Showing posts with label electrical and Electronic Engineering Technology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label electrical and Electronic Engineering Technology. Show all posts

Thursday 28 April 2022




Several research activities at KTH are carried out related to Isolated AC/DC converters in order to improve the design and efficiency. Concerning the improvement in the mentioned constraints, losses of the elements in the prototype converter are modeled in this thesis work. The obtained loss model is capable of calculating the losses under different circumstances. The individual contribution of losses for each element at different conditions can be obtained, which is further useful in improving the design and therefore, efficiency. The losses in different elements of the converter, including power semiconductor devices, RC-snubbers, transformer and filter inductor at different operating points can be computed by using the obtained model.The loss model is then validated by comparing the analytical results with the measurements.The results based on developed loss model show consistency with the measured losses. The comparison at different conditions shows that, the difference between measured and analytical results ranges between10% to 20 %. The difference is due to those losses which are disregarded because of their negligible contribution. On the other hand, it is also observed that if the neglected losses are counted, the difference reduces up to 10%.

Chapter 1 – Introduction

1.1            Introduction

The thesis deals with the power loss modelling of “Two Stage Isolated AC/DC Converter” which is suitable for sustainable energy sources. This chapter provides a base for all material presented in the next chapters, which focuses on the loss modelling of different elements in the prototype converter.

AC to DC Converters are one of the most important elements in power electronics. This is because there are a lot of real-life applications that are based on these conversions. The electrical circuits that transform alternating current (AC) input into direct current (DC) output are known as AC-DC converters. They are used in power electronic applications where the power input a 50 Hz or 60 Hz sine-wave AC voltage that requires power conversion for a DC output.

The process of conversion of AC current to dc current is known as rectification. The rectifier converts the AC supply into the DC supply at the load end connection. Similarly, transformers are normally used to adjust the AC source to reduce the voltage level to have a better operation range for DC supply.

1.2            Background and Justification

The thesis is related to the power loss modelling of the two stage isolated AC/DC converter. The power loss modelling of the power electronic converters is of vital importance because of its relation with efficiency, reliability, cost and size.

The prototype converter comprises a Voltage Source Converter (VSC) and a converter coupled by a medium frequency transformer, which are studied in this thesis. The prototype can be operated by applying the soft-switched commutation across all the valves at all the operating points leading to lower switching losses of the power semiconductor devices. The valves of the VSC in the prototype are equipped with lossless snubbers that reduce the

switching losses across the IGBTs and the diodes. The converter in the prototype is equipped with RC-snubbers to reduce the stress on the valves during the commutation and other transients. Furthermore the medium frequency transformer has also lower losses because of its compact size. The concepts applied to the prototype are useful in loss reduction and further can result in higher efficiency and ultimately power density which are the main goals in the design of power electronic converters.

Despite the fact that various loss minimization techniques are employed, the prototype suffers lower efficiency at lower output power. There can be a number of reasons. In order to resolve the issue, power loss modelling of the prototype is required. After obtaining the proper loss model, the losses across the individual elements in the prototype can be obtained, which further helps in improving the design and efficiency.

Alternating current (AC) Alternating Current In alternating current, the current changes direction and flows forward and backward. The current whose direction changes periodically is called an alternating current (AC). It has non-zero frequency. It is produced by AC generator.

Direct Current (DC) Direct current, the current doesn’t change its magnitude and polarity. If the current always flows in the same direction in a conductor then it is called direct current.

1.3    Aim and Objectives of Project/Research

1.3.1     Aim

1. The aim of the project is to implement a AC to DC inverter system.

1.3.2     Objectives

1. To design a ac to dc inverter system.

2. To construct a device that can efficiently change ac voltage to dc voltage level to another within power network.

3. To develop a step down inverter with single input voltage.

4. To be able to describe the losses in all the element that in converted..

1.4            Motivation

AC signals can’t be stored and DC power can’t be stored so we need to convert AC to DC. To convert the electrical energy into DC, we need to store it. AC can be transported over long distances because of it’s frequencies.

1.5     Contribution to Knowledge

Electricity flows in two ways: either in an alternating current (AC) or in a direct current (DC). Electricity or “current” is nothing but the movement of electrons through a conductor, like a wire. The difference between AC and DC lies in the direction in which the electrons flow.

