Showing posts with label Physics Electronics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Physics Electronics. Show all posts

Sunday 1 January 2023




Human is exposed to background radiation in their environment with or without their consent; and the exposure to natural background radiation is an unpreventable event on earth. The assessment was conducted for the determination of the amount of background ionization radiation level of some gas filling station in Port-Harcourt. This was carried out using RDS-200 Universal Survey Meter. The assessment was done on thirty 5 gas filling station where four (4) readings were taken in each of the gas station in order to have a reliable data. The value of the annual dose rates of the gas station ranges from 0. 63mSv/yr  to 1.44mSv/yr. The radiation levels in the gas station were found to be within the safe limit. This shows a relatively high emission of background radiation from these gas station as compared with the world’s average of lmSv/yr and set by ICRF. These results would serve as a baseline upon which other exposures would be assessed and in the future, serve as reference for dosimetry and decontamination in situation of radiation poisoning of these cafes.



1.1       Background of the Study

Human exposure to background radiation is unavoidable. This is because we live in a “sea of radiation’. It is omnipresence nature in the atmosphere, terrestrial deposits and in our body makes it a unique area of assessing energy in our environment.Background Radiation is a long wavelength electromagnetic radiation that hits the earth uniformly from all direction. It represents energy left over from the “big bang” the explosion of the beginning of the universe. What makes it a background radiation is because of man’s environment most people often associate the word radiation with lionizing radiation (e.g as occurring in nuclear weapons, nuclear reaction) but it can also refer to electromagnetic radiation (i.e radio waves, infrared light, visible light and x-rays). This can also be lionizing radiation to acoustic radiation because energy radiate i.e travels out wardly froth a source called an emitter in straight lines in all directions (Agba, 2016).

Natural Background radiation accounts for 80% of radiation source in our environment which includes cosmic radiation from the sun and outer space and consists of positives charged particles, form radioactive material found on earth surface as in rocks and soil as well as radiation in our bodies in form of element liker potassium 40. The first two sourcesmentioned as referred to as external sources of natural background radiation while the last is called the internal source of natural background radiation. The other 20% comes from the artificial background source like the nuclear power plants, nuclear weapon testing and medical procedures (x-rays and mammography) in medicine and dentistry (ICRP, 2020).

Radiation is classified in to forms based on energy level; the lionization form of radiation which is the high energy radiation capable of lionizing atoms. It includes Alpha Particles bête particles, gamma rays and neutrons. And the non-lionization form of radiation which is a low frequency and energy radiation. It includes ultraviolet rays, visible light microwaves, and radio waves.

Over the years the level of background radiation in our surrounding has grown significantly. A study conducted by Japan’s institute of radiological studies in 1977 shows that the increase in radiation level was due to nuclear power plant production. Other factors regarded as major contributors include nuclear reactor explosion mining activities, industrialwaste and effluent from factories (IAEA 2016) estimate of dose contribution in the environment shows that 85% of radiation dosereceived by man are derived from natural radionuclide while the remaining 15% comes from cosmic rays and nuclear process.

In the year 2000, the average, the average background radiation for human being amounts to about 2.4 micro sievert per year (iSv/yr) and about 5tSv/yr comes from nuclear activities (UNCSCEAR, 2000). At sea level, the average cosmic radiation dose is about 26 mRern per year. At high elevation, the amount of atmosphere shielding cosmic rays decreases and thus the dose increases. Radioactive elements like uranium, thorium and atom which are the terrestrial emitting radio nuclides are also regarded as contributors to high level of background radiation (Ellwell, 2018). Radonfor instance is a current health concern – radon gas formed from radioactive decay of natural uranium in the soil. It emits alpha radiation, raises form soil under houses and can build up in homes particularly well insulted homes.

Exposure to radiation can cause severe damage to human biological system (Emeka, 2017). Although a dose of 25 Rerns which is equivalent to 0.25mSv causes some detectable changes in blood, doses to near 100 Rems usually have no immediate effect. Dose above 100 Rerns causes the first signs of nausea, vomiting, headache, some lost of white blood cells. Dose of 300 Rems on more cause temporary hair loss but also more significantly internal harm including damage to nerve cells and cells that line up the digestive tract (Agba, 2016). Severe loss of white blood cells which are the body defense system makes a radiation victim vulnerable to diseases. Radiation also reduces the blood platelets which aid bloodclotting, so victims of radiation are vulnerable to hemorrhaging. Half of the people exposed to 450 Rems die and dose of 800 Rems are fatal. The main way of saving the cells of the body is to protect it from expcsure to radiation. This is why radiation monitoring and measurement are quite essential in our society today (Hay, 2016).

