Showing posts with label Organization. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Organization. Show all posts

Saturday 7 January 2023




  1. Backgroundto the study

 One of the most effective benefits ofaccounting system is decision making. Decision making has being described as apurposeful choosing from a number of alternative causes of action. Theaccounting information or system provides managers with the necessaryinformation they need. In this case, it is the accountants that provide theinformation with which the management uses for its decision making. Managementscan only come up with a good decision if they are able to get correctaccounting information from the accountant. In a situation where the accountantdoes not provide correct information: this is bond to affect the decisionmaking of the management adversely.

Thequestion now is, how business executive know the company is embarking on afavorable decision or unfavorable one. The answer to this question is based onthe management and the accounting system. According to Ray (1996), most top level business executiveshave background in accounting and finance than in any other field. The essenceof using accounting information is to enable managers make wise decision. It isalso used (accounting information) to set up system of internal control toincrease efficiency and prevent fraud in companies.

Accounting system aids in profit making, budgeting and costcontrol. In an organization, it is the duty of the management accountant to seethat the organization keeps good records and prepare proper financialregulations. Management accountants also need to keep up with the latestdevelopment in the use of computers and in the computer system design. Accountantsprovide many special reports for management, decision making. This functionrequires the gathering of both historical and projected data. (Carr etal 1994;woutersan and Verdaasdonk 2002).

Green wood and Hinings (1996) there is evidence which revealthe influence of accounting information in decision making process. itemphasize the important of a holistic context and which led to the integrationof other institutional influence and multiple logics. It is in this contextthat the research wishes to evaluate the effectiveness and uses of accountinginformation for decision making in public sector. In summary, accountinginformation is primarily concerned with data gathering from internal andexternal sources analyzing, processing, interpreting and communicating theresult (information) for use within the organization so that management canmake more effective plan, decisions and control operations.

  1. Statementof the Problem

Thecentral concern of management is decision. In making a sound decision themanagement needs some valuable and accurate information from the accountant.The accountantis at the services of the management by providing the management with thenecessary information which they need for decision making. In recent times, itwas observed that cases of mismanagement, fraud and irregularities prevail inthe organization. Several problems accounts for the need for accurateaccounting information among such problems are malfunctioning and wrong decision making by managersin the management of risks arising from the portfolios, high occurrence offactors that may result to high incidence of losses instead of expected profitswhere proper accounting information on portfolio management is not on hand, inabilityof managers to strike a balance between risk and investment, the negativeeffects which is seen on the low profits derived from the portfolios. It isagainst this background that this study tries to examine the impact oaccounting information in Nigeria public sector.

  1. ResearchQuestions

The purposeof the study is to highlight the benefit of accounting system in anorganization. This therefore propels the following research question for thisstudy:

  1. Howdoes accounting system help in fraud control, mismanagement and irregularities?
  2. Howuseful and effective is accounting systems to decision making in organizations?
  3. Whatare the benefits of accounting system in an organization?
  1. Objectivesof the study

Thisresearch is aimed at examining the benefit of accounting system in organization.

Thespecific objectives of this study are;

  1.  To identify how accounting system help infraud controls, mismanagement and irregularities.
  2. To determine how useful and effective accounting system todecision making in an organization.
  3. To examine the benefits of accounting system in anorganization.
  1. Statementof Hypotheses

The following are the hypothesis which this researchtries to test:

Ho: Accounting system does notcontrol fraud, mismanagement and irregularities.

H1: Accounting system controls fraud,mismanagement and irregularities.

Ho: Accounting system is noteffective in decision making in public sector organizations.

H1: Accounting system is effective indecision making in public sector organizations.

  1. Significanceof the study

Accountinginformation is very important in the life of any business. It is based on thisinformation that the management will be able to make wise decisions. Theaccountants present the accounting information in such a way as to assistmanagement in policy and decision making in the day to day operations of the organization.

Based onthe information produced, the management will have the benefits on using it toplan and control their current and future operations. Based on it also theywill come up with their management decision and information of long term plans.The information also will help the management report historical information tooutsiders

This work will also be of much help to the government in findingout measures to apply in order to curb or reduce the high incidence of lossesand risks in an organization in other to increase the national income andoutput of the economy.

Finally, this work will be of immensehelp to students, researchers and scholars as it will open a new area of studyfor further research and also form a basis for view of related literature.

  1. Scopeof the study

This research work will specifically focus attention on the benefitof accounting system in an organization.

  1. Limitationsof the study

Timefactor: This wasone of the major problems I encountered in the course of the study since thedata collected was partly by personal interviews and persons to be interviewedhad limited time to attend to me. Also the researcher has to allocate part ofher time to class room work one and other activities.

Finance: Another factor thatlimited the scope of the study was the financial cost which consisted mostly oftravelling expenses, cost of materials to be used for the study, cost ofinputting the information collected into the computer, cost of diskette, costof printing the hard copies and binding of the report. This consisted tolimitation of my study.

  1. Definitionof Terms

Decisionmaking: This isa process of choosing specific cause of action from among many possiblealternatives. Determine ways and means for accomplishing the line of actiondecided upon is also a part of the decision making process.

Accounting: This means the act ofrecording, classifying and summarizing in a significant manner and in terms of money,transaction and events which are in part at least of a financial character andinterpreting the result thereof.

Information: Data that has been processed toproduce meaning relating to a field.

Accounting information: Those processed information relatingto accounting.

Management: This is a group in a businesswho have overall responsibility for achieving the company’s goals

Planning: The use ofinformation supplied by accountants in making decision by which managementformulate objectives for future business of the firm

Control and Coordination: A process of ensuring that thecause of actions is maintained and that the desire aims are achieved. This isdone through the use of budgets and actual data.

Cost Decision: This is the application of and cost of principles, methodsand techniques in the ascertainment of cost and analysis of savings and orexcess as compared with the previous experiences or with standard.

Organization: In organization the managers decide how best to puttogether the organizations human and other resources in other to carry outestablishment.

General Accounting: This is the overall records keeping preparation of financialstatements and reports and control at all business activities.

Friday 4 February 2022





1.1       Background of the Study

The emergence of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Nigeria has posed a serious challenge to all facets of the Nigerian economy. This has necessitated executive secretaries to keep abreast of the current technology as it affects office procedures and operations. For executive secretaries to contribute effectively and efficiently to the achievement of goals and objectives of the organization they have to be retrained and be given a learning environment on continuous basis in order to acquaint themselves with new challenges in the office.

Notwithstanding, there is no doubt that advancement in technology has reshaped and transformed the way executive secretaries discharge their duties. The competent and effective executive secretaryship can be obtained through in-service training programmes. For in-service training programme to be adequate and sound it should consist of three phases, namely: pre-service training phase, on the-job experience training phase, and in-service training phase (Diraso, 1992).

In-service training is a long life process in which an employee is constantly learning and adapting to new challenges of his job. This he does through reading of books, journals and magazines in his area of specialization, through discussion with colleagues and supervisors on matters concerning his profession and attending courses and conferences relating to his profession. The aims of in-service training include: to update the employees and revamp their professional knowledge, skills, and competencies and to broaden their knowledge of the core areas of specialization (Itotoh, 1996). Itotoh maintained that such areas may include: writing, editing, production and distribution of correspondence (publications), maintains all corporate books and accounts, receives and disburses fund (finance), assists in recruiting new members by responding promptly totelephone and e-mail enquires, maintains all membership, maintain all records and files all forms (regulatory) and fluent in Hyper-Text Markup Language (computer literacy).

1.2       Statement of the Problem

Technological advancement has been extended to all spheres of human endeavours. Offices are daily modernized through the use of latest equipment and procedures. These affect the executive secretary and his profession. The challenges of new techniques and innovations demand from executive secretaries much greater responsibilities and improved performances on their jobs. The essence of providing in-service training for executive secretaries is to enable them develop professionally, keep abreast on new knowledge and technology in their office procedures and operations. However, Oldroyd (1994) and Mahapatra (2002), have observed that public establishments pay only lip service to in-service training of their employees and this automatically accounts for staff inadequacies such as poor job performance. It is in this Gbosi (1999) maintains that where in-service training exists, it is haphazardly coordinated, poorly monitored and organized. Ofordile (2007) observes that in-service training programmes have continued to experience the constraints of inadequate funds.

