Showing posts with label Office Technology and Management. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Office Technology and Management. Show all posts

Tuesday 28 February 2023



(A case study of Federal Polytechnic Kaduna)


The importance of Technology in relations to Socio-Economic Development in an organization cannot be over emphasized. That is why the researcher chose the topic: The Impact of ICT on socio-economic development in an institution (A case study of Federal Polytechnic Kaduna) this particular area of study has been of great concern to the researcher who among other things examines the nature of information technology in order to form the theoretical base for the study a careful review of related literature were made; four (4) research questions were drawn up to obtain the primary data through the use of questionnaires were used on the selected department. The total population of study as hundred and some was used as sample to carry out the study. The researcher use the simple percent method to analyze the data obtained from the polytechnic ground. During the course of the study the researcher discovered that the application of information technology on socio-economic development reduce to a large extent the cost involved in running the school activities. Communication and data processing on socio-economic development is carried out with ease and speed using IT equipment and facilities. Lastly useful recommendations were given.




Technological advancement made in recent times have created a revolution in the economic world, allowing people to communicate in a way they had never dreamt of. Development is the human activity of converting resources into goods and services for the purpose of brining about transaction that will satisfy certain needs of customers, which bring profits to organization. This depends on the wise use of resources of any business, through effective decisions.

 Adams (2002),  said socio-economic development is an organized approach to providing people with satisfaction they want. Most institution seeks to make as much as that. They aim to achieve revenues that exceed the cost of operating the business.

Xavi (1988) in his finding perceive socio-economic development as having the potential to contribute substantially to reducing the high cost of unemployment and to the growth of a country’s economy. The account for significant shares of economic activity can play an important role in achieving the development goals for production. The long-term goals are for socio-economic development to maximize their contribution to the country’s economic and social development with respect to produce income distribution and employment.        

Bellegate (1998) in one of his findings also perceive information technology as the processing and distribution of data using computer hardware and software, telecommunication, and digital electronic. The term “IT” encompasses the methods and techniques used information and handling and retrievals by automatic means. These include com

puter, telecommunication and office system or any combination of these elements. It includes all matters concerned with the further and of computer science, technology and with design, development, installation, and implementation of information systems and applicants.

According to Adams (2007) information technology (IT) is the study, design, development, implementation, support or management of computers based information system, particularly software application and computer hardware. Therefore it deals with the use of electronic computers and computers software to convert, store, protect, transmit and retrieve information. Many researchers have tried as much as possible to define the term information technology Norton (1992), in his researches figure the term information technology as broadened to encompass many aspects of computing and technology. Also the term is more recognizable than ever before and its umbrella can be quite large, converting many fields such as production, manufacturing marketing, etc. it has a divers impact on every economic activities carried out in this modern world.


The modern trend in our institution today requires the exchange of information, processing and distribution of data, efficiently and effectively from one place to another. Therefore, for every institution to achieve this development the need for applicant of information technology system is inevitable. Many institutions have collapsed either at start up or fail to grow which might be due to inappropriate or inefficient method used to handle information. The problem of delays in sending and receiving information between organizations is characterized by one of the major cause of failure in some institution. Information in the bedrock of any organization which enables it to plan, organize and execute decisions making towards achieving its set goals. There is also the problem of managerial inability by many institutions operation.


To every research topic, there must be a purpose and this purpose refers to what the researcher want to know about a particular subject matter so that if need, there will be an improvement.

Impact of information communication technology on socio-economic development, therefore, the researcher purpose or aim of carrying out this project include the following.

  1. To find out problems that hinders the growth of I C T.
  2. To know the importance of application of information technology in processing data to the institution
  3. The study is to provide the relevant of information communication technology to socio-economic technology.
  4. To provide basis for information communication technology


For the purpose of this research, the following questions had been drawn to guide the investigation.

  1. What are the problems that hinder the growth of information communication technology?
  2. Is there any importance of application of information technology in processing data to the institution?
  3. Does information communication technology has relevant to socio-economic technology
  4. What is the basis for information communication technology?


The main objective is to give the researcher the fundamental on how best to identify a particular problem in a given situation and to be able to carry out investigation on the causative factors of the problem. Draw possible solution and method of prevention for further reoccurrence. The study would also guide the polytechnic operation on how best top manage the polytechnic in accordance with modern trends which would promote developmental growth in the economy.

The study could be used as a source of data for student and other individuals such as Organizations, Government sectors and in the society at large conducting research on issues that have relevance to the work which might bring about ease and access to significant data for their study.


The study is limited as it looks at the impact of information communication technology on socio-economic development of an institution, this topic is been carried out in Federal Polytechnic Kaduna.


Information technology: (IT) is the process and distribution of data using computer hardware and software, telecommunication and digital electronics the term IT encompasses the method of techniques used information handling and retrieval by automatic means. The means include computer communication and office system or any combination of these elements.

Economic: is the branch of knowledge combined with the production, consumption and transfer of wealth.

Development: the gradual growth of something so that it becomes more advanced, stronger.

Social-economic development: are the process of social and economic development in a society and the general well being of the society.

Information: a something told, knowledge, also process of collect, gather, receive or obtaining vital detail item of knowledge.

Communication: is the exchange of information, idea, feelings and though between two or more parties.



(A case study of Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa)


This research work talks about the effect of e-management on student registration in Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa. The purpose of this study was to determine how the effect of e-management on student registration can be effective. The sample used for the study was (80) eighty. The instrument used for data collection was the questionnaire. The findings revealed that there was lack of computers machines to enhance adequate learning in the school, and there is no proper and efficient e-management system in the institution. The researcher recommends that there should be adequate machines/computer to enhance effective learning of students in the institution and also there is a need for proper and efficient of e-management system in the institution.



Over the years, the Nigerian Polytechnics have been labeled as behind, and survey often undertaken by national and international organizations variously categorized; Nigeria polytechnics at the bottom end in the world. To this end, scholars have identified some of the causes, one of which is lack of information technology or e-management in the institutions.

Information technology or e-management occupies a pride of place in any institution or nation that is forward looking and result oriented. However, while virile and successful polytechnics or nations have come to realize that their major strength against their counter-part or international arena lies in the quality of their information technology holding, some are yet to come to team with the complexities associated with it.

The challenges posed by a sustainable excellence in the Nigerian Polytechnics are the challenges of e-management essentially of things as internet which is a global set of connection of computers that enables the exchange of data, news and opinions, that is apart from being a communication medium, internet has become a platform for new ways of doing business, a better way for polytechnics or institutions to deliver public services and enabler of lifelong learning or lasting learning from the foregoing, of the Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa has been chosen as a case study regarding the impact of e-management on students’ registration.

The impact of management is crucial enough to dictate the destiny of the Nigerian Polytechnic and indeed joining the community of nations in the much talk about year “2020” by late president Umaru Musa Yar’ Adua.     


Information is having a dramatic impact on both the operations of polytechnic and management of business worldwide. The polytechnics are facing global completion on the markets of both education and research. The competitiveness of Nigerian polytechnics should be strengthened to reach the reading edge to offer more quality in all sectors of higher education. To meet these goals we have to deal with the challenges of combining collaboration and healthy competition between polytechnics.

E-management and e-learning play an important role in the development of both efficiency and effectiveness of the academic world. The internet is the ultimate place to accelerate the flow of relevant information. Aside from being a communication medium, the internet and e-management become a problem for government and institutions to deliver public service and is the en abler of life learning.

Developing countries recognize the need to harness ICTs for development, however, the information technology uptake is largely unequal better information technology and politics that the world enables them top join the digital revolution. As we move to the digital age, one certain critical ingredient for the survivor of nations and institutions is “Information Technology” (IT) and e-management. This means that modern society is essentially a knowledge society characterized by skills and performance and dominated by information technology, and e-management.

John Gage the founder of net day in 1995 at “USA”, also a partner to work on green technologies for global warming argues that the internet is not a thing, a place, a single technology, or a mode of government, it is a protocol, a way of behaving. What is startling the world is the dramatic spread of this agreement, sweeping across all arenas communication and governance.

The internet has become the fastest growing mass medium in only four year, the number of internet users has reached more than 150 million in contrast, it took radio 38 years, television 13 years and the Pc 16 years to reach the same millstone. Despite its explosive growth, however less than 10% of the global population is online.

