Showing posts with label Secretaries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Secretaries. Show all posts

Wednesday 28 December 2022





This study appraise the contributions of modern communication equipment to job performance of the secretary in Yobe State University. This research work is made up of five chapters with chapter one covering introduction, background of the study, statement of the problem, purpose of the study, research questions, significance of the study, limitation of the study and definition of terms. Chapter two deals with review of related literature, importance of the modern communication equipment, what is modern communication and general problem in the maintenance of modern communication equipment. Chapter three is concerned with research design and methodology, population of the study, sample size and sample procedure, description of instrument, method of data collection analysis. Chapter four covers data presentation, analysis and discussion of findings, the final chapter which is chapter five gives the summary and conclusion to the entire research work and makes possible recommendations on the contributions of modern communication equipment to job performance of secretaries.



Since the beginning of writing language, societies have performed the administrative functions that today are called office work. Business transaction have been recorded, there has been writing oral communication, information has been stored and retrieved, calculations have performed, decisions have been made.

The arrival of new technology changed the way these were performed. The invention of paper link and movable typewriter, a variety of mechanical and electrical devices had an impact. The typewriter and photocopying machine change written communication, and the early business computer changed how certain high-volume transactions were handled. Despite the change they brought, none of these technologies fundamentally altered labour intensive character of office procedures and improved productivity yet typing continued to be highly labour intensive until automation typewriters and later, word processor were introduced.

Most offices now have an amazing array of modern communication equipments such as computer systems, fax machine, mobile telephone and all manners of advanced telecommunication method combine to make communication very fast and very simple. Technology advances at an incredible speed, challenging the traditional roles in an organization. In many ways the job is much easier. There is no pains tricking, retyping of letter and documents, when the boss changes his mind over a word; the word processor has provided the means of work to be changed quickly. It is far quicker to send a fax or an electronic message halfway across the world, knowing that it will arrive instantaneously without subjection to the vagaries of the mail.

These modern communication equipments or technologies require set of skills and different secretaries have to understand computers, how they functions and how to make the best of them for efficiency and job satisfaction. The role of the secretary has expanded dramatically over the past twenty years as the technological evolution has made its impacts on the office and environment. With the advent of the electronic office and the changes it brings, today’s Secretary needs to be a centre on technology. Traditional duties have been enhance, the job has developed into a key role in the organization and the secretary now holds valuable position. It is against this background that this study seek to appraise the contribution of modern communication equipment on job performance of secretaries, a case study of Yobe State University.


The researcher realized that the office work and efficiency profession will continue to lose its vitality in producing famous and contemporizes professionals in the labour market if the training of modern secretaries does not met up with the challenges ahead. In other words, the secretary cannot perform effectively, if not expose to the increasing technological advancement in Nigeria as follow: Job performance of secretaries may be impacted by vague expectations, barriers to access, medical conditions personal circumstances or job dissatisfaction. Determining the origins of unacceptable performance is the first step toward making necessary improvement. Following are typical factors that impact performance and options and resources and options and considered.

The quality of ventilation and air inside offices, schools, and other work places is important not only for their workers comfort but also for their health. Poor ventilation and air quality has been tied to symptoms like headaches, and irritation concentrating and irritation of the eyes, nose, throat and lungs. Also, many factors affect ventilation and air quality. These factors include poor ventilation (lack of outside air).

Problems controlling temperature, high or low humidity recent remodeling, and other activities in or near a building that can affect the fresh air coming into the building. Sometime specific contaminants like dust from construction or renovation, mold, cleaning suppliers, pesticides, or other airborne chemicals released (including small amounts of chemicals released as a gas over) may cause poor indoor air quality. Also Merriam –Webster dictionary defines the quality of being efficient as the “productive of desired effects, especially: productive without waste can efficient worker)”. When workers or organizations have problems in efficiency, success in the terms of profit and quality can be compromised.

Most efficiency issue can be resolved by using quality control methods to create awareness of which main areas contain the weakest links. Many efficiency  problems can be blamed on poor time-management issues. Also lack of efficiency in managing cash flow can cause insolvency, which can then lead to bankruptcy. Problems begin when companies face unanticipated expenses and loss any safety cushion, or when not enough money exists to expand the company or hire quality staff.


The main purpose of this study is to appraise the contribution of modern communication equipment on job performance of secretaries; a case study of Yobe state University.

The specific objectives of the study is to

  1. To determine how skilful and knowledgeable the staff are in the use of modern communication equipment in Yobe state university
  2. To examine the contribution of modern communication equipment to job performance of secretaries in Yobe State University
  3. To determine ascertain the level of computerization/automation of Yobe state University
  4. To determine the challenges associated with the use of modern communication equipment in Yobe state University.