This is because employees’ retraining in public establishment is considered expensive in terms of time and maintenance of staff during the programme. He maintains that lack of willingness by the employees to be retrained and some staff with long experience may not show interest in in-service training programmes that do not have any weight for purpose of assessment and they hardly take retraining seriously as a means of changing behaviour of the organization. Therefore, these above inadequacies, if not properly addressed will result in poor performance, difficulty in attaining organizational goals and objectives, and lack of individual development and so on. These anomalies should urgently be corrected for the benefit of both the organizations and their staff members. It is therefore very significant to find out the in-service training needs of executive secretaries in public establishments in Kaduna State.

1.3       Purpose of the Study

The major purpose of this study was to assess the in-service training needs of executive secretaries in public establishments in Kaduna State. Specifically, the study sought:

  1. To assess the Information and Communication Technology skills for in-service training needs of executive secretaries in public establishments in Kaduna State.
  2. To assess the human relations skills for in-service training needs of executive secretaries in public establishments in Kaduna State.
  3. To assess the Administrative/managerial skills for in-service training needs of executive secretaries in public establishments in Kaduna State.
  4. To assess the reprographic technology skills for in-service training needs of executive secretaries in Public establishments in Kaduna State.
  5. To assess the micrographic technology skills for in-service training needs of executive secretaries in public establishments in Kaduna State.

1.4       Research Questions

The following research questions have been formulated to guide the study:

  1. What are the Information and Communication Technology skills needed for in service training of the executive secretaries in public establishments in Kaduna State?
  2. What are the human relations skills needed for in-service training of the executive secretaries in public establishments in Kaduna State?
  3. What are the administrative/managerial skills needed for in-service training of the executive secretaries in public establishments in Kaduna State?
  4. What are the reprographic technology skills needed for in-service training of the executive secretaries in public establishments in Kaduna State?
  5. What are the micrographic technology skills needed for in-service training of the executive secretaries in public establishments in Kaduna State?

Significance of the Study

It is hoped that the findings of this study will be of immense benefit to administrators, secretarial staff, researchers, secretarial education students.

Administrators (management): There is no single organization that can do without training and developing its staff. As such this study will provide adequate information to the management that will go through it to get a foreknowledge of the types of in-service training needs of their staff and the importance of in-service training and the condition that determine that. They could adopt the findings to plan and organize in-service training programmes for their staff.

Secretarial staff: The executive secretaries will be made to realize that adequate in-service training programmes enable them to possess the level of intellectuals skills with which they can perfectly and proficiently handle the demands of their daily routines and to understand that adequate training will help to ensure job satisfaction. The results of the study will hopefully stimulate further research on the in-service training needs of other cadres of the secretarial staff by opening the frontiers of information on more in-service training programmes.

Finally, secretarial education students would benefit from the findings of the study. They would understand better concepts being taught and be able to express their views about concepts encountered in classroom interactions.

1.5       Delimitation of the Study

This study was restricted to in-service training needs of executive secretaries in public establishments in Kaduna State. This study was delimited to public establishments in Kaduna State. The study did not assess other employees of public establishments in Kaduna State. The ministries represent the geographical spread of public establishments in the state.





1.1     Background to the Study

All organizations are required to keep records of their activities. By keeping such records accurately and up-to-date, organizations can measure their performance, improve their overall financial control and take action whenever problems arise/ (Needham and Dransfield, 1996).

Modern information system have plunged the world into what may be called an information age as opposed to the book age (Akuria, 2001). Information is an essential resource for decision-making at international, national and even lower organizational levels of human activity. However, information to be fully effective, it should be classified, recorded, and stored appropriately in an effective manner. This information is known as a record and the discipline in which record or information is captured, stored and managed in a meaningful format is the substance of records management. Records are therefore a vital tool in the administration of many organizations. The success and failure of organizations and state organs activities all depends on the efficient handling of information (Penn 1996).

The library provides a full service for lending, inquires, reference, photocopying, computer and inter-library loans. Considerable emphasis is placed on helping the students and teaching information skills, through the introductory library orientation program. The library has a computer network system through which you can access the catalogue using the UNESCO – WINISIS software, to complement the traditional card catalogue.

1.2     Statement of the problem:

Every organizational activity depends upon reliable information and well managed records which are essential if an organization is to function, efficiently. With the advancement in technology, there should be an efficient records management system in place backed by technology. Information Technology is used for employee data base, financial and accounting information system, students data base, assets and liabilities data bank. Various aspects of records management in private institutions are not up to date that is there is lack an efficient and reliable information management system to keep all stakeholders informed. There are poor data processes and retention schedules; inadequately .trained personnel to handle data collection, storage and dissemination; inadequate training in Information Communication Technology; inadequate space, unclear chain of command among others. Through the public and private institutions in Nigeria Information Communication Technology was considered an indispensable tool for enhancing productivity, yet little attention is paid to the information management issues and to understanding the forces of change that affect the form and integrity of the record. Staff who understand the functional requirements for record keeping and the competencies and skills required to manage electronic information delivery system are few; legal and administrative requirements for managing electronic records are not implemented. Accurately documented policies, standard operating procedures and formal methodologies for analyzing records are still lacking. It is against this background that the researcher was prompted to investigate the relationship between the records management and efficiency in an organization.

1.3       The General Objective of the Study

The general objective of this study was to explore the effect of records management on organizational efficiency in an organization.

1.4       Objectives of the Study

  1. To examine the influence of Records Management on efficiency in an organization.
  2. To explore and make a critique of methods used by the organization  to manage records.
  3. To examine the effectiveness of Information Communication Technology in managing records.
  4. To establish the challenges faced by the organization in modernizing the records management system.

1.5     Research Questions

  1. What influences record management on efficiency in an organization
  2.  What methods are used by the organization to manage records?
  3. What is the effectiveness of Information Communication Technology in managing records?
  4. What are the challenges faced by the university in modernizing records management?

1.6       Scope of the Study

The study looks at the impact of records management on efficiency at in an organization. It was intended to find out the nature and practice of records management in the organization, assess the significance of records management on efficiency and examine the challenges of records management in the organization.





1.1     Background Information to the Study

The background information to this study includes an introduction to records management, records management in government organizations and records activities in Nasarawa Local Government.

Records management is a fundamental activity of any given organization. Records are vital to every aspect of governance process and institutions of all kinds should highly embrace records management. According to ISO 15489, as cited by Healy (2001), “records management is a field of management responsible for the efficient and systematic control of the creation, receipt, maintenance, use and disposal of records, including the processes for capturing and maintaining evidence of and information about business activities and transactions in the form of records.” What actually keeps the public service going in any modern system of government is having recorded information, which is used for planning, decision making and controlling. For any effective planning, decision-making and controlling to take place, there must have been timely access to records (Amina, 2011).

Records are essential to businesses of all organizations. They improve the effectiveness of operations and document services in organizations by supporting the delivery of services, supporting administration, documenting rights and responsibilities of individuals and evidence of the work in public authorities. Implementation of proper records management leads to good public management since government activities are based on access to information contained in records (Smith, 2008).

According to Kulcu (2009), records are created and maintained to meet the goals and objectives of an organization. Records are the memories of an organization and are used in decision making and the basis of legal defensibility. Without records, governments would find it difficult to address social issues such as poverty, crime, social grants, AIDs, land information, and even the provision of basic services such as water and electricity (Makhura, 2005). Provision of information to people in every corner of the world would positively affect socio-economic and political development.

Fust and Graf (2002), as cited in Ngoepe (2008), suggest that records management is an essential part of government operations in all developing countries. Records management is a discipline that has become very popular in government institutions, non-governmental institutions, private institutions, industries and the society at large. Managing records is the foundation that any government body requires in order to provide effective services and fulfill its purpose of existence. This purpose includes enhancing accountability towards its citizens and protection of citizens’ rights.

