Showing posts with label Secretarial Profession. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Secretarial Profession. Show all posts

Saturday 28 November 2015

The Efficiency of Information Technology on Secretarial Profession

  The Efficiency of Information Technology on Secretarial Profession
1.0                      INTRODUCTION 
Since the beginning of writing language, societies have performed the administrative functions that today are called office work. Business transaction have been recorded, there has been writing oral communication, information has been stored  and retrieved, calculations have performed, decisions have been made.

The arrival of new technology changed the way these were performed. The invention of paper link and movable typewriter, a variety of mechanical and electrical devices had an impact. The typewriter and photocopying machine change written communication, and the early business computer changed how certain high-volume transactions were handled.

Despite the change they brought, none of these technologies fundamentally altered labour intensive character of office procedures and improved productivity yet typing continued to be highly labour intensive until automation typewriters and later, word processor were introduced.
Most offices now have an amazing array of electronic equipment, fax machine, mobile telephone and all manners of advanced telecommunication method combine to make communication very fast and very simple. Technology advances at an incredible speed, challenging the traditional roles in an organization.

In many ways the job is much easier. There is no pains tricking, retyping of letter and documents, when the boss changes his mind over a word; the word processor has provided the means of work to be changed quickly. It is far quicker to send a fax or an electronic message halfway across the world, knowing that it will arrive instantaneously without subjection to the vagaries of the mail.

These advanced technologies require set of skills and different secretaries have to understand computers, how they functions and how to make the best of them for efficiency and job satisfaction. The role of the secretary has expanded  dramatically over the past twenty years as the technological evolution has made its impacts on the office and environment. With the advent of the electronic office and the changes it brings, today’s Secretary needs to be a centre on technology. Traditional duties have been enhance, the job has developed into a key role in the organization and the secretary now holds valuable position.        

The researcher realized that the office work and efficiency profession will continue to lose its vitality in producing famous and contemporizes professionals in the labour market if the training of modern secretaries does not met up with the challenges ahead.
In other words, the secretary cannot perform effectively, if not expose to the increasing technological advancement in Nigeria as follow: Performance may be impacted by vague expectations, barriers to access, medical conditions personal circumstances or job dissatisfaction. Determining the origins of unacceptable performance is the first step toward making necessary improvement. Following are typical factors that impact performance and options and resources and options and considered.

The quality of ventilation and air inside offices, schools, and other work places is important not only for their workers comfort but also for their health. Poor ventilation and air quality has been tied to symptoms like headaches, and irritation concentrating and irritation of the eyes, nose, throat and lungs. Also, many factors affect ventilation and air quality. These factors include poor ventilation (lack of outside air).  Problems controlling temperature, high or low humidity recent remodeling, and other activities in or near a building that can affect the fresh air coming into the building. Sometime specific contaminants   like dust from construction or renovation, mold, cleaning suppliers, pesticides, or other airborne chemicals released (including small amounts of chemicals released as a gas over) may cause poor indoor air quality.

Also Merriam –Webster dictionary defines the quality of being efficient as the “productive of desired effects, especially: productive without waste can efficient worker)”.  When workers or organizations have problems in efficiency, success in the terms of profit and quality can be compromised. Most efficiency issue can be resolved by using quality control methods to create awareness of which main areas contain the weakest links. Many efficiency problems can be blamed on poor time-management issues. Also lack of efficiency in managing cash flow can  cause insolvency, which can then lead to bankruptcy. Problems begin when companies face unanticipated expenses and loss any safety cushion, or when not enough money exists to expand the company or hire quality staff.

Finally, challenges for those who are unlearned or unskilled for jobs. However, in addition to some of the obvious disadvantages of unskilled workers, they do create some advantages.

This is mainly purpose of this study is to investigate the efficiency of information technology on secretarial profession using Federals Ministry of Science and Technology, Abuja as a case study.

Highlighting the new developments that have taking place on communication system. Having an insight in how these advancements on information technology will affect business organization in relation to productivity and profitability. To determine how skilful and knowledgeable the staff are in the use of information technology resources. And also to determine the challenges associated with the application of information in Federal Ministry of Science and Technology. Finally to determine ascertain the level of computerization/automation of Federal Ministry of Science and Technology.

1.     What is the efficiency of information technology on the secretarial profession?
2.     What are the factors militating against the application of information technology in Federal Ministry of Science and Technology?
3.     What is the usefulness of information technology in Federal Ministry of Science and Technology?
4.     What extend has information technology been employed in federal Ministry of Science and technology?

