Saturday 4 June 2022

Television as a Medium of Communication

Television as a Medium of Communication

Television was indeed, one of the greatest inventions of 20th century. John Logie Baird gets the credit for inventing the 1st mechanical working television system in 1926. Vladimir Kosma Zworykin demonstrated a system of Television with a cathode ray tube called ‘kinescope’ which is the basis of modern television. Television is basically an audio – visual medium of communication which makes optimum use of sight and sound. This unique medium communicates information, education, advertisement, entertainment, publicity, propaganda and other services to the mankind by combining the elements of sound, picture, motion, color and drama. It simultaneously appeals to one’s sense.


The eye is one of the most powerful sensory organs and two thirds of learning comes through the sense of sight much more than what people learn through the sense of sound. Audio-visual information lasts long in one’s memory. The presence of color enables one to show things in natural colors enhancing the level of communications. The motion gives one more dynamism to the process of communication. The other chief element is drama that is interwoven in the presentation. Thus, the presence of these rich characteristics of theatre in television makes the communication process more effective and helps the viewers in the perception of information.

The live nature of television allows it to transmit visuals and information almost instantly. This capacity of television makes it ideal for transmitting live visuals of news and various events. A large number of audiences who cannot read or right can watch television and access the information shown on television. As a medium of communication, television also as a very wide output, range and reach. By nature, television is generally identified as a transitory medium of communication. It is different from other media of communication. It combines compelling visuals with the personal immediacy of radio. This audio visual character gives television a great power in conveying realism which keeps the viewers emotionally involved with the programme. It allows the audiences to witness various events which take place around the world. The new media enable the audiences to participate in various events by posting their comments on websites.


Television as a mass medium has tremendous influence on modern society. No medium has ever dominated people’s lives as television did. Today television has replaced the film as a dream machine to emerge as the most popular and powerful medium of mass communication. Television is mainly responsible for the rapid shrinking of the world – a world without boundaries. It is obvious that television plays a dominant role in modern society. It is widely understood that television has both positive and negative impact on people

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