Managing records is one of the cornerstones of effective delivery of public services. Governments require proper records to evaluate past performances and also to make future goals. Client satisfaction, quality performance of tasks, and measurable outcomes are increasingly becoming important responsibilities which depend on accessible and efficient records in all institutions (IRMT, 2000).

Today, governments are increasingly recognizing the fact that information is an important component of good governance. Governments are expected therefore, to manage records properly so as to use it to make prompt decisions, enhance accountability and transparency, and to meet their own information requirements (Nengomasha, 2009). Consequently records enable governments to improve service delivery, efficiently use available resources and respond to opinions of its citizens.

According to Ngulube (2004), organizations should ensure proper records management are in place to make possible that valuable information is not last loss of records would unable track of activities to the organizations concerned. Records last within an organization can neither be re-created nor replaced hence the need for proper records management practices (Yusuf & Chell, 2005).

According to Sturges (2000), very little effort has been put on proper records management in Africa. The situation in most developing countries records management is not a major concert for the information. With the rise of inform communication technologies today, Africa and the developing world must emphasis on the preservation and conservation challenges of electronic records. Managing information and records are vital assets to public institution and government agencies. They help agencies plan for short term and long term activities that are beneficial to the institution proper records management is important because it makes government accountable, help in decision making outlines duties, and enable growth enhances a corporate memory of an organization and drives communication within organizations.

1.2     Statement of the Problem

Records management is an important activity in all organizations. Poor management of records can lead to difficulties in retrieval of information, with volumes of records clogging up office space. This situation undermines the effectiveness, accountability, and efficiency of the organization’s functions, leading to poor decision making, corruption, fraud, and abuse of the rights of the citizen (Sichalwe, Ngulube & Stiwell, 2011).

The undertaking of devolved functions by Nasarawa Local Government leads to generation of numerous records. In order for these governments to succeed in providing effective service delivery, they need to adopt sound records management practices. However, since county governments are relatively new entities, there is little research available on how they carry out records management activities. It is against this context that this study was designed to examine records management activities and recommend effective records management practices for Nasarawa Local Government.

1.3     Purpose of the study

The purpose of this study was to explore records management trends in Nasarawa Local Government.

1.4     Objectives of the study

The objectives of this study were to:

  1. Establish the current state of records management practices in Nasarawa Local Government
  2. Establish whether records management policies, procedures and filing systems have been implemented in Nasarawa Local Government
  3. Evaluate the performance of the records management system in Nasarawa Local Government
  4. Identify challenges facing records management systems in the provision of records facilities in Nasarawa Local Government

1.5     Research Questions of the study

This study sought to answer the following research questions:

  1. What is the current state of records management practices in Nasarawa Local Government?
  2. Are there records management policies, procedures and filing systems in place in Nasarawa Local Government?
  3. Has the county government records management division established a relationship with other information stakeholders both internally and externally,  and how does this relationship or lack of it impact on records management in the department?
  4. What challenges are faced in the management of records in Nasarawa Local Government?

1.6     Scope of the study

The study was conducted in Nasarawa Local Government. It would have been good to conduct research across the 47 counties but due to time allocated for the study and lack of enough resources it would be impossible to travel in 47 counties. Therefore, in this view the researcher chose L Nasarawa Local Government.

1.7     Significance of the study

The findings of this study would aid Nasarawa Local Government, other Local Government and organizations to enhance efficiency and effectiveness in managing their records for improved service delivery. The findings intend to complement other existing studies and contribute to the body of knowledge in the records management field. The research findings also hope to form a firm foundation for other researchers in the area of records management.

1.8     Limitation of the study

Some respondents had specialty in ICT, secretarial and business management which limited their understanding on the concept of professional records management. Some respondents cited that they were uncomfortable filling questionnaires for the safety of their positions. To overcome these limitations, the researcher clarified questions when conducting data collection. The researcher also assured respondents that anonymity would be upheld in the study.




There is no doubt that private individual, corporate bodies and even organizations mistake computer operators for professional secretaries. It is in the light of this, that this research was carried out to clear the misconception. It was a study carried out on some selected organization within Kaduna State. Related books on the topics were referred to and 120 questionnaires were used for the study out of which responses from 100 respondents were received and used and that form the basis for analysis. The study revealed that professional secretaries undergo training and professional courses as regard to their duties and responsibilities also computer operators also play significant roles in the organization, they type and safeguard document in their possessions. This was achieved by evaluating the performance of a professional secretary and a computer operator. Conclusions were drawn that professional secretaries assume duties on behalf of their boss unlike computer operators. It was recommended that computer operators who wish to be called professional secretaries should take up courses in office profession and management studies department and other professional courses relating to that.




There is no doubt that in many organizations be it private or public sectors, secretaries and computer operators are mistakenly ignored or misunderstood to mean the same thing. However, earlier the role of a secretary was limited to notes from their heads, typing and storing information. Perhaps with the advent of technology in companies and offices, secretarial duties have extended to things that were meant for the professional and managerial staffs. The secretary that organizations are seeking in today’s time should not only have clerical skills and administrative skill alone but also cooperate governance, security laws, and capital market.

As it is today technology has affected every aspect of secretarial work from the organization of document, sorting and storing of document.

Aku (2004) informs that the basic secretarial functions of collecting, transferring, processing and transmission of information allows themselves to computerization. Consequently, the most works carried out by the professional secretary in the office are now being handled more speedily and in a better way with the use of computer.

Hill (2004), A secretary is someone who receives executive and company officials, clerical duties and keep personal records, read and sort, organize incoming mails, make and answer phone calls.

Assessing the performance of professional secretaries and computer operators requires proper check and change to ascertain he caliber of each.

Performance as define by Wynel (2010) as a systematic description of job relevant strength and weaknesses within and between employees. Which also means that performance evaluation is a review of the employee’s performance based on the agreed objectives. As performance determines output in an organization, the output of a secretary can be observed from the duty performed and how specialized one is in his or her functions.

The computer operators who obtains diploma or certificate course in computer training is mistaken for secretaries as there are minor similarities in their duties which are typing of documents, receiving and sending of mails, which are temporary duties performed by the computer operators.

According to Suleiman (2000), a computer operator is someone who requires the knowledge and practice of computer appreciation and operations, he is only knowledgeable in operation of the computer and how to manipulate it. Most people lack the typing skills as well as the techniques for standard production of  documents.

Suleiman (2000) also define the duties of a computer operators as the duplication of duties by computer operator. He adds that because the computer operators can manipulate the computer does not mean that they are secretaries. This is difficult to identify professional secretaries and computer operators, because the computer operator tends to perform better than some professional secretaries in organizations Ball (2001) to them as long as you are under a typewriter, you are a typist; they ignore the facts that there are distinctive features of the two profession in terms of skill, qualifications, duties, responsibilities and remuneration. This wrong perception or impression has permitted the general public and a great percentage of the public sees the secretarial position as nothing but mere typist who are trained from business centers after undergoing some few months of training in typing from street business schools, and factors that hinders their promotion both as secretaries and computer operators.

This explains why many students are reluctant to take the course of secretarial studies as a profession in spite of the fact that secretarial position is crucial and important to organization just like any other position. It is against this background that the researchers sees this trend as an empirical problem worthy of investigation.


The work of a professional secretary is quite different from that of a computer operator in an organization. This is so because the work of a professional secretary encompasses that of a computer operator. Secretaries responsibilities include various administrative and clerical duties needed to run a company efficiently and smoothly.

Some duties include serving as an office information manager, arranging and scheduling meetings or appointments and preserving paper and computer files, managing projects, handling travel arrangements and distributing information through the use of telephones, mails, e-mails while the work of a computer operator is just limited to operating the computer, but in spite of this differences, a lot of organization tends to place a computer operator in the same level with a professional secretary which undermine the profession. As such doubt is expressed about the importance of a professional secretary’s contribution to goal attainment of an organization sequel to wrong perception of organizational members, as such people treat the profession with contempt and disregard. Hence the subject matter of this research: Evaluation of the performance of a professionals secretary and computer operators in an organization becomes worthy of investigation.


