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Showing posts with label 2023 at 06:48PM. Show all posts

Thursday 4 May 2023


 SOLD BY: Enems Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N3000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @




This study examined “Evaluation of available resources for teaching and learning Business  Education Studies in secondary school, A case study of Government Day Secondary school”. The purpose of this study was to find out how availability of teaching resources can aid to improve  the academic performance of student in Business Studies in Secondary schools in Nigerian. Three (3) research questions were asked and four null hypotheses formulated and tested using ANOVA at 0.05 level of significant. The research design adopted in the study was descriptive survey. One hundred (100) Structured questionnaire was designed by the researcher and administered to Government Day Secondary School containing two sections, Section “A” contains personal bio-data of the respondents and section “B” contains twenty five (25) research items. The major findings of this study revealed that hypotheses one and two retained while the third and fourth hypotheses were rejected. Based on the findings, it was recommended that Government Day Secondary Schools should make more effort to supply adequate teaching and learning resources at all times in schools, provide enough classrooms and other facilities, in order to enhance the teaching and learning of Business studies in the schools.



1.1 Background of the study

In order to have a describable change in the learner, good teaching must take place and to bring about good teaching, the teacher should be able to convey their message in the simplest, most convincing and practical way to the learner using available resources.

The available resources are the instructional materials used in teaching and learning. The instructional to make teaching easy and practical for the learners to understand the subject. These objects according to Umoh-Mac and Nkume (2015) are regarded as instructional materials. They enhance real and meaningful teaching and learning. Appropriate instructional materials are imperative for implementing good quality education programmes. Unless adequate and quality facilities and superlative human resource are available, quality of the programme  will be reduced and learning will be deterred. Material for teaching business subject range from the common textbooks to more sophisticated machines, chalkboards real objects or their representatives which the teacher use to communicate effectively with the students. These materials make learning more permanent and develop continuity of though among the learner. Teaching materials and aids for the acquisition of required skill for business studies should be on regular supply to school where business studies subject are taught. According to Umoh-Mac Nkume (2015) many researchers on the availability of available resources carried out in Nigeria, in schools offering business studies programme often revealed the presence of inadequate training facilities in the schools. They further stressed that even the few available ones are not being maintained. There is poor storage facilities for them and so they become non – functional.

Obi and Akume (2011) warned that any school that any school that desire to offer modern Business Education programme must include in its programme a through training in the use of these appliance. Also to give such training the school must be equipped with appliances with which it intend to give instructions. To take the point further, they stated that for the teaching process to effectively taken place generally, both human and materials resources need to be provided adequately. No matter how good the teaching staff are, they may not be able to function effectively and effectively without appropriate teaching materials, equipments and adequate infrastructural, like workshop, conductive classrooms and laboratories, especially when is over loaded with lesson and practical courses. A well planned programme, they say, will fail if at implementation stage the necessary instructments are not supplied. The world at large is going technological and if Nigeria schools must keep abreast with the global technological advancement than the training must be borne in mind and they are adequate supply, proper maintenance and judicious usage of the materials. Obi and Akume (2011).

The question to ask is, who provides these resources materials to schools? Eze (2015) in his contribution, opines that instructional materials produced commercially play a key role in functional education in our schools that when these are understand, our next alternative is in improvisation, provide the improved equally delivers the goods. Fortunately, some sources of improvisation are available where around us by nature, human re – arrangement of nature only requires our initiative and creative to tap them fully towards the attainment and mastery of some skills. Nigeria must realize that findings pragmatic solution to the problem to setting the growth and development, business studies in the country should not be left to a few person but rather it should be seen as a collective, philanthropists, corporate bodies, government agencies churches and other religion organization etc must join hand and regard the task of solving these problems  as one that must be done. When this is solved, business studies will be according its pride of place in the nation’s education system as salvation of modern civilization.

1.2 Statement of the problem

Inspire of the federal government emphasis on self – reliance through acquired, still suffers some defects such as inadequate supply or provision of resource material poor maintenance and storage of existing ones.

Oren (2005) observed that, being a skill oriented subject, business studies requires the use of machine and other equipment for effective teaching to take place. It is therefore, exceptive teaching to take place. It is therefore expected that the federal government through the ministries of education federal, state and local government will see to the provision or availability of these necessary resources for teaching and learning of these requirement skills.