The internet is an “Innovation common” a shared resources that enables the creation of new and or innovation management. Also, e-monument is meant by using web 2.0 to manage your operation, e-management draws from the convergence of internet, IT and b business technologies. E-management extends the power of the internet to the way business is done, this made the transformation to the information age.


Nigeria is the most populous black nation, but this has been cribbed as a nation without an expanded education system. This is largely due to the fragmental nature and weak infrastructure of the polytechnics. However, the success of any e-management in the polytechnics cannot be achieved without identifying the flops in its operations which are both internal and external within the polytechnic setup.  


The following are the basic objective of the study;

  1. To examine the impact of e-management on student registration with particular reference to Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa.
  2. To find out an avenue for identifying on how to effectively apply information technology and e-management in an institution.
  3. To find out the success and failure of online registration with particular reference to Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa.
  4. To provide solutions that will ultimately lead to the full utilization of e-management in Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa.


Based on the objectives of the study, the following research questions are outline.

  1. What is the effect of e-management on student registration?
  2. What are those ways to effectively apply information technology and e-management in institutions?
  3. To what extent has the online registration been a success in the institution?
  4. How can the e-management problems be curbed to enhance its full management in the institution?


The research project is significant for the following reasons;

When successfully carried out the findings will go to a long way in assisting policy makers to make prompt action in order to hasten the process of e-management on students registration.

The study is also important because it emphasizes and identifies the major constitutions or problems affecting e-management in the institutional backwardness in Nigeria.

The study is also important because it will add to the existing literature on e-management.


Due to time, cost and energy constraint of investigating or research on the topic “The Impact of E-management on Student Registration” it became the scope relative for the researcher to limit or confine the scope of Polytechnic Nasarawa, which is a Federal Polytechnic of Nigeria, Apart from the problems of time management cost and energy, another reason for the limitation and scope of investigation of polytechnic Nasarawa is to bring forth a valid research work that can and will stand the best of time.


E-management: The use of information technology to improve management of government by streamlining government business processes and improving the flow of information within the government.

Internet: A global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities consisting of interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols.

Registration: An official act of registering one’s name in the list of qualified or a certificate attesting to the fact that someone or something has been registered.

Friday 20 January 2023


undefinedSOLD BY: Enems Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N3000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs




This study examined the secretary and effect of new office technologies on record keeping and management. This research work is made up of five chapters with chapter one covering introduction, background of the study, statement of the problem, purpose of the study, research questions, significance of the study, limitation of the study and definition of terms. Chapter two deals with review of related literature, importance of the modern communication equipment, what is modern communication and general problem in the maintenance of modern communication equipment. Chapter three is concerned with research design and methodology, population of the study, sample size and sample procedure, description of instrument, method of data collection analysis. Chapter four covers data presentation, analysis and discussion of findings, the final chapter which is chapter five gives the summary and conclusion to the entire research work and makes possible recommendations on the contributions of modern communication equipment to job efficiency of the secretary.



It is the view of many people all over the world, especially workers in an     organisation that a good secretary or office manager enhances workers’ productivity in an organisation. The study of secretary and effect of new office technology on record keeping and management has always been an important feature enhancing excellent managerial performances. New office technology such as information and communication technology is the life blood of every phase of business organisation. New office technology is the fusion of information processing techniques and the means by which the information is distributed. In other words, new office technology has to do with the acquisition, storage, processing and distribution of information usually through the use of radio, television, telephone, computers etc (Falaki 2002).

With sophisticated in technology, there is no doubt that we are not static. Our society today comprises much organisation both large and small in the private and public sectors of the economy with various objectives to achieve. The achievement of these objectives involves planning, decision-making etc. However, without information the organisation can neither plan nor take accurate decision on any issue.

According to Falaki (2002) the impact of information and communication technology has played a great role in changing workers attitude to work, in establishing efficiency and communication, increasing profits, create new job and effective mass education, business organisation would have been more complicated without having tools of information and communication Technology. Hence the need for information and communication products likes electronic mail, facsimile transfer, cable television, telex-text, electronic telephone and satellite communications or data transmission by means of laser technology. Through information Technology, one is able to watch on happenings thousands of kilometres away from one’s home or to transmit messages to distance quite far away within a seconds through satellite and internets. These technologies advancement, unmatched in the history of scientific invention and innovation have simply tuned the world into a huge global village.

Furthermore, Information is the heart and soul of any organisation and a very important asset to an Office Managers, so Information  and Communication Technology to any organisation is an easy access to determine whether the Office Manager is ready for the future or not. Conducting normal office work may be practically impossible for any standard office without the service of a well-trained Office Manager to ensure good administration and management.

The ability of any office managers to keep and preserve its organizational records properly determines the success of that organization. According to Harding (1990) record keeping entails the processing, arranging and storing of records so that they can be located when required. Records are very important to the organization; there-by the adherence to the strict rules governing the keeping of it by the officer or staff in charge in an organization is important. According to Reinhold and Carl (2013) the secret behind a successful organization is record keeping.

Secretary in this era of technological advancement needs new office technologies to help in record management in an organization as most organizational managers depend on records, whether in Private or Government offices where invoice, teller, memorandum, report, cheques, vouchers, and so many other things are found and used for decision making and other managerial responsibilities. These records are stored under different heading and kept for further usage. Thus the need to examined the secretary and effects of new office technologies on record keeping management in an organization with particular reference to Ramat Polytechnic Maiduguri.


The Ramat Polytechnic Maiduguri was established as Government Technical College in January, 1973 by the defunct North-Eastern State Government. The Technical College was upgraded and renamed Ramat College of Technology in April, 1978 by the then Borno State Government to immortalize the name of the late Head of State, General Murtala Ramat Muhammad.

In August 1979, it was again upgraded to the status of a Polytechnic in conformity with the Federal Government initiative to upgrade all Colleges of Technology in the country to Polytechnics.

The Polytechnic which is fully recognized by the National Board for Technical Education (NBTE) and the National Commission for Colleges of Education (NCCE) has six Schools which consist of thirty five (35) Academic Departments. The School system was introduced in 1982/1983 Academic Session with the following: School of Agriculture, School of Engineering, School of Environmental Studies, School of Management, School of Vocation and Technical Education and School of General Studies.

The Polytechnic offers full and part-time courses of instruction and training leading to National Diploma (ND), Higher National Diploma (HND), Nigeria Certificate in Education (NCE Tech and Bus) and other Certificates of distinctions in Scientific, Technological, Management and Engineering courses for the intermediate level  manpower requirements of the State and the nation in general. In addition, Remedial Programmes are run in Sciences and science-related courses for a year in the Department of Remedial Studies in order to prepare students for National Diploma courses.

The Polytechnic commenced Post Graduate Diploma through the Consultancy Unit in Management, Finance, Agronomy and Farm Management, Health Education and Hygiene and Education since 2003. All the programmes are affiliated to the University of Maiduguri.

Ramat Polytechnic, which started by admitting only 300 students in 1978, so far, about 70,000 students have graduated from the institution with National Diploma (ND), Higher National Diploma (HND), Post Graduate Diploma (PGD), Nigeria Certificate in Education (NCE Technical and Business), and Polytechnic Diplomas, Certificates and Assistant Executive Officer (AEO) Accounts.


The shift from the manual to computerized forms of processing information has no doubt increased some problems that need to be stated. Some secretaries are still using the manual forms of information communication technologies and this has put them behind compared to others that use computer based facilities. This may be as a result of poor financial background or modified products that are being pushed into the market at a rate that they render three (3) months old software and hardware outdated. Secretaries would like to be complete in order to get his / her modern office technologies requirement without hitch, they will spend more money maintaining its system which may have adverse challenges on the performance of the business organisation. The competence of the secretarial staff of the Ramat Polytechnic Maiduguri have continuously been questionable in the recent past.This has remained a source of worry both for the management and the secretarial staff themselves.Reasons for this have been associated with the ineffective operation of the secretaries. The situation arouse the curiosity of the researcher hence the desire to study the secretary and effect of new office technologies on record keeping management in Ramat Polytechnic Maiduguri.


The purpose of this study is to examine the secretary and effect of new office technologies on record keeping management.

The specific objectives or purpose of the study include:

  1. Identify the new office technologies available to secretary in Ramat Polytechnic Maiduguri
  2. To examine the effect of new office technologies on recording keeping and management in the study area.
  3. To ascertain the challenges faced in the use of new office technology by secretaries in Ramat Polytechnic Maiduguri.