It cannot be denied that wireless internet routers figure among the devices which emit electromagnetic radiation in order to send signals to computers. However, one school of thought affirm that radiation exposure within a free wireless internet access environment is. so low that it should not be cause for any concern it points out that there is radiation from various natural sources all around such as the sun, while the other school of thought responds that the hammering effects on the body of radiation generated by man’s action are not the same as naturally. occurring radiation. Therefore there is the need to took into the argument to verify the very effect of background radiation in internet cafes and business centers which are the artificial or man-made sources. Most countries of the world including the developed and the developing nations are indifferent, unconscious or ignorant of the potential effect of NIR when subjected to long exposure

1.2       Statement of the Problem

According to Agba et al., (2020), every person is exposed daily to variety of radiation whether he recognize it or not. This is due to the various activities in our immediate surroundings.In fact, the context of background radiation over the years has passed in silence especially in developing countries like ours Nigeria. if it is mentioned at all, it is mostly the theoretical possibilities that are highlighted and negligence in the study especially on it effect to man in his surrounding will continue to leave a threat to human existence. The study finds solution to question like; the various factors that lead to the variation in background radiation of different indoor surrounding of the gas filling station Port-Harcourt in  the hazards of man’s continual exposure to radiation through different radiation emitting source and the possible protection and control measures to its exposure.

1.3       Aim and Objective

1.3.1 Aim

The aim of this research is to measure the background ionization radiation for some gas filling station in Port-Harcourt.

1.3.2    Objectives

In view of the problem defined above, the general objective of the study includes:

  1. To evaluate the amount of radiation present in gas filling station in Port-Harcourt
  2. To review the effects of long exposure to radiation
  3. To create awareness of the possible danger posed by long exposure to non lionizing radiation sources.

1.4       Justification

The limit of radiation exposure for non radiation workers is 1millisievert/yr while that for radiation workers is 20 millisievert average 5yrs according to the international commission on radiological protection (ICRP). As such there is a need to know the amount of background radiation exposure in the internet cafes from which the annual exposure in the cafes can be calculated and compared with international limit started by the ICRP. More so, the recent studies have shown that “Pittsburgh cancer warns of risk from cell phone use” Geoffrey lean in the article “Germany warns citizens to avoid using Wi-Fi’ et al are pointing to more and evidence of diseases being caused by radiation from laptops, cell phones and other similar devices. Hence, there is the need to frequently and increasingly notify the public about the threat posed by radiation to health in general – also information derived from the study will therefore.

  1. Provide database for information regarding management of background radiation in gas filling station.
  2. Create more awareness on the danger posed by background radiation.
  3. Serve as reference for further or subsequent research

1.5       Significance of the Study

The infinite need for use of Internet Cafes or wireless internet service also calls for or demand softly of the people receiving the services. However, it has bçen observed that awareness on safety or steps on how to minimize the risk of exposure to background radiation by devices concerned is drastically neglected.

Like every other business enterprise, most wireless internet cafes have its aim to rnaximize profit at the detriment of their customers. As a result, a conscious effort needs to be made by measuring the amount of background radiation in the Cafes so as to create more awareness from the result of the study.

1.6       Scope and Limitation of the Study

The study focuses on the measurement of the background ionization radiation for some gas filling station in Port-Harcourtrelative to the standard amount of absorbable radiation in order to determine the effect of background radiation to the general public. It is however limited due to the following challenges:

  1. Insufficient finance to carry out the research work
  2. Limited time
  3. Poor cooperation by Internet Cafes owners

1.8       Definition of Terms

  1. Annual Limit Intake (ALT): the limit of radiation absorbed close for a human body as set by ICRP
  2. Cancer: A human disease which is characterized by the abnormal growth of body cells.
  3. Cosmic Radiation: subatomic particle from the sum and outer space that, can travel nearly to the speed of high.
  4. Dose Rate: the rate of lionized radiation absorbed by a human being;
  5. Exposure Rate: the rate at which human being are exposed to radiation dose or radioactive materials.
  6. ICRP: Acronym for international commission on radiological protection an international non- governmental scientific organization responsible for making recommendation and providing guidance on fundamental principles of radiation protection.
  7. Indoor Radiation: Background radiation present within a building or structure.
  8. Radiation pose: The amount of radiation in a body or environment
  9. Radioactive Isotopes: One of two, or more species of atom having the same atomic number that emits radiation or energy in form of streams of particle
  10. Radioactive Materials: substances on earth surface that emits radiation
  11.  Rem: Acronym for Roentgen Equivalent in man, formerly a unit of radiation dose rate used for human body lrem = 0.0lSv.
  12. Sievert: the Ai Unit measuring the probability that a specific dose of a particular radiation type will cause biological effect. 1 sievert is equal to 1 joule per kilogram. And 100 rem.
  13. Uranium: chemically reactive radioactive metallic element that is the main fuel used in nuclear reactors and a radiation emitting source in rocks s and soil.
  14. X -Rays: Electromagnetic radiation which is produced when atomic electrons undergo a charge in orbit.

Thursday 2 June 2022







1.1       background of the study

A turning point for mankind, the discovery and subsequent use of cheaply available fossil feedstock for the production of many beneficial products is mitigated by the realization that the supply of the fossil feedstock is limited, and that the use of derived products is neither environmentally, ecologically, nor economically sustainable. This has led to the recent global quest for renewable sources of energy (Li et al., 2012a). The discovery of biofuels has helped a great deal in alleviating some of the problems identified with fossil fuels such as global warming, as well as provide income and employment opportunities in rural areas. However, as identified by many concerned stakeholders, this alone is not sufficient to solve the looming energy crisis. Plans have been mostly devised to combine many alternative energy sources so as to cover for the looming crisis; however, most of these methods are not totally carbon neutral in their generation of fuel. More often than not, the criteria for a clean energy device, especially in developing countries, involves the lowest and barest energy input requirement, low set-up and maintenance costs, as well as low carbon emissions.


Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) are one of the emerging technologies that currently fit these criteria. Not entirely new, this technology has risen into the development mainstream in the last couple of decades, and although not fully commercialized due to the necessity for improvements in the delivery and manufacture of the fuel cells, it represents a viable option in augmenting the planet’s rapidly depleting energy sources.

While the ability of microorganisms, particularly bacteria, to generate electricity was first observed by Potter (2011), minimal advancements in harnessing this source occurred over the next six decades. However, in the last three decades, great strides have been taken towards the advancement of this technology (Bennetto et al., 2018). The core of this work has been channeled towards improving and modeling power outputs, and characterizing microbial genetics and electron transfer mechanisms.


Since developing countries where energy crises are particularly acute also tend to rely heavily on agricultural production, they have access to a potentially large source of organic waste matter that can serve as an microbial fuel cells substrate for the generation of electricity, thereby alleviating current energy issues. A good example of such an agricultural product, produced in high quantities in developing countries, is cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz). Typically, the waste from cassava processing includes the effluent discharge (whyme), root peelings, and the fibrous root tissue removed during sieving — all waste materials presumably high in organic load. Use of the effluent in an microbial fuel cells has been demonstrated to allow electricity generation as well as serve in waste detoxification before its discharge into the environment. The possibility for a successful breakthrough in the usage of the cassava wastes is highlighted by the fact that the countries like Nigeria with the highest production are also the countries with one of the most acute energy shortages.


The concentration of hydrocyanic acid (HCN) in cassava tuber varies in different species of cassava. There are two major species of cassava viz: sweet cassava and bitter cassava. The sweet cassava has lower level of hydrocyanic acid, while the bitter cassava has a high level of the acid, about 490mgkg-1. The tuber stores a lot of water, but this could be eliminated by dehydrating the liquid juice which is the store of the acid. Hydrocyanic acid is poisonous; hence cassava tubers are carefully and elaborately detoxified before being consumed. By its chemical nature, hydrocyanic acid has both cation⁺ )( Hand anion (CN¯). When it undergoes dissociation the products are: HCN →← H⁺ + CN¯ . With these dipolar characteristics, it could undergo electrolytic process involving the exchange of ions and flow of electrons; this can constitute an electric current. The materials utilised include crushed cassava paste/juice (electrolyte), carbon black, manganese (IV) oxide powder, zinc can, carbon rod, cassava grater, absorbent material. The apparatus needed are voltmeter, ammeter and milliammeter, circuit wires, crocodile clips, electric bulbs.