According to Oyedele (2007) cited in Atakps (2010) Nigeria children and youths are being educated more in accordance with yesterday’s world rather than in preparation for tomorrow’s living. This is in agreement with what Umoh-Mac and Nkume said about the obsolete equipment found in Nigeria schools. Emphasizing the need for the provision of instructional materials in school, obi and Akume opine that, Business education subject being a skilled areas of study cannot be learnt by the students sitting and folding their arms and noddling their heads. To give this training, the schools must be equipped with the necessary materials on which it intends to give, but rather it appears that most school that offer business studies subject are not adequate equipped for the instructions. Resources materials are means of making teaching and learning process easy, more meaningful and understandable, Uzoegwu (2001) these materials are not just textbooks, but it include machine, chalkboard and real objects instructional aids on the other hands are those that teachers prepare mainly to help him/her pass on the message easier and more effectively, these include: cardboard drawings, real objects brought into the class for learners to physically see and touch (Visual aids). With the foregoing, the aim or purpose of the study is to evaluate the availability of resources use for teaching and learning business studies at Government Day Secondary School.

1.3 Objectives of the study

The main purpose of the study is to evaluate availability for teaching and learning of business studies in Secondary schools a case study of Government Day Secondary school, Zaria. Specifically the study will determine:

  1. The available resources for teaching and learning business studies subject in Secondary schools
  2. To find out the extent to which the available resources are functional
  3. The extent of utilization of the available resources by business studies teachers.

1.4 Research questions

The following research questions were formulated to guide the study:

  1. What are the available resource necessary for the teaching and learning of Business studies in secondary School.
  2. How functional are the available resources used for teaching and learning of business studies in secondary Schools.
  3. What is the extent of utilization of the available resources for teaching and learning business studies in secondary Schools

1.5 Scope of the study

The scope of the study is restricted to the evaluation of available resources for teaching and learning of business studies in Secondary  school. The research of this  type would have been deemed fit to cover the whole of state, a region of the country. The researcher as a result of finance and duration of research have decided to limit the research to Government Day Secondary School Zaria.

1.6 Definition of terms

Business studies: Business studies is an academic subject taught in schools and at university level in many countries. Its study combines elements of accountancy, fiannce, marketing, organizational studies and economics, business studies is a broad subject in the Business science, allowing the in depth study of a range of specialties such as accountancy, fiancé, organization, human resources management and marketing.

Teaching: The act , practices, or profession of a teacher, something taught;

Teacher: A teacher (also called a school teacher or, in some contexts, an educator) is a person who helps others to acquire knowledge competences or values.

Learning: learning is the process of acquiring new or modifying existing knowledge behavior, skills, values, or preferences.

 SOLD BY: Enems Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N3000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @

Wednesday 1 March 2023


undefinedSOLD BY: Enems Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N3000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs



This project research estimated the effect of Acid-base diet on plasma concentration (Alkaline Phosphatase and total protein level) in rat. The rats were induced with acidosis and alkalosis by supplementation of their diets. The level of Alkaline phosphatase and total protein were determined using colorimetric method and selectra-proS automated machine respectively, the results obtained for the ALP from the Acidotic groups were 334.7 ± 5.91, 294.2 ± 3.57, 436.2 ± 16.10 and those induced alkalosis were 209 ± 2.50, 162.1 ± 3.04 and 302.8 ± 2.80 and that of a control group is 198.7 ± 1.37 all measured in iu/L. the result of total protein obtained are 7.51 ± 0.17, 6.87 ± 0.25 and 6.47 ± 0.15 for the group induced acidosis and 6.43 ± 0.17, 7.76 ± 0.17 all measured in g/dL for the control group. The ALP level of the group supplemented with acidifying agent increases above normal level when compared to the normal range. And the group supplemented with alkalizing agent increases too but the values are within the normal range (60 – 270 ui/L ). The total protein level in groups induced with acidosis compared to control shows no significant difference (p>0.05) and so also the group induced with alkalosis but all the value are within the normal range (6.0-8.0g/dL). Therefore composition of diet can strongly affect acid and base balance thereby elevating ALP level in plasma and does not significantly affect total protein level.


1.0       Introduction

1.1       Background of the study

Life on earth depends on appropriate pH levels in and around living organism and cells. Human life requires a lightly controlled pH level in the serum of about 7.4 (a slightly alkaline range of 7.35 to 7.45 to survive (Waugh et al 2007).