1.6Scope and Limitation of project


project will make use of technology called Beat Frequency Oscillator (B.F.O). this technology employs two oscillators at resonance and a variation of the frequency.


(i) Alternating voltages cannot be used for certain applications e.g. charging of batteries, electroplating, electric traction etc.

(ii) At high voltages, it is more dangerous to work with AC than DC.

You are required to state categorically the coverage and limit of the project.

You are required to state categorically the coverage and limit of the project.                 

1.7Structure of the Report

  • Chapter 2 will look at literature and operation of the converter considering the losses are explained in this chapter.
  • Chapter 3 This involve adopting engineering methodology to calculate the losses are explained in this chapter. Apart from this the mathematical description and the formulation of the losses is also presented.   
  • Chapter 4 This discuss test result of the losses in each element of the converter. The effects of variations of different parameters on the losses are presented.
  • Chapter 5 The conclusion, project appraisal, and recommendation.

Monday 31 January 2022






DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF GAS LEAK DETECTION & MONITORING SYSTEM USING ARDUINO” is a project based on a wireless communication to enhance man and machine safety in a petrochemical industry. In today’s world petrochemical industry although being the largest process control industry it is also highly prone to major fire and gas disasters. A petrochemical industry has excessively high amount of crude oil stored within a confined area. Therefore presence of any external source which can cause heat or fire would lead to a major disaster. Even the gas that are present in petroleum refineries are hazardous.

The Bhopal gas tragedy, which claimed lives of nearly 3,787 people is one of the major accidents due to gas leakage. And another instance, the Vishakhapatnam, HPCL refinery tragedy claimed lives of 30 people. Though a gas and fire detection system was present which is connected to the sensors using large number of wires that run from the control room to various plant areas, during the fire the wire itself got damaged, so the information did not reach the control room.

So in order to avoid any hazard due fire and gas leakage in a petrochemical industry we will design an integrated system which will monitor timely gas leakage in any area around the plant using Arduino which is a wireless communication device. We will also proposed a new system which monitors human density within the plant area. Therefore Integrated plant safety monitor system based on arduino can realize workers attendance registration, Real-time precise positioning, Dynamic gas concentration monitoring, Real-time data transmission & Danger alarm. This project is focused on implementing the newly designed integrated system in CPCL, Manali, Chennai.

Pipeline systems deteriorate progressively over time. Corrosion accelerates progressively and long term deterioration increases the probability of failure (fatigue cracking). Limiting regular inspecting activities to the “scrap” part of the pipelines only, results ultimately into a pipeline system with questionable integrity. The confidence level in integrity will drop below acceptance levels.  Inspection of presently uninspected sections of the pipeline system becomes a must. This project provides information on the “Gas leak detection”.

Pipelines are proven to be the safest way to transport and distribute Gases and Liquids. Regular inspection is required to maintain that reputation. The larger part of the pipelines system is accessible by In-Line Inspection Tools but this access is limited to the section in between the launching and receiving traps only. Unfortunately, corrosion does not have this limitation. The industry looks for means of inspecting these in-accessible pressure holding piping systems, preferably, without interrupting the operations.  It is a fact that sufficiently reliable and accurate inspection results can only be obtained by direct pipe wall contact/access. If that is not feasible from the outside, we have to go inside. Since modifying pipeline systems for In-Line Inspection is mainly not practical,


     A gas leak refers to a leak of natural gas or other gaseous product from a pipeline or other containment into any area where the gas should not be present. Because a small leak may gradually build up an explosive concentration of gas, leaks are very dangerous.In addition to causing fire and explosion hazards, leaks can kill vegetation, including large trees, and may release powerful greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.Robotics is one of the fastest growing engineering fields of today. Robots are designed to remove the human factor from labor intensive or dangerous work and also to act in inaccessible environment. The use of robots is more common today than ever before and it is no longer exclusively used by the heavy production industries. The inspection of pipes may be relevant for improving security and efficiency in industrial plants. These specific operations as inspection, maintenance, cleaning etc. are expensive, thus the application of the robots appears to be one of the most attractive solutions. Pipelines which are tools for transporting oils, gases and other fluids such as chemicals, have been employed as major utilities in a number of countries for long time. Recently, many troubles occur in pipelines, and most of them are caused by aging, corrosion, cracks, and mechanical damages from the third parties. So, continuous activities for inspection, maintenance and repair are strongly demanded.