  1. What are the new office technologies available to secretary in Ramat Polytechnic Maiduguri?
  2. What are the effects of new office technologies on record keeping and management in Ramat Polytechnic Maiduguri?
  3. What are the challenges faced in the use of new office technology by secretaries in Ramat Polytechnic Maiduguri?


The findings of this study on be of great significance to the following stakeholders:

  1. Office Secretaries / Managers:New office technologies helps an Office Manager to facilitate his/her worker; it also allowed Office Managers to communicate with the external bodies, processes information speedily. It saves times that an office manager can print and reprint document from the previous work.
  2. An Organisation:To an organization such as Ramat Polytechnic Maidugurinew office technologies helps in keeping files, reducing the load on servers and networks. It also motivates staff to their job. Most importantly it reduces cost of material or stationeries wastages.
  3. Educational institution:The use new office technologies such as Information Communication Technology in higher institution such as Ramat Polytechnic Maiduguri is used in checking student result, admission, and payment of school fees and online, thus enhancing record keeping and management
  4. The Society:New office technologies has greatly impacted enhanced global socialisation and interactions. In fact, Information technology has taken over nearly every aspect of our daily lives from commerce (buying and selling) to leisure and even culture. Today, mobile phones, desktop computers, hand held devices, emails and the use of internet has become a central part of our culture and society. These technologies play a vital role in our day to day operations.

New office technologies has made global social and cultural interaction very easy. We now live in an interdependent global society, where people can interact and communicate swiftly and efficiently. News and information can now be transmitted in minutes. Individuals can easily stay in contact with members of their families who reside in other countries or make new friends across the world.

Examples of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools used for these purpose are; emails, instant messaging (IM), chat rooms and social networking websites, such as face book, Twitter, Skype, phones, cellular phones and similar applications.

ICT made a major contribution towards the elimination of language barriers; people speaking different languages can connect and socialize or trade in real time via the internet. This is made possible with the use of language translators.


In the process of carrying out the study a number of limitations were experienced. These includes

Firstly, I faced in the course of this research is the nonchalant attitude of some respondents, this hampered the process and smoothness of data collection.

My effort to get full opinions on some of the interview. Some feel very much at ease to reserve their comments on some vital issues, information of which could have added more colour and weight to the findings of the study.

Some were afraid that it might incriminate them by answering some of the interview questions in spite of the fact that the purpose of the research was clearly made known to them by the researcher.

Another limiting factor was financial problem this also takes its toll on the need to travel out wide to other institution.


SECRETARY: any personnel who is trained in the communication, shorthand and typewriting, storage and retrieval of information. A secretary is also seen as an assistant who possesses the mastering of files, skills on how to manipulate these new office machines in her place of work.

RECORDS: Writing information down for reference purposes or in other ways like on a disc, magnetic tape, etc.

TECHNOLOGY: Technology in this case means the modern way or technique for making and doing things. It is those activities directed to satisfy human needs which produce alternative as in the material world.

SKILL: Ability to do something expertly and well.

COMPUTER: is a device that works under the control of stored program automatically accepting, storing and processing data to produce information

OFFICE: this is any place where clerical and administrative duties like receiving information, sorting out information, acted upon records, execute, re-arranged, retrieved and kept for future reference.

ORGANIZATION: this is the arrangement of work with division of activities and with the allocation of duties, authority and responsibilities.

undefinedSOLD BY: Enems Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N3000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs

Thursday 5 January 2023




The study examined the impact of human resource practice on performance of small and medium scale enterprises in Nigeria. Specifically the study seek to determine the extent at which effective human resources practice can enhance the growth of small and medium scale enterprises, explore the influence of employee rewards management practices on the performance of small and medium scale enterprises and establish the influence of employee training practices on the performance of small and medium scale enterprises. The study utilized a cross-sectional survey design based on questionnaires and interviews, and a mixed methods research approach. A sample of 80 respondents was selected from employees and owners of small and medium scale enterprises  using simple random and purposive sampling techniques. Quantitative data was analysed using descriptive statistical techniques and the hypothesis was tested using Chi-Square. The findings of the study shows that human resource practice have significant impact on the performance of small and medium scale enterprises in Nigeria. The study recommends that small-scale businesses with few employees should set up human resource departments to handle human resources. Small-scale enterprise owners should ensure proper training of their employees in order to ensure that the employees have requisite skills to perform their task effective and thus enhance the overall performance of the organization.



1.1 Background to the Study     

    Both large firms and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are struggling for attracting and retaining talented employees in the organizations. In a highly competitive global marketplace, it is very difficult to attract and retain skilled employees in organizations without having sound HR practices. The impact of human resource management (HRM) practices on performance have become the dominant research issue in the field of HRM (Guest, 1997).

    Human resources pratice plays a critical role in contributing to the overall productivity and strength of an organization. Human resources development helps to build a stronger workface through better recruiting, training and retention. The workface helps drive the efficiency of the organization as a whole and more efficient, productive and agile organization with well equipped operating managers who provide support on all human resource matters (Gelade, 2013).

    Human resource practice involves a process of observation, planning, action and review to manage the cognitive capacities, capabilities and behaviors needed to enable and improve individual, team and organizational performance in work organizations, (Walgenbach, Kabst and Beck, 2009). It has multiple dimensions, covering educational attainment, workforce skills, population health and the set of employment policies that provide businesses with workers with appropriate skills and the ability to adapt quickly to new challenges. Each of these areas is a key driver in creating a favorable environment for investment. Because Human Resource Development / practice policies are all closely inter-related and must be consistent with a country’s broader development and investment policies, they cannot be framed in isolation. Low human resource development needs to be tackled through a coherent and comprehensive strategy that takes full account of the policy linkages and a country’s implementation capacity, (Jessica, 2002).

    Human Resource practice concern the quality of the labor force and the regulation of the labor market. Quality in turn is a function of basic and higher education, training programs and the overall health of the population. The quality and adaptability of the labor force is a key driver in creating a favorable environment for both domestic and foreign enterprises to grow through new investment and to adapt quickly to changing circumstances. Their relative roles and the overall importance of Human Resource Development depend on individual country circumstances, particularly the economic structure, Walsh (2007).

    Human resources practice also provides a variety of employee’s services ranging from research to time and leave reporting to the interpretation of the board of regent’s code state classified rules and related regulations (Gregory 2018). But many human resources organization struggle to allocate their resources, they are often hindered by a multitude of manual based process and benefits information’s that are costly, prone to errors and time consuming to manage, this factors can make it difficult for human resources organizations to focus on higher value initiative that helps to drive profitability, efficiency and contribute to the organization bottom-line, many human resources administrative units are transforming to an E-human resources task tools and processes into internal intranets via the internet, organizations are seeking E-human solutions that can help automate tasks and streamline workflow and improve efficiency of the workface  by providing self service tools, training and information. By automating processes human resources can better align itself with the organizational services and employees needs such training and development (Armstrong 2016).

    Small and Medium Scale Enterprises represent the largest proportion of the economic sector in every country. Small and medium scale enterprises are important for modern economy and it is widely recognized that they contribute to employment growth (Drucker, 2016). About 99% of all European companies are small and medium sized and they provide 66% of all working places (ECSB Newsletter). Over the last decade, enterprises with less than 10 employees provided more new jobs than bigger companies (Mulhern, 1995). Despite the contribution of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises, enough attention have not given to the impact of human resource practice on the performance of small and medium scale enterprises in Nigeria, thus the need to carryout this study on the impact of human resource practice on performance of small and medium scale enterprise.