As comparism, in the past 100 years with increasing industrialization; the pH of the ocean was dropped from 8.2 to 8.1 because of increase in carbon dioxide deposition. This has a negative compact on life in the ocean as described by (Waugh et al 2007) and (University, Brimingham 2010) and may lead to the collapse of the coral reefs confirmed (Hoegh-Guldberg, et al., 2007). Even the pH of the soil in which plants are grown can have considerable influence on the mineral content of the food we eat (as minerals are used as buffers to maintain pH. The ideal pH of soil for the best overall availability of essential nutrients is between 6 and 7. Acidic soil below pH of 6 may have reduced calcium and magnesium and soil above pH 7 may result to chemically unavailable iron, manganese, copper, zinc. Adding dolomite and  manure are ways of raising pH in an acid soil environment when the pH is below 6 (Dam-ampai, et al., 2005).

When it comes to the pH and not acid load in the human diet, there has been considerable change from the hunter-gather civilization to the present (Strohle, et al., 2010). With agricultural revolution (last 10,000) years and even more recently with industrialization (last 200 years), there has been decrease in Potassium (K) compared to Sodium (Na) and an increase in Chloride compared to bicarbonate found in the diet (Sebastain, et al., 2002).

1.2       Acid and base homeostasis

Acid-Base homeostasis is the part of human of homeostasis concerning the proper balance between acids and bases, also called pH. The body is very sensitive to its pH level, so strong mechanisms exist to maintain it outside the acceptance range of pH, proteins are denature and digested, enzymes lose their ability to function and death may occur (Caroline, et a.,l 2013).

The body’s acid-base balance is normally tightly regulated by buffering agents, the respiratory system and the renal system and the renal system, keeping the arterial blood pH between 7.38 and 7.42 (Medline Plus and Caroline, Nancy 2013).

Several buffering agents that reversibly bind hydrogen ions and impede any change in pH exist. Extracellular buffers include bicarbonate and Ammonia, whereas Proteins and Phosphate act as intercellular buffers, the relationship between multiple buffers in the same solution is described by the Isohydric principle. The bicarbonate buffering system is especially key as carbon dioxide (CO2) can be shifted through carbonic acid (H2CO3) to hydrogen ions and bicarbonate (HCO3) as shown below

H2O + CO2                       H2CO3                               H+ + HCO3

(Garrett, et al.,2010)

Acid-Base imbalance that overcomes the buffer system can be compensated in the short term by changing the rate of ventilation. This alters the concentration of carbon dioxide in blood, shifting the above reaction according to Le Chatelier’s principle, which in turn alters the pH. For instance, it the blood pH drops too low (acidemia), the body will compensate by increasing breathing (medical encyclopedia metabolic acidosis) thereby expelling CO2 and shifting the above reaction to the left such that fewer hydrogen ions are free, thus the pH will rise back to normal for alkaline, the opposite occurs. (Waugh, et a.,l 2007).

The kidneys are shower to compensate, but renal physiology has several powerful mechanisms to control pH by the excretion of excess acid or base. In response to acidosis, tubular cells reabsorb more bicarbonate from the tabular fluid, collecting duct cells secret more hydrogen and generate more bicarbonate, and Ammoniagenesis leads to increased formation of the NH3 buffer. In responses to alkalosis, the kidney may excrete more bicarbonate by decreasing hydrogen ion secretion from the tabular epithelical cells, and lowering rate of glutamine metabolism and ammonia excretion (caroline,et al.,2013).

1.3       Acid – base imbalance

Acid – base imbalance occurs when a significant result causes the blood pH to shift out of the normal range (7.35 – 7.45). in fetus, the normal range differs based on which umbilical vessel is sampled (Umbilical vein pH is normally 7.25 – 7.45; umbilical artery pH is normally (7.18 – 7.38) an excess of acid in the blood is called alkaline or base in the blood is called alkalemia. The process that causes the imbalance is classified based on the etiology of the disturbance (respiratory or alkalosis). These are four basic processes. Metabolic acidosis, respiratory acidosis, metabolic alkalosis and respiratory alkalosis one or a combination may occur at any given time (Yeomans et al., 1985).