The general objective of this study is to evaluate the performance of professional secretaries and computer operators in an organization.

However the specific objectives of the study are:

  1. To examine the roles played by professional secretaries and computer operators in the smooth running and planning in an organization.
  2. To identify the factors that are responsible for lack of promotional opportunities of professional secretaries and computer operators in an organization.
  3. To examine the duties of professional secretaries as compared to computer operators in an organization.
  4. To know the demands for professional secretaries services and computer operators in an organization.


i)       How does the modern office technology aid the planning and smooth running of the organization?

ii)      What are the factors that hinder promotional opportunities of professional secretaries and computer operators in an organization?

iii)     What are the various roles and duties played by professional secretaries and computer operators in an organization?

  1. Why are there demands for professional secretary services and computer operators in an organization?


This study, when completed would be of great importance to the secretaries in practice and secretaries in training as well as the management of various organizations in the following ways:

  1. To the secretaries in practice and training: The study will help them to understand the qualification needed for one to assume a secretarial position in an organization.
  2. It will help those willing to take secretarial profession to appreciate the fact that being a secretary is not to be attached to a typewriter as a typist but rather a call to greater responsibilities in an office.
  3. It will help the secretaries in practice and in training to know the responsibilities or duties of a professional secretary in an organization as compared to computer operators.
  4. The study will be of help to Managers in job placement in an organization.


The study covers the empirical evaluation of the performance of professional secretaries and computer operator in an organization. It also examines the role of professional secretaries and computer operators in the smooth running and planning in an organization as well as the identification of the factors responsible for lack of promotional opportunities of professional secretaries and computer operators in an organization.

The study equally examines the duties of professional secretaries as compared to computer operators in an organization as well as the examination of the reasons why the services of professionals secretaries and computer operators are required in an organization,


Some of the major constraints the researchers encountered in putting up this research include lack of time, lack of willingness to give information by respondent and also limited resources.


Secretary: An individual employed to deal with correspondence and routine office work.

Computer Operator: An individual who enters data into computer, process it and produce result/information of the process.

Performance: This is the rate of carrying or completing a task.

Organization: A group of people who put up resources and services for a particular purpose.

Evaluation: This is a medium of assessing performance among individuals.

Professional: An individual who belong to a profession skillful and conscientious.



(A Survey Study of some selected Organizations in Kaduna Metropolis)


This study intends to look at “The effect of record management on office mangers efficiency”. Specifically, the study investigated the concepts, process, types, theories, and factors affecting office manager’s productivity. A population of 120 employees comprising of executives and office professionals drawn from the organizations under study formed the respondents of the study. Questionnaires being a more reliable instrument for data collection were used to collect data from the respondents. Some recommendations were made from the findings from the research revealed that organizations should train their staffs on the nitty-gritty of record management the findings also recommended that organizations should try and equip and update their record management department. Summary and conclusion were made based on the findings.



1.1   Background of Study

The ability of any office managers to keep and preserve its organizational records properly determines the success of that organization. According to Harding (1990) record keeping entails the processing, arranging and storing of records so that they can be located when required.

Records are very important to the organization; there-by the adherence to the strict rules governing the keeping of it by the officer or staff in charge in an organization is important. According to Reinhold and Carl (1963) the secret behind a successful organization is record keeping.

Record keeping refers to the keeping in safe custody all document in the office. Azuka (1990) defines Record keeping as a systematic arrangement and keeping of business correspondence and Record so that they may be found and delivered when needed for future reference. Any organization where records of transactions are not kept stand a great chance of collapsing.

Organization be it traditional or modern do have a role to play before their goals could be achieved. The realization of these goals depend heavily on the ability of the office manager to discharge his roles decisively and extensively. It is not out of place to conclude that record management constitute a fundamental part of the activities of all office managers; which must be pursued rigorously to provide promising solution to storage and retrieval problems.

Record Keeping originates from early men who wrote on stones and waves in causes for the future. These records were in form of drawing and writing of languages on the walls.

Civilization brought about the inventions of writing on paper as a better means of living and keeping of information. The urge to keep these records safe from destruction brought about the need to create storage equipment, which will safeguard these documents from being destroyed. So different form of record management were developed from the simple method of storage to the sophisticated method, from simple auxiliary filing of record to the more advanced micro filing of record.

Record management is very essential, most organizational managers depend on records, whether in Private or Government offices where invoice, teller, memorandum, report, cheques, vouchers, and so many other things are found for decision making and other managerial responsibilities. These    records are stored under different heading and kept for further usage. The act of record keeping is mainly used to educate and pass on this information to those who need it.

1.2     Statement of the Problem

Despite the overwhelming benefit from record keeping in the organization, managers are still finding it difficult to record properly. Many managers are yet to keep pace with the challenges posed by improper record management in the organization. This consequently has resulted to loss in terms of money, time and energy. The time taken when searching for a file or document can result into loss of hours and cause set back to the organization. Therefore the need to keep proper record by managers will not only save time but also save cost to the organization. It is based on this premise that the researchers seek to carry out this study.

1.3   Objective of the Study

The general objective of the study is to find out the possible impact of poor records to an organizational manager’s overall efficiency. Specifically the study intends to find out the following:

  1. To determine how record management affect the organizational productivity.
  2. To find out how records management affect office managers efficiency.
  3. To find out whether the records management contributes to saving of labour, cost and time of the office manager.
  4.  To ascertain the strategies for proper record management that brings about efficiency.

 1.4      Research Questions

The following research questions were formulated to guide the study:

1.     How does record management affect organizational productivity?

2.     How does record management affect office manager efficiency?

3.     How dose records management contributes to saving of labour, cost and time of the office manager?

4.   Where are the strategies of record management that brings about efficiency in the system?   

1.5   Significance of the Study

This study would be of immense benefit to office managers, student and future research alike.

  • Office managers – the office managers will benefit much from this study as the findings in this study would provide them with information on how to put records into files and store properly for easy retrieval.
  • Clerical staffs – the findings in the study would provide information to clerical staffs on how to store information into files, folders and then cabinets for easy retrieval and movement of correspondence and easy identification.
  • Students – students would benefit from the findings of this research work as they would be used for reference proposes.

1.6   Scope of the Study

This research work covers the various records keeping method and filing equipment used for proper record management other areas includes; record management as it affects organizational productivity, record management and managers’ efficiency and strategies for proper record management.

1.7   Limitation of the Study

First, time was not in favour of the study as the entire work was undertaken alongside other academic activities.

Secondly, the researchers suffered during the collection of data as many call-backs where made before a sizeable number of questionnaires were collected back for analysis.

Furthermore, finance was another obstacle during the course of this research work because there was insufficient money available for typing of questionnaires; photocopying, sourcing for materials through the internet and transporting to enable the researchers move around during the course of this study.

Lastly, the researchers could not get hold of sufficient research materials in relation to the topic in order to cover a wider area of the study.

1.8     Definition of Terms

        Effects       –       A change of something that causes a result

Efficiency     –     Quality of doing something, well with no waste of time or   money       

Office          –     Building used as a place of business especially for cereal administrative work.

Organization –     A group of people who form a business, club etc. together in order to achieve a particular aim.

Management      –       The act of running and controlling a business or smaller organization

Manager      –     The person who leads a department

Preservation –     To keep or maintain in an in changed or perfect condition

Retrieval      –     find again or extracts stored information

Storage       –     Kept ready for future use.




This study intends to look at “The effect of record management on workers’ productivity in an organization”. Specifically, the study investigated the concepts of record management, process, types, theories on record management, and factors affecting workers productivity. A population of 120 employees comprising of executives and office professionals drawn from the organizations under study formed the respondents of the study. Questionnaires being a more reliable instrument for data collection were used to collect data from the respondents. Some recommendations were made from the findings from the research revealed that proper record management have significant effect on workers productivity, thus the organizations should train their staffs on the nitty-gritty of record management and organizations should try and equip and update their record management. Summary and conclusion were made based on the findings.