  1. How skilful and knowledgeable are the secretaries in the use of modern communication equipment in Yobe state university
  2. What are the contributions of modern communication equipment to job performance of secretaries in Yobe State University?
  3. What is the level of computerization/automation of Yobe state University?
  4. What are the challenges associated with the use of modern communication equipment in Yobe state University?


The significance of the study arises from the fundamental role of modern communication equipment plays in our economic deve1opnents. Moreover, the secretarial services needed trained and qualified people n order to handle and maintain the equipment.

That is why Chester Bernard (2011) stressed that “the executive function is to develop and maintain a system of communication”. Again, since secretarial services is of immense help tc both public nd private establishments in any developing or developed society in terms of qualitative administrative procedures the research would create avenue for its improved standard to match the growing complex nature of administration in our country.

Above all these, the study will attempt to explain why many organizations do not have these modern communication equipment despites its advantages. It is expected that the study will contribute to the knowledge in the area of efficiency. To the institution, it will bring them to the knowledge of what contributions they can make to train more secretaries, particularly in the area of provision modern communication equipment.


In the process of carrying out the study a number of limitations were experienced. These includes

Firstly, I faced in the course of this research is the nonchalant attitude of some respondents, this hampered the process and smoothness of data collection.

My effort to get full opinions on some of the interview. Some feel very much at ease to reserve their comments on some vital issues, information of which could have added more colour and weight to the findings of the study.

Some were afraid that it might incriminate them by answering some of the interview questions in spite of the fact that the purpose of the research was clearly made known to them by the researcher.

Another limiting factor was financial problem this also takes it toll on the need to travel out wide to other institution.


SECRETARY: any personnel who is trained in the communication, shorthand and typewriting, storage and retrieval of information.

COMMUNICATION: Is a process of creating ideas, facts, opinions, and feeling.

COMPUTER: is a device that works under the control of stored program automatically accepting, storing and processing data to produce information

OFFICE: this is any place where clerical and administrative duties like receiving information, sorting out information, acted upon records, execute re-arranged, retrieved and kept for future reference.

ORGANIZATION: this is the arrangement of work with division of activities and with the allocation of duties, authority and responsibilities.

ADMINISTRATION: it is often use to refer to the acti1ities of the higher level on management group who determine major aims and policies of an organization.

Friday 4 February 2022





1.1       Background of the Study

The emergence of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Nigeria has posed a serious challenge to all facets of the Nigerian economy. This has necessitated executive secretaries to keep abreast of the current technology as it affects office procedures and operations. For executive secretaries to contribute effectively and efficiently to the achievement of goals and objectives of the organization they have to be retrained and be given a learning environment on continuous basis in order to acquaint themselves with new challenges in the office.

Notwithstanding, there is no doubt that advancement in technology has reshaped and transformed the way executive secretaries discharge their duties. The competent and effective executive secretaryship can be obtained through in-service training programmes. For in-service training programme to be adequate and sound it should consist of three phases, namely: pre-service training phase, on the-job experience training phase, and in-service training phase (Diraso, 1992).

In-service training is a long life process in which an employee is constantly learning and adapting to new challenges of his job. This he does through reading of books, journals and magazines in his area of specialization, through discussion with colleagues and supervisors on matters concerning his profession and attending courses and conferences relating to his profession. The aims of in-service training include: to update the employees and revamp their professional knowledge, skills, and competencies and to broaden their knowledge of the core areas of specialization (Itotoh, 1996). Itotoh maintained that such areas may include: writing, editing, production and distribution of correspondence (publications), maintains all corporate books and accounts, receives and disburses fund (finance), assists in recruiting new members by responding promptly totelephone and e-mail enquires, maintains all membership, maintain all records and files all forms (regulatory) and fluent in Hyper-Text Markup Language (computer literacy).

1.2       Statement of the Problem

Technological advancement has been extended to all spheres of human endeavours. Offices are daily modernized through the use of latest equipment and procedures. These affect the executive secretary and his profession. The challenges of new techniques and innovations demand from executive secretaries much greater responsibilities and improved performances on their jobs. The essence of providing in-service training for executive secretaries is to enable them develop professionally, keep abreast on new knowledge and technology in their office procedures and operations. However, Oldroyd (1994) and Mahapatra (2002), have observed that public establishments pay only lip service to in-service training of their employees and this automatically accounts for staff inadequacies such as poor job performance. It is in this Gbosi (1999) maintains that where in-service training exists, it is haphazardly coordinated, poorly monitored and organized. Ofordile (2007) observes that in-service training programmes have continued to experience the constraints of inadequate funds.

