Thursday 5 May 2016



The need of information technology in the modern business with the challenges of the automated office tasks makes It absolutely necessary for secretaries to be current with information technology. Here in Nigeria, most secretaries tend to underplay the vital role they have to play as the custodians of information in an office consequently, they seen not prepared for the challenges of information  technology, even in their special areas of electric typewriters and word processors.

There is a growing need for managers to computerize information system. Many administrators and bosses in the private sectors are also seeing the advantages derivable from computerized office system and are well working towards ‘paperless’ hence it is therefore very necessary for secretaries to be more adaptable and versatile.

They are now rests on secretary who still rely on the old manual method of processing information to update their skills and families themselves with some information technology equipment to enable them cope with and perform the numerous task of the modern office.

Mernoey (2003), believed that there acquisition of automation skill is not enough for secretaries. They believed that the following criteria must be meet by a secretary who hopes to cope with the challenges of the information technology office tasks.

  1. A desire to work with machine.
  2. Good keyboard and excellent grammar skills.
  3. Proof reading ability and excellent reading comprehension.
  4. Ability to use reference and resource and resources materials.

A proficient secretary is expected to demonstrate competence in ability to operate electronic typewriter, word processor, computer, audio typing /Dictaphone telex equipment, assorted photocopying machine, fax machines, automatic switch board, ratio equipment and even teleconferencing. The role of the secretary is being transformed from the traditional role of taking note in shorthand and transcribing some on manual typewriters to storing, retrieving and test editing of information on computers, word processor, electronic typewriter and computer storage devices such as diskettes and magnetic disc/tapes to the wind of changes in the business world.

Information technology plays a vital role in the effectiveness and deficiency of secretary especially because of the trend in the demand of the profession today. As one will rightly notice in newspapers, employers have preference for secretaries who are computer literate.

The volume of work done by secretaries in their work place via the computer has placed the secretary in an enviable and indispensible position in business organization.

Information technology has really aided the secretary to discharge her duties effectively and efficiently in offices. With the use of computers the range and quality of services now offered by computer literate secretaries are better in all dimensions. As a matter of fact, the day- today handling of raw data, filling of files, compiling reports, typing, filling of documents etc. to produce useful or meaningful meeting minutes could be keyed to the computer “brain “ memory.

The computer and information technology machine has also opened new career paths for secretary.

The word of information technology is live to stay and although the papacies office remains a glieent in a scientist’s eye, the more we understanding about computers the more effectively we can operate as secretaries.

In a nut shell, the contribution of information technology to the secretarial profession cannot be over emphasized. It brings about greater efficiency, relieves monotony, facilitates standardization of office work, minimize fraud and enhance better quality of work done by a secretary.


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