Thursday 5 May 2016



“The secretary- General recognizes the enormous potential of information and technology to strengthen the decision-making and delivery capacity of the secretarial. It is of paramount importance to the secretary-general to ensure that the technology environment, for which the chief information officer is responsible, fully supports the work of the united Nations in the areas of peace and security” development, human rights and international law, among other mandates. That requires continued focus on successfully delivering existing priority initiatives.

In the past technology has been regarded as utility which is separate from substantive business. The main important of information technology is listed below:

  1. Information processing
  2. Storage and Retrieval
  3. Input
  4. Output
  5. Distribution
  6. Information processing:This is the chain of activities involve in getting raw data converted to refined information that would be ready for final consumption or for taking a final decision.
  7. Storage and Retrieval: By ensuring safety of the already processed information for future need or reference whenever the need arises. Or Storage is an aspect of keeping documents or other equipment in a safer place so as to avoid wastage or spillage. These range from the most common form (office files) to the sophisticated types such as computer, flash, CD-ROM etc. All these are done with the aim of keeping records intact for the successful running of the organization as well as for future references. Today, there are available for preserving records in offices and organizations which are as follows:
  8. Computer system

Computer system is the electronic machine that capable of receiving data as raw input and be able to process the data at a very faster and then provide result as an output.

  1. Flash

This is a small object that is used to copy and transfer information from one computer system to another system within the same environment or over a distance without much stress.

iii. CD-ROM

This is a small round plastic plate also used in copying information from one system to another system. Sometime, this is equally designed by the manufacturer of the computer itself housing certain information about the programmers incorporated in the system (non-rewriteable).

  1. Handset

This is an object used for communication between individuals over a distance. At the same time the handset has the facilities to store certain information such a name of close associates, business partners, text messages, recorded voice, internet browsing and a few more.

  1. Input: this is an act of getting raw data/facts into the computer system by way of typing with the means of keyboard or whatever.
  2. Output: this is piece of refined information or document gotten as a result of series of processing activities that had been performed on the data by the machine.

5.Distribution: this means passing of the processed information to the needy bodies by the concerned authorities.


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