 1.2       Statement of Problem

Developing countries like Nigeria are faced with two major problems which include acute shortage of electricity and solid waste management which posed a pressing environmental challenge faced by urban and rural areas in the country, with a population exceeding 170 million people. Among several wastes generated by this huge population is agricultural waste. Improper handling of agricultural waste has raised a significant challenge in the past decades. In 2016, agriculture contributed 19.17% to the gross domestic product (GDP) of Nigeria and it also generated large amount of waste materials. Nigeria is involved in growing and producing many food crops. One of such crops is cassava, a starchy staple food crop which has the ability to resist drought and diseases.  Three main types of residues are generated during the industrial processing of cassava: peels, solids, and wastewater. These wastes are poor in protein content, but their residues are very rich in carbohydrate and are generated in large amounts during the production of ‘garri’ and cassava flour from the tubers. The cost associated with the handling and disposal of these wastes constitutes a huge financial burden to the cassava-processing industries in most rural regions of the country. As a result of this challenge, most rural cassava processors choose to dispose the cassava-processing wastes generated into the environment. These wastes have been identified to be toxic to the environment (   ). In a bid to find a use for this abundant waste, the possibility of serving as substrate to produce electricity in a primary dry cell battery becomes very necessary, as the examination of the microbes present on cassava identified rod-shaped gram-positive and cocci-shaped gram negative bacteria as the dominant microbes growing indigenously on the cassava.


1.3       Objective of the Study

The general objective of this study is to construct primary dry cells battery using cassava.


1.4       Significance of the Study

There is great deal of ongoing research which seeks to optimize and predict Microbial fuel cells outputs, enhance associated microbes through genetic manipulation and improve fuel cell designs; however, research with respect to the use of some naturally occurring/generated agricultural products or waste is lagging behind. The heightened usability of such organic materials in microbial fuel cells would not only reduce the initial set up costs and improve microbial fuel cells viability, but also generate and heighten their attractiveness as a means to reduce greenhouse gases as well as overall environmental pollution.

Sunday 19 November 2017



This project title is written to help hospitals especially SHONAHAN HOSPITAL, NSUKKA, Enugu in the areas they encounter problems in keeping their attendance scheme for patient and the solution given to tackle problem such as transforming the existing manual attendance scheme for patients system in which the existing problems involved at the time was laziness of the Doctors to work, misplacement of files, excessive loitering around of patient for their files and loitering of paper in the office. This software reports on our pilot evaluation of AN ELECTRONIC PATIENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM and their Doctors. The aim is to improve the quality of care to patient and the information about them, as indicated by an improvement in the effectiveness and efficiency of care and in an increase in patient’s satisfaction. This study makes clear that a thorough exploration of users needs before building the system, using qualitative research methods may be crucial because it can prevent data mismatch and maximize the chance that the eventual management system meets its most important aim: to enhance patient’s empowerment and improve the quality of care services. In order to handle this, I decided to introduce a new an electronic patient management system for patients. The project dwells more on Computer duty schedule. This is implemented with Visual Basic programming 6.0 language and Microsoft Access for effective information keeping.
1.1 Background of the Study
An Electronic Patient Management System is any tool used to assist in the delivery of clinical care from point of care initiation to completion. Tools include computer based attendance scheme for patient, payment processing software and information technology systems, blood group and genotype to avoid test result mismatch of data.Electronic based attendance scheme for Patients is used by hospital to create process and record their attendance scheme for patient’s information. This system is used to calculate the nurse punctuate to work. It’s an effective tool in the hands of the hospital management.