One of the significance of the project work is for effective functioning of office work in government organization taken the Federal Ministry of Science Technology to ensure efficiency in office operation.

Another significance of the study is enlighten employers who should do more than is supposed to do in office work. Also significance of the study is to training of modern secretaries will see why they have to be exposed the new technology in their institution of learning so as to blend with the labour market
At graduation.
It is also to encourage office work to be more courageous and dedicated to their job.
Finally, is to stimulate the purpose to go for office work course because its lucrativeness.

This research work is on the effect of information technology on secretarial efficiency on Federal Ministry of Science and Technology Abuja, as a case study.
In the words of Roger (2005), Information technology is the use of modern technology aid the capture, storage, retrieval, analysis, and communication of information, the technology involving the development, maintenance, and use of computer systems, software, and networks for the processing and distribution of data.

 French (2006), Sees information technology as the technology, which supports activities involving the creation, storage, manipulation and communication of information and application.

 Kobayshi (2009), in Akprowho (2011:88), further explains that information technology is a product of information revolution the most outstanding characteristics of which is the computer, telecommunication and semi-conducted.

Information technology was coined and used in describing the whole range of equipments, which variously manipulates, stores and communication information electronically. In the broadest sense, therefore the terms embraces systems or technologies for processing information in text data, image and voice for and extends to international telecommunication networks, computer system, telecommunication  systems, audio and video system and modern control systems are all part of information technology needed to support information system.

The secretarial profession is one of the oldest in Nigeria. The contribution of secretaries to the development of an establishment and the nation in general cannot be overstressed as there is no organization where the service of a secretarial staff is not needed.

The secretary has a very important role to play in an organization as he/she uses intellectual to enhance the growth of the overall efficiency of the organization, since a secretary is a morale builder, a public relation officer being constantly in touch with customers through correspondence, telephones and physical contact. The secretarial profession is facing extinction due to the modern technologies advancement in the world today.

The rate at which these advancements are growing daily is really threatening the survival of secretaries. As a result, the training of secretaries has to be upgraded to reflect the modern trend. Science and technology have has a profound effect on office procedures.

One of the most important functions of an office or organization is the most important functions of an office or organization is the effective receipt and dissemination of information is a catalyst of managerial activities in a business setting.
These includes planning, operation, controlling and forecasting, secretaries are therefore relied upon to play crucial roles in realizing the organizational objectives. The sophiscation of modern offices has given room for multi programming and high efficiency through the use of these advanced technology.

A significant development in this direction has introduced in this concept into the secretarial profession. The office of yester years in quite different from the office of today in terms of the modern office equipment in use. Today many companies are employing computers to streamline office operations, perform word processing and electrically handle mail and messages.

The business organization is held together by the profession, acquisition, retention and transmission of information, interestingly, one of the tools for achieving these is through office automation devices. In fact, the rapid acceleration in the rate of technological and scientist progress  of modern age s well as the increased cost of services and material has resulted in the improvement in productivity with re-examination of the impact of automation. Therefore, the manipulation of manual machines to aid secretarial duties has become a mandate activity as every secretarial practitioner has now converted to the use of electronic devices especially computer. Also, some of the people that operate these devices are not being treated with respect, most times people take the secretarial duties as those meant for droup-out with little or no skill and intelligence. It necessary to say that secretary is more or less the life-wire of an organization.
The need of information technology in the modern business with the challenges of the automated office tasks makes It absolutely necessary for secretaries to be current with information technology. Here in Nigeria, most secretaries tend to underplay the vital role they have to play as the custodians of information in an office consequently, they seen not prepared for the challenges of information  technology, even in their special areas of electric typewriters and word processors.
There is a growing need for managers to computerize information system. Many administrators and bosses in the private sectors are also seeing the advantages derivable from computerized office system and are well working towards ‘paperless’ hence it is therefore very necessary for secretaries to be more adaptable and versatile.

They are now rests on secretary who still rely on the old manual method of processing information to update their skills and families themselves with some information technology equipment to enable them cope with and perform the numerous task of the modern office.

