning: – Putting right number of people and right kind of people at the right place, at the right time, and doing the right thing for which they are suited for the achievement of the goals of the organization.

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