The aim is to develop a gas leak detection and location system for the production safety in Petrochemical Industry.


To detect the leakage of gas and immediately sends the details of that location to the observer.

To improve the rescue quality and shorten the time for rescue.

To compensate for the weaknesses of existing systems






DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF GAS LEAK DETECTION & MONITORING SYSTEM USING ARDUINO” is a project based on a wireless communication to enhance man and machine safety in a petrochemical industry. In today’s world petrochemical industry although being the largest process control industry it is also highly prone to major fire and gas disasters. A petrochemical industry has excessively high amount of crude oil stored within a confined area. Therefore presence of any external source which can cause heat or fire would lead to a major disaster. Even the gas that are present in petroleum refineries are hazardous.

The Bhopal gas tragedy, which claimed lives of nearly 3,787 people is one of the major accidents due to gas leakage. And another instance, the Vishakhapatnam, HPCL refinery tragedy claimed lives of 30 people. Though a gas and fire detection system was present which is connected to the sensors using large number of wires that run from the control room to various plant areas, during the fire the wire itself got damaged, so the information did not reach the control room.

So in order to avoid any hazard due fire and gas leakage in a petrochemical industry we will design an integrated system which will monitor timely gas leakage in any area around the plant using Arduino which is a wireless communication device. We will also proposed a new system which monitors human density within the plant area. Therefore Integrated plant safety monitor system based on arduino can realize workers attendance registration, Real-time precise positioning, Dynamic gas concentration monitoring, Real-time data transmission & Danger alarm. This project is focused on implementing the newly designed integrated system in CPCL, Manali, Chennai.

Pipeline systems deteriorate progressively over time. Corrosion accelerates progressively and long term deterioration increases the probability of failure (fatigue cracking). Limiting regular inspecting activities to the “scrap” part of the pipelines only, results ultimately into a pipeline system with questionable integrity. The confidence level in integrity will drop below acceptance levels.  Inspection of presently uninspected sections of the pipeline system becomes a must. This project provides information on the “Gas leak detection”.

Pipelines are proven to be the safest way to transport and distribute Gases and Liquids. Regular inspection is required to maintain that reputation. The larger part of the pipelines system is accessible by In-Line Inspection Tools but this access is limited to the section in between the launching and receiving traps only. Unfortunately, corrosion does not have this limitation. The industry looks for means of inspecting these in-accessible pressure holding piping systems, preferably, without interrupting the operations.  It is a fact that sufficiently reliable and accurate inspection results can only be obtained by direct pipe wall contact/access. If that is not feasible from the outside, we have to go inside. Since modifying pipeline systems for In-Line Inspection is mainly not practical,


     A gas leak refers to a leak of natural gas or other gaseous product from a pipeline or other containment into any area where the gas should not be present. Because a small leak may gradually build up an explosive concentration of gas, leaks are very dangerous.In addition to causing fire and explosion hazards, leaks can kill vegetation, including large trees, and may release powerful greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.Robotics is one of the fastest growing engineering fields of today. Robots are designed to remove the human factor from labor intensive or dangerous work and also to act in inaccessible environment. The use of robots is more common today than ever before and it is no longer exclusively used by the heavy production industries. The inspection of pipes may be relevant for improving security and efficiency in industrial plants. These specific operations as inspection, maintenance, cleaning etc. are expensive, thus the application of the robots appears to be one of the most attractive solutions. Pipelines which are tools for transporting oils, gases and other fluids such as chemicals, have been employed as major utilities in a number of countries for long time. Recently, many troubles occur in pipelines, and most of them are caused by aging, corrosion, cracks, and mechanical damages from the third parties. So, continuous activities for inspection, maintenance and repair are strongly demanded.


The aim is to develop a gas leak detection and location system for the production safety in Petrochemical Industry.


To detect the leakage of gas and immediately sends the details of that location to the observer.

To improve the rescue quality and shorten the time for rescue.