Mernoey (2003), believed that there acquisition of automation skill is not enough for secretaries. They believed that the following criteria must be meet by a secretary who hopes to cope with the challenges of the information technology office tasks.
1.     A desire to work with machine.
2.     Good keyboard and excellent grammar skills.
3.     Proof reading ability and excellent reading comprehension.
4.     Ability to use reference and resource and resources materials.
A proficient secretary is expected to demonstrate competence in ability to operate electronic typewriter, word processor, computer, audio typing /Dictaphone telex equipment, assorted photocopying machine, fax machines, automatic switch board, ratio equipment and even teleconferencing. The role of the secretary is being transformed from the traditional role of taking note in shorthand and transcribing some on manual typewriters to storing, retrieving and test editing of information on computers, word processor, electronic typewriter and computer storage devices such as diskettes and magnetic disc/tapes to the wind of changes in the business world.

Information technology plays a vital role in the effectiveness and deficiency of secretary especially because of the trend in the demand of the profession today. As one will rightly notice in newspapers, employers have preference for secretaries who are computer literate.

The volume of work done by secretaries in their work place via the computer has placed the secretary in an enviable and indispensible position in business organization.

Information technology has really aided the secretary to discharge her duties effectively and efficiently in offices. With the use of computers the range and quality of services now offered by computer literate secretaries are better in all dimensions. As a matter of fact, the day- today handling of raw data, filling of files, compiling reports, typing, filling of documents etc. to produce useful or meaningful meeting minutes could be keyed to the computer “brain “ memory.

The computer and information technology machine has also opened new career paths for secretary.

The word of information technology is live to stay and although the papacies office remains a glieent in a scientist’s eye, the more we understanding about computers the more effectively we can operate as secretaries.

In a nut shell, the contribution of information technology to the secretarial profession cannot be over emphasized. It brings about greater efficiency, relieves monotony, facilitates standardization of office work, minimize fraud and enhance better quality of work done by a secretary.
“The secretary- General recognizes the enormous potential of information and technology to strengthen the decision-making and delivery capacity of the secretarial. It is of paramount importance to the secretary-general to ensure that the technology environment, for which the chief information officer is responsible, fully supports the work of the united Nations in the areas of peace and security” development, human rights and international law, among other mandates. That requires continued focus on successfully delivering existing priority initiatives.

In the past technology has been regarded as utility which is separate from substantive business. The main important of information technology is listed below:
1.     Information processing
2.     Storage and Retrieval
3.     Input
4.     Output
5.     Distribution
1.     Information processing: This is the chain of activities involve in getting raw data converted to refined information that would be ready for final consumption or for taking a final decision.
2.     Storage and Retrieval: By ensuring safety of the already processed information for future need or reference whenever the need arises. Or Storage is an aspect of keeping documents or other equipment in a safer place so as to avoid wastage or spillage. These range from the most common form (office files) to the sophisticated types such as computer, flash, CD-ROM etc. All these are done with the aim of keeping records intact for the successful running of the organization as well as for future references. Today, there are available for preserving records in offices and organizations which are as follows:
i.                   Computer system
Computer system is the electronic machine that capable of receiving data as raw input and be able to process the data at a very faster and then provide result as an output.
ii. Flash
This is a small object that is used to copy and transfer information from one computer system to another system within the same environment or over a distance without much stress.
iii. CD-ROM
This is a small round plastic plate also used in copying information from one system to another system. Sometime, this is equally designed by the manufacturer of the computer itself housing certain information about the programmers incorporated in the system (non-rewriteable).
iv. Handset
This is an object used for communication between individuals over a distance. At the same time the handset has the facilities to store certain information such a name of close associates, business partners, text messages, recorded voice, internet browsing and a few more.
3. Input: this is an act of getting raw data/facts into the computer system by way of typing with the means of keyboard or whatever.
4. Output: this is piece of refined information or document gotten as a result of series of processing activities that had been performed on the data by the machine.
5. Distribution: this means passing of the processed information to the needy bodies by the concerned authorities.
Once driven by the production and exportation of durable goods such as automobiles and textiles, the global economy of the 1990’s in now bore ding  through the information age. As times, place and distance are no longer barriers to doing business more and more offices are going global cultivating relationship at an unprecedented pace .

In order to survive in the new global economy, these offices must more information faster and in greater quantities than ever before.
This trend of information gathering and sharing has necessitated the development of more complex for reaching office technology.
New technologies are constantly changing the way the world works in terms of communication, time management and even the language of business. Since keeping up with the worlds, continue with into the future. Companies that to stay competitive have learned to adapt to and even embrace technological development as fast as they can be brought to market.
Some of the new technology in the office are reviewed below:
The typewriter is fitted with an electric motor, which sets the type bar in motion with a slight touch. The typewriter has an automation pressure number of carbon copies produces at one typing.
The electric typewriter may have the usual type bar or single cement of golf ball. The special feature of the golf ball is the characters are embossed round the perimeter of a typing head, which rotate bring the required letter or symbol against the ribbon.
The heads can be interchanged to produce different fonts or style of characters and special scientific and foreign language. Alphabetic can be freed or embossed as desired.