1.1     BackgroundofStudy

The ability of any office managers to keep and preserve its organizational records properly determines the success of that organization. According to Harding (1990) record keeping entails the processing, arranging and storing of records so that they can be located when required.

Records are very important to the organization; there-by the adherence to the strict rules governing the keeping of it by the officer or staff in charge in an organization is important. According to Reinhold and Carl (1963) the secret behind a successful organization is record keeping.

Record keeping refers to the keeping in safe custody all document in the office. Azuka (1990) defines Record keeping as a systematic arrangement and keeping of business correspondence and Record so that they may be found and delivered when needed for future reference. Any organization where records of transactions are not kept stand a great chance of collapsing.

Organization be it traditional or modern do have a role to play before their goals could be achieved. The realization of these goals depend heavily on the ability of the office manager to discharge his roles decisively and extensively. It is not out of place to conclude that record management constitute a fundamental part of the activities of all office managers; which must be pursued rigorously to provide promising solution to storage and retrieval problems.

Record Keeping originates from early men who wrote on stones and waves in causes for the future. These records were in form of drawing and writing of languages on the walls.

Civilization brought about the inventions of writing on paper as a better means of living and keeping of information. The urge to keep these records safe from destruction brought about the need to create storage equipment, which will safeguard these documents from being destroyed. So different form of record management were developed from the simple method of storage to the sophisticated method, from simple auxiliary filing of record to the more advanced micro filing of record.

Record management is very essential, most organizational managers depend on records, whether in Private or Government offices where invoice, teller, memorandum, report, cheques, vouchers, and so many other things are found for decision making and other managerial responsibilities. These    records are stored under different heading and kept for further usage. The act of record keeping is mainly used to educate and pass on this information to those who need it.

1.2     Statement of the Problem

Despite the overwhelming benefit from record keeping in the organization, managers are still finding it difficult to record properly. Many managers are yet to keep pace with the challenges posed by improper record management in the organization. This consequently has resulted to loss in terms of money, time and energy. The time taken when searching for a file or document can result into loss of hours and cause set back to the organization. Therefore the need to keep proper record by managers will not only save time but also save cost to the organization. It is based on this premise that the researchers seek to carry out this study on the effect of property record management on worker’s productivity.

1.3     Objective of the Study

The general objective of the study is to find out the possible effects of proper records management on workers’ productivity in an organization. Specifically the study intends to find out the following:

  1. To determine how record management affect the organizational productivity.
  2. To find out how records management affect workers efficiency.
  3. To find out whether the records management contributes to saving of labour, cost and time of the office manager.
  4.  To ascertain the strategies for proper record management that brings about efficiency.

 1.4      Research Questions

The following research questions were formulated to guide the study:

1.       How does record management affect organizational productivity?

2.       How does record management affect workers efficiency?

3.       How dose records management contributes to saving of labour, cost and time of the office manager?

4.   Where are the strategies of record management that brings about efficiency in the system?   

1.5     Significance of the Study

This study would be of immense benefit to office managers, student and future research alike.

  • Office managers – the office managers will benefit much from this study as the findings in this study would provide them with information on how to put records into files and store properly for easy retrieval.
  • Clerical staffs – the findings in the study would provide information to clerical staffs on how to store information into files, folders and then cabinets for easy retrieval and movement of correspondence and easy identification.
  • Students – students would benefit from the findings of this research work as they would be used for reference proposes.

1.6     Scope of the Study

This research work covers the various records keeping method and filing equipment used for proper record management other areas includes; record management as it affects organizational productivity, record management and managers’ efficiency and strategies for proper record management.

1.7     Limitation of the Study

First, time was not in favour of the study as the entire work was undertaken alongside other academic activities.

Secondly, the researchers suffered during the collection of data as many call-backs where made before a sizeable number of questionnaires were collected back for analysis.

Furthermore, finance was another obstacle during the course of this research work because there was insufficient money available for typing of questionnaires; photocopying, sourcing for materials through the internet and transporting to enable the researchers move around during the course of this study.

Lastly, the researchers could not get hold of sufficient research materials in relation to the topic in order to cover a wider area of the study.

1.8     Definition of Terms

          Effects        –        A change of something that causes a result

Efficiency      –      Quality of doing something, well with no waste of time or   money

Office          – Building used as a place of business especially for cereal administrative work.

Organization –      A group of people who form a business, club etc. together in order to achieve a particular aim.

Management –      The act of running and controlling a business or smaller organization

Manager        –      The person who leads a department

Preservation  –      To keep or maintain in an in changed or perfect condition

Retrieval       –      find again or extracts stored information

Storage          –      Kept ready for future use.

Tuesday 1 February 2022





The aim of this research is to look into personnel management and Human Resources and its effect in the organization. Using questionnaires to collect data, respond represented in tables and analysis using chi-square (x2).The statistical method. It was found out that there is a significant relationship with the progress of the organization. The researcher recommend it’s very importance for organization should learn to direct matters regarding human resources of the organization to the personal management department for performance of it’s role




Organization are made up of various departments that have separate designed refers and responsibilities aim at achieving organizational goals. This department includes personnel department, finance and supply Agriculture, health, social services work and Housing.

Personnel department is the life of any organization. It is the department that handles staff matter like discipline, promotion recruitment, and transfer e.t.c the department also co-ordinate the activities of all other department of organization so as to achieve the aims and objectives of the organization.

Personnel or human resource department is of great importance in any organization which profit is the major aim of it’s set up. It is the work of personnel department to employ the caliber of who are efficient, effective and prudent part the resources of firm together to achieve the target goals. Even in the public sector such as schools, hospitals, courts water board e.t.c where profit is not the major objectives. The personnel department is still very essential and relevant and which they make sure that things are done at the right times which in turn help the organization to meet up the needs of the societies while human relation of any organization is to determine the relationship between workers and executive in labour turnover to assess the effect of personnel development and human relating in any organization is to determine workers level of trying and guess of their decision.

  1. Statement of the Problem

The interference in the personnel department responsibilities as the case may hamper the performance of the personnel department especially during employment exercise, bias on the part of personnel office’s is another problem to the personnel officers. The personnel officers may have different reason of promoting some workers and which may easily lead to internal conflict among the personnel officers. Sometimes it becomes difficult in ascertaining the normal conduct of the prospective employees and that is why in most cases, some of the employees may turn to be rogue instead of contributing to the progress of the organization but the reverse is the cases.


The serves and continuity of my organization depends upon the continuity in the utilization of efficient personnel management thus the general aim of his research work is to specifically highlight the problem facing the personnel departments

The specific objectives of the study are to

  1. Examine some functions of human resource management
  2. Examine constraints of effective human resource management
  3. Determine the importance of human resource management
  4. Attracting an effective workforce to the organization
  5. Developing the workforce to its potential.
  6. What are the functions of human resource management to organization
  7. What are the constraints of effective personnel management to organization
  8. Does human resources attract an effective workforce to the organization
  9. How do human resources develop workforce to its potential
  10. Are staff motivated by the effect of personnel development in organization

Ho: Bias on the part of the officers of personnel management has impact on the progress of the organization

Hi: Bias on the part of the officers of personnel management has impact on the progress of the organization


Some organization are experiencing high role of productivity while other are not direct the highrate of strives and other public/private holidays frequently witnessed which therefore, lead to low productivity. So this research work is undertaken to assess the role of personnel department in an organization.

The research will also help in any organization to assess he progress and effectiveness of the personnel department even though it has been in existence many years ago. In fact it is home to take a crucial look into its aims and objective

This study is therefore, expected to be useful to Nigeria employees but Nasarawa state bond of internal revenue lafia in particular because it will enable them to assess the progress so far made by the personnel management department in the organization.

Today, there are a lot of change everywhere, therefore order appreciate and learns b about the importance of the personnel department this study has been conducted in an attempt to connect and offer policy guide to the employees and employers.