To compensate for the weaknesses of existing systems

Sunday 19 November 2017



This project title is written to help hospitals especially SHONAHAN HOSPITAL, NSUKKA, Enugu in the areas they encounter problems in keeping their attendance scheme for patient and the solution given to tackle problem such as transforming the existing manual attendance scheme for patients system in which the existing problems involved at the time was laziness of the Doctors to work, misplacement of files, excessive loitering around of patient for their files and loitering of paper in the office. This software reports on our pilot evaluation of AN ELECTRONIC PATIENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM and their Doctors. The aim is to improve the quality of care to patient and the information about them, as indicated by an improvement in the effectiveness and efficiency of care and in an increase in patient’s satisfaction. This study makes clear that a thorough exploration of users needs before building the system, using qualitative research methods may be crucial because it can prevent data mismatch and maximize the chance that the eventual management system meets its most important aim: to enhance patient’s empowerment and improve the quality of care services. In order to handle this, I decided to introduce a new an electronic patient management system for patients. The project dwells more on Computer duty schedule. This is implemented with Visual Basic programming 6.0 language and Microsoft Access for effective information keeping.
1.1 Background of the Study
An Electronic Patient Management System is any tool used to assist in the delivery of clinical care from point of care initiation to completion. Tools include computer based attendance scheme for patient, payment processing software and information technology systems, blood group and genotype to avoid test result mismatch of data.Electronic based attendance scheme for Patients is used by hospital to create process and record their attendance scheme for patient’s information. This system is used to calculate the nurse punctuate to work. It’s an effective tool in the hands of the hospital management.

Duty is a term that conveys a sense of moral commitment to someone or something. The moral commitment is the sort that results in action, and it is not a matter of passive feelings or mere recognition. When someone recognizes a duty, that person commits himself/herself to the cause involved without considering the self-interesting courses of actions that may have been relevant previously. This is not to suggest that living a life of duty precludes one from the best sort of life, but duty does involve some sacrifice of immediate self-interest.Cicero is an early philosopher who acknowledged this possibility. He discusses duty in his work “On Duty”. He suggests that duties can come from four different sources:
1. It is a result of being human
2. It is a result of one’s personality place in life (your family, country, and job)
3. One’s own moral expectations for you can generate duties

From the root idea of obligation to serve or give something in return, involved in the conception of duty, have sprung various derivative uses of the word; thus it is used of the services performed by a minister of a church, by a soldier, or by any employee or servant.Nurses today have a broad scope of responsibility as health care providers that require them, under some circumstance, to exercise independent professional judgment. When nurses exercise their judgment negligently, they may be held liable because courts hold them to a correspondingly higher level of accountability.Nurses have been held liable for their failure to monitor and/or promptly respond to patients by informing physicians of significant changes in patient’s condition. Under these types of circumstance, nurses have an affirmative duty to exercise their professional judgment to ensure that all adequate steps are taken to treat patients appropriately.

Usage of Information Technology (IT) remained comparatively very less in Health sectors that other sector despite having more potential. Health Institution, which is an important sector, should encourage IT usage resulting better productivity, effectiveness, efficiency and economics leading to better health care of all. This paper tells a success of implementation of ICT (Information Communication Technology) in monitoring of medicine in health institution. System work on low-end resources and E-mail (Electronic mail) based data transfer from District Head Quarter to State Head Quarter.Implementation of Med-Centre in all the district of Enugu result in checking on pilferage (the act of stealing amounts or small articles) for medicine, increase in availability of medicine at Government institution, increase in attendance of patients/doctor in health institution, optimal utilization of medicine and data capturing at source, resulting in availability of error-free data at Head Quarter.

Electronic Patient Management System is a certified automated payment processing software. It is used by hospitals to input, process and display their patient information. This system is used to manage and maintain electronic medical records, patient information, prescriptions, lab reports etc. It is an effective tool in the hand of the hospital management. Shonahan Hospital,Nsukka, Enugu which is the case study, has patients whose fees are to be collected after treatment.

Shonahan Hospital, Nsukka, Enugu is one of the biggest and well equipped hospitals in Nigeria. It has nine (9) training schools/programmers in the hospital.From the studies carried out by the researcher, the hospital’s initial means of recording was manual from automated system to computerized system which lacked some features such as patients and nurses records.

