Showing posts with label Television. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Television. Show all posts

Thursday 2 March 2023




The study examined role of television in uplifting educational standard in Nigeria (A case study of OSBC and NTA, Osogbo). Mass media especially television has been major agent of socialization and education in society through some educational programmes like Who Wants to be a Millionaire, Brain Test, Quiz T.V, Take a Step, Debates and many more apart from paying attention to government and non-governmental educational organization like Universal basic Education. Today education is not limited within teachers and taught without social environment and mass media is one such potent force in the social environment of education. Mass media prove that education is really comprehensive not confined within four walls of the classroom really, television as the educational medium for the mass and mass education. However, for the purpose of this study. Survey research method was employed with the use of questionnaire.


1.0    Introduction

1.1    Background to the Study

          Mass media especially television is regarded as the eye and hear of the people because media look for information on behalf of the general public. Television helps the populace to be aware of the various events near and far away.

          Television is now inseparable with the- society because of the numerous roles they play in our society including educational function.

          The mass media especially television is a very powerful socializing agent to reach large heterogeneous and widely dispersed audiences.

          It is also observed that it can reach millions of people over huge areas very quickly even from the other side of the world by spreading news, information, entertainment and propaganda, persuade.

          Indeed television represents a powerful tool of socializing people and students in particular through their different programme which increases the level of literacy in the society by providing educative programmes for the people. Television do not only transmit information and messages but also provide visual oriented (Picture) of government activities like Universal Basic Education programme, quiz, debate, and other edticative and academic activities that will enrich the people.

          Television equally teaches the individual or public the norms and values of society sand reinforce same. Recent developments in television have drastically affected educational procedure for improved quality of education offered to students; television resources in instructional delivery in schools will serve dual purposes and more efficient classroom instruction. Coastock, O. et. al. (2008). Below are some of other role of television in education as highlighted by Buren, T. (2000).

1. Socialization: Television helps to socialize children on their cultural values in their domain especially how to knew about past, great personalities, festivals, ceremonies, dressing and behaviour. Through programme like, and some print content dedicated to culture and education.

2. Religion: A lot are learnt today on television about one’s religious especially on radio and television anchored by religion analysts while religion leaders are invited to educate and sensitize their followers. Such programmes carries titles like “religion of faith”, “time for paradise”, “words of God” e. t. c

3. Subject: Various subjects like mathematics, English language, Yoruba, and technological-based subjects are disseminate on radio and television to teach children. This can have titles like “My T.V Teacher’, “TV-education show”.

e.t.c –

4. Brain Test: Children are also educated and tested through brain test competition shows like T.V quiz, Who wants to be a Milifonaire e t. c 5 Sex Education: Sex education are also presented to children on television and radio especially how to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy and diseases like HIV/AIDS such programme are: Abule Oloke Meje, and many more.

1.2    Statement of the Problem

          Television being an audiovisual medium influence youth especially students on their day to day activities. It teaches moral as well as bad behaviour, as people especially youths are exposed to various educative programmes. The research sought the role of television, in. uplifting standard in Nigeria with a focus on OSBC, Osogbo and NTA, Osogbo.

1.3    Objectives of the Study

i.        To examine whether television has affected the youths positively or           negatively.

ii.       To know how television serves as an instrument of educational       advancement.

iii.      To highlight the areas of television programme that stimulates        group discussion among youths.

iv.      To know whether media contribute to societal educational pursuit. v.       To make the students know the value of television.

1.4    Research Questions

          The following questions are outline in order to dig out the real mind of the people on the topic of the study.

  1. In what ways has television affected the youths positively or negatively?
  2. How can television serves as an instrument of educational     advancement?
  3. In what areas can television programme stimulate group discussion         among students?
  4. Do media contribute to societal educational pursuit?
  5. Have the country discovered the uniqueness of media in the encouragement of education in the society.

1.5 Significance of the Study

          The objective of the study is to examine and analysis the impact of television on youths education.

          The work will benefit mass outfits and media practitioners on the need to include in their day to day activities some of the programmes that can promote and improve education such as quiz, debate, brain test e.t.c.

          Future researchers would as well benefit from this work as it will complement their research effort.

          Institutions will through the result of this research discover the best way to use television and the benefits capable of acquiring.

          Government will also see the importance of mass media in achieving educational objectives. Such as the media coverage given to the launching of Opon-Imo (Tablet) in Osun State.

          At the end of this research youth will benefit immensely to know the best way to use television and what type of programme can add to them academically.

1.6    Scope of the Study

          This research has been narrowed down to the role of television in uplifting educational standard in Nigeria with a focus on Osbc, Osogbo and NTA Osogbo.

          Yet the study discuss extensively on the concept of broadcasting, television, television programmes, impact of television programme and others.

          However, to effectively discuss the subject matter of this research, effort ‘shall be trade on the demographic factors of both OSBC and NTA Osogbo staff and management such as age, gender, academic background, work experience e.t.c will be studied before the restructuring and administration of questionnaire.