This is because employees’ retraining in public establishment is considered expensive in terms of time and maintenance of staff during the programme. He maintains that lack of willingness by the employees to be retrained and some staff with long experience may not show interest in in-service training programmes that do not have any weight for purpose of assessment and they hardly take retraining seriously as a means of changing behaviour of the organization. Therefore, these above inadequacies, if not properly addressed will result in poor performance, difficulty in attaining organizational goals and objectives, and lack of individual development and so on. These anomalies should urgently be corrected for the benefit of both the organizations and their staff members. It is therefore very significant to find out the in-service training needs of executive secretaries in public establishments in Kaduna State.

1.3       Purpose of the Study

The major purpose of this study was to assess the in-service training needs of executive secretaries in public establishments in Kaduna State. Specifically, the study sought:

  1. To assess the Information and Communication Technology skills for in-service training needs of executive secretaries in public establishments in Kaduna State.
  2. To assess the human relations skills for in-service training needs of executive secretaries in public establishments in Kaduna State.
  3. To assess the Administrative/managerial skills for in-service training needs of executive secretaries in public establishments in Kaduna State.
  4. To assess the reprographic technology skills for in-service training needs of executive secretaries in Public establishments in Kaduna State.
  5. To assess the micrographic technology skills for in-service training needs of executive secretaries in public establishments in Kaduna State.

1.4       Research Questions

The following research questions have been formulated to guide the study:

  1. What are the Information and Communication Technology skills needed for in service training of the executive secretaries in public establishments in Kaduna State?
  2. What are the human relations skills needed for in-service training of the executive secretaries in public establishments in Kaduna State?
  3. What are the administrative/managerial skills needed for in-service training of the executive secretaries in public establishments in Kaduna State?
  4. What are the reprographic technology skills needed for in-service training of the executive secretaries in public establishments in Kaduna State?
  5. What are the micrographic technology skills needed for in-service training of the executive secretaries in public establishments in Kaduna State?

Significance of the Study

It is hoped that the findings of this study will be of immense benefit to administrators, secretarial staff, researchers, secretarial education students.

Administrators (management): There is no single organization that can do without training and developing its staff. As such this study will provide adequate information to the management that will go through it to get a foreknowledge of the types of in-service training needs of their staff and the importance of in-service training and the condition that determine that. They could adopt the findings to plan and organize in-service training programmes for their staff.

Secretarial staff: The executive secretaries will be made to realize that adequate in-service training programmes enable them to possess the level of intellectuals skills with which they can perfectly and proficiently handle the demands of their daily routines and to understand that adequate training will help to ensure job satisfaction. The results of the study will hopefully stimulate further research on the in-service training needs of other cadres of the secretarial staff by opening the frontiers of information on more in-service training programmes.

Finally, secretarial education students would benefit from the findings of the study. They would understand better concepts being taught and be able to express their views about concepts encountered in classroom interactions.

1.5       Delimitation of the Study

This study was restricted to in-service training needs of executive secretaries in public establishments in Kaduna State. This study was delimited to public establishments in Kaduna State. The study did not assess other employees of public establishments in Kaduna State. The ministries represent the geographical spread of public establishments in the state.




There is no doubt that private individual, corporate bodies and even organizations mistake computer operators for professional secretaries. It is in the light of this, that this research was carried out to clear the misconception. It was a study carried out on some selected organization within Kaduna State. Related books on the topics were referred to and 120 questionnaires were used for the study out of which responses from 100 respondents were received and used and that form the basis for analysis. The study revealed that professional secretaries undergo training and professional courses as regard to their duties and responsibilities also computer operators also play significant roles in the organization, they type and safeguard document in their possessions. This was achieved by evaluating the performance of a professional secretary and a computer operator. Conclusions were drawn that professional secretaries assume duties on behalf of their boss unlike computer operators. It was recommended that computer operators who wish to be called professional secretaries should take up courses in office profession and management studies department and other professional courses relating to that.




There is no doubt that in many organizations be it private or public sectors, secretaries and computer operators are mistakenly ignored or misunderstood to mean the same thing. However, earlier the role of a secretary was limited to notes from their heads, typing and storing information. Perhaps with the advent of technology in companies and offices, secretarial duties have extended to things that were meant for the professional and managerial staffs. The secretary that organizations are seeking in today’s time should not only have clerical skills and administrative skill alone but also cooperate governance, security laws, and capital market.

As it is today technology has affected every aspect of secretarial work from the organization of document, sorting and storing of document.

Aku (2004) informs that the basic secretarial functions of collecting, transferring, processing and transmission of information allows themselves to computerization. Consequently, the most works carried out by the professional secretary in the office are now being handled more speedily and in a better way with the use of computer.

Hill (2004), A secretary is someone who receives executive and company officials, clerical duties and keep personal records, read and sort, organize incoming mails, make and answer phone calls.

Assessing the performance of professional secretaries and computer operators requires proper check and change to ascertain he caliber of each.