    1.2 Statement of the Problem     

    Human resource practice has grown out of the realization that it is vital for the survival of any organization and Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in particular. This is particularly because the hastily implemented performance related pay and appraisal systems were not delivering the results that people were expecting from them (Armstrong 2000). This makes it primary to the success of any business outfit given the global competition and turbulence in the business arena. According   to   Armstrong   and   Baron   (2004),   the   benefits   of   Human   Resource practice to Small and Medium Scale Industry are therefore manifold. It is on this note that Freeman (2003) clarifies that it is   concerned   with   satisfying   the   needs   and   expectations   of   an   organization’s stakeholders – owners, management, employees, customers, suppliers and the general public. Human resources practice is faced with some problems in the course of carrying out their obligation which serves as a detriment in contributing their quota effectively to the organizations. These problems are as follows: Inadequate provision of funds to the administration poised a great obstacle to the organization in ensuring efficiency. Improper selection and employment of staff affects the productiveness and effectiveness of small and medium scale enterprises. When employees undergo the required training in order to put their acquired knowledge into practice and management do not place them on merit, it mega test the principles of efficiency in the organization. Change in government policies makes it difficult for organization to operate steadily. Social-cultural values and beliefs of the areas where organization is operating may hinder effective and efficient utilization of human resource. When the management have a wrong preconceived notion that anybody other than a specialist can mount the responsibilities and therefore, when it is not accorded the proper place it deserves, it posed a problem to the organizations development. Though SMEs have not paid due attention for human resource managing practices (Hornsby and Kuratko, 1990), managing of human resource is a decisive factor as far as SMEs’ performances are concerned” (Madurapperuma, 2009). Therefore, this study is carried out to examine the impact of human resource practice on the performance of small and medium scale enterprises.

    1.3 Objectives of the study

    The objective of the study was to examine the impact of human resource practice on performance of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in Nigeria.

    The specific objective:

    1. To determine the extent at which effective human resources practice can enhance the growth of small and medium scale enterprises.
    2. To explore the influence of employee rewards management practices on the performance of small and medium scale enterprises.
    3. To establish the influence of employee training practices on the performance of small and medium scale enterprises.

    1.4 Research Questions

    1. To what extent does effective human resources development enhance organizational growth in Industrial Training Fund, Enugu area office?
    2. What is the influence of employee rewards management practices on the performance of small and medium scale enterprises?
    3. What is the influence of employee training practices on the performance of small and medium scale enterprises?

    1.5 Statement of Hypothesis

    H0: Human Resource Practice has no significant impact on the performance of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises.

    H1: Human Resource Practice has significant impact on the performance of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises.

    1.6 Scope and Limitation of the Study

    The scope of the study will be limited to the impact of human resource practice on performance of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in Nigeria.

    Thus, it will focus on all efforts of the small and medium scale enterprises to increase human resources development and productivity in their establishment.

    In  the  course  of  the  study  of  this  kind,  some  problems  or limitations  are  encountered,  these  are  time  and  financial constraints the researcher has very limited time for the study, due to  the  nature  of  work,  the  researcher  occupies.  Distance  from school/home  to  the  places  of  research  also  possess  a  lot  of problem  because  the  distance  is  much  and  cannot  be  covered with little time hence it reduced the frequency  of  going  to  assess  the  trained  workers  by  owners of small and medium scale enterprises  as often as should have been assessed.

    1.7 Significance of the Study      

    The study is significant from the point of view that no available literature or study so far has specifically focused on human resource development and organizational growth in small and medium scale enterprises. Thus, it is going to add to existing body of literature and extend the frontiers of knowledge practically.

    The research findings will contribute to deepen of our understanding of effective human resource management practices in small-scale industries and their importance to researchers, policymakers and human resource management practitioners for addressing the key issues starting from assessment of the inexperienced or potential entrepreneurs ideas until their visions are realized.

    The findings will also contribute to the existing knowledge and the addition will be utilized by future researchers and the different key stakeholders who are the policy makers, implementers and the leaders in the community of study, not forgetting the owners of the small-scale businesses under study.

    1.8 Definition of Key Terms

    Human Resources: Is the set of individuals who make up the workforce of an organization, sector or economy. They are responsible with employing suitable individual that fit a job.

    Management: The organization and coordination of the activities of a business in order to achieve defined objectives.

    Human resource development: Human Resource Development is a process through which employees in an organization are assisted to realize their full potential for their present and future jobs.

    Small And Medium Scale Business: SMEDAN (2005) defines small and medium scale enterprises based on the following criteria: small scale enterprises are businesses with ten to forty-nine people with an annual turnover of five to forty-nine million Naira while a medium scale enterprises that have fifty to one hundred and ninety-nine employees with a year turnover of fifty to four hundred and ninety-nine million Naira.

    Productivity: Productivity is the volume of goods and services produced for work within some specific unit of the hour, day, week, month, year etc.

    Training: Training means to give teaching and practice in order to bring a desired stand and behavior efficiency or physical condition. Thus it is the act of teaching in the industrial or business concept. It is the act of reaching a particular level of the expectation of the employer.

    Wednesday 28 December 2022





    This study appraise the contributions of modern communication equipment to job performance of the secretary in Yobe State University. This research work is made up of five chapters with chapter one covering introduction, background of the study, statement of the problem, purpose of the study, research questions, significance of the study, limitation of the study and definition of terms. Chapter two deals with review of related literature, importance of the modern communication equipment, what is modern communication and general problem in the maintenance of modern communication equipment. Chapter three is concerned with research design and methodology, population of the study, sample size and sample procedure, description of instrument, method of data collection analysis. Chapter four covers data presentation, analysis and discussion of findings, the final chapter which is chapter five gives the summary and conclusion to the entire research work and makes possible recommendations on the contributions of modern communication equipment to job performance of secretaries.


    1.0       INTRODUCTION

    Since the beginning of writing language, societies have performed the administrative functions that today are called office work. Business transaction have been recorded, there has been writing oral communication, information has been stored and retrieved, calculations have performed, decisions have been made.

    The arrival of new technology changed the way these were performed. The invention of paper link and movable typewriter, a variety of mechanical and electrical devices had an impact. The typewriter and photocopying machine change written communication, and the early business computer changed how certain high-volume transactions were handled. Despite the change they brought, none of these technologies fundamentally altered labour intensive character of office procedures and improved productivity yet typing continued to be highly labour intensive until automation typewriters and later, word processor were introduced.

    Most offices now have an amazing array of modern communication equipments such as computer systems, fax machine, mobile telephone and all manners of advanced telecommunication method combine to make communication very fast and very simple. Technology advances at an incredible speed, challenging the traditional roles in an organization. In many ways the job is much easier. There is no pains tricking, retyping of letter and documents, when the boss changes his mind over a word; the word processor has provided the means of work to be changed quickly. It is far quicker to send a fax or an electronic message halfway across the world, knowing that it will arrive instantaneously without subjection to the vagaries of the mail.

    These modern communication equipments or technologies require set of skills and different secretaries have to understand computers, how they functions and how to make the best of them for efficiency and job satisfaction. The role of the secretary has expanded dramatically over the past twenty years as the technological evolution has made its impacts on the office and environment. With the advent of the electronic office and the changes it brings, today’s Secretary needs to be a centre on technology. Traditional duties have been enhance, the job has developed into a key role in the organization and the secretary now holds valuable position. It is against this background that this study seek to appraise the contribution of modern communication equipment on job performance of secretaries, a case study of Yobe State University.


    The researcher realized that the office work and efficiency profession will continue to lose its vitality in producing famous and contemporizes professionals in the labour market if the training of modern secretaries does not met up with the challenges ahead. In other words, the secretary cannot perform effectively, if not expose to the increasing technological advancement in Nigeria as follow: Job performance of secretaries may be impacted by vague expectations, barriers to access, medical conditions personal circumstances or job dissatisfaction. Determining the origins of unacceptable performance is the first step toward making necessary improvement. Following are typical factors that impact performance and options and resources and options and considered.

    The quality of ventilation and air inside offices, schools, and other work places is important not only for their workers comfort but also for their health. Poor ventilation and air quality has been tied to symptoms like headaches, and irritation concentrating and irritation of the eyes, nose, throat and lungs. Also, many factors affect ventilation and air quality. These factors include poor ventilation (lack of outside air).

    Problems controlling temperature, high or low humidity recent remodeling, and other activities in or near a building that can affect the fresh air coming into the building. Sometime specific contaminants like dust from construction or renovation, mold, cleaning suppliers, pesticides, or other airborne chemicals released (including small amounts of chemicals released as a gas over) may cause poor indoor air quality. Also Merriam –Webster dictionary defines the quality of being efficient as the “productive of desired effects, especially: productive without waste can efficient worker)”. When workers or organizations have problems in efficiency, success in the terms of profit and quality can be compromised.

    Most efficiency issue can be resolved by using quality control methods to create awareness of which main areas contain the weakest links. Many efficiency  problems can be blamed on poor time-management issues. Also lack of efficiency in managing cash flow can cause insolvency, which can then lead to bankruptcy. Problems begin when companies face unanticipated expenses and loss any safety cushion, or when not enough money exists to expand the company or hire quality staff.