This research work covered the effect of personnel management and human relations in Nasarawa State Board of internal revenue.


In carrying out this research work the researcher encountered sense of problem such as financial constraints, which tend to case development because there was no enough money, so the research could not lay in hands on some of the materials which would have enhanced and beautify this project.

    Another problems encountered in the progress of carrying out this project work and which would have frustrated it completely. All the efforts made by the   researcher were the refusal of the respondents to respond but after many persuasion, the researcher succeed in gathering the few data, which to extent facilitate this research work

  2. Constraints: it is something that control what you can do by keeping

  You within a particular limits

  • Development: it is the process of economic and social transformation

That is base on complex, cultural and environmental factors and their interactions

  • Human relation: it is the study of human problem arising from         organization and interpersonal relations ( as in industry)
  • Personal management: it is defined as an administrative functions of an organization that exists to provide the personnel needed for organizational activities and to manage the general employee – employer relationship
  • Organization: it is a social unit of people that is structured and managed to e a management structure that determines relationship between the different activities and the members, and subdivided and assign roles, responsibilities and authority to carry out different tasks.

Thursday 6 January 2022



(A case study of Nasarawa Broadcasting Service, Lafia)


This research work was based on the effect of marketing strategies on media organizations; Nasarawa Broadcasting Service Lafia was picked to serve as a sample for the population in the course of the research.Scope and limitation and the terms were designed. In chapter two, marketing strategies designed levels of planning the marketing strategies were explained. The marketing mix, marketing environment, have been examined with the summary of literature review. Chapter three shows research designs and methodology, source of data questionnaire design, the population and sample and the questionnaire that are distributed and collected. Chapter four contains data presentation and analysis as well as a reasonable conclusion after which source and useful recommendations were suggested. The researcher used questionnaire method to obtain information, organize the research work in five (5) chapters. The Chi-square method was used to analyze the necessary data obtained from the questionnaire returned. Adequate suggestions and recommendations were made.



In many countries of the world, the mass media as an institution is aimed at enlightening the society on the economic and financial situations and also to find the possible solution to problems being faced by the nation with regards to the free enterprise economics. FagboSaka (2002) Such direction is a product of the ideological learning of a society within the prospects of micro and macro-economics.  The current globalization market has made companies to see the internationalization of their activities as a way to remain competitive. Marketing strategy has become important tool globally for any organization to remain in competitive market environment and was stronger. Aremu and Lawal (2012) sees strategy as a pattern of resource allocation decisions made throughout an organization. This encapsulates both desired goals and beliefs about what areacceptable \and most critically unacceptable means for achieving them. Aremu and Lawal, (2012) say that strategy implies that the analysis of the market and its environment, customer buying behaviour, competitive activities sand the need and capabilities of marketing intermediaries. Marketing strategy therefore, can be defined as a method by which a firm attempts to reach its target markets. Marketing strategy starts with market research, in which needs and attitudes and competitors’ products are assessed and continues through into advertising, promotion, distribution and where applicable, customer servicing, packaging, sales and distribution. Marketing strategy must focus on delivering greater value to customers and the firm at a lower cost (Chiliyaet al, 2009). Owomoyel a et al,(2013) also see marketing strategy as way of providing a quality product that satisfies customer needs, offering affordable price and engaging in wider distribution and back it up with effective promotion strategy. Marketing strategy is a vital prerequisite of Industry’s ability to strengthen its market share and minimize the impact of the competition

Even the state controlled economics, the media though heavily subsidized by government cannot be realistically regarded as valuable resources of the state. since as an institution it exist to fulfill basic ideological good of the society and cannot therefore be appraised in terms of its ability to generate resources for its sustenance or toward other ends.

The Nigeria media cannot be said to have enjoyed an institutional advantage provided within a long time which operates under the cover of mixed company. Some differences in this direction are noticeable in the print and electronic components of the mass media. Although the print media was introduced (in this case the newspaper) under a private initiative in 1859..the entry of the electronic media (radio) has the stamp of the colonial authority, more than three (3) decades after independence in 1960. Electronic media ownership has remained the privilege of government either at the Federal or State level. They exist as at now a number of television production companies, the best of these outfits have been able to achieve their independent production of programmes for public consumption.

The print media appears to have been more democratic in character, while government have embraced the medium and have been controlling shares or completely ownership of newspapers. Private initiative has received considerable expression in the area of ownership and operation of these outlets. The reality of the market is that while some newspapers and magazines are more successful than others, there exists healthy competition among the organizations.

Marketing forces have helped to determine the strength of these organizations periodically. Those who are subject to the political will (in the case of government) and dispensation have been able to understand and address the problems being faced by the competitors. These factors have in most case defined their audience and direct effort at meeting the needs of this audience. The noticeable shift in policies and programs to a capitalist society has informed the need for the mass media to address the issue of viability. This issue has received considerable boost with the option of the structural adjustment program (SAP) in July 1986. The implementation of the program also witnessed a spate of privatization and commercialization drives.  


In spite of its relevance, the effect of marketing strategies on media organization is hardly studied especially. But in many cases, they face the constraints of technological backwardness, lack of human resource skills, weak management system and entrepreneurial capabilities, unavailability of appropriate and timely information, insufficient use of information technology, poor product quality etc. As a result, there exists a low level of marketing strategies on media organization.

Previous studies reviews conflicting findings e.g. FagboSaka (2002) shows that marketing strategy has become an important tool globally for any organization to remain in competitive market. Aremu and Lawal (2012) shows that strategy as a pattern of resource allocation decision made throughout an organization. This encapsulates both desired goals and believes about what are acceptable means for achieving them.

Chiliya et al (2009) shows that marketing strategy starts with market research, in which needs and attitudes and competitors products are assessed and continues through advertising, promotion, distribution and where applicable, customer servicing, packaging, sales and distribution; Owomoyele et al (2013) shows that marketing strategy is a way of providing a quality product that satisfies customers needs, offering affordable price and engaging in wider distribution and back it up with effective promotion strategy.    In view of the above, this study seeks to address the effect of marketing strategy on media organizations and show ways to improve, especially Nasarawa Broadcasting Service Lafia.


The broad or general objective of the study is to investigate the effect of marketing strategy on media organizations of Nasarawa Broadcasting Service, Lafia and adopt the best strategy for the organization.

The specific objective is:

  1.  To examine the degree at which product strategy improves the level of profit in the effect of marketing strategies on media organizations ofNasarawa Broadcasting Service, Lafia.
  2. To determine the extent at which promotional strategy influences the sales volume of Nasarawa Broadcasting ServiceLafia.
  • To determine the effectiveness and efficiency of the media in the face of competition in the perception of the mediaNasarawa Broadcasting Service, Lafia.

The following research questions will be used:

  1. To what extent can the effect of marketing strategy on media organizations be investigated and how can the best strategy be adopted in Nasarawa Broadcasting Service, Lafia?
  2. To what extent can the degree at which product strategy improve the level of profit of Nasarawa Broadcasting Service, Lafia be examined?
  3. How can the effectiveness and efficiency of the media in the face of competition of the media be determined inNasarawa Broadcasting Service, Lafia?

The significance of the study is said to look into the effects of the application of marketing strategies in media organization particularly Nasarawa Broadcasting Service Lafia. It could provide some important information especially for interesting academician who will do further research work.

It would provide interesting information which would be used by the Federal government and the State government on the role of media organizations.


In order to address the research objectives and questions and ascertain reliable outcome from the investigation, the following hypothesis stated in null (Ho) will be tested.

Hypothesis one:

Ho: Product strategy has no significance to the effect of marketing strategies on media organizations in Nasarawa Broadcasting Service Lafia.

Hi: Product strategy does have significance to the effect of marketing strategies on media organizations in Nasarawa Broadcasting Service Lafia.

Hypothesis two:

Ho:Promotional strategy has no significance to the effect of marketing strategies on media organizations in Nasarawa Broadcasting Service Lafia.

Hi: Promotional strategy does have significance to the effect of marketing strategies on media organizations in Nasarawa Broadcasting Service Lafia.