1.7    Limitation to the Study

          It is not an overstatement that a work of this nature cannot be carried out without some hard experience, however below are some of the constraints to this work.

          There are many limitations ranging from not knowing where to start, not knowing who to consult or approach for materials not knowing what next to write in various segment of this study and not actually knowing who to put me through in achieving my work and others are:

1. Stress from other academic activities is one of the limitations to the research work

2. Financial constraint to travel to different places.

3. Duration for the research work is relatively short

3. Materials that are available on this topic is relatively small as the concept is new or people are not written from that angle.

1.7    Definition of the terms

Impact: This refers to the contribution of television on educational upliftment in society.

Television: Television is one of the means of communication which combining both sound and visual sent through a station or through a wireless means to the receiving set such as OSBC and NTA Osogbo.

Education: It refers to the knowledge acquire by an individual through television media.

Standard: It refers to the improvement in the educational system in the society.

Saturday 4 June 2022

Role of Television in Child Development


Role of Television in Child Development

Child development is not a unidimensional aspect of human development. There are several characteristics which depict the state of child development. Prominent among them include speed and pattern of development, mechanisms of developmental change, population differences, individual differences, motor development, cognitive development, emotional development, social development, language development and so on. The scholars have brought all these aspect of child development under ‘developmental psychology’ which refers to development of human beings throughout their lifespan. Child development broadly constitutes the overall development of children.


The role of television in child development is widely debated all over the world since the decade of 1950s. Several commissions and individuals have examined the effects of television programmes and commercials on particular segments of global population, specifically children. A substantial amount of research has been carried out in order to develop a considerable body of knowledge concerning the role of television in child development. McLuhan (2016) observes: “we need to know more about what elements in the television programmes influence children’s personality and what preventive measures are effective in molding the personality of children in future since television cultivates forms of thought that are fundamentally different from those used in processing print or some other media”.


Van Evra (2014) conducted an intensive and extensive review of major studies about television and child development by both communication scholars and developmental child psychologists. She also pointed out that moderate viewing of television programmes would help develop the communication skills of children from technological innovations such as VCRs, cable, home videos, video games, computers, etc. had new influences in the lives of children. Scholars have also recognized that television enabled the children to learn certain pro-social behaviors. The uses and gratifications theory also pointed out that heavy television viewing resulted in a more serious effort to derive information and knowledge from what was viewed by the audiences.


Edgar and Edgar (2008) observe: “television programmes can stimulate a child’s imagination and open up the infinite opportunities that life presents. Like good books, good television programmes can extend children’s understanding of their world. Children will watch good programs repeatedly and keep watching them as they grow older, learning different things each time because they can engage with quality in increasingly sophisticated. Good children’s television comprises programs made especially for children that reflect the complexity of the emotional changes within the age group and honestly deal with conflicts that such diversity demonstrates. Technology makes it possible to design programs that are not only appropriate to a particular age group, but also to different developmental level within that age group. Good programming can teach the children valuable lessons about living in community”.


Television has also become a prominent educational medium since it uses a language or a symbol system which differs in many ways from other communications media. It conveys more experiential meanings and provides useful educational packages to the children. The television programmes have the capacity to facilitate cognitive development in children if they are produced and broadcast in accordance with the specific needs of the children. Studies have revealed that children learn certain behavioral patterns through television programmes which are carefully planned, designed and broadcast to improve cognitive development of children. Investigations have also a revealed that television programmes have produced positive and negative effects on children.


Heather (2018) comment: “although research clearly demonstrates that well-designed, age appropriate, educational television can be beneficial to children of preschool age, studies on infants and toddlers suggest that these young children may better understand and learn from real-life experiences than they do from video. Early exposure to age appropriate programmes designed around an educational curriculum is associated with cognitive and academic enhancement, whereas exposure to pure entertainment, and violent content in particular, is associated with poorer cognitive development and lower academic achievement. Research on children’s television viewing can inform guidelines for producers of children’s media to enhance learning”.

Researchers have provided information on the role of television in the development of cognitive skills of children who become active media users after 3 years. 

Anderson et al. (2015) asserted Educational programmes are positively associated with overall measures of achievement and with potentially long-lasting effects. Harris and Williams (2015) reported a positive association between achievement and computer and Internet use at home. Fisch (2010) has suggested that producers integrate narrative and educational contents as much as possible in order to maximize the cognitive resources available to children

Television as a Medium of Communication

Television as a Medium of Communication

Television was indeed, one of the greatest inventions of 20th century. John Logie Baird gets the credit for inventing the 1st mechanical working television system in 1926. Vladimir Kosma Zworykin demonstrated a system of Television with a cathode ray tube called ‘kinescope’ which is the basis of modern television. Television is basically an audio – visual medium of communication which makes optimum use of sight and sound. This unique medium communicates information, education, advertisement, entertainment, publicity, propaganda and other services to the mankind by combining the elements of sound, picture, motion, color and drama. It simultaneously appeals to one’s sense.