Word processors
Word processors are the latest developments of technology in the office information system.
It is therefore very important that those in the secretarial profession should familiarize themselves with their use.

In Akporowo (2005:30), the word of processor is side to be a more sophisticated aviator of the automation typewriter in that it comprises of a work station with keyboard and a rapid print, like the typewriter, a screen like of the television know as the visual display unit and central processing unit (cpu). This makes it possible for the operation to see immediately when is being produced in order to ascertain correctness. The keyboard is like that of the manual machine with the QWERTY but with addition command keys to enable additional instruction to be carried out.

The word processor has two main advantages over the standard typewriter. It produces copies individually and very speedily, each cope looking like a printed original and also edits typed matter or text by correcting, substituting, deleting and adding to already type texts. These are done without the need to retype the entire work, as is usually the case on a manual or electric typewriter. A special feature of the word processor is the central processing unit has storage facilities known as the memory in which information (text) is stored on flopped disk magnetic tapes cards. For subsequent use by a key stroke which, recalls the text and reproduces or display it on the visual display unit (screen) for use as necessary. The machine is also capable of the numbering pages, centering, headings, automatically and diving words at line ends therefore producing a justified right hand margin

As we continue to barrel through the information age, it is hard to imaging conducting business without computers. Each day, millions of people working in offices and homes around the world depend on computer technology to do the jobs efficiently and economically. To truly understand the computers history and usage involve a daunting journing through mathematic, physics, and electronic engineering, through binary code, Boolean logic, real time magnetic core, memories floating, numerical notation, transistors, semi conductors, integrated circuit and more luckily most office workers especially the secretaries do not need to understand this dazing array of software programs they executive.
Smitsoman (2006:7-8), defined a computer as an information processing machines. It can store date as numbers, letters, pictures or symbols and manipulate these data at great speed in the machine as program.

Ochiedu (2008:33), defined computer as a device which work the control of a stored program. Atomically accepting data and processing data to produce information which is the result of that processing. The computer helps in an organization to produce volume of data at a very short period of time in very high speed.  

According to Ochiedu (2010:95), the internet is a global collection of different types of computers and computer network that linked together via telephone line or by satellite communication.

The internet enables a person to sit at his computer and exchange data information, news, cutters with others, the nutrient has done much eliminating issue of distance and geographical barriers to almost any where in the in the world.

Some notable resources provided by internet are:
1.     Electronic mail (E-mail)
2.     Teleconferencing
3.     Voice mail
1.     Electronic mail (E-mail): This is a paperless medium that is just the same way mails are delivered by the postmaster, computer quickly and efficiently routes message to the appropriate individuals. E-mail therefore reforest to messages sent from person to another via computer.
2.     Teleconferencing: The concept of teleconferencing according to Ochiedu (2010:98) is a allow meeting or conference to be held by participants from widely dispersed areas but who are unable to see and hear each other. The data, the message and information do the traveling.
3.     Voice mail: This is another medium of communication that the receiver hears the mode. An example of the voice mail could be an answering machine, telephone etc. voice mail are machine records messages for the receiver in her absence. Hence it has the advantage of recording information for the receiver , which  could be replayed when the receiver comes back to the office.
It is very necessary for the trained secretary to be able to operate these information technology machines which they commonly used in most organization to achieve high productivities in short period of time and to be able to complete effectively with counter parts in other organizations, and also to be measure up with scientific development of office information.

Oketunji (2005), identified some factors militating the use of information technology in an organization which includes access to adequate and reliable electricity, which services are usually restricted to urban centers while most of our organization are usually situated in the rural areas.

Aino (2009), identified the negative laissez-faires attitude of staff as other factors militating against the development and use of information technology in an organization.

Kamba (2007), discovered the problem of information technology skill. Similarly,   problems of information technology especially internet use in an organization to include in adequate and poor information infrastructure.

That the country Nigeria lies within the tropics where dust, humidity and heat reign supreme. The problems of environmental control are compounded by the unreliable electricity supply which makes it difficult to maintain a conducive computer environment.

The available number of information technology engineers to service and maintain information technology hardware and software are insufficient.