Performance as define by Wynel (2010) as a systematic description of job relevant strength and weaknesses within and between employees. Which also means that performance evaluation is a review of the employee’s performance based on the agreed objectives. As performance determines output in an organization, the output of a secretary can be observed from the duty performed and how specialized one is in his or her functions.

The computer operators who obtains diploma or certificate course in computer training is mistaken for secretaries as there are minor similarities in their duties which are typing of documents, receiving and sending of mails, which are temporary duties performed by the computer operators.

According to Suleiman (2000), a computer operator is someone who requires the knowledge and practice of computer appreciation and operations, he is only knowledgeable in operation of the computer and how to manipulate it. Most people lack the typing skills as well as the techniques for standard production of  documents.

Suleiman (2000) also define the duties of a computer operators as the duplication of duties by computer operator. He adds that because the computer operators can manipulate the computer does not mean that they are secretaries. This is difficult to identify professional secretaries and computer operators, because the computer operator tends to perform better than some professional secretaries in organizations Ball (2001) to them as long as you are under a typewriter, you are a typist; they ignore the facts that there are distinctive features of the two profession in terms of skill, qualifications, duties, responsibilities and remuneration. This wrong perception or impression has permitted the general public and a great percentage of the public sees the secretarial position as nothing but mere typist who are trained from business centers after undergoing some few months of training in typing from street business schools, and factors that hinders their promotion both as secretaries and computer operators.

This explains why many students are reluctant to take the course of secretarial studies as a profession in spite of the fact that secretarial position is crucial and important to organization just like any other position. It is against this background that the researchers sees this trend as an empirical problem worthy of investigation.


The work of a professional secretary is quite different from that of a computer operator in an organization. This is so because the work of a professional secretary encompasses that of a computer operator. Secretaries responsibilities include various administrative and clerical duties needed to run a company efficiently and smoothly.

Some duties include serving as an office information manager, arranging and scheduling meetings or appointments and preserving paper and computer files, managing projects, handling travel arrangements and distributing information through the use of telephones, mails, e-mails while the work of a computer operator is just limited to operating the computer, but in spite of this differences, a lot of organization tends to place a computer operator in the same level with a professional secretary which undermine the profession. As such doubt is expressed about the importance of a professional secretary’s contribution to goal attainment of an organization sequel to wrong perception of organizational members, as such people treat the profession with contempt and disregard. Hence the subject matter of this research: Evaluation of the performance of a professionals secretary and computer operators in an organization becomes worthy of investigation.


The general objective of this study is to evaluate the performance of professional secretaries and computer operators in an organization.

However the specific objectives of the study are:

  1. To examine the roles played by professional secretaries and computer operators in the smooth running and planning in an organization.
  2. To identify the factors that are responsible for lack of promotional opportunities of professional secretaries and computer operators in an organization.
  3. To examine the duties of professional secretaries as compared to computer operators in an organization.
  4. To know the demands for professional secretaries services and computer operators in an organization.


i)       How does the modern office technology aid the planning and smooth running of the organization?

ii)      What are the factors that hinder promotional opportunities of professional secretaries and computer operators in an organization?

iii)     What are the various roles and duties played by professional secretaries and computer operators in an organization?

  1. Why are there demands for professional secretary services and computer operators in an organization?


This study, when completed would be of great importance to the secretaries in practice and secretaries in training as well as the management of various organizations in the following ways:

  1. To the secretaries in practice and training: The study will help them to understand the qualification needed for one to assume a secretarial position in an organization.
  2. It will help those willing to take secretarial profession to appreciate the fact that being a secretary is not to be attached to a typewriter as a typist but rather a call to greater responsibilities in an office.
  3. It will help the secretaries in practice and in training to know the responsibilities or duties of a professional secretary in an organization as compared to computer operators.
  4. The study will be of help to Managers in job placement in an organization.


The study covers the empirical evaluation of the performance of professional secretaries and computer operator in an organization. It also examines the role of professional secretaries and computer operators in the smooth running and planning in an organization as well as the identification of the factors responsible for lack of promotional opportunities of professional secretaries and computer operators in an organization.

The study equally examines the duties of professional secretaries as compared to computer operators in an organization as well as the examination of the reasons why the services of professionals secretaries and computer operators are required in an organization,


Some of the major constraints the researchers encountered in putting up this research include lack of time, lack of willingness to give information by respondent and also limited resources.


Secretary: An individual employed to deal with correspondence and routine office work.

Computer Operator: An individual who enters data into computer, process it and produce result/information of the process.

Performance: This is the rate of carrying or completing a task.

Organization: A group of people who put up resources and services for a particular purpose.

Evaluation: This is a medium of assessing performance among individuals.

Professional: An individual who belong to a profession skillful and conscientious.

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