    1.3       PURPOSE OF THE STUDY

    The main purpose of this study is to appraise the contribution of modern communication equipment on job performance of secretaries; a case study of Yobe state University.

    The specific objectives of the study is to

    1. To determine how skilful and knowledgeable the staff are in the use of modern communication equipment in Yobe state university
    2. To examine the contribution of modern communication equipment to job performance of secretaries in Yobe State University
    3. To determine ascertain the level of computerization/automation of Yobe state University
    4. To determine the challenges associated with the use of modern communication equipment in Yobe state University.


    1. How skilful and knowledgeable are the secretaries in the use of modern communication equipment in Yobe state university
    2. What are the contributions of modern communication equipment to job performance of secretaries in Yobe State University?
    3. What is the level of computerization/automation of Yobe state University?
    4. What are the challenges associated with the use of modern communication equipment in Yobe state University?


    The significance of the study arises from the fundamental role of modern communication equipment plays in our economic deve1opnents. Moreover, the secretarial services needed trained and qualified people n order to handle and maintain the equipment.

    That is why Chester Bernard (2011) stressed that “the executive function is to develop and maintain a system of communication”. Again, since secretarial services is of immense help tc both public nd private establishments in any developing or developed society in terms of qualitative administrative procedures the research would create avenue for its improved standard to match the growing complex nature of administration in our country.

    Above all these, the study will attempt to explain why many organizations do not have these modern communication equipment despites its advantages. It is expected that the study will contribute to the knowledge in the area of efficiency. To the institution, it will bring them to the knowledge of what contributions they can make to train more secretaries, particularly in the area of provision modern communication equipment.


    In the process of carrying out the study a number of limitations were experienced. These includes

    Firstly, I faced in the course of this research is the nonchalant attitude of some respondents, this hampered the process and smoothness of data collection.

    My effort to get full opinions on some of the interview. Some feel very much at ease to reserve their comments on some vital issues, information of which could have added more colour and weight to the findings of the study.

    Some were afraid that it might incriminate them by answering some of the interview questions in spite of the fact that the purpose of the research was clearly made known to them by the researcher.

    Another limiting factor was financial problem this also takes it toll on the need to travel out wide to other institution.


    SECRETARY: any personnel who is trained in the communication, shorthand and typewriting, storage and retrieval of information.

    COMMUNICATION: Is a process of creating ideas, facts, opinions, and feeling.

    COMPUTER: is a device that works under the control of stored program automatically accepting, storing and processing data to produce information

    OFFICE: this is any place where clerical and administrative duties like receiving information, sorting out information, acted upon records, execute re-arranged, retrieved and kept for future reference.

    ORGANIZATION: this is the arrangement of work with division of activities and with the allocation of duties, authority and responsibilities.

    ADMINISTRATION: it is often use to refer to the acti1ities of the higher level on management group who determine major aims and policies of an organization.

    Friday 4 February 2022




    The research aimed at investigating the Record Management Practices at Health Centres in Gyallesu and Tudun Wada, Zaria. To achieve these objectives, six research questions were formulated and answered accordingly. The survey design method was adopted for this study. The population under this study consisted of staff of the two Primary Health Care Centres in Zaria. A total of 15 respondents from the population formed the sample for this study. The data was collected by distributing questionnaires, which was the instrument used for data collection. The data collected were analyzed using the frequency distribution tables, simple percentages and histograms. Based on the data collected and analyzed, the result of the findings indicated that a majority of the respondents indicated that immunization records, antenatal record, deliveries record, family planning, diagnostic notes, referral letters/notes and patient’s folders are the basic healthcare records in Gyallesu and Tudun Wada Primary Health Care Centres. The following recommendation was given as The healthcare centres should emphasized more on description slips, admission slips, discharge slips, and other records because of their vitality in healthcare service delivery, there is need to collate all information of the patients whereabouts; The healthcare centre should harness the power of records by using It communicate efficiently and effectively to the patient concerning his health status; There is need for the staffs to go for further studies and training to acquire skills on record management; The Kaduna State Ministry of Health through Zaria Local Government Healthcare authority should provide ample space for records keeping, storage and ease; The primary healthcare should time to time train their staffs on how to communicate effectively and listening to get the appropriate and necessary information documented as medical history of patient.



    1.1 Background to the Study

    A Primary Health Care Centre is the first level of the healthcare service delivery closer to the people in the community they live or work. The Primary Health Care Centres are mostly run by organizations, institutions or governments of such communities. Where they are not able to attend to the patient, a referral to a bigger (secondary) healthcare centre for better treatment is given. A Primary Health Care Centre is an approach to health beyond the traditional health care system that focuses on health equity-producing social policy (Starfield, 2011). Furthermore, a Primary Health Care Centre lays its emphasis of health care delivery to the people themselves and their needs to reshape their lives health wise. It also includes all areas that play a role in health, such as access to health services, environment and lifestyle. According to White (2015) primary healthcare and public health measures, taken together, may be considered as the cornerstones of universal health systems.

    This ideal model of healthcare was adopted in the declaration of the International Conference on Primary Health Care held in Alma Ata, Kazakhstan in 1978 (known as the “Alma Ata Declaration”), and became a core concept of the World Health Organization’s goal of Health for all (WHO, 2011). Between 1986 and 1992, remarkable and innovative progress was made in the development of primary health care, focusing on the Local Government Areas (LGA’s). As a result, Nigeria was placed in the front rank of countries to have improved the health and quality of life of its people through primary health care. Following the recommendation of a high level WHO review team (Decree 29 of 1992), the National Primary Healthcare Centres Development Agency (NPHCDA) was established to capitalize on these achievements and sustain federal assistance to the LGAs. It merged with the National Programme on Immunization (NPI) in 2007 (NPHCDA, 2015)

    According to Milena (2015) Health records are the most important database of health treatment of the patient. Consistent recording by doctors, nurses and other staff is proof of proper monitoring of the health, planning and treatment. Initial health records were used to describe individual processes. Today, health records are a much broader concept than in the past because in the past, it was the doctor alone who recorded data. Health records and documents serve as the basis for the realizing of individual rights, both in civil and legal transactions, as well as the exercise of rights relating to privacy and the retrograde determining health status.

    These records contain information which is crucial to human endeavour, that information is an indispensable tool in office work, management, and decision making and in work productivity. This is to say that effectively organized and good management of private and public sectors / organizations‟ records, depend heavily on the availability of current, complete, accurate and reliable information which is generated and supplied on time to facilitate planning, decision making and in order to enhance productivity reported by (Akuso, 2014).

    Medical Record is an important document meant basically for recording the treatment procedure for a patient. This record is important to both the patient, as well as the doctor. It has become the only crucial and effective weapon doctors use to counter the false claims of the patient when they file a case against them. As such medical records are evidential documents which can provide significant evidence in billing reviews, physicians self – assessments, etc. where the physician reflects on and assesses the care that have been provided to the patient (Akuso, 2014).

    Furthermore, the patients’ records are used daily to record information about the patients’ personal details, prescriptions and diagnosis for future reference to follow-up patients. The information recorded is eventually used to confirm the patients’ health history during current and future consultations. The paces at which the records are retrieved and served for this purpose determine the patient waiting time for the services. This has an impact on the quality of the service rendered by the health institution (Ngoaka, 2011)

    Proper filing of patient’s medical records facilitates effortless retrieval and ensures reduction patient’s waiting time at the hospital and ensures continuity of care. It is therefore, very important, that medical records are always kept in the interest of both the clinician and the patient. The medical folder must always be in the safekeeping of the health facility whiles the patient enjoys the right of information.

    1.2 Statement of Problem

    An effective management of health records is a critical factor in facilitating health care delivery services.Therefore, the roles of medical record remains very vital as they provide the health history of patients contained in medical files for further assessment, prescription of treatments and possible next line of action.

    It is not acceptable from the series of reports from literatures of poor record management in facilities, especially in the Public Health Cares and other secondary health institutions in Nigeria. This study investigates the Record Management Practice at Health Centres in Gyallesu and Tudun Wada Primary Health Care Centres to verify if the problems of poor record management persist.