Hypothesis three:

Ho:Price strategy has no significance to the effect of marketing strategies on media organizations in Nasarawa Broadcasting Service Lafia.

Hi: Price strategy does have significance to the effect of marketing strategies on media organizations in Nasarawa Broadcasting Service Lafia.

Hypothesis four

Ho:Place strategy has no significance to the effect of marketing strategies on media organizations in Nasarawa Broadcasting Service Lafia.

Hi: Place strategy does have significance to the effect of marketing strategies on media organizations in Nasarawa Broadcasting Service Lafia.

Hypothesis five

Ho: Effectiveness and efficiency has no significance to the effect of marketing strategies on media organizations in Nasarawa Broadcasting Service, Lafia.

Hi: Effectiveness and efficiency does have significance to the effect of marketing strategies on media organization in NasarawaBroadcating Service, Lafia.


This research work is limited to cover only Nasarawa Broadcasting Service Lafia.This study will help to give recommendations on how marketing strategy has effect on media organization and to see how it helps company to increase patronage.


In the course of carrying out this research work, certain factors militated against the smooth operation of the work. The exercise was greatly limited due to some factors. Some of the factors include: 
–       Lack of funds 
–       Time constraints 
–       Inadequate research materials to collect data such as textbooks, journals, magazines 

  2. MEDIA: Channel through which the message or information passes from the producer to the final consumer e.g. Television, newspaper, magazine etc.
  3. ADVERTISEMENT: Is the person or organization that usually initiates the advertising process or the sponsors of the advert.
  4. ADVERTISING: It is the non-personal selling of goods and services through the mass media which includes newspaper, magazines, radio and television, postal and are fully paid for by an individual.
  5. MARKETING: Philip Kotler (1996) however, defined marketing as a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and value with others.
  6. COMMERCIALIZATION: This meansthe process of introducing a new product or production method into commerce—making it available on the market.
  7. BROADCAST:The act of transmitting sound or images by radio or television.

Friday 31 December 2021




This research project is a comprehensive study of the Role of Non Governmental and Non-Profit Multinational Organization in the Alleviation of Rural Poverty: the Nigerian Experience, the appraisal of the implementation of the various poverty alleviation programmes in Nigeria and its implications for Development. Five categories of variables that relate to the poverty alleviation programmes were studied. These are why non-governmental and non profit multinational organizations, the meaning and measurement of poverty, approaches for sustainable livelihoods for the rural poor, overcoming human poverty, human development, government and non-governmental efforts towards poverty alleviation into five chapters. Chapter one deals with the introduction of the study, pointing out the statement of the problem, the purpose of the study, statement of hypothesis, objective of the study and the significance of the study with the definition of some common and uncommon terms for our easy understand. Chapter two extensively dwell on the literature reviews and works, frame the conceptual, theoretical and empirical frameworks, the phases adopted, it constraints and problems and list of enterprises sold. Chapter three has to do with the methodology used to ascertain true and relevant information. Here, we make our research design, sources of data, sampling design and procedures, the sample size and our data collection instruments. I also made test of validity and reliability of the study. In chapter four, I presented and analyzed the collected data and the test of hypotheses. Finally, in chapter five, I summarized my findings to the research work, drew some useful conclusions based on my findings and made good recommendations and suggestions that when applied or employed in subsequent policy formulation will enhance the actualization of set targets to the alleviation of rural poverty programme in Nigeria, which will positively, effectively, efficiently and ultimately alleviate rural poverty in Nigeria.




This research project was conceived as a contribution to battle against poverty, a scourge that has assumed a disgraceful dimension in the world’s most populous and potentially, most powerful black nation. The 2009 Human Development Index (HDI) recently released by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) paints a gloomy picture of Nigeria. The HDI ranks nations of the world according to the human conditions that exists in each nation.

According to UNDP’s report, adult literacy in Nigeria stands at 28% and only 47.7% of the country’s children have access to immunization against preventable disease. The report goes on to add that just 30% of Nigerians has access to safe drinking water while a mere 33% percent of the country’s population has access to electricity. Drawing its conclusion from the above quoted figures, the UNDP ranks Nigeria 146th out of the 174 countries mentioned in the report. This means that only 28 countries of the world are poorer than Nigeria, the world’s sixth largest oil producer. In other words, Nigeria is one of the 30 poorest countries in the world. Although the UNDP report is not flawless, it fairly captures the reality. Any person who lives  in this country need not be a seer to know that the country is in dire straits.

Given the important contributions these organizations have made, one would understand why this project concentrates on their role in the battle against poverty, especially rural poverty, in Nigeria. The last two decades of the twentieth century were economically traumatic for Nigeria. That period naturally witnessed an upsurge in interest in poverty alleviation. This interest goes beyond Nigeria for the problem of poverty transcends national boundaries. Since the literature of an, era reflects the signs of the time it should not be surprising that the period between 1980 and 1999 saw the emergence of numerous academic works devoted to the problem of poverty in Nigeria and other parts of the world. Coincidentally, the period in question witnessed an increase in interest in women affairs and consequently, a deluge of literature on the contribution of women to rural poverty alleviation and nation building. This review shall focus on the available literature relevant to our research.

Maxwell Simon in ―The Meaning and Measurement of Poverty‖ an article published by the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) argues that the concept, poverty has no Universal accepted definition. Simon argues that despite the difficulty in conceptualizing poverty, efforts have been made to use income as one of the measure of poverty. The cities the World Bank attempt at choosing an income level of $1 15 (One American Dollar) per day as the benchmark for absolute poverty. According to the World Bank, ―any person that earns not more than considering the assertion earlier made in this chapter to the effect that income may not be an adequate measure of poverty. For example there are differences and ten Naira) at the current (July 2000) exchange rate may not buy in the United States what it can buy in Nigeria. To buttress the point that income is not an adequate measure of poverty, Maxwell avails the reader of a more versatile definition of poverty given by the European Union which goes thus. ―The poor shall be taken to mean person, families and groups of person whose resources (materials, cultural social) are so limited as to exclude them from the minimum acceptable way of life in the member state in which they live‖. In the penultimate segment of his article, Maxwell gives the following measures of poverty as called from the UNDP Human Development Report (HDR) of 2009.


Most social research efforts are motivated by the desire to combat one negative the phenomenon or another. Within the contact of this proposed research, the negative social phenomenon in question is poverty, a problem that has assumed alarming dimension in Nigeria. The problem with Nigeria is not lack of human and material resources; indeed, the country is one of the most naturally endowed countries in the world.

The problem of poverty in the midst of plenty is primarily caused by the skewed nature of inadequate and poor income distribution in Nigeria. The system in this country enables the rich to get richer while the poor get poorer. How can we ensure that the disposable income in the hands of the poor, particularly the rural poor, is enhanced? Another problem that exacerbates poverty is misplacement of priorities on the part of successive governments of the country. Neglect of rural infrastructure only helps to compound the problem of poverty in Nigeria. Rural-Urban migration which has seen to the loss of vibrant rural youths to cities would not have been as acute if priority had been given to rural infrastructure.  Apart from the aforementioned, other problems such as limited access to credit facilities, high cost of farm inputs and inclement geography all combine to compound the problem for rural poverty in Nigeria. These problems shall be identified and solutions to them proffered in the documentation of research findings.


As the title implies, this research effort is primarily aimed at assessing the contributions of Non-Governmental and Non-profit multi-national organizations in the alleviation of rural poverty in Nigeria. The objectives of the study are:

1. To assess the contributions of Non-Governmental and Non-Profit multi-national organisaitons in the alleviation of rural poverty in Nigeria.

2. To ascertain the possible benefits that the rural populace may achieve through the assistance of the Non-governmental and non-profit multinational organistion’s.  
3. To determine the impacts of the NGO’s and its sustainability with governmental support.

4. To highlight the necessary areas where the voluntary services of the NGO’s are most needed in the alleviation of rural poverty in Nigeria.