The Hospital is a very important part of our society and it is imperative for healthcare providers to do their jobs in an efficient and effective manner. Each day hundreds of thousands of patients enter healthcare facilities challenging the administration to run the show smoothly. The employees have to manage and integrate clinical, financial and operational information that grows with the practice.Information technology has made a significant impact on the healthcare sector. The past decade has witnessed the foray of numerous information systems and their resultant products into the hospital scenario. The number of investments in computers and types of hospital systems has increased. This is because paper medical records are cumbersome, bulky to use and difficult to manage. On the other hand digital records are much easier to handle and improve the workflow efficiency by integrating various tasks. The ultimate objective therefore, is to build a network of interdependent centers such as the clinical laboratory, radiology department, pharmacy, and so on in order to effectively meet the needs arising within the hospital. Despite the fact that these individual centers are autonomous, they are interdependent in terms of delivering services and to ensure effectiveness of providing care. All this can be achieved through hospital information systems that have formed the cornerstone of today’s modern hospital.

A patient is any person who receives medical attention, care or treatment. The person is most often ill or injured and in need of treatment by a physician or any other medical professional whereas an outpatient is a patient who is not hospitalized for 24 hours or more but who visits a hospital, clinic, or associated facility for diagnosis or treatment. Treatment provided in this fashion is called ambulatory care.

This Electronic Patient Management System is necessary to ensure the medical practitioner to maintain its operations in an organized and well-coordinated manner. These solutions save time and run the operations using the best mechanisms against liabilities. This system is especially helpful in organizing and keeping patient records up-to-date. Patient names, records of treatment and medicine given records are well maintained. Maintaining patient records is really helpful when you are allowed to refer to the patient’s old history. Say for example, you want to refer your old patients for mouth cancer or jaw piece ulcers and cancers, you may be able to locate such records on the basis of their symptoms or conditions as you had entered in the database in the past. By law hospitals are required to record in the outpatient information register once at the beginning of the morning session and once during the afternoon whether the pupil is present, absent, engaged in an approved, or unable to attend due to exceptional circumstances as defined in regulation. If compulsory hospital patients are absent the register must show whether the absence is authorized or unauthorized. It must also record the nature of any approved activities.By using this Electronic Patient Management System, the department will provide the patients with convenience and security of having their payment records been stored automatically into the database for further processing. This automated method is the most advanced and least expensive way to maintain and process patient’s payment records. If a patient’s payment record is not found in the database, definitely that patient’s fees has not yet been paid.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Prior to the problem encountered with patient’s attitude to their check up and treatment, the nurse’s laxity (laziness) over their duties, the need arose to develop a software that will be able to solve the problem. The problem caused by the use of manual method of keeping outpatient information and the use of manual method of keeping attendance scheme for patients can only be solved by computerizing the hospital attendance scheme for patients and computerizing the hospital outpatient information system. The problems that this project is set to solve in the manual method of keeping outpatient information are:
1. Improper documentation of patient payment record.
2. Difficulty in retrieving patient payment record.
1.3 Objectives of the Study
The primary purpose of this project is to enhance the reliability, security, and convenience in the administration of Shonahan Hospital, Nsukka, Enugu, and to have a database that contains complete and comprehensive details of patient departmental payment records as well as a computer based attendance scheme.
The subsidiary objectives of this project are:
1. To improve checkup and treatment load functionality: Staffing level and appropriate skill-mix per shift can be more easily determined by the shift modules. This leads to less time spent in designing and amending roasters.
2. Better care planning: Time spent on care planning is reducing, while the quality of what is recorded improved. This makes for more complete care plans and more complete assessments and evaluations.
3. To facilitate diagnosis of patients thereby reducing patients wasting time
4. To exploit the use of ICT as a platform for medical services
5. To better drugs administration
6. For better maintenance of duty rosters
1.4 Significance of the Study
A patient management system works best as an early intervention; more success was reported when targeted at more entrenched cases.While some patient’s care is usually required, the nursing supervisee’s new checkup and treatment include setting up checkup and treatment schedules, assigning checkup and treatment to a nursing staff, and ensuring that each member of the nursing team is adequately trained.This means that they must ensure that nursing records are correctly maintained, that report is correctly given at each shift change that patient data are up to date and that equipment and other supplies are in stock. Among these, other areas where this project work is significant include:
1. Reducing mortality rate arising from important administration in the medical service.
2. Helping to determine how computerized of hospitals has contributed to easy medical services.
Furthermore, this work will serve as a reference work to students who are carrying research on this topic.
1.5 Scope of the Study
The scope of this study is centered on designing an Electronic Patient management system for patients. In fact it involves all parts of medical field in terms of record keeping for patient’s records and all other aspect of field. However, this project has been limited to GOPD (General Out–Patient Department) which includes the following areas:
1. Recording of patient health record
2. Acceptance of patient/personal symptom and compliant
3. Provisional prescription and treatment.
1.6 Definition of Terms
Computer: This is an electronic device that can accept data information of inputs, process the data and it have the ability to store the data and also retrieves it for future use.
Data: These are groups of non-random symbols such as words, figures, values which represent event and things that have taken place.
Database: This is the collection of related files.
Doctors: These are those that give medical aid to patients.
Duty: This is a term that conveys a sense of moral commitment to someone or something.
Hardware: This can be defined as the physical component of the computer system. Such as monitor, keyboard, printer, mouse. Etc.
Hospital: This is a health facility where people who are ill or injured are given medical treatments and care.
File: These are collection of related records.
Information: this is a data that has been processed into a form which is meaningful to the recipient and which is of perceived value in either current or prospective decisions or action by the recipient.
Management: This is the process of getting activities completed efficiently with and through other people.
Nursing: This is a profession focused on assisting individuals, families and communities in attaining, maintenance, and recovering optimal health and functioning. Modern definition of nursing defines it as a science and an act that focuses on promoting quality of life as defined by persons and families, throughout their life experiences from birth to care at the end of life.
Records: These are collection of related fields.
Software: This is an application or program that can be run on computer.
Storage: This is a processing of storage data and information using storage media.
1.7 Project Work Organization
The report is explained in details from Chapter 1, which contains the preliminary part of the project that discuss the procedures/methods used in carrying out the research.
Chapter two discuss the literature review of various researchers in the field and their analysis.
Chapter Three discuss the system design and methodology that explains the methods used.
Chapter Four explains the system analysis, Implementation and Integration that delivers the implied system of the work
Chapter Five discussed the summary, recommendation and conclusion of the project.

