Thursday 5 May 2016



Once driven by the production and exportation of durable goods such as automobiles and textiles, the global economy of the 1990’s in now bore ding  through the information age. As times, place and distance are no longer barriers to doing business more and more offices are going global cultivating relationship at an unprecedented pace .

In order to survive in the new global economy, these offices must more information faster and in greater quantities than ever before.

This trend of information gathering and sharing has necessitated the development of more complex for reaching office technology (Information Technology Machines).

New technologies are constantly changing the way the world works in terms of communication, time management and even the language of business. Since keeping up with the worlds, continue with into the future. Companies that to stay competitive have learned to adapt to and even embrace technological development (Information Technology Machines) as fast as they can be brought to market.

Some of the new technology (Information Technology Machines) in the office are reviewed below:


The typewriter is fitted with an electric motor, which sets the type bar in motion with a slight touch. The typewriter has an automation pressure number of carbon copies produces at one typing.

The electric typewriter may have the usual type bar or single cement of golf ball. The special feature of the golf ball is the characters are embossed round the perimeter of a typing head, which rotate bring the required letter or symbol against the ribbon.

The heads can be interchanged to produce different fonts or style of characters and special scientific and foreign language. Alphabetic can be freed or embossed as desired.

Word processors

Word processors are the latest developments of technology in the office information system.

It is therefore very important that those in the secretarial profession should familiarize themselves with their use.

In Akporowo (2005:30), the word of processor is side to be a more sophisticated aviator of the automation typewriter in that it comprises of a work station with keyboard and a rapid print, like the typewriter, a screen like of the television know as the visual display unit and central processing unit (cpu). This makes it possible for the operation to see immediately when is being produced in order to ascertain correctness. The keyboard is like that of the manual machine with the QWERTY but with addition command keys to enable additional instruction to be carried out.

The word processor has two main advantages over the standard typewriter. It produces copies individually and very speedily, each cope looking like a printed original and also edits typed matter or text by correcting, substituting, deleting and adding to already type texts. These are done without the need to retype the entire work, as is usually the case on a manual or electric typewriter. A special feature of the word processor is the central processing unit has storage facilities known as the memory in which information (text) is stored on flopped disk magnetic tapes cards. For subsequent use by a key stroke which, recalls the text and reproduces or display it on the visual display unit (screen) for use as necessary. The machine is also capable of the numbering pages, centering, headings, automatically and diving words at line ends therefore producing a justified right hand margin


As we continue to barrel through the information age, it is hard to imaging conducting business without computers. Each day, millions of people working in offices and homes around the world depend on computer technology to do the jobs efficiently and economically. To truly understand the computers history and usage involve a daunting journing through mathematic, physics, and electronic engineering, through binary code, Boolean logic, real time magnetic core, memories floating, numerical notation, transistors, semi conductors, integrated circuit and more luckily most office workers especially the secretaries do not need to understand this dazing array of software programs they executive.

Smitsoman (2006:7-8), defined a computer as an information processing machines. It can store date as numbers, letters, pictures or symbols and manipulate these data at great speed in the machine as program.

Ochiedu (2008:33), defined computer as a device which work the control of a stored program. Atomically accepting data and processing data to produce information which is the result of that processing. The computer helps in an organization to produce volume of data at a very short period of time in very high speed.


According to Ochiedu (2010:95), the internet is a global collection of different types of computers and computer network that linked together via telephone line or by satellite communication.

The internet enables a person to sit at his computer and exchange data information, news, cutters with others, the nutrient has done much eliminating issue of distance and geographical barriers to almost any where in the in the world.


Some notable resources provided by internet are:

  1. Electronic mail (E-mail)
  2. Teleconferencing
  3. Voice mail
  4. Electronic mail (E-mail): This is a paperless medium that is just the same way mails are delivered by the postmaster, computer quickly and efficiently routes message to the appropriate individuals. E-mail therefore reforest to messages sent from person to another via computer.
  5. Teleconferencing:The concept of teleconferencing according to Ochiedu (2010:98) is a allow meeting or conference to be held by participants from widely dispersed areas but who are unable to see and hear each other. The data, the message and information do the traveling.
  6. Voice mail: This is another medium of communication that the receiver hears the mode. An example of the voice mail could be an answering machine, telephone etc. voice mail are machine records messages for the receiver in her absence. Hence it has the advantage of recording information for the receiver , which could be replayed when the receiver comes back to the office.

It is very necessary for the trained secretary to be able to operate these information technology machines which they commonly used in most organization to achieve high productivities in short period of time and to be able to complete effectively with counter parts in other organizations, and also to be measure up with scientific development of office information.


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