Showing posts with label Efficiency. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Efficiency. Show all posts

Friday 4 February 2022





1.1     Background to the Study

All organizations are required to keep records of their activities. By keeping such records accurately and up-to-date, organizations can measure their performance, improve their overall financial control and take action whenever problems arise/ (Needham and Dransfield, 1996).

Modern information system have plunged the world into what may be called an information age as opposed to the book age (Akuria, 2001). Information is an essential resource for decision-making at international, national and even lower organizational levels of human activity. However, information to be fully effective, it should be classified, recorded, and stored appropriately in an effective manner. This information is known as a record and the discipline in which record or information is captured, stored and managed in a meaningful format is the substance of records management. Records are therefore a vital tool in the administration of many organizations. The success and failure of organizations and state organs activities all depends on the efficient handling of information (Penn 1996).

The library provides a full service for lending, inquires, reference, photocopying, computer and inter-library loans. Considerable emphasis is placed on helping the students and teaching information skills, through the introductory library orientation program. The library has a computer network system through which you can access the catalogue using the UNESCO – WINISIS software, to complement the traditional card catalogue.

1.2     Statement of the problem:

Every organizational activity depends upon reliable information and well managed records which are essential if an organization is to function, efficiently. With the advancement in technology, there should be an efficient records management system in place backed by technology. Information Technology is used for employee data base, financial and accounting information system, students data base, assets and liabilities data bank. Various aspects of records management in private institutions are not up to date that is there is lack an efficient and reliable information management system to keep all stakeholders informed. There are poor data processes and retention schedules; inadequately .trained personnel to handle data collection, storage and dissemination; inadequate training in Information Communication Technology; inadequate space, unclear chain of command among others. Through the public and private institutions in Nigeria Information Communication Technology was considered an indispensable tool for enhancing productivity, yet little attention is paid to the information management issues and to understanding the forces of change that affect the form and integrity of the record. Staff who understand the functional requirements for record keeping and the competencies and skills required to manage electronic information delivery system are few; legal and administrative requirements for managing electronic records are not implemented. Accurately documented policies, standard operating procedures and formal methodologies for analyzing records are still lacking. It is against this background that the researcher was prompted to investigate the relationship between the records management and efficiency in an organization.

1.3       The General Objective of the Study

The general objective of this study was to explore the effect of records management on organizational efficiency in an organization.

1.4       Objectives of the Study

  1. To examine the influence of Records Management on efficiency in an organization.
  2. To explore and make a critique of methods used by the organization  to manage records.
  3. To examine the effectiveness of Information Communication Technology in managing records.
  4. To establish the challenges faced by the organization in modernizing the records management system.

1.5     Research Questions

  1. What influences record management on efficiency in an organization
  2.  What methods are used by the organization to manage records?
  3. What is the effectiveness of Information Communication Technology in managing records?
  4. What are the challenges faced by the university in modernizing records management?

1.6       Scope of the Study

The study looks at the impact of records management on efficiency at in an organization. It was intended to find out the nature and practice of records management in the organization, assess the significance of records management on efficiency and examine the challenges of records management in the organization.



(A Survey Study of some selected Organizations in Kaduna Metropolis)


This study intends to look at “The effect of record management on office mangers efficiency”. Specifically, the study investigated the concepts, process, types, theories, and factors affecting office manager’s productivity. A population of 120 employees comprising of executives and office professionals drawn from the organizations under study formed the respondents of the study. Questionnaires being a more reliable instrument for data collection were used to collect data from the respondents. Some recommendations were made from the findings from the research revealed that organizations should train their staffs on the nitty-gritty of record management the findings also recommended that organizations should try and equip and update their record management department. Summary and conclusion were made based on the findings.



1.1   Background of Study

The ability of any office managers to keep and preserve its organizational records properly determines the success of that organization. According to Harding (1990) record keeping entails the processing, arranging and storing of records so that they can be located when required.

Records are very important to the organization; there-by the adherence to the strict rules governing the keeping of it by the officer or staff in charge in an organization is important. According to Reinhold and Carl (1963) the secret behind a successful organization is record keeping.