Monday 30 October 2017





With advancement of technology things are becoming simpler and easier for us. Automatic systems are being preferred over manual system. The purpose of this project is to design and construct A GSM based home automation using AVR. Using GSM networks, in this project a home power control system has been proposed that will act as an embedded system which can monitor and control appliances and other devices locally using built-in input and output peripherals. The system has a delay of 2 minutes after the first call to initiate the next command. This project is made up of four vital units. These units are as follows: GSM module unit, peripheral interface control (PIC) unit, driver unit and a power monitoring and control unit. The GSM module is a GSM transceiver which gives the system access to the GSM service provider. The peripheral interface control (PIC) is programmed to carry out the OFF/ RESET operation according to the GSM commands while the driver and control unit consist of capacitors, resistors, diodes, regulators and electromagnetic relay is to effect power switching. The major component that performed the power control of 220v main supply and the automatic voltage regulation (AVR) is the automated electromagnetic relay. The project was realized.

With advancement of technology things are becoming simpler and easier for us. Automation is the use of control systems and information technologies to reduce the need for human work in the production of goods and services. In the scope of industrialization, automation is a step beyond mechanization. Whereas mechanization provided human operators with machinery to assist them with the muscular requirements of work, automation greatly decreases the need for human sensory and mental requirements as well. Automation plays an increasingly important role in the world economy and in daily experience. Automatic systems are being preferred over manual system. Through this project we have tried to show automatic control of a house as a result of which power is saved to some extent. GSM based home automation using AVR is an electronic device that allows a GSM cell phone to monitor and shut down electrical power supply at home where there are emergency or ugly situations such as fire outbreak, lightning strikes, switching surges, transients, neutral failure and other abnormal conditions or malfunctions that can destroy lives and properties.

GSM based home automation using AVR is a system that implements the emerging applications of the GSM technology which enable the users to carry out some task from anywhere in the world via a GSM network, and the system will automatically regulates power surge. The system is made up of a GSM amplifier unit, PIC12f629 microcontroller, power control and a power supply unit. These sub circuits are designed using passive and active electronic components like capacitors, resistors, diode, regulators, transistors, electromagnetic relay, microcontroller and battery.