5. To bring out the possible ways of alleviating rural poverty

 To point out the key areas where the voluntary services of the NGO’s are preferentially needed and areas of utmost priority, (health, education, water and sanitation etc).


  1. What have been the contributions of the Non- governmental and non-profit multinational organizations to alleviation of rural poverty in Nigeria?
  2. Have the Rural people benefited from the non-governmental and non- profit multinational organizations especially in terms of poverty alleviation?
  3. Can the non-governmental organizations support be used to assess the sustainability of governments support?
  4. How would government identify the most needed areas of attention in the rural poverty alleviation programme?
  5. To what extent has the government identified the possible ways of alleviating the rural poverty?
  6. What are the key areas where the voluntary services of the NGO’s are preferentially needed, (health, education, water and sanitation etc)?


This research is certainly not the first to be conducted on poverty alleviation in Nigeria. However, it is significant in it emphasis on rural poverty. Similarly, the proposed use of research assistants to reach out to rural areas is a remarkable departure from the practice of ―arm-chair research‖ which entails conducting researches only on the pages of books. Similarly, this research effort, being one of the way first conducted in the new century shall serve as a reference point for future researches on the thorny issues of rural poverty in particularly and poverty in general.


This proposed research shall cover six non governmental and non-profit multinational national organizations. These include the Fredrich Eberth Foundation, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Ford Foundation, British Council, United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Global 2000. The Nigerian offices of these organizations shall be visited for information. Research assistants shall also be sent to some selected rural areas. The number of these rural areas would depend on the financial resources available to the researcher.

Tuesday 17 November 2015


This study examined the contributions of modern communication equipment to job efficiency of the secretary in Abuja school of accountancy and computer studies.This research work is made up of five chapters with chapter one covering introduction, background of the study,     statement of the problem, purpose of the study, research questions, significance of the study, limitation of the study and definition of terms. Chapter two deals with review of related literature, importance of the modern communication equipment, what is modern communication and general problem in the maintenance of modern communication equipment. Chapter three is concerned with research design and methodology, population of the study, sample size and sample procedure, description of instrument, method of data collection analysis. Chapter four covers data presentation, analysis and discussion of findings, the final chapter which is chapter five gives the summary and conclusion to the entire research work and makes possible recommendations on the contributions of modern communication equipment to job efficiency of the secretary.

I will focus my attention on how the modern equipment has contributed to the efficiency of the work of a secretary. Communication is today becoming more complex in its composition and the equipment being put to use for effective work.

Some of the equipment includes: telephone, Tele-printers, computers, radio phone and others.

All these radio, Tele-communication message are technological innovations that support the natural ways in which people work.

The core subjects in office technology and management includes typewriting, shorthand, and office management. This is because before a person can fit into the work of a secretary, he/she must study these courses which will help him or her in the manipulation of communication equipment. In response to the increasing and essential demand for well-trained secretaries, the government is doing its best to see that adequate attention is given to the study of these courses.

No wonder why this course is being offered in the Universities and Polytechnics and these institutions have been encouraged to train many people to serve as secretaries in order to handle and operate the modern communication equipment in offices nationwide. Abuja School of Accountancy And Computer Studies, (ASACS), rectors is a good example of ASACS effort in this direction.
The management of the institution is not living in the past century, they are also moving with time in the provision of modern communication equipment.

There is some communication equipment which the secretaries use in their offices. However, it has been discovered that many problem are still facing the effectiveness of the secretary who is adequately exposed to these modern equipment.

The Abuja School of Accountancy and Computer Studies (ASACS) was established n may, 1995 and incorporated as a limited liability company. After three months of existence, the institution received approval as a professional training Centre from the following professional bodies.
a. Institute of Chartered Accountant of Nigeria (ICAN).
b. Chartered Institute of Administration (CIA).
c. Association of National Accountant of Nigeria (ANAN).
d. Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators of Nigeria (ICSAN)
e. Nigeria Institute of Purchasing and Supply Management (NIPSM).
f. Computer Association of Nigeria (CAN)

The school was established to provide high quality academic studies and professional development for individuals who intend to work as accountants, computer specialists and administrators. It started with 250 students in 1995 the population has increased to 2000 in 1999.

In recent years, large business organization machine, from a messaging system to inter- office telephone extension for quick communication, from hand written addresses to addressing machines and with the entrance of computer nearly all office manual work has been reduced.

All these machines are aimed of course at elimination unnecessary delay to secretary performance and improving the efficiency of those who operate them. The secretary could not perform their task satisfactorily if the use of modern communication equipment does not exist.

Communication is a process of creating, transmitting and interpreting ideas, facts, opinions, and feelings. As the years go by the work continue to witness dramatic changes and development in all areas of the secretarial administration, generally, thought of in terms of the media communication for instance, memos, reports, and the skill of communication. It is widely considered that organizing element of management should concern itself with the system and environment of the communication function.

In this work, Chester Bernard (2003) stressed “the need for communication theory because the structure, extensiveness and scope of organization are almost entirely determined by communication which is regarded as the foundation on which most organization are built.
The competence of the secretarial staff of the Abuja School of Accountancy and Computer Studies have continuously been questionable in the recent past.

This has remained a source of worry both for the management and the secretarial staff themselves.
Reasons for this have been associated with the ineffective operation of the secretaries. The situation arouse the curiosity of the researcher hence the desire to study the same.

Any work one does must have a purpose or rather an objective to justify that work. Again, the utmost aim of every work necessitate the success of the work, therefore the purpose of this study is primarily to know how far these modem communication equipment have help or contributed to job efficiency of secretaries in Abuja School of Accountancy and Computer Studies.

In considering the effectiveness of modern communication equipment, this reviews the performance of the secretaries in the institution.

The overall purpose of this is to
1.       Examine bow this modern communication equipment has contributed to effective work of the secretary in their organization.
2.          Make suggestion on the improvement of modem communication equipment in the institution.
1.     What are these modern communication equipment?
2.     What are the modern communications available for the use of the secretaries?
3.     Are these equipment being serviced to provide adequate, and efficient services?
4.     Are these equipment contributing to the efficiency of secretaries in Abuja school of accountancy and computer studies?

The significance of the study arises from the fundamental role of modern communication equipment plays in our economic deve1opnents. Moreover, the secretarial services needed trained and qualified people n order to handle and maintain the equipment.

That is why Chester Bernard (2011) stressed that “the executive function is to develop and maintain a system of communication”. Again, since secretarial services is of immense help to both public and private establishments in any developing or developed society in terms of qualitative administrative procedures the research would create avenue for its improved standard to match the growing complex nature of administration in our country.

Above all these, the study will attempt to explain why many organizations do not have these modern communication equipment despites its advantages. It is expected that the study will contribute to the knowledge in the area of efficiency. To the institution, it will bring them to the knowledge of what contributions they can make to train more secretaries, particularly in the area of provision modern communication equipment.

In the process of carrying out the study a number of limitations were experienced. These includes
Firstly, I faced in the course of this research is the nonchalant attitude of some respondents, this hampered the process and smoothness of data collection.

My effort to get full opinions on some of the interview. Some feel very much at ease to reserve their comments on some vital issues, information of which could have added more colour and weight to the findings of the study.
Some were afraid that it might incriminate them by answering some of the interview questions in spite of the fact that the purpose of the research was clearly made known to them by the researcher.

Another limiting factor was financial problem this also takes it toll on the need to travel out wide to other institution.

SECRETARY: any personnel who is trained in the communication, shorthand and typewriting, storage and retrieval of information.

COMMUNICATION: Is a process of creating ideas, facts, opinions, and feeling.
COMPUTER: is a device that works under the control of stored program automatically accepting, storing and processing data to produce information
OFFICE: this is any place where clerical and administrative duties like receiving information, sorting out information, acted upon records, executive re-arranged, retrieved and kept for future reference.
ORGANIZATION: this is the arrangement of work with division of activities and with the allocation of duties, authority and responsibilities.
ADMINISTRATION: it is often use to refer to the acti1ities of the higher level on management group who determine major aims afraid policies of an organization.


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