Record keeping refers to the keeping in safe custody all document in the office. Azuka (1990) defines Record keeping as a systematic arrangement and keeping of business correspondence and Record so that they may be found and delivered when needed for future reference. Any organization where records of transactions are not kept stand a great chance of collapsing.

Organization be it traditional or modern do have a role to play before their goals could be achieved. The realization of these goals depend heavily on the ability of the office manager to discharge his roles decisively and extensively. It is not out of place to conclude that record management constitute a fundamental part of the activities of all office managers; which must be pursued rigorously to provide promising solution to storage and retrieval problems.

Record Keeping originates from early men who wrote on stones and waves in causes for the future. These records were in form of drawing and writing of languages on the walls.

Civilization brought about the inventions of writing on paper as a better means of living and keeping of information. The urge to keep these records safe from destruction brought about the need to create storage equipment, which will safeguard these documents from being destroyed. So different form of record management were developed from the simple method of storage to the sophisticated method, from simple auxiliary filing of record to the more advanced micro filing of record.

Record management is very essential, most organizational managers depend on records, whether in Private or Government offices where invoice, teller, memorandum, report, cheques, vouchers, and so many other things are found for decision making and other managerial responsibilities. These    records are stored under different heading and kept for further usage. The act of record keeping is mainly used to educate and pass on this information to those who need it.

1.2     Statement of the Problem

Despite the overwhelming benefit from record keeping in the organization, managers are still finding it difficult to record properly. Many managers are yet to keep pace with the challenges posed by improper record management in the organization. This consequently has resulted to loss in terms of money, time and energy. The time taken when searching for a file or document can result into loss of hours and cause set back to the organization. Therefore the need to keep proper record by managers will not only save time but also save cost to the organization. It is based on this premise that the researchers seek to carry out this study.

1.3   Objective of the Study

The general objective of the study is to find out the possible impact of poor records to an organizational manager’s overall efficiency. Specifically the study intends to find out the following:

  1. To determine how record management affect the organizational productivity.
  2. To find out how records management affect office managers efficiency.
  3. To find out whether the records management contributes to saving of labour, cost and time of the office manager.
  4.  To ascertain the strategies for proper record management that brings about efficiency.

 1.4      Research Questions

The following research questions were formulated to guide the study:

1.     How does record management affect organizational productivity?

2.     How does record management affect office manager efficiency?

3.     How dose records management contributes to saving of labour, cost and time of the office manager?

4.   Where are the strategies of record management that brings about efficiency in the system?   

1.5   Significance of the Study

This study would be of immense benefit to office managers, student and future research alike.

  • Office managers – the office managers will benefit much from this study as the findings in this study would provide them with information on how to put records into files and store properly for easy retrieval.
  • Clerical staffs – the findings in the study would provide information to clerical staffs on how to store information into files, folders and then cabinets for easy retrieval and movement of correspondence and easy identification.
  • Students – students would benefit from the findings of this research work as they would be used for reference proposes.

1.6   Scope of the Study

This research work covers the various records keeping method and filing equipment used for proper record management other areas includes; record management as it affects organizational productivity, record management and managers’ efficiency and strategies for proper record management.

1.7   Limitation of the Study

First, time was not in favour of the study as the entire work was undertaken alongside other academic activities.

Secondly, the researchers suffered during the collection of data as many call-backs where made before a sizeable number of questionnaires were collected back for analysis.

Furthermore, finance was another obstacle during the course of this research work because there was insufficient money available for typing of questionnaires; photocopying, sourcing for materials through the internet and transporting to enable the researchers move around during the course of this study.

Lastly, the researchers could not get hold of sufficient research materials in relation to the topic in order to cover a wider area of the study.

1.8     Definition of Terms

        Effects       –       A change of something that causes a result

Efficiency     –     Quality of doing something, well with no waste of time or   money       

Office          –     Building used as a place of business especially for cereal administrative work.

Organization –     A group of people who form a business, club etc. together in order to achieve a particular aim.

Management      –       The act of running and controlling a business or smaller organization

Manager      –     The person who leads a department

Preservation –     To keep or maintain in an in changed or perfect condition

Retrieval      –     find again or extracts stored information

Storage       –     Kept ready for future use.

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