Showing posts with label Site. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Site. Show all posts

Wednesday 25 May 2022






Mining activities apart from adding to the revenue base of individuals, families and the government has negative effect on the land cover and residents that adjoins the area, particularly, where such activities are done outside the regulatory framework. It is in this light that this study assesses the effects of abandoned mining sites on resident’s health, environment and Real Estate business in Azara, a suburb of Awe LGA, Nasarawa state. Information relating to the effects of abandoned mining sites was obtained through administration of 155 structured questionnaires to residents of Azara, out of which 127 were returned and used for analysis. Descriptive statistics and Likert scale were used for the analysis. It was discovered that abandoned mining sites in the neighbourhood are breeding grounds for mosquitoes, death traps to young children, building collapse and degradable environment among others. It is therefore worthy to note from the findings that, the demand for land in the area is low and the amount paid for real estate properties in the area is adversely affected due to the negative effect of the abandoned sites on resident’s health and the environs. This study recommends that residents should be educated on building houses close to the abandoned mine sites and the areas should be fumigated. Also, the government of Nasarawa state should enforce environmental regulation to ensure that all disturbed land and abandoned mines are restored and reclaim to its original state after mining operations and approval to initiate mining should be mandatorily preceded by an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).




1.0  Introduction

1.1Background of the Study

Natural resources (metallic,non-metallic minerals and fossil fuels) are important to the development of any country. The general importance of mining sector has been documented to include foreign exchange, employment and economic development (Obaje and Abba, 2005, Nwajiuba 2000).

Artisanal and small-scale mining is a means of livelihood adopted primarily in rural areas. This is sometimes called informal sector, which is outside the legal and regulatory framework (Azubike, 2011). When not formalized, organised, planned and controlled,artisanal and small-scale mining can be viewed negatively by government and environmentalist because of its potential for environmental damage, social disruption and conflicts (Opafunso, 2010).

Abandon mining sites are areas of mining that are no longer maintained or put to mining land use. These abandoned mining sites have spill over effect on the amount paid for Real Estate/properties in the areas where mining activities has taken place. This is as a result of its negative consequences in the environment (Yacim, 2013).

It is based on the above that this study is set to assess the effects of abandoned mining sites on real estate transactions in Azara, Awe local government area of Nasarawa state. Such a study will highlight the influence of abandoned mining sites on the value of propertiesproximate to the abandoned mining sites and in other areas of Azara.


1.2Statement of the Problem

Transaction in real estate is a function of demand and supply. The demand for land in the study area seems to be lopsided in favour of some areas as against some. It is to this end that this research seeks to assess the effects of abandoned mining sites on real estate transactions and how abandoned mine sites affects the residents and residential environments.

1.3Aim and Objectives

This study is aimed at assessing the effects of abandoned mining sites on Real Estate transactions in Azara. To achieve this aim, the following objectives were formulated;

1-      To identify areas of abandoned mine site in Azara.

2-      To identify the causes of abandoned mine site in the study area.

3-      To identify the problems associated with abandoned mine sites.

4-      To identify the nature and type of real estate transactions

5-      To determine the effects of abandoned mining sites on residents and Real Estate transactions.

6-      To proffer solution or suggest policy recommendations.

1.4Research Question

The study seeks to provide answer to the following questions:

1-      Where are the areas of abandoned mine sites found in Azara?

2-      What causes of abandoned mine in the study area?

3-      What are the problems associated with abandoned mine sites?

4-      What is the nature and type of real estate transactions in Azara?

5-      What are the effects of abandoned mining sites on residents and Real Estate transactions?

6-      What are the solutions or policy recommendations that can be proffered?


1.5 Significance of the Study

This research work will help to give solution to the problems associated with abandoned mining sites and serves as a guide to residents living close to the abandoned mining sites. It will also serve as a reference material to students, subsequent research and vital information to the environmental agency and Real Estate developers.

1.6 Scope and Limitations of the Study

This research work will emphasise on the study of the effects of abandoned mining sites on real estate transactions in Awe local government area, with particular emphasis on Azara town. It is however important to state that the research is confined to Azara area only and will dwell on Real Estate transactions in the study area.

Constraints Encountered

Though the researcher faced different challenges in the course of this research like manipulation of data by respondents for personal reasons, efforts were made to ensure that genuine data was obtained. Hence, all the data collected and presented on which all inferences and conclusion are made, were made as accurate as possible.

1.7 Definition of Operational Terms

It will be appropriate at this stage to define some terms as used in the carrying out of this study, viz:

-          Mining:refers to the extraction of mineral deposits from the surface of the earth of from beneath the surface.


-          Mining sites:  Mining sites are areas where ores for mining can be found. These may be above ground (sites) or underground (mines).

-          Abandoned mining sites: These are areas of mining that are no longer maintained or put to mining land use.

-          Real Estate: Real Estate or Real Property constitute of the bundle of rights and possession of land and landed properties.

-          Real Estate Transactions: refers to a system of transactions between landowners, land users and estate agents.

1.8 Historical background of the study area

Azara is a populated place, a suburb in Awe local government area of Nasarawa state. It is located at an elevation of 224 meters above sea level and its population amounts to 71,657.

Its coordinates are 80 22’0” N and 90 15’0”E in DMS (Degree Minute Seconds) or 8.36667 and 9.25 (in decimal degrees).

Azara is bounded by Benue and Taraba states from the southern landscape of Nasarawa state. The area is blessed with mineral resources such as Barites, Pyrite, Clay, Galena, Limestone, Sodium Chloride, among others.

Artisanal and small-scale mining of barite has become a major occupation of the rural mining communities in and around Azara especially during the dry season when the farming activity has ended. The activity provides a major source of income and uplifting the economic well-being of Azara community and environs. The major inhabitants of the region are the Alagos, the Koros, and the minor settlers such as the Hausa fulani, the Tivs and the Kambaris.



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