    1.3 Research Questions

    1. What is the basic health records documented in Gyallesu and Tudun Wada Primary healthcare Centres?
    2. What facilitation roles does the medical health record provide during healthcare delivery?
    3. What are the basic qualification of the medical health records officers in Gyallesu and Tudun Wada Primary healthcare Centres?
    4. What are the management strategies operated Gyallesu and Tudun Wada Primary HealthCare Centres?
    5. Challenges affecting the effective and efficient record keeping in Gyallesu and Tudun Wada Primary healthcare Centres?

    1.4 Objectives of the Study

    The main objective of the study is to examine records management practice at Zaria Local Government Primary Health Care Centres.

    The specific objectives are to:

    1. To find out the basic health records in Gyallesu and Tudun Wada Primary healthcare Centres.
    2. To find out facilitation roles does the medical health record provide during healthcare delivery.
    3. To find out the basic qualification of the medical health records officers in Gyallesu and Tudun Wada Primary healthcare Centres.
    4. To find out the management strategies operated Gyallesu and Tudun Wada Primary HealthCare Centres.
    5. To find out the challenges affecting the effective and efficient record keeping in Gyallesu and Tudun Wada Primary healthcare Centres.

    1.5 Significance of the Study

    This research will assist the Zaria Local Government Primary Health Authorities and its facilities to reveal, identify and make recommendation to achieve quality health care service. The project shall add to the body of knowledge on PHC with particular reference to Zaria metropolis.

    1.6 Scope and Limitation of the Study

    The research was limited to Gyallesu and Tudun Wada Primary Healthcare Centres and the study only focused on records management practices operating within the PHCs.


    Akuso, A. (2014) Generation, Organisation And Use Of Medical Records In Primary  Health Care Centres Of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. [Thesis]. Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria

    Milena, M. (2015).The Importance of Health Records. Journal of Health, 7, 617-624.

    WHO. (2011). “International Conference on Primary Health Care, Alma-Ata: twenty-fifth anniversary” (PDF). Report by the Secretariat .WHO.Retrieved 28 March 2011.

    Starfield, B. (2011). Politics, primary healthcare and health.”Epidemiol Community Health 2011;65:653–655 doi :10.1136/ jech.2009.102780

    White, F. (2015). Primary health care and public health: foundations of universal health systems. Med PrincPract 2015 doi: 10.1159/000370197

    NPHCDA. (2015).





    1.1       Background of the Study

    The emergence of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Nigeria has posed a serious challenge to all facets of the Nigerian economy. This has necessitated executive secretaries to keep abreast of the current technology as it affects office procedures and operations. For executive secretaries to contribute effectively and efficiently to the achievement of goals and objectives of the organization they have to be retrained and be given a learning environment on continuous basis in order to acquaint themselves with new challenges in the office.

    Notwithstanding, there is no doubt that advancement in technology has reshaped and transformed the way executive secretaries discharge their duties. The competent and effective executive secretaryship can be obtained through in-service training programmes. For in-service training programme to be adequate and sound it should consist of three phases, namely: pre-service training phase, on the-job experience training phase, and in-service training phase (Diraso, 1992).

    In-service training is a long life process in which an employee is constantly learning and adapting to new challenges of his job. This he does through reading of books, journals and magazines in his area of specialization, through discussion with colleagues and supervisors on matters concerning his profession and attending courses and conferences relating to his profession. The aims of in-service training include: to update the employees and revamp their professional knowledge, skills, and competencies and to broaden their knowledge of the core areas of specialization (Itotoh, 1996). Itotoh maintained that such areas may include: writing, editing, production and distribution of correspondence (publications), maintains all corporate books and accounts, receives and disburses fund (finance), assists in recruiting new members by responding promptly totelephone and e-mail enquires, maintains all membership, maintain all records and files all forms (regulatory) and fluent in Hyper-Text Markup Language (computer literacy).

    1.2       Statement of the Problem

    Technological advancement has been extended to all spheres of human endeavours. Offices are daily modernized through the use of latest equipment and procedures. These affect the executive secretary and his profession. The challenges of new techniques and innovations demand from executive secretaries much greater responsibilities and improved performances on their jobs. The essence of providing in-service training for executive secretaries is to enable them develop professionally, keep abreast on new knowledge and technology in their office procedures and operations. However, Oldroyd (1994) and Mahapatra (2002), have observed that public establishments pay only lip service to in-service training of their employees and this automatically accounts for staff inadequacies such as poor job performance. It is in this Gbosi (1999) maintains that where in-service training exists, it is haphazardly coordinated, poorly monitored and organized. Ofordile (2007) observes that in-service training programmes have continued to experience the constraints of inadequate funds.

    This is because employees’ retraining in public establishment is considered expensive in terms of time and maintenance of staff during the programme. He maintains that lack of willingness by the employees to be retrained and some staff with long experience may not show interest in in-service training programmes that do not have any weight for purpose of assessment and they hardly take retraining seriously as a means of changing behaviour of the organization. Therefore, these above inadequacies, if not properly addressed will result in poor performance, difficulty in attaining organizational goals and objectives, and lack of individual development and so on. These anomalies should urgently be corrected for the benefit of both the organizations and their staff members. It is therefore very significant to find out the in-service training needs of executive secretaries in public establishments in Kaduna State.

    1.3       Purpose of the Study

    The major purpose of this study was to assess the in-service training needs of executive secretaries in public establishments in Kaduna State. Specifically, the study sought:

    1. To assess the Information and Communication Technology skills for in-service training needs of executive secretaries in public establishments in Kaduna State.
    2. To assess the human relations skills for in-service training needs of executive secretaries in public establishments in Kaduna State.
    3. To assess the Administrative/managerial skills for in-service training needs of executive secretaries in public establishments in Kaduna State.
    4. To assess the reprographic technology skills for in-service training needs of executive secretaries in Public establishments in Kaduna State.
    5. To assess the micrographic technology skills for in-service training needs of executive secretaries in public establishments in Kaduna State.

    1.4       Research Questions

    The following research questions have been formulated to guide the study:

    1. What are the Information and Communication Technology skills needed for in service training of the executive secretaries in public establishments in Kaduna State?
    2. What are the human relations skills needed for in-service training of the executive secretaries in public establishments in Kaduna State?
    3. What are the administrative/managerial skills needed for in-service training of the executive secretaries in public establishments in Kaduna State?
    4. What are the reprographic technology skills needed for in-service training of the executive secretaries in public establishments in Kaduna State?
    5. What are the micrographic technology skills needed for in-service training of the executive secretaries in public establishments in Kaduna State?

    Significance of the Study

    It is hoped that the findings of this study will be of immense benefit to administrators, secretarial staff, researchers, secretarial education students.

    Administrators (management): There is no single organization that can do without training and developing its staff. As such this study will provide adequate information to the management that will go through it to get a foreknowledge of the types of in-service training needs of their staff and the importance of in-service training and the condition that determine that. They could adopt the findings to plan and organize in-service training programmes for their staff.

    Secretarial staff: The executive secretaries will be made to realize that adequate in-service training programmes enable them to possess the level of intellectuals skills with which they can perfectly and proficiently handle the demands of their daily routines and to understand that adequate training will help to ensure job satisfaction. The results of the study will hopefully stimulate further research on the in-service training needs of other cadres of the secretarial staff by opening the frontiers of information on more in-service training programmes.

    Finally, secretarial education students would benefit from the findings of the study. They would understand better concepts being taught and be able to express their views about concepts encountered in classroom interactions.

    1.5       Delimitation of the Study

    This study was restricted to in-service training needs of executive secretaries in public establishments in Kaduna State. This study was delimited to public establishments in Kaduna State. The study did not assess other employees of public establishments in Kaduna State. The ministries represent the geographical spread of public establishments in the state.





    1.1     Background to the Study

    All organizations are required to keep records of their activities. By keeping such records accurately and up-to-date, organizations can measure their performance, improve their overall financial control and take action whenever problems arise/ (Needham and Dransfield, 1996).

    Modern information system have plunged the world into what may be called an information age as opposed to the book age (Akuria, 2001). Information is an essential resource for decision-making at international, national and even lower organizational levels of human activity. However, information to be fully effective, it should be classified, recorded, and stored appropriately in an effective manner. This information is known as a record and the discipline in which record or information is captured, stored and managed in a meaningful format is the substance of records management. Records are therefore a vital tool in the administration of many organizations. The success and failure of organizations and state organs activities all depends on the efficient handling of information (Penn 1996).