Duty is a term that conveys a sense of moral commitment to someone or something. The moral commitment is the sort that results in action, and it is not a matter of passive feelings or mere recognition. When someone recognizes a duty, that person commits himself/herself to the cause involved without considering the self-interesting courses of actions that may have been relevant previously. This is not to suggest that living a life of duty precludes one from the best sort of life, but duty does involve some sacrifice of immediate self-interest.Cicero is an early philosopher who acknowledged this possibility. He discusses duty in his work “On Duty”. He suggests that duties can come from four different sources:
1. It is a result of being human
2. It is a result of one’s personality place in life (your family, country, and job)
3. One’s own moral expectations for you can generate duties

From the root idea of obligation to serve or give something in return, involved in the conception of duty, have sprung various derivative uses of the word; thus it is used of the services performed by a minister of a church, by a soldier, or by any employee or servant.Nurses today have a broad scope of responsibility as health care providers that require them, under some circumstance, to exercise independent professional judgment. When nurses exercise their judgment negligently, they may be held liable because courts hold them to a correspondingly higher level of accountability.Nurses have been held liable for their failure to monitor and/or promptly respond to patients by informing physicians of significant changes in patient’s condition. Under these types of circumstance, nurses have an affirmative duty to exercise their professional judgment to ensure that all adequate steps are taken to treat patients appropriately.

Usage of Information Technology (IT) remained comparatively very less in Health sectors that other sector despite having more potential. Health Institution, which is an important sector, should encourage IT usage resulting better productivity, effectiveness, efficiency and economics leading to better health care of all. This paper tells a success of implementation of ICT (Information Communication Technology) in monitoring of medicine in health institution. System work on low-end resources and E-mail (Electronic mail) based data transfer from District Head Quarter to State Head Quarter.Implementation of Med-Centre in all the district of Enugu result in checking on pilferage (the act of stealing amounts or small articles) for medicine, increase in availability of medicine at Government institution, increase in attendance of patients/doctor in health institution, optimal utilization of medicine and data capturing at source, resulting in availability of error-free data at Head Quarter.

Electronic Patient Management System is a certified automated payment processing software. It is used by hospitals to input, process and display their patient information. This system is used to manage and maintain electronic medical records, patient information, prescriptions, lab reports etc. It is an effective tool in the hand of the hospital management. Shonahan Hospital,Nsukka, Enugu which is the case study, has patients whose fees are to be collected after treatment.

Shonahan Hospital, Nsukka, Enugu is one of the biggest and well equipped hospitals in Nigeria. It has nine (9) training schools/programmers in the hospital.From the studies carried out by the researcher, the hospital’s initial means of recording was manual from automated system to computerized system which lacked some features such as patients and nurses records.

The Hospital is a very important part of our society and it is imperative for healthcare providers to do their jobs in an efficient and effective manner. Each day hundreds of thousands of patients enter healthcare facilities challenging the administration to run the show smoothly. The employees have to manage and integrate clinical, financial and operational information that grows with the practice.Information technology has made a significant impact on the healthcare sector. The past decade has witnessed the foray of numerous information systems and their resultant products into the hospital scenario. The number of investments in computers and types of hospital systems has increased. This is because paper medical records are cumbersome, bulky to use and difficult to manage. On the other hand digital records are much easier to handle and improve the workflow efficiency by integrating various tasks. The ultimate objective therefore, is to build a network of interdependent centers such as the clinical laboratory, radiology department, pharmacy, and so on in order to effectively meet the needs arising within the hospital. Despite the fact that these individual centers are autonomous, they are interdependent in terms of delivering services and to ensure effectiveness of providing care. All this can be achieved through hospital information systems that have formed the cornerstone of today’s modern hospital.

A patient is any person who receives medical attention, care or treatment. The person is most often ill or injured and in need of treatment by a physician or any other medical professional whereas an outpatient is a patient who is not hospitalized for 24 hours or more but who visits a hospital, clinic, or associated facility for diagnosis or treatment. Treatment provided in this fashion is called ambulatory care.