The eye is one of the most powerful sensory organs and two thirds of learning comes through the sense of sight much more than what people learn through the sense of sound. Audio-visual information lasts long in one’s memory. The presence of color enables one to show things in natural colors enhancing the level of communications. The motion gives one more dynamism to the process of communication. The other chief element is drama that is interwoven in the presentation. Thus, the presence of these rich characteristics of theatre in television makes the communication process more effective and helps the viewers in the perception of information.

The live nature of television allows it to transmit visuals and information almost instantly. This capacity of television makes it ideal for transmitting live visuals of news and various events. A large number of audiences who cannot read or right can watch television and access the information shown on television. As a medium of communication, television also as a very wide output, range and reach. By nature, television is generally identified as a transitory medium of communication. It is different from other media of communication. It combines compelling visuals with the personal immediacy of radio. This audio visual character gives television a great power in conveying realism which keeps the viewers emotionally involved with the programme. It allows the audiences to witness various events which take place around the world. The new media enable the audiences to participate in various events by posting their comments on websites.


Television as a mass medium has tremendous influence on modern society. No medium has ever dominated people’s lives as television did. Today television has replaced the film as a dream machine to emerge as the most popular and powerful medium of mass communication. Television is mainly responsible for the rapid shrinking of the world – a world without boundaries. It is obvious that television plays a dominant role in modern society. It is widely understood that television has both positive and negative impact on people




Television programmes have the potential to generate both positive and negative effects, and many studies have looked at the impact of television on society, particularly on children and adolescents. The child’s developmental level is a critical factor in determining whether the television and other media will have positive or negative effects. Television viewing frequently limits children’s time for vital activities such as playing, reading, learning to talk, spending time with peers and family, storytelling, participating in regular exercise, and developing other necessary physical, mental and social skills (Mahest, Aabid and Raja, 2013).


Television programme has a strong influence in consumers including the children. But this influence can be understood within a larger and more complex framework of lifestyles and social relations of individuals and groups. Television is also responsible for the construction of meanings and the possibility of interpreting what children watch or do not watch and television can influence the way children understand what they watch over television and meanings they obtain from the contents. The research carried out in different parts of the world revealed the importance of the direct interaction between television and children. Scholars have also examined the television experiences of children. 


Television watching can have positive effects on school children if well guided by parents and guardians. Television watching as a learning process can promote general learning as well as school children’s academic performance either negatively or positively (Mahest, Aabid and Raja, 2013). Several scholars support this when they stated that; although excessive television watching may impair school performance, limited amount of television watching may be beneficial (Mahest, Aabid and Raja, 2013). Watching educational television programs may enhance school readiness and academic performance (Mahest, Aabid and Raja, 2013). These benefits appear to be related to school children watching specific educational program.


Television (TV) is a telecommunication medium for transmitting and receiving moving Image that can be monochrome (black-and-white) or colored, with or without accompanying sound, “television” may also refer specifically to a television set, television programming or television transmission.

Educational television programs are designed to promote the cognitive and prosocial development of children. Research finds that children benefit from viewing well-designed programs in both of these areas. Children who frequently view academically oriented television programs are better prepared for school and are more successful through the high school years. Similarly, children who view prosocial television programs learn achievement behaviors and prosocial skills. Beneficial effects are enhanced by the use of specific


production techniques, comprehensible language, previews and reviews, and by repetition, role playing, and verbal labeling of key program content.


According to Olukoya (2015) television educational programs are those programs that focused on academic content areas that are taught in schools, such as reading, mathematics, science, and social studies. In contrast, prosocial television programs have been considered to be those that taught positive social interaction skills, self-control and achievement behaviors, and creative fantasy and imaginative play. Some researchers, however, have defined educational content broadly to include both educational and prosocial programs.

      Mental Development

Mental development usually begins during an infant's childhood, not too long after they are born actually. During this time, a child's mental development will increase as they begin to use their sense, motor skills and muscles. These will work together to help the child gain a better understanding and become more aware of the strange world that surrounds them.

The period of time of a child's life that is known as infancy is usually defined as the time between birth and when the child is able to walk properly. This is the time where children begin to develop mentally, as well as physically and socially. Once a baby begins to walk, they are no longer considered to be an

infant, they are a toddler. The majority of babies start walking between the age of 10 and 14 months.

When a child is still in the infancy period, their sensory development will increase dramatically. They will begin to perceive sounds and sights, which can be shown by them reaching and grabbing objects.

When they reach the age of around nine months, infants will begin to recognize familiar faces that appear most often, as well as being able to identify familiar objects. They will also start to recognize certain events such as meal times and be able to expect them in future.

A lot of people seem to believe that because children have limited brain development, they are not able to know what is going on around them. However this is quite incorrect as a baby will be able to tell when something is wrong. It is often thought that a baby will be able to tell if an argument is going on for example, and not just because of the possible shouting.



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