    The library provides a full service for lending, inquires, reference, photocopying, computer and inter-library loans. Considerable emphasis is placed on helping the students and teaching information skills, through the introductory library orientation program. The library has a computer network system through which you can access the catalogue using the UNESCO – WINISIS software, to complement the traditional card catalogue.

    1.2     Statement of the problem:

    Every organizational activity depends upon reliable information and well managed records which are essential if an organization is to function, efficiently. With the advancement in technology, there should be an efficient records management system in place backed by technology. Information Technology is used for employee data base, financial and accounting information system, students data base, assets and liabilities data bank. Various aspects of records management in private institutions are not up to date that is there is lack an efficient and reliable information management system to keep all stakeholders informed. There are poor data processes and retention schedules; inadequately .trained personnel to handle data collection, storage and dissemination; inadequate training in Information Communication Technology; inadequate space, unclear chain of command among others. Through the public and private institutions in Nigeria Information Communication Technology was considered an indispensable tool for enhancing productivity, yet little attention is paid to the information management issues and to understanding the forces of change that affect the form and integrity of the record. Staff who understand the functional requirements for record keeping and the competencies and skills required to manage electronic information delivery system are few; legal and administrative requirements for managing electronic records are not implemented. Accurately documented policies, standard operating procedures and formal methodologies for analyzing records are still lacking. It is against this background that the researcher was prompted to investigate the relationship between the records management and efficiency in an organization.

    1.3       The General Objective of the Study

    The general objective of this study was to explore the effect of records management on organizational efficiency in an organization.

    1.4       Objectives of the Study

    1. To examine the influence of Records Management on efficiency in an organization.
    2. To explore and make a critique of methods used by the organization  to manage records.
    3. To examine the effectiveness of Information Communication Technology in managing records.
    4. To establish the challenges faced by the organization in modernizing the records management system.

    1.5     Research Questions

    1. What influences record management on efficiency in an organization
    2.  What methods are used by the organization to manage records?
    3. What is the effectiveness of Information Communication Technology in managing records?
    4. What are the challenges faced by the university in modernizing records management?

    1.6       Scope of the Study

    The study looks at the impact of records management on efficiency at in an organization. It was intended to find out the nature and practice of records management in the organization, assess the significance of records management on efficiency and examine the challenges of records management in the organization.





    1.1     Background Information to the Study

    The background information to this study includes an introduction to records management, records management in government organizations and records activities in Nasarawa Local Government.

    Records management is a fundamental activity of any given organization. Records are vital to every aspect of governance process and institutions of all kinds should highly embrace records management. According to ISO 15489, as cited by Healy (2001), “records management is a field of management responsible for the efficient and systematic control of the creation, receipt, maintenance, use and disposal of records, including the processes for capturing and maintaining evidence of and information about business activities and transactions in the form of records.” What actually keeps the public service going in any modern system of government is having recorded information, which is used for planning, decision making and controlling. For any effective planning, decision-making and controlling to take place, there must have been timely access to records (Amina, 2011).

    Records are essential to businesses of all organizations. They improve the effectiveness of operations and document services in organizations by supporting the delivery of services, supporting administration, documenting rights and responsibilities of individuals and evidence of the work in public authorities. Implementation of proper records management leads to good public management since government activities are based on access to information contained in records (Smith, 2008).

    According to Kulcu (2009), records are created and maintained to meet the goals and objectives of an organization. Records are the memories of an organization and are used in decision making and the basis of legal defensibility. Without records, governments would find it difficult to address social issues such as poverty, crime, social grants, AIDs, land information, and even the provision of basic services such as water and electricity (Makhura, 2005). Provision of information to people in every corner of the world would positively affect socio-economic and political development.

    Fust and Graf (2002), as cited in Ngoepe (2008), suggest that records management is an essential part of government operations in all developing countries. Records management is a discipline that has become very popular in government institutions, non-governmental institutions, private institutions, industries and the society at large. Managing records is the foundation that any government body requires in order to provide effective services and fulfill its purpose of existence. This purpose includes enhancing accountability towards its citizens and protection of citizens’ rights.

    Managing records is one of the cornerstones of effective delivery of public services. Governments require proper records to evaluate past performances and also to make future goals. Client satisfaction, quality performance of tasks, and measurable outcomes are increasingly becoming important responsibilities which depend on accessible and efficient records in all institutions (IRMT, 2000).

    Today, governments are increasingly recognizing the fact that information is an important component of good governance. Governments are expected therefore, to manage records properly so as to use it to make prompt decisions, enhance accountability and transparency, and to meet their own information requirements (Nengomasha, 2009). Consequently records enable governments to improve service delivery, efficiently use available resources and respond to opinions of its citizens.

    According to Ngulube (2004), organizations should ensure proper records management are in place to make possible that valuable information is not last loss of records would unable track of activities to the organizations concerned. Records last within an organization can neither be re-created nor replaced hence the need for proper records management practices (Yusuf & Chell, 2005).

    According to Sturges (2000), very little effort has been put on proper records management in Africa. The situation in most developing countries records management is not a major concert for the information. With the rise of inform communication technologies today, Africa and the developing world must emphasis on the preservation and conservation challenges of electronic records. Managing information and records are vital assets to public institution and government agencies. They help agencies plan for short term and long term activities that are beneficial to the institution proper records management is important because it makes government accountable, help in decision making outlines duties, and enable growth enhances a corporate memory of an organization and drives communication within organizations.

    1.2     Statement of the Problem

    Records management is an important activity in all organizations. Poor management of records can lead to difficulties in retrieval of information, with volumes of records clogging up office space. This situation undermines the effectiveness, accountability, and efficiency of the organization’s functions, leading to poor decision making, corruption, fraud, and abuse of the rights of the citizen (Sichalwe, Ngulube & Stiwell, 2011).

    The undertaking of devolved functions by Nasarawa Local Government leads to generation of numerous records. In order for these governments to succeed in providing effective service delivery, they need to adopt sound records management practices. However, since county governments are relatively new entities, there is little research available on how they carry out records management activities. It is against this context that this study was designed to examine records management activities and recommend effective records management practices for Nasarawa Local Government.

    1.3     Purpose of the study

    The purpose of this study was to explore records management trends in Nasarawa Local Government.

    1.4     Objectives of the study

    The objectives of this study were to:

    1. Establish the current state of records management practices in Nasarawa Local Government
    2. Establish whether records management policies, procedures and filing systems have been implemented in Nasarawa Local Government
    3. Evaluate the performance of the records management system in Nasarawa Local Government
    4. Identify challenges facing records management systems in the provision of records facilities in Nasarawa Local Government

    1.5     Research Questions of the study

    This study sought to answer the following research questions:

    1. What is the current state of records management practices in Nasarawa Local Government?
    2. Are there records management policies, procedures and filing systems in place in Nasarawa Local Government?
    3. Has the county government records management division established a relationship with other information stakeholders both internally and externally,  and how does this relationship or lack of it impact on records management in the department?
    4. What challenges are faced in the management of records in Nasarawa Local Government?

    1.6     Scope of the study

    The study was conducted in Nasarawa Local Government. It would have been good to conduct research across the 47 counties but due to time allocated for the study and lack of enough resources it would be impossible to travel in 47 counties. Therefore, in this view the researcher chose L Nasarawa Local Government.

    1.7     Significance of the study

    The findings of this study would aid Nasarawa Local Government, other Local Government and organizations to enhance efficiency and effectiveness in managing their records for improved service delivery. The findings intend to complement other existing studies and contribute to the body of knowledge in the records management field. The research findings also hope to form a firm foundation for other researchers in the area of records management.

    1.8     Limitation of the study

    Some respondents had specialty in ICT, secretarial and business management which limited their understanding on the concept of professional records management. Some respondents cited that they were uncomfortable filling questionnaires for the safety of their positions. To overcome these limitations, the researcher clarified questions when conducting data collection. The researcher also assured respondents that anonymity would be upheld in the study.