1.4       History

The role of the diet and its influence on the acidity of urine has been studied for decades, as physiologists have studied the kidney’s role in the body as regulatory mechanisms for controlling the acidity of body fluids. The French biologist Claude Bernard provided the classical observation of this effect when he found that changing the diet of rabbits from an herbivore (mainly plant) diet to a carnivore (mainly meat) diet changed the urine from more alkaline to more acid. Spurred by these observations, subsequent investigations focused on the chemical properties and acidity of constituents of the remains of foods combusted in a bomb calorimeter, described as ash the “dietary ash hypothesis” proposed that these foods, when metabolized, would leave a similar “acid ash” or “alkaline ash” in the body as those oxidized in combustion (Dwyer , et al., 1985).

Nutrition scientists began to refine this hypothesis in the early 20th century, emphasizing the role of negatively charged particles (anions) in food. Diets high in chloride, phosphates and sulfates (all of which are anions) were presumed to be acid forming while diets high in potassium, calcium and magnesium (all of which are cations) were presumed to be alkaline forming. Other investigations showed specific foods, such as cranberries, prunes and plums had unusual effects on urine pH. While these foods provided an alkaline ash in the laboratory, they contained a weak organic acid, hippuric acid, which caused the urine to become more acidic instead (Dwyer, 2008).

1.5       Aim and objectives


This study is aimed at determining the effect of dietary management on the blood pH in albino wistar rat.

Objectives of the study

  • To determine the effect of diet (Alkaline-acid) on alkaline phosphatase.
  • To determine the effect of acid-base diet on total protein level.

1.6       Statement of problem

Diet and its effect on blood pH is an important public health challenge worldwide. Most people in the world have little or non-dietary life style without knowing the health implication, an alkaline diet also known as the alkaline ash diet, (alkaline acid diet, acid ash diet and the acid alkaline diet). Describe a group of loosely related diets on the belief that certain foods eaten can affect the acidity and pH of bodily fluids including the urine or blood, the diet and acid-base homeostasis, or the regulation of acid-base status of the body has been studied for decades, though the medical application of this hypothesis have largely focused on changing the acidity of urine, traditionally. This diet has advocated for avoiding meat, poultry, cheese, and grains in order to make urine more alkaline to prevent urinary tracts infections and kidney stones (nephrolithiasis). Acid ash has been considered as a risk factor for osteoporosis (Vangsness, et a.,l 2014).

Various risk factors that have been implicated in etiology (study of causation or origination) of blood pH is nutritional factor, poor nutritional lifestyle can cause accumulation of acid or alkaline in the blood which leads to acidemia or alkalemia respectively and also can leads to other health illness or problem, in this study, will show how diet affects the body homeostasis or blood pH, which may leads to increase or decrease in ALP and total serum protein thereby causing the body buffering system to over work itself which may cause the body system to illness health or certain diseases and causing an imbalance of the body fluids.

1.7       Scope of study

The study described in this project deal with toxicological implications of diet in blood pH in rat in other word looking into dietary modulation of the acid-base balance in rat. For this purpose the effects of a dietary load of acid or base induced changes is considered in this study and the effect of disturbances in the acid-base balance on plasma parameter routinely used in toxicity studies, to fill in this gap in knowledge, short and long-term toxicity studies were performed in rat feel with acidifying and alkalizing diets. And how these diet causes plasma parameters such as alkaline phosphate and total protein normality or abnormality in the blood.

1.8       Significance of study

The study of dietary management is very important in the sense that it enables one to identify the effect of acid-base forming diets on physiological pH, since many foods are alkaline-producing or neutral in nature but manufactured, processed foods are mostly acid producing, in other to maintain good health what one eat matters too, the body maintain correct pH in the blood at all cost by homeostasis but that is stressful for the body’s system and resources when diet is imbalance in terms of acid forming foods. These changes in alkalinity or acidity are caused by diet and lifestyle.

1.9       Limitation of the study

In carrying out this research, the researcher encountered some challenges. Urine pH, autopsy of the brain and NH4+ concentration was supposed to be achieved but due to the problem encountered the researcher failed to achieve this. Some of the constraints encountered in the course of carrying out this research include;

  • Lack of adequate finance
  • Time constraints
  • Inadequate materials in the library
  • Also the epileptic power supply and
  • Inconsistent availability of network posed problem. But the researcher was to gather enough material to justify the validity of the research.

undefinedSOLD BY: Enems Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N3000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs

 SOLD BY: Enems Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N5000| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs. For more details Chatt with us on WHATSAPP @