This Electronic Patient Management System is necessary to ensure the medical practitioner to maintain its operations in an organized and well-coordinated manner. These solutions save time and run the operations using the best mechanisms against liabilities. This system is especially helpful in organizing and keeping patient records up-to-date. Patient names, records of treatment and medicine given records are well maintained. Maintaining patient records is really helpful when you are allowed to refer to the patient’s old history. Say for example, you want to refer your old patients for mouth cancer or jaw piece ulcers and cancers, you may be able to locate such records on the basis of their symptoms or conditions as you had entered in the database in the past. By law hospitals are required to record in the outpatient information register once at the beginning of the morning session and once during the afternoon whether the pupil is present, absent, engaged in an approved, or unable to attend due to exceptional circumstances as defined in regulation. If compulsory hospital patients are absent the register must show whether the absence is authorized or unauthorized. It must also record the nature of any approved activities.By using this Electronic Patient Management System, the department will provide the patients with convenience and security of having their payment records been stored automatically into the database for further processing. This automated method is the most advanced and least expensive way to maintain and process patient’s payment records. If a patient’s payment record is not found in the database, definitely that patient’s fees has not yet been paid.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Prior to the problem encountered with patient’s attitude to their check up and treatment, the nurse’s laxity (laziness) over their duties, the need arose to develop a software that will be able to solve the problem. The problem caused by the use of manual method of keeping outpatient information and the use of manual method of keeping attendance scheme for patients can only be solved by computerizing the hospital attendance scheme for patients and computerizing the hospital outpatient information system. The problems that this project is set to solve in the manual method of keeping outpatient information are:
1. Improper documentation of patient payment record.
2. Difficulty in retrieving patient payment record.
1.3 Objectives of the Study
The primary purpose of this project is to enhance the reliability, security, and convenience in the administration of Shonahan Hospital, Nsukka, Enugu, and to have a database that contains complete and comprehensive details of patient departmental payment records as well as a computer based attendance scheme.
The subsidiary objectives of this project are:
1. To improve checkup and treatment load functionality: Staffing level and appropriate skill-mix per shift can be more easily determined by the shift modules. This leads to less time spent in designing and amending roasters.
2. Better care planning: Time spent on care planning is reducing, while the quality of what is recorded improved. This makes for more complete care plans and more complete assessments and evaluations.
3. To facilitate diagnosis of patients thereby reducing patients wasting time
4. To exploit the use of ICT as a platform for medical services
5. To better drugs administration
6. For better maintenance of duty rosters
1.4 Significance of the Study
A patient management system works best as an early intervention; more success was reported when targeted at more entrenched cases.While some patient’s care is usually required, the nursing supervisee’s new checkup and treatment include setting up checkup and treatment schedules, assigning checkup and treatment to a nursing staff, and ensuring that each member of the nursing team is adequately trained.This means that they must ensure that nursing records are correctly maintained, that report is correctly given at each shift change that patient data are up to date and that equipment and other supplies are in stock. Among these, other areas where this project work is significant include:
1. Reducing mortality rate arising from important administration in the medical service.
2. Helping to determine how computerized of hospitals has contributed to easy medical services.
Furthermore, this work will serve as a reference work to students who are carrying research on this topic.
1.5 Scope of the Study
The scope of this study is centered on designing an Electronic Patient management system for patients. In fact it involves all parts of medical field in terms of record keeping for patient’s records and all other aspect of field. However, this project has been limited to GOPD (General Out–Patient Department) which includes the following areas:
1. Recording of patient health record
2. Acceptance of patient/personal symptom and compliant
3. Provisional prescription and treatment.
1.6 Definition of Terms
Computer: This is an electronic device that can accept data information of inputs, process the data and it have the ability to store the data and also retrieves it for future use.
Data: These are groups of non-random symbols such as words, figures, values which represent event and things that have taken place.
Database: This is the collection of related files.
Doctors: These are those that give medical aid to patients.
Duty: This is a term that conveys a sense of moral commitment to someone or something.
Hardware: This can be defined as the physical component of the computer system. Such as monitor, keyboard, printer, mouse. Etc.
Hospital: This is a health facility where people who are ill or injured are given medical treatments and care.
File: These are collection of related records.
Information: this is a data that has been processed into a form which is meaningful to the recipient and which is of perceived value in either current or prospective decisions or action by the recipient.
Management: This is the process of getting activities completed efficiently with and through other people.
Nursing: This is a profession focused on assisting individuals, families and communities in attaining, maintenance, and recovering optimal health and functioning. Modern definition of nursing defines it as a science and an act that focuses on promoting quality of life as defined by persons and families, throughout their life experiences from birth to care at the end of life.
Records: These are collection of related fields.
Software: This is an application or program that can be run on computer.
Storage: This is a processing of storage data and information using storage media.
1.7 Project Work Organization
The report is explained in details from Chapter 1, which contains the preliminary part of the project that discuss the procedures/methods used in carrying out the research.
Chapter two discuss the literature review of various researchers in the field and their analysis.
Chapter Three discuss the system design and methodology that explains the methods used.
Chapter Four explains the system analysis, Implementation and Integration that delivers the implied system of the work
Chapter Five discussed the summary, recommendation and conclusion of the project.

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