It was ascertain by the researcher that poor funding and epileptic power supply is the major factors acting as a drawback or an impediment to the application of information technology in an organization.

Information technology has become a vital and integral part of every business plan. From mufti-National corporations who maintain mainframe systems and databases to small businesses that own a single computer. Information technology plays a role. The reasons for the omnipresent use of computer technology in business can best be determined by looking at how it is being used across the business world.

For many companies, email is the principal means of commutation between employees, supplier and customers. Email was one of the early drivers of the internet, providing a simple and inexpensive means to communicate. Over the years, a number of other communications tools have evolved, allowing staff to communicate using live chat systems, online meeting tools and video- conferencing systems. voice over internet protocol (voip) telephones and smart phones and offer even more high-tech ways  for employees to communicate.

When it comes to managing inventory, organizations need to maintain enough stock to meet demand without investing in more than they require. Inventory management systems track the quantity of the each item a company maintains, triggering an order additional stock when the quantities fall below a pre-determined amount.
-         Management information systems.
Storing data is only a benefit if the data can be used effectively. Progressive companies use that data as part of their strategic planning process as well as the tactical execution of that strategy. Management information systems enable companies to tract sales, data, expenses and productivity levels. The information can be used to track profitability over time, maximize return on investment and identify areas of improvement. Managers can track sales on daily basis allowing them to immediately react to lower-than-expected numbers by boosting employee productivity or reducing the cost of an item.

-         Customer Relationship management
Companies are using information technology to improve the way they design and manage customer relationships. Customer relationship management system capture every interaction a company has with a customer, so that a more enriching experience is possible. If a customer calls a call center with an issue, the customer support representative customer has purchased, view shipping information, call up the training manual for that item and effectively respond to the issue. The customer has a better, more focused experience and the company benefits from improved productivity.

The term “information “has a diversity of meanings, from everyday usage to technical interpretations. General speaking, the concept of information is associated with knowledge derived from study, experience, or instruction.

Technology, on the other hand, refers to the application of knowledge to the practical aims of human life, or to changing and manipulating the human environment. Technology includes the use of materials, techniques and sources of power to make life easier or more pleasant work more productive. Technology began to influence human Endeavour as soon as people began using tools. Technology also started been used for managing information when the amount and variety of information grew to such vast proportions that the human brain could neither store nor process it efficiently.
-         Applications of information technology
Every day, people use computers in new ways. Computers and other electronic devices are becoming increasingly affordable. They continue to be more powerful as information-processing tools well as easier to use. Humans are continually becoming dependant on information technology enabled a phone. Information technology has applications in almost all aspects of our life. Some of the important ones are:

Business and commerce: one of the first and largest application of computers is keeping and finical records of all their workers programs. Similar programs and functions like billing customers; tracking payments to be made; and tracking supplies needed and items produced, stored, shipped, and sold. In fact, practically all the information companies need information technology.

With today’s sophisticated hardware, software, and communications technologies, it is often difficult to classify a system as belong uniquely to one specific application program.
 Organizations increasingly are consolidating their information needs into a single, integrated information system.
-         Education
The advent of information technology has changed the meaning “literate”, with computer literacy being almost as important as is an essential course at the primary level in most schools across the world. With more information getting digitized every day, and the internet making it accessible to anyone across the world, students are increasingly on electronic sources of information rather than physical libraries for their needs instructional methodology has undergone a sea change with use of images, animations, video, presentation and e-learning to complement traditional techniques.
-         Governance:
The concept of e-governance is one of the most novel applications of information technology globe. Computerization of government activities makes it easier to supervise and audit, and makes the administration more responsive to the needs of society. It also bridges the divide between the government and the people. Technologies like touch-screen kiosks help disseminate information on land records, photo identity cards, pending bills etc and enable even illiterate people to take more, informed decisions.    

1.     Akporowho, F. D (2005:30): Modern office communication system Rubuay printers Ltd, Benin city.
2.     Ochidu, J. E (2008:33): principles of data processing. Moral publication Auchi.
3.     Smithsonian institution (2006-7-8): carbon to Htm.
4.     Roger (2005):  information and communication as a tool for chartered Accountants.
5.     Mernoney (2006): impact of information technology in an organization.
6.     Oketunji (2008): Computer Application to an organization: The Nigerian experience.
7.     Ebijuwa A.S (2005): Information Technology in an organization.
8.     Odion (2011): information Technology as a tools for effective performance in office work.
9.     Edem (2009) : Adoption of information Technology in an organization strategy for organization networking in Nigeria.  

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