    Records management is the gist of an organization because it is through records that an institution can provide a documentation of activities and plans. Records provide valuable information for critical decision making within organizations. However, organizational managers fail to recognize the contribution of effective records management practices in public administration. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the role of records management practices in the administration of public institutions. The specific objectives are: to find out the records management practices, to establish the role of departmental heads in the management of records in an organization, to examine the role of records management in facilitating accountability and transparency in organizational administration, and to establish an effective records management model in an organization . The research employed the records continuum theoretical model and a mixed approach of both qualitative and quantitative methods to collect data. The research was conducted on a total population of 150 employees. The study sample included 50 members of staff. The sampling technique used was the stratified sampling technique with a non-probability sampling design, which enabled the identification of a sample that only included employees that directly dealt with records in the various departments at the institution. A questionnaire with carefully identified questions was used in gathering data from the sampled participants. The study findings show that classification and indexing are the most important records management practices undertaken to enable easy accessibility to information at the organization, heads of departments assist in managing operations at various departments regarding to records, and that effective management of records can enable easy access to information, fulfillment of financial requirement and accountability as well as effective organizational administration. The findings are of significance to managers, employees, and policy makers in matters regarding management of organizations.



    1.1 Background of the Study

    Chapter one provides an introduction to the current study by placing it within its context. Therefore, the chapter explores the modern business records management context which delves into the contemporary issues affecting records management. Later, the chapter provides the study context, problem statement, aim and objectives of the study, and research questions. The significance of the study are also detailed to illustrate the essence of the study findings. Lastly, the chapter provides the significance, assumption, scope of the study, and the limitations.

    It is unmistakable that the pace of business activities within organizations in the contemporary society is increasing daily due to the evolving technology. The productivity involves volumes of both electronic and physical documents that contain critical information. In many cases, organizations do not understand the complexity of tasks involved in records management until they fail to access a vital record (Abdulrahman, 2015). Therefore, records play a significant role in the effective and efficient management of an organization because they store plans and implementation processes of an organization’s services.

    In both conventional and digital organizations, records stored in either electronic or physical form continue to be viewed as essential documents for administrative documentation. Records provide support for all activities carried out within organizations. Without proper records management, organizations cannot provide the necessary information and support, which in turn may lead to the loss of critical information in institutions. Proper records management practices are essential for an organization’s administration and the smooth running of the operations. Records management involves the incorporation of various practices aimed at proper information management. It also entails the systematic control of all records an organization maintains during the course of their life cycle for the attainment of operational business needs, fiscal and statutory requirements, as well as, the expectation of stakeholders (The National Archives of Scotland, 2013). Effectual maintenance of corporate information enables fast, reliable and accurate access or retrieval of records. It also ensures that redundant information is timely damaged and that important historic records are efficiently protected. Systematic records management enables organizations to; identify the records that they have, increase effectiveness and efficiency, support decision making, achieve business targets and objectives, meet regulatory and legislative requirements, protect the clients’, employees’, and stakeholders’ interests, and be accountable. Consequently, records are critical legal and historical tools that are necessary for the effective running of an organization.

    Records are valuable administration instruments without which an institution’s operational functional and processes cannot be efficiently carried out. For instance, a successor to a certain organizational rank may need the institution’s records to find his or her bearing when he or she takes over the new position. The new employee or successor can use such records to decide whether he or she will continue with the previous organizational leader’s practices and techniques or modify them (Abdulrahman, 2015). Records play various roles in organizational administration because administrators and managers use them on routine basis to carry out various administrative roles such as decision making. Recorded information helps in enlightening and educating organizational managers and administrators on matters relevant to the organization. Records can also help in strategic plans and successful implementation of organizational processes. They can also serve as sources of research for information that can be used as evidence. Timely access of recorded information is essential for decision-making, planning, and organizational control. Public institutions in Kenya create, keep, and use records in their every day basis for administrative, legal, and audit functions among other purposes.

    1.2     Statement of the Problem

    Records are essential instruments in every organization particularly in reference to critical decision making including administrative decision making. Information contained in organizational records is the pillar of the institution’s business activities. Without information, an institution’s administration becomes incapacitated especially in its decision making. Globally, organizations’ systems are expanding at unprecedented rates due to technological advancements and population increases (Abdulrahman, 2015). Similarly, organizational problems in relation to planning, administration, organization, control, and monitoring are also increasing resulting to the need for improved records management practices among institutional administrators, educationist, policy makers, and planners.

    Records in public institutions suffer from likelihoods of loss due to improper storage, unprotected disaster, and random destruction. These organizations also lack control guidelines that cover the management of records from their creation to their disposal (Abdulrahman, 2015). The absence of guiding principles gives doubt as to how organizational professionals and administrators have been handling managerial decisions. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate record management practices in public institutions to identify their role in the administrative functions of organizations.

    Employees are facing various administrative challenges resulting from ineffective records management. For instance, at times, there are cases of missing or loss of records within the organization, which lead to wastage of so much time trying to locate them. The organization also lacks sufficient space to store some records given that new records are generated on a daily basis. Equally, the problem can be observed in literature as Bakare, Abioye, & Issa, (2016) also observe that there is a startling rate of loss and misplacement of records that contain useful information, which can guide in decision making, especially in public institutions. In another study, Abdulrahman (2015) also states that lack of effective records management can lead to problems such as difficulties in information retrieval for administrative decision making, delays in staffs’ salaries and fringe benefits, inaccurate demographic data and improper registration of employees, which may lead to missing out of employees on important communication. Therefore, there is a need for the acknowledgement of the essence of effective records management in organizational administration from the top management.

    1.3     Aim of the Study

    The aim of this study was to investigate the role of records management practices in the administration of public institutions.

    1.4     Objectives of the Study

    The specific objectives of this study include:

    1. Examine the role of records management in facilitating accountability and transparency in organizational administration
    2. Assess the role of records management in expediting risk management
    3. Evaluate the contribution of records management in tracing organizational activities and progress
    4. Develop an effective records management model

    1.5     Research Questions

    The research questions for this study are;

    1. What is the role of records management in facilitating accountability and transparency in organizational administration?
    2. What is the role of records management in expediting risk management?
    3. What is the contribution of records management in tracing organizational activities and progress?
    4. What is the effective records management model?

    1.6     Significance of the Study

    The findings of this study are of significance practically, theoretically, and in policy development. Practically, the outcomes inform various stakeholders such as the management and employees of public institutions concerning the essence of a records management practices in critical organizational operations, including management. Theoretically, the study findings augment the body of knowledge by contributing to the literature on the significance of records management practices in organizational administration. Additionally, the study also boosts easy access to records through emphasizing on the significance of effective records management practices in organizational management. In policy making, the findings inform policy makers concerning organizational policies, including the incorporation and support of record management in an organization as a regulatory policy in an effort to enhance effective organizational administration.

    1.7     Assumptions of the Study

    1. Organizations do not recognize the significance of records management in organizational running.
    2. Records management practices are important in the management of organizations.

    1.8 Scope of the Study

    The study is also limited to the study objectives that include investigating the role of records in risk management, finance and auditing, and tracing organizational activities and progress. The factors are essential administrative functions. Hence, an investigation of the role of records on these aspects will create insight on the study topic.

    1.9 Limitations of the Study

    An effective completion of this study was constrained by limitations of time, finances, and access to sufficient and effective secondary resources to augment the accessible information. Time limits resulted from tight schedules between work and family activities. However, this challenge was resolved through creation of time each day after work. Additional time was also acquired during the weekends. Another challenge was financial resources to conduct the research. The challenge was resolved through setting aside some income each month for research purposes. The challenge of secondary resource accessibility was resolved through gaining access to some academic sites such as Google Scholar, Google Books, and ProQuest which sufficiently supplemented the Library sources.

    1.10 Operational Terms and Concepts


    A record refers to information that an organization of person creates, receives, and maintains as evidence in the process of business transaction or pursuance of legal obligations.

    Record creation

    Record creation entails the development of consistent regulations to ensure accessibility and integrity through deciding techniques to track and log records by following specified processes for the registration, classification, and indexing of information.

    Record Preservation

    Record preservation refers to all the operations and processes involved in the protection and stabilization of documents against deterioration or damage and in the treatment of deteriorated or damaged documents.

    Record keeping

    Record keeping refers to the making and maintenance of accurate and reliable proof of business operations through recorded information.

    Records management

    Records management refers to the incorporation of various practices aimed at the proper management of an organization’s information. It also entails the systematic control of all the records of an organization during the course of their life cycle for the attainment of operational business needs, fiscal and statutory requirements, as well as, the expectation of the community at large.


    Reinsurer refers to an organization that provides reinsurance services to other insurance companies.

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