The new age of technology has redefined communication. Most people nowadays have access to mobile phones and thus the world indeed has become a global village. At any given moment, any particular individual can be contacted with the mobile phone. But the application of mobile phone cannot just be restricted to sending SMS or starting conversations. New innovations and ideas can be generated from it that can further enhance its capability.

Technologies such as Infra-red, Bluetooth, etc which has developed in recent years goes to show the very fact that improvements are in fact possible and these improvements have eased our life and the way we live. Remote management of several home and office appliances is a subject of growing interest and in recent years we have seen many systems providing such controls. An appliance of a certain location is eliminated with the use of our system. These days, apart from supporting voice calls a mobile phone can be used to send text messages as well as multimedia messages (that may contain pictures, graphics, animations, etc). Sending written text messages is very popular among mobile phone users. Instant messaging, as it is also known, allows quick transmission of short messages that allow an individual to share ideas, opinions and other relevant information. We have designed a control system which is based on the GSM technology that effectively allows control from a remote area to the desired location. The application of our suggested system is immense in the ever changing technological world. It allows a greater degree of freedom to an individual whether it is controlling the household appliances or office equipments. There is no need to be physically present in order to control.

Technology has advanced so much in the last decade or two that it has made life more efficient and comfortable. The comfort of being able to take control of devices from one particular location has become imperative as it saves a lot of time and effort. Therefore there arises a need to do so in a systematic manner which we have tried to implement with our system. The system we have proposed is an extended approach to automating a control system. With the advancement and breakthroughs in technology over the years, the lives of people have become more complicated and thus they have become busier than before. With the adoption of our system, we can gain control over certain things that required constant attention. The application of our system comes in handy when people who forget to do simple things such as turn ON or OFF devices at their home or in their office, they can now do so without their presence by making a call from their mobile phone. This development, I believe, will ultimately save a lot of time especially when people don’t have to come back for simple things such as to turn OFF switches at their home or at their office once they set out for their respective work.

The objective of this project is to develop a device that can automatically regulate power surge in the home and allow its users to remotely control and monitor multiple home appliances using a cellular phone. This system is a powerful and flexible tool that will offer this service at any time, and from anywhere with the constraints of the technologies being applied. Possible target appliances include (but are not limited to) climate control system, security systems, lights; anything with an electrical interface.

The proposed approach for designing this system is to implement a microcontroller-based control module that receives its instructions and command from a cellular phone over the GSM network.
The project “GSM based home automation using AVR” as the title suggests is aimed to construct a control system that enables the complete control of the interface on which it is based.
  • General objectives of the project are defined as;
  • To co-ordinate appliances and other devices through phone call.
  • To effectively receive and transmit data via phone call
  • To eliminate the need of being physically present in any location for tasks involving the operation of appliances within a household/office.
  • Minimize power and time wastage
The system specification shows the description of the function and the performance of system and the user. The scope of our project “GSM based home automation using AVR” is immense.
The future implications of the project are very great considering the amount of time and resources it saves. The project we have undertaken can be used as a reference or as a base for realizing a scheme to be implemented in other projects of greater level such as weather forecasting, temperature updates, device synchronization, etc. The project itself can be modified to achieve a complete Home Automation system which will then create a platform for the user to interface between himself and the household.

Our project has certain limitations and a list of such is mentioned below:-
A. The receiver must reside in a location where a signal with sufficient strength can be received from a cellular phone network.
B. Only devices with electrical controlling input ports will be possible targets for control.
C. Operation of the controlling unit is only possible through a cell phone and SIM card with the capability of receiving phone calls.
D. The Control unit must be able to receive and decode phone calls.

The first machines to be operated by remote control were used mainly for military purposes. Radio-controlled motorboats, developed by the German navy, were used to ram enemy ships in World War I. Radio controlled bombs and other remote control weapons were used in World War II. Once the wars were over, United States scientists experimented to find non-military uses for the remote control. In the late 1940’s automatic garage door openers were invented, and in the 1950’s the first TV remote controls were used. Zenith began playing around with the idea of a TV Remote control in the early 1950’s. They developed one in 1952 called “Lazy Bones,” which was a long cable that was attached to the TV Set. Pushing buttons on the remote activated a motor that would rotate the tuner in the set. This type of remote wasn’t popular for long considering that, at the time, there were very few channels to choose from.


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Agada Leonard E.
For: Enems Project.

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 SOLD BY: Enems Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @