Showing posts with label LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE. Show all posts

Wednesday, 1 March 2023





Administration is the means by which formal goals are achieved through corporate human efforts. It is the capacity to coordinate many and often inflicting social energies in a single administration so adeptly that they shall operate as unity.

Adam, (2001) pointed out that administration is generally defined as the process of working with and through others to efficiently accomplish organizational goals. It is the act or science of getting things efficiently done. Administration in general is concerned with building individual(s) into organization and with managing and directing those organizations. In more specific terms, administration is concerned with the performance of executive duties; the carrying out of the these decision is fulfill the purpose and controlling, satisfaction of the individual worker to seek their corporative. In accomplishing the goals of the organization. Khati, (2010), there are three major mechanisms that facilitate the acquisition of administration competence and skilled these are:

  • Education: This involves undergraduate and postgraduate studies.
  • Experience:  This involves exposure to variety of situations and demand
  • A Mentor Mentee Relationship: It involves a going administration learning a set of administration skill by observing, working with and relating to more seasoned higher administration.

(Szilagyi 2000), Personnel administration can be defined as “the recruitment, selection, development, utilization, and accommodation to human resources by organization”. The human resources of an organization consist of all individuals engaged in any of the organization’s activities. Libraries employ not only large numbers of people, but also very diverse kinds of people. It is not unusual for sixty to eighty percent of a library’s budget to be devoted to salaries. Thus effective personnel administration is critical to a library’s achieving its goals and objectives. In time of extreme financial constraint, the way survival of a library may be highly dependent upon the quality of personnel administration.

Personnel administration is responsible for supply and placement of workers and maintenance and study of records yet it is a fact that present day contest, recruitments and selection is still a crucial aspect or personnel work.

Personnel administration is more commonly called Human Resources Management (HRM). People are considered the more important resources which an organization has. It includes a skills inventory, an analysis of expected expansions or reductions in operating units, and a systematic plan for recruitment and promotion. It is a comprehensive, on –going process which includes, but is broader than, making estimate. Personnel administration refers to the recruitment, accessing, developing, and retraining employees.

According to Penala (2008), organization is a large part of personnel administration. Employees must be organized in a way to gets the work done as long as employees are striving to be efficient in completing their employment responsibility, comprises usually work at retaining or keeping the good employees which saves the time of replacing them.

A library is a social institution which is established primarily to collect materials, organize and make them available to the users, preferably at the right time and at the right place.


The Federal  Polytechnic Idah Library was established in August 1978, when the first set of library staff assumed duty. An old building of the temporary site which has being earmarked for use as library was expanded and renovated and the 678 volumes of books purchased and kept initially by the rector for staff use only formed the foundation stock.

In February, 1981, a new temporary library was opened at the permanent site. The library served as the main library of the school. It contained books that support the curriculum of the department of Accountancy Management Studies, Marketing, Secretarial studies, Food Technology, Hotel and Catering Management, Science Laboratory Technology and General Studies. The library has a sitting capacity for 196 readers. The administrative offices as well as processing unit of the library also relocated to the main campus.

The second library was located at the temporary site, contained books for the schools for engineering and metallurgy and material for science. This library in 1986 moved to the permanent site after an expansion of the library at the permanent site. This library continued to develop with increasing volume of book. The total volumes of books then were about thirty five thousand (3500).

In October 14th 2004 the library was burnt down by rampaging students who claimed that their industrial attachment allowance was released to the management and the management refused to pay them. Thus raised down almost the whole library, what was left of the library where the science technology reading area and serial section. These section was saved with the intervention of the fire unit.


A library depends of its personnel for both resources building and service. The staff therefore should be professionally qualified and experienced. The staff should efficiently and effectively serve students, researchers, academic and non academic staffs of the institution.

Library has suffered both in collection development and service because of the inadequacy of professionally trained and experienced staff. The capabilities of the individual staff involved in the responsibility of the different levels of specialization and also the kind or organization line of staff, centralized or decentralized contribute a lot. The library can have appropriate selected materials when professional staff is employed. The accelerating rate of change in all phase of our problems indicates clearly that top management must show greater concern with the genuine development of capable library specialist.

This study examines the personnel problem in Federal Polytechnic Idah Library.


The following are the research questions:

  1. What are the different types of management style administered?
  2. What are the functions of the personnel in the library?
  3. How are the activities of the personnel in the library coordinated?
  4. What are the weaknesses of the personnel in the library?

Objective of the study are to:

  1. Identify the type of personnel management style employed in the library;
  2. Identify the functions of personnel in the library;
  3. Examine the co –ordination of the activities of the personnel in the library
  4. Identify the weakness of personnel in the library

The study will help to reveal the importance of good management style as necessary condition for the successful attainment of the organizational goal and objectives.

The study will afford members of the library management the opportunity to access their management style and the obvious consequence the management style has on the organization.

It is expected that the conclusion and suggestion made in this study will foster better management style and staff morale in the organization and it will provide additional information on management style in the academic libraries for researchers and information seekers and will foster management style practice in the library.


The scope of this study covers the development of personnel administration in Federal Polytecnic Idah central Library. It covers the personnel management which involves organizations, services, personnel, structure, stock fund, method of acquisition of material etc.


Administration:  The act of directing people towards accomplishing organizational goals.

Academic Library is the type of library found in tertiary institution like the Polytechnics, Institutes, Colleges of education, Monotechnic and the Universities. This libraries serve the reading and research interest of freshman and undergraduates, lecturers, and graduates of the campuses. The materials are diversified to support teaching and other programmes students and teachers are engaged in.

Personnel in any library consist of the people who work there. The employees are the personnel.

Personnel Administration in the library includes all activities which help the management in getting work done by labour force in the best manner possible to accomplish the library objectives. Personnel administration in the library consists of recruitment, selection, development, utilization of an accommodation to human resource by the library. Libraries employ not only large numbers of people, but also very diverse kinds of people. It is not unusual for sixty to eighty percent of library’s budget to be devoted to salaries. Thus effective personnel administration is critical to a library’s achieving its goals and objectives.

The personnel function of the academic library may be carried out by personnel (now often termed “human resources”) Offices of the parent organization.

Library is a repository of wisdom of great thinkers of the past and present.  is a building that houses properly organized knowledge (collection) in form of books, periodicals, audiovisuals, etc with trained personnel who manipulate the collection for use by the community for which it is established. It is also a social institution charged with the responsibility of disseminating knowledge, conserve knowledge, preserve the culture heritage to the people without any discrimination.

Regardless of the type of library, the broad objective of every library is to acquire, preserve and disseminate information that can facilitate the attainment of the objective of its present institution.


Adam. G.(2001), Personnel Administraiton. 9th Ed. New York: Mc Grawhil, Pp.689.

Khati, O. (2010), Management Control. 3rd Ed. New York: Mc Grawhil, Pp.234

The Federal Polytechnic Idah (2012), Student Handbook 20. Fed.Idah Press.

Penala.K. (2008), Research Manual: Guide for Research in Applied Science Education and Technology and Business Studies, 2nd Ed. Ikeja: Longman

Szilagyi F.G. (2000), Management. 2nd New York: Macmillan Pp. 753.

Tuesday, 28 February 2023



(An assessment of University of Jos Library)



The library and the services it renders to the society play an important role in the intellectual, social and cultural life of the people. Therefore any change in mode of acquiring, storing and disseminating information for the enhancement of mankind will certainly affect the way libraries and librarians operates. A library computerization programme must be undertaken with caution and careful planning. In addition to significant budgeting implications, automation may require organizational changes, revision in library policies and procedures, changes in the behaviour of both staff and patrons and computer contractual obligations. Library computerization process will become too complex and costly to be undertaken without first engaging in extensive investigation, decision and decision-making.

The nation of not having enough of the computer technologies assumes to create fear and anxiety on the minds of library patrons over the introduction of computer in the library system while to some, it would boost their access to information.


Computers are part of the new technologies that have really improved access to recorded information. Computerized library system is obviously the answer to new information demand in the study.

Anaeme, T.O (2004) noted, it provides system implementation process as well as guide to hardware and software selection problems which tend to make library automation averse are highlighted. Nevertheless, the need for computerized library services cannot be overemphasized.

According to him, computers have become well-established basic tools in library operation and information work. Computer science and its application have gained unequal acceptance in many fields of Human endeavour such as engineering, medicine, management studies, accountancy, statistics, economics, naval, military and indoor in library operations. 

Amanze (1991) defined computer as a device capable of accepting information applying prescribed processes to the information and supply the result of the process.

Galanter (1984) described computer as just a device that accepts information of one kind or another, stirs it around according to a carefully prepared set of rules or processes and then dumps it out in new forms.

Onyewuenyi (1994) define computers as electronic machines that operates with remarkable speed and reliability.

The main objective of computerizing the academic libraries as mentioned by Ohaiji (2004) is to boost research and learning on all our campuses, hence information could be supplied efficiently and at a very fast rate. Libraries have always aim at introducing computer technologies in their information services to enhance the idea of automation.

Advantage of computer in library services; as Onyewuenyi (1994) noted, computer in library services are unique that they can receive, store and use information and instructions that the user gives them.

Computer allows for minimize labour cost, speed in operation, increased productivity as well as update accurate information.

However, most academic libraries (Federal University Libraries) have not come to appreciate the introduction and use of computer in their libraries system due to the attitude of the library patrons towards it. Part of it emanate from the fact that the level of literacy in Nigeria is nothing to write home about. This seems to account for the reasons why academic libraries are still considering the introduction and use of computer in library system to improve their avenue of information services.

It is on this background that this study focuses on the attitude of library patrons on the use of computer in information services in academic libraries. 


The use of computer in library system by library patrons have recorded impacts and problems associated with its introduction in academic libraries.

Many scholars in the field of librarianship in their various works have emphasized on the benefits and needs of having computer in library practice, even the patrons know the benefits and needs of having computer in libraries. But there are still problems associated with introduction of computer in libraries. Despite the numerous profits attached to the use of computer, many users are yet to maximize the introduction of computer due to certain problems.

However, illiteracy on how to use the computer may actually be the major cause of their poor attitude towards computer use in libraries. Lack of skills on how to operate computer is also a factor of library patrons considering the introduction of computer as not worthwhile.  

But the attitude of library patrons to the use of the computer information services is largely influenced by the existence of costly educational administrative information gap which present a multitude of significant problems. The heart of those problems is the lack of adequate, reliable and insufficient administrative information to undertake management function to attract patrons to use of computer information services efficiently in academic libraries. This research became imperative in order to educate most of the academic library patrons on the proper and effective use of computer information services.


1.  What have been the attitudes of library patrons to the use of computers in information services in academic library?

2.  What are the causes of these attitudes of library patrons to the use of computer in information services in academic library under study?

3.  What are the effects of those attitudes of library patrons to the use of computer in academic library under study?

4.  What are the possible ways of correcting attitudes of library patrons to the use of computer in academic library under study?


1.  To find out attitude of the library patrons towards the use of computer in information services in academic libraries.

2.  To find out the causes of such attitude(s) of library patrons to the use of computer services in academic libraries.

3.  To determine the effects of the attitude of the library patrons to the use of computer in academic libraries.

4.  To proffer suggestions or ways of correcting patrons attitudes to the use of computer in the library under study.


Computer based library systems have become a new trend in African libraries which Nigeria is lacking behind. At the end of this research study, it is hoped the outcome will re-wake the consciousness of library patrons to reconsider their stand and attitude towards the use of computer in libraries and to accept the fact that computers have become a catalyst of change and a modern gadget for the progress of library and its services.


The scope is on attitude of library patrons to the use of computer in accessing information in Federal University Libraries in north central zone and the study is limited to only university of Jos library. This is because of inadequate time to meet up with the required time of the programme and also lack of funds to finance a wider research work.


    Attitude: Is a mental or emotional approach to something or someone (Griff and King, 1986).

–    Computer: Computer can be defined as an electronic device that process, store, retrieve large amount of data very quickly.

–    Information: This is the act of informing or imparting knowledge.

–    Library: A library is defined as a room or place where books and non-books material are kept.

–    Library Patrons: This can be defined as library users or users of library.

–    University library: This can be said to be library in the university i.e. higher institutions of learning. It is referred to as an ‘Academic library.



Library is a building or room containing collection of books, periodical and summaries films and recorded music for use or borrowing by the public or the members of an institution.


Preservation refers to the set of activities that aim to prolong the life of a record and relevant materials or improve access to it through non-interceptive means. This includes action taken to influence records creators’ prior selection and acquisition.


Conservation refers to the treatment and repair of individual to slow decay or restore them to a useable state. The main objective of conservation is to keep library and archival of materials in their original format for as long as possible.

Library materials can be preserved through remedial treatment of individual material (flatting book and paper repair, binding).


  1. To prevent materials that are damaging from further damaging.
  2. To know the material that has already been damaged in the library collection.
  3. To bring back the materials that has already gone bad into active stage.
  4. To identify the material that are damaging or that has already been damaged.


There are three types of library materials which are:- Printed, Non-printed materials and library equipment.

  1. Printed Materials: These are materials printed on paper e.g books, year books, manuals, reference books.
  2. Non-printed Materials: These are source that are not printed e.g DVD/VCD, e-book, music CD, and taps. They are product of advanced technology.
  3. Library Equipment: They are the equipment found in the library e.g tables, chairs, computers, fans.


  1. Conservation: The main objective of conservation is to keep library materials in their original format for as long as possible.
  2. Collection Care: This refers to the general maintenance been carried out on the library materials.
  3. Disaster Planning: This is an unexpected event which put collection at risk.


  1. Mechanical Damage: It could be: – (i) The way the book is made. (ii) Improper use of the book. (iii) Violent influence from outside.
  2. Biological Damage: Biological damages are damages caused by different living organisms such as insect, rodents, man.
  3.  Chemical Damage: These are caused through chemical reactions and whose causes are:-
  4. Reaction caused by substance which penetrate from outside
  5. Reactions which are long term processes of a natural character.
  6. Disaster such as fire and flood can also cause damage of library materials.


  1. Handling and use of library materials: Material in the library should be handed carefully by storing on a smooth shelve. And materials should be purchase in abundance to reduce too much hand on a particular book.
  2. Storage Environment: The environment conditions in which items are used, stored and exhibited are critical factor in the reactions that cause items to deteriorate. E.g relative humidity, light, temperature.
  3. Reformatting: This is the process of capturing library and archive materials to ensure the survival of their content and to extend access.


Non-Paper based materials such as sound recording audio and video reduces the risk of digital material. Sound recording is use in electronic process to remove unwanted noise from the sound.


Weeding is the removing of some library materials from the shelve base on damage or excessively use. Weeding is important for several reasons among which are the creation of more space and the reduction in the cost of processing and maintaining library materials.


  1. To remove books with out dated information.
  2. To identify books that are damage or in poor condition.
  3. To remove books that are not library used in the library.
  4. To identify gaps in the collection and make new purchases.


  1. Low level of conservation awareness of library staff
  2. Non availability of school and training programmes to train these categories of personnel.
  3. Physical Isolation: It refers to where some of the library resources are from isolated places.


Reference books are materials that are consulted from time to time for a specific item of information. They are not meant from cover to cover, they are not broad in scope, they either general or specific in scope.


  1. Atlases:- Contain an organised group of physical, political, road and thematic maps.
  2. Bibliographies:- Contains one or more list of resources and materials sharing some common attribute such as location, publishing date, subject.
  3. Dictionaries:- Contain words of a given language and other information such as their origins pronunciations, and definitions.
  4. Almanacs:- Contain specific facts, statistical data, table of comparative information organized lists of books reference related to people.


  1. They are housed in a separate section of the library
  2. They are revised on regular basis to keep them current
  3. They are more expensive than other types of a book in the library.


Arfanis, P. and H. Javis (2010) Archive in Cambodia; Neglected Institutions Archives and Manuscripts Australian

Arnoult, J. M (2000) Libraries of the Ancient Cities of Mauritania International Preservation News 21:21

Asogwa, E. B; and L.L Ezema (2012) The Challenge of Preservation of Archives and Records in the Electronic Age PNLA Quarterly 76:3

Cunha, G. M and D. G Cunha (1999) Conservation of Library Materials. A Manual and bibliography on the care repair and restoration of library materials I and II Metuchen Scarecrow Press

Davies, J. (1979). A Study of the Basic Standard and Methods in Preservation and Conservation Workshops Application to developing Countries Brussels UNESCO and ICA



(An assessment of four selected secondary schools in Nasarawa Town)


This study investigated the School Library as Fundamental Steps to Children’s Effective Reading Habits among four selected secondary schools in Nasarawa Town. The objectives of the study is to identity the number of times student visit the library, identify the benefit derive in using the school library and to examine current and relevant materials in your school library. The researcher used descriptive research design method and structured questionnaire, data were collected from a total of 80 respondents. The findings showed that students do not visit the library regularly, students derive benefit in using the school library and there are current and relevant materials in the selected secondary school libraries. It was recommended that teachers should encourage the students to read more books, magazines and newspapers regularly, librarian should attract children who are reluctant readers, expose them to the joys and benefits of reading and create an environment conducive to reading so that the children feel at home and comfortable.



Reading has been and still a powerful means of communication. It can form part of an individual to the extent that it becomes a habit which once developed, become very difficult to break. However, what children and adolescents read and why they read can be difficult questions to answer. The art of reading could be an interesting experience for children and adolescents if they are properly guided. A reading habit cultivated early in life helps the child to grow into an independent adult.

In Nigeria, there is the general outcry and a serious one for that matter, against the falling standard in education. Several factors are attributed to this fall in standard, but hardly has the establishment of the school and public libraries been mentioned. The absence of school and public libraries and the role they play to uplift that standard of education is ignorantly left out. It is on this basis that this paper is written to highlight the role school and public libraries can play in encouraging reading habits among children and adolescents which is a catalyst to learning.

Access to information is crucial to individual advancement as well as corporate educational development. Information is indispensable and according to (Yusuf, 2007), bridges the gap between knowledge and ignorance. One of the major avenues for acquiring information is reading. Reading is the foundation upon which other academic skills are built. It offers a productive approach to improving vocabulary, word power, and language skills. Tella and Akanade (2007), avert that the ability to read is at the heart of self-education and lifelong learning and that it is an art capable of transforming life and society. Yani (2003), as quoted by Oyeronke (2009), posits that reading habits of Nigerians are a matter of concern in our educational and national development, stating further that in a developing country like Nigeria, the concept of reading habits should not be relegated to the background.

The habit of regular reading, according to Shabi and Udofia (2009), refines the reader; it awakes something inside someone that makes him or her take their own life more seriously. One can only imagine the inspiration and noble feeling evoked after reading biographies of great men and women. This is where the school and public libraries come in. The raison d’être’ of the school and public libraries are to serve as a pivot or fulcrum of reading and promoting of reading habit. The school and public libraries bring together books and other formats of literacy materials and the readers under the expert guidance of a certified librarian. For the promotion of a sustainable reading culture in Nigeria, this central role of the school and public libraries will continue to be relevant both now and in the future.


Reading habit or interest constitutes an important foundation to the use of library resources. It is particularly important for student because as Alegbeleye (2010) reveals, it is best formed at a young impressionable age in school and once formed, it can last one’s life time. Sangkaeo (2009) refers to reading habit as the behaviour which expresses the likeness (interest) of reading of individual types of reading and taste for reading. Self-interest for reading is considered important for student as it is believed that reading student become reading adults.

It has been found that frequent reading is related to the development of sophisticated language structures, higher level of comprehension, improved word analysis, skills and fluency in significant amount of voluntary reading, and that these are associated with a greater interest and skill development (Arriving International reading Association, 2002). This view supports the finding of Pilgreen and Krashen (2000) that the longer free reading is practiced the more consistent and positive the result, and that people who read more write better. Krasher surmised that reading as a leisure activity is the best predictor of comprehension, vocabulary and reading speed of students.

These studies show the relevance of student’s interest in voluntary reading as a foundation for success in terms of present and future achievements. On student’s proficiency vis-à-vis the role of the library, literature generally lends support to the importance of the role of library in achieving this important task; for instance, a wide range of review, “Every Child Ready to Read” (2010) surmised that there is a clear and abundant evidence that certain physical design feature in environment (represented adequately by the library) supports young children’s literacy engagement and subsequent achievement. They include physical design features, use of space and resource may help to focus and sustain children’s literacy activity providing greater opportunity to engage in language and literacy behaviours. This research indicates that a more deliberate approach to selection and arrangement of materials according to specific design critical (as libraries do) may enhance children to use library’s object and related print resource, thereby enhancing the children’s reading proficiency.

It has also been found that a number of factors serve as motivator for student’s interest in reading and enhance the use of library resource. These include the home environment as represented by parents (Dent and Yannot, 2005 as reported in Busayo, 2011; Every Child Ready to Read, 2010) as well as the school libraries (Usoro and Usanga, 2007;Udoh-Ilomechine, 2008; Every Child Ready to Read, 2010; Busayo, 2011).

Student’s interest in the use of library can be promoted by the schools themselves through provision and arrangement of relevant reading materials in a quiet and attractive environment. This will enhance student’s interest and proficiency in reading. The extent to which student use these resources can be enhanced through the library planned promotion activities such as the summer reading programme for student, reading competitions and celebration of yearly library week to sensitize the student of library facilities and resources as well as public awareness creation on new arrivals and anything that is new in the library by librarians.  Parents can also serve as motivators for library use by being personal examples and encouragement for their children. 

Four (4) Secondary schools where selected for the purpose of this study two (2) government owned schools and two (2) private owned school namely Government College Nasarawa, Government Science Secondary School Nasarawa, Achievers Baptist College Nasarawa and Polytechnic Staff Science Secondary School Nasarawa respectively.

Government College Nasarawa, it is located beside Eco Bank Plc. Nasarawa. The school was established in 1975, it is a boarding and day school. It has a total population of 155 students, teaching staff population is 55 and non-teaching staff is 20. It is a State Government.

Government Science School was established in 1985 it is located in Angwan Biri, Nasarawa. It is a boarding and day school. It has a total population of 156 students, teaching staff population is 48 and non-teaching staff is 22. It is a State Government.

Achievers Baptist College Nasarawa, it is located very close to Nasarawa Market. The school was established in August, 2001. It is a boarding and day school. The number of teaching staff is 40 non-teaching staff 20 the total number of the students are 60. It is a private owned school.

Polytechnic Staff Science Secondary School Nasarawa, it is located very close to the Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa Boy’s Hostel. The school was established in September, 2004. The number of teaching staff is 32 non-teaching staff 14 the total number of the students are 48.


Indeed the poor reading culture in Nigeria has come to a stage where urgent measure must be taken. Taking a look at our tertiary institutions, you could see cint1ess number of students who believe that sitting down to read is a waste of time. Our university and other tertiary institution’s graduates are not employable.

Take a look at their secondary school days you will discover that this

Important phenomenon: school library was neglected. They took the same life style into the tertiary institution and the got stocked. One thing we must also take a look at is the shabby state of our school libraries. Infact most schools have no school libraries which ought not to be. All these must be tackled. And the study intends to do that.


1.       To identify if the schools have school library

2.       To identity the number of times student visit the library

3.       To identify the benefit derive in using the school library

4.       To examine current and relevant materials in your school library

5.       To find out the problem inhibiting effective use of library and its resources

6.       To find out possible solutions to the problems identified


The following questions will make up the research questions:

  1. Does your school have school library?
  2. How many times do you visit the library?

3.       What benefit do you derive in using the school library?

4.       Are there current and relevant materials in your school library?

5.       What the problems inhibiting the effective use of school library and its resources?

6.       What are the possible solutions to the problems identified?


The research will help to put the school library in its rightful place looking at how neglected it has been.

The research will also reveal that for students to become ardent readers, parents must embark on some exercises. The research will help parents and guidance to know the effort needed to cultivate a good reading habit in their wards.

Finally, the research will go a long way in bringing to an end the sheer neglect suffered by school libraries.


The project is based on the School Library as a fundamental step to student’s effective Reading Habit and is limited to secondary schools in Nasarawa town. In the process of carrying out this project work, the researcher was confronted with many challenges and limitations which are as follows:

Time: There was time constraint for the research project and within the time specified, the normal lecture were also in progress, therefore, the researcher was faced with a lot of stress to combine the research work with her personal affairs and running from one lecture to another. The effect of this work was that the period the researcher was supposed to spend on findings and data collection was limited and as a result more quality work was hindered.

Finance: The researcher was also faced with financial problems. Researcher work is very tedious because it requires running from one place to another in search of information, books, Journals, paper and reports must be consulted but are not always available within, there was the need to travel to gather some of the materials which involved money. Also the researcher printed questionnaires which were distributed to the staff of the selected secondary schools which also involved money.


LIBRARY: A library is a collection of sources of information and similar resources, made accessible to a defined community for reference or borrowing. It provides physical or digital access to material, and may be a physical building or room, or a virtual space, or both. A library collection can include books, periodicals, newspapers, manuscripts, films, maps, prints, documents, microform, CDs, cassettes, videotapes, DVDs, Blu-ray Discs, ebooks, audiobooks, databases, and other formats.

SCHOOL LIBRARY: Is a library within a school where students, staff, and often, parents of a public or private school have access to a variety of resources.

EFFECTIVE: This is the process in determining the relevancy of the library materials.

FUNDAMENTAL: Serving as, or being an essential part of, a foundation or basis; basic; underlying or of, relating to, or affecting the foundation or basis.

READING HABIT: A recurrent, often unconscious pattern of behavior that is acquired through frequent repetition; made a habit of reading bible every morning.


Agada J. (2010) Any Hope for Books in Digital Age? Sunday Trust Newspaper, April, 18, 2010.

Kalaugo, K. (2010) Rainbow Club Gears up for World Book Day, Initiates Community Libraries. The Guardian, April 18, 2010: 75.

Oyeronke, A (2009) Reading Habits of Secondary School Teachers: A Study of selected secondary schools in Ado-Odo Local Government Area. Library Philosophy and Practice

Shabi, I.N and Udofia, E.P (2009) Role of the School Library in Promoting Reading Culture in Nigeria International Journal of Research in Education, 6 ( 1& 2 ): 259-269.

Tahir, G. (2002) Primary School Pupils Cannot write. New Nigerian, September, 20, 2002.

Tella, A and Akande, S. (2007) Children’s Reading Habits and Availability of Books in Botswana Primary Schools: Implications for Achieving Quality Education. The Reading Matrix.7. (2)

Ugboma, M.U, (2010) “The Nature; Principle and Concepts of Literature and Library Services for Children”. In Modern Library and Information Science for Information Professionals in Africa (Madu, E.C and Ezeani, C.N ed) Ibadan: Titling, 79-92.

Yani, S. (2003) Reading Habits of Senior Secondary School Students in Zaria local Government area; Zaria Journal of Librarianship. 6 (1and2): 30.

Yusuf, F. (2007) Repositioning School libraries in Nigeria: The Catalyst for Promoting Reading Habit Among Primary and Secondary School Students. Library Philosophy and Practice.

Friday, 4 February 2022




The research aimed at investigating the Record Management Practices at Health Centres in Gyallesu and Tudun Wada, Zaria. To achieve these objectives, six research questions were formulated and answered accordingly. The survey design method was adopted for this study. The population under this study consisted of staff of the two Primary Health Care Centres in Zaria. A total of 15 respondents from the population formed the sample for this study. The data was collected by distributing questionnaires, which was the instrument used for data collection. The data collected were analyzed using the frequency distribution tables, simple percentages and histograms. Based on the data collected and analyzed, the result of the findings indicated that a majority of the respondents indicated that immunization records, antenatal record, deliveries record, family planning, diagnostic notes, referral letters/notes and patient’s folders are the basic healthcare records in Gyallesu and Tudun Wada Primary Health Care Centres. The following recommendation was given as The healthcare centres should emphasized more on description slips, admission slips, discharge slips, and other records because of their vitality in healthcare service delivery, there is need to collate all information of the patients whereabouts; The healthcare centre should harness the power of records by using It communicate efficiently and effectively to the patient concerning his health status; There is need for the staffs to go for further studies and training to acquire skills on record management; The Kaduna State Ministry of Health through Zaria Local Government Healthcare authority should provide ample space for records keeping, storage and ease; The primary healthcare should time to time train their staffs on how to communicate effectively and listening to get the appropriate and necessary information documented as medical history of patient.



1.1 Background to the Study

A Primary Health Care Centre is the first level of the healthcare service delivery closer to the people in the community they live or work. The Primary Health Care Centres are mostly run by organizations, institutions or governments of such communities. Where they are not able to attend to the patient, a referral to a bigger (secondary) healthcare centre for better treatment is given. A Primary Health Care Centre is an approach to health beyond the traditional health care system that focuses on health equity-producing social policy (Starfield, 2011). Furthermore, a Primary Health Care Centre lays its emphasis of health care delivery to the people themselves and their needs to reshape their lives health wise. It also includes all areas that play a role in health, such as access to health services, environment and lifestyle. According to White (2015) primary healthcare and public health measures, taken together, may be considered as the cornerstones of universal health systems.

This ideal model of healthcare was adopted in the declaration of the International Conference on Primary Health Care held in Alma Ata, Kazakhstan in 1978 (known as the “Alma Ata Declaration”), and became a core concept of the World Health Organization’s goal of Health for all (WHO, 2011). Between 1986 and 1992, remarkable and innovative progress was made in the development of primary health care, focusing on the Local Government Areas (LGA’s). As a result, Nigeria was placed in the front rank of countries to have improved the health and quality of life of its people through primary health care. Following the recommendation of a high level WHO review team (Decree 29 of 1992), the National Primary Healthcare Centres Development Agency (NPHCDA) was established to capitalize on these achievements and sustain federal assistance to the LGAs. It merged with the National Programme on Immunization (NPI) in 2007 (NPHCDA, 2015)

According to Milena (2015) Health records are the most important database of health treatment of the patient. Consistent recording by doctors, nurses and other staff is proof of proper monitoring of the health, planning and treatment. Initial health records were used to describe individual processes. Today, health records are a much broader concept than in the past because in the past, it was the doctor alone who recorded data. Health records and documents serve as the basis for the realizing of individual rights, both in civil and legal transactions, as well as the exercise of rights relating to privacy and the retrograde determining health status.

These records contain information which is crucial to human endeavour, that information is an indispensable tool in office work, management, and decision making and in work productivity. This is to say that effectively organized and good management of private and public sectors / organizations‟ records, depend heavily on the availability of current, complete, accurate and reliable information which is generated and supplied on time to facilitate planning, decision making and in order to enhance productivity reported by (Akuso, 2014).

Medical Record is an important document meant basically for recording the treatment procedure for a patient. This record is important to both the patient, as well as the doctor. It has become the only crucial and effective weapon doctors use to counter the false claims of the patient when they file a case against them. As such medical records are evidential documents which can provide significant evidence in billing reviews, physicians self – assessments, etc. where the physician reflects on and assesses the care that have been provided to the patient (Akuso, 2014).

Furthermore, the patients’ records are used daily to record information about the patients’ personal details, prescriptions and diagnosis for future reference to follow-up patients. The information recorded is eventually used to confirm the patients’ health history during current and future consultations. The paces at which the records are retrieved and served for this purpose determine the patient waiting time for the services. This has an impact on the quality of the service rendered by the health institution (Ngoaka, 2011)

Proper filing of patient’s medical records facilitates effortless retrieval and ensures reduction patient’s waiting time at the hospital and ensures continuity of care. It is therefore, very important, that medical records are always kept in the interest of both the clinician and the patient. The medical folder must always be in the safekeeping of the health facility whiles the patient enjoys the right of information.

1.2 Statement of Problem

An effective management of health records is a critical factor in facilitating health care delivery services.Therefore, the roles of medical record remains very vital as they provide the health history of patients contained in medical files for further assessment, prescription of treatments and possible next line of action.

It is not acceptable from the series of reports from literatures of poor record management in facilities, especially in the Public Health Cares and other secondary health institutions in Nigeria. This study investigates the Record Management Practice at Health Centres in Gyallesu and Tudun Wada Primary Health Care Centres to verify if the problems of poor record management persist.

1.3 Research Questions

  1. What is the basic health records documented in Gyallesu and Tudun Wada Primary healthcare Centres?
  2. What facilitation roles does the medical health record provide during healthcare delivery?
  3. What are the basic qualification of the medical health records officers in Gyallesu and Tudun Wada Primary healthcare Centres?
  4. What are the management strategies operated Gyallesu and Tudun Wada Primary HealthCare Centres?
  5. Challenges affecting the effective and efficient record keeping in Gyallesu and Tudun Wada Primary healthcare Centres?

1.4 Objectives of the Study

The main objective of the study is to examine records management practice at Zaria Local Government Primary Health Care Centres.

The specific objectives are to:

  1. To find out the basic health records in Gyallesu and Tudun Wada Primary healthcare Centres.
  2. To find out facilitation roles does the medical health record provide during healthcare delivery.
  3. To find out the basic qualification of the medical health records officers in Gyallesu and Tudun Wada Primary healthcare Centres.
  4. To find out the management strategies operated Gyallesu and Tudun Wada Primary HealthCare Centres.
  5. To find out the challenges affecting the effective and efficient record keeping in Gyallesu and Tudun Wada Primary healthcare Centres.

1.5 Significance of the Study

This research will assist the Zaria Local Government Primary Health Authorities and its facilities to reveal, identify and make recommendation to achieve quality health care service. The project shall add to the body of knowledge on PHC with particular reference to Zaria metropolis.

1.6 Scope and Limitation of the Study

The research was limited to Gyallesu and Tudun Wada Primary Healthcare Centres and the study only focused on records management practices operating within the PHCs.


Akuso, A. (2014) Generation, Organisation And Use Of Medical Records In Primary  Health Care Centres Of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. [Thesis]. Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria

Milena, M. (2015).The Importance of Health Records. Journal of Health, 7, 617-624.

WHO. (2011). “International Conference on Primary Health Care, Alma-Ata: twenty-fifth anniversary” (PDF). Report by the Secretariat .WHO.Retrieved 28 March 2011.

Starfield, B. (2011). Politics, primary healthcare and health.”Epidemiol Community Health 2011;65:653–655 doi :10.1136/ jech.2009.102780

White, F. (2015). Primary health care and public health: foundations of universal health systems. Med PrincPract 2015 doi: 10.1159/000370197

NPHCDA. (2015).





1.1     Background to the Study

All organizations are required to keep records of their activities. By keeping such records accurately and up-to-date, organizations can measure their performance, improve their overall financial control and take action whenever problems arise/ (Needham and Dransfield, 1996).

Modern information system have plunged the world into what may be called an information age as opposed to the book age (Akuria, 2001). Information is an essential resource for decision-making at international, national and even lower organizational levels of human activity. However, information to be fully effective, it should be classified, recorded, and stored appropriately in an effective manner. This information is known as a record and the discipline in which record or information is captured, stored and managed in a meaningful format is the substance of records management. Records are therefore a vital tool in the administration of many organizations. The success and failure of organizations and state organs activities all depends on the efficient handling of information (Penn 1996).

The library provides a full service for lending, inquires, reference, photocopying, computer and inter-library loans. Considerable emphasis is placed on helping the students and teaching information skills, through the introductory library orientation program. The library has a computer network system through which you can access the catalogue using the UNESCO – WINISIS software, to complement the traditional card catalogue.

1.2     Statement of the problem:

Every organizational activity depends upon reliable information and well managed records which are essential if an organization is to function, efficiently. With the advancement in technology, there should be an efficient records management system in place backed by technology. Information Technology is used for employee data base, financial and accounting information system, students data base, assets and liabilities data bank. Various aspects of records management in private institutions are not up to date that is there is lack an efficient and reliable information management system to keep all stakeholders informed. There are poor data processes and retention schedules; inadequately .trained personnel to handle data collection, storage and dissemination; inadequate training in Information Communication Technology; inadequate space, unclear chain of command among others. Through the public and private institutions in Nigeria Information Communication Technology was considered an indispensable tool for enhancing productivity, yet little attention is paid to the information management issues and to understanding the forces of change that affect the form and integrity of the record. Staff who understand the functional requirements for record keeping and the competencies and skills required to manage electronic information delivery system are few; legal and administrative requirements for managing electronic records are not implemented. Accurately documented policies, standard operating procedures and formal methodologies for analyzing records are still lacking. It is against this background that the researcher was prompted to investigate the relationship between the records management and efficiency in an organization.

1.3       The General Objective of the Study

The general objective of this study was to explore the effect of records management on organizational efficiency in an organization.

1.4       Objectives of the Study

  1. To examine the influence of Records Management on efficiency in an organization.
  2. To explore and make a critique of methods used by the organization  to manage records.
  3. To examine the effectiveness of Information Communication Technology in managing records.
  4. To establish the challenges faced by the organization in modernizing the records management system.

1.5     Research Questions

  1. What influences record management on efficiency in an organization
  2.  What methods are used by the organization to manage records?
  3. What is the effectiveness of Information Communication Technology in managing records?
  4. What are the challenges faced by the university in modernizing records management?

1.6       Scope of the Study

The study looks at the impact of records management on efficiency at in an organization. It was intended to find out the nature and practice of records management in the organization, assess the significance of records management on efficiency and examine the challenges of records management in the organization.




Records management is the gist of an organization because it is through records that an institution can provide a documentation of activities and plans. Records provide valuable information for critical decision making within organizations. However, organizational managers fail to recognize the contribution of effective records management practices in public administration. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the role of records management practices in the administration of public institutions. The specific objectives are: to find out the records management practices, to establish the role of departmental heads in the management of records in an organization, to examine the role of records management in facilitating accountability and transparency in organizational administration, and to establish an effective records management model in an organization . The research employed the records continuum theoretical model and a mixed approach of both qualitative and quantitative methods to collect data. The research was conducted on a total population of 150 employees. The study sample included 50 members of staff. The sampling technique used was the stratified sampling technique with a non-probability sampling design, which enabled the identification of a sample that only included employees that directly dealt with records in the various departments at the institution. A questionnaire with carefully identified questions was used in gathering data from the sampled participants. The study findings show that classification and indexing are the most important records management practices undertaken to enable easy accessibility to information at the organization, heads of departments assist in managing operations at various departments regarding to records, and that effective management of records can enable easy access to information, fulfillment of financial requirement and accountability as well as effective organizational administration. The findings are of significance to managers, employees, and policy makers in matters regarding management of organizations.



1.1 Background of the Study

Chapter one provides an introduction to the current study by placing it within its context. Therefore, the chapter explores the modern business records management context which delves into the contemporary issues affecting records management. Later, the chapter provides the study context, problem statement, aim and objectives of the study, and research questions. The significance of the study are also detailed to illustrate the essence of the study findings. Lastly, the chapter provides the significance, assumption, scope of the study, and the limitations.

It is unmistakable that the pace of business activities within organizations in the contemporary society is increasing daily due to the evolving technology. The productivity involves volumes of both electronic and physical documents that contain critical information. In many cases, organizations do not understand the complexity of tasks involved in records management until they fail to access a vital record (Abdulrahman, 2015). Therefore, records play a significant role in the effective and efficient management of an organization because they store plans and implementation processes of an organization’s services.

In both conventional and digital organizations, records stored in either electronic or physical form continue to be viewed as essential documents for administrative documentation. Records provide support for all activities carried out within organizations. Without proper records management, organizations cannot provide the necessary information and support, which in turn may lead to the loss of critical information in institutions. Proper records management practices are essential for an organization’s administration and the smooth running of the operations. Records management involves the incorporation of various practices aimed at proper information management. It also entails the systematic control of all records an organization maintains during the course of their life cycle for the attainment of operational business needs, fiscal and statutory requirements, as well as, the expectation of stakeholders (The National Archives of Scotland, 2013). Effectual maintenance of corporate information enables fast, reliable and accurate access or retrieval of records. It also ensures that redundant information is timely damaged and that important historic records are efficiently protected. Systematic records management enables organizations to; identify the records that they have, increase effectiveness and efficiency, support decision making, achieve business targets and objectives, meet regulatory and legislative requirements, protect the clients’, employees’, and stakeholders’ interests, and be accountable. Consequently, records are critical legal and historical tools that are necessary for the effective running of an organization.

Records are valuable administration instruments without which an institution’s operational functional and processes cannot be efficiently carried out. For instance, a successor to a certain organizational rank may need the institution’s records to find his or her bearing when he or she takes over the new position. The new employee or successor can use such records to decide whether he or she will continue with the previous organizational leader’s practices and techniques or modify them (Abdulrahman, 2015). Records play various roles in organizational administration because administrators and managers use them on routine basis to carry out various administrative roles such as decision making. Recorded information helps in enlightening and educating organizational managers and administrators on matters relevant to the organization. Records can also help in strategic plans and successful implementation of organizational processes. They can also serve as sources of research for information that can be used as evidence. Timely access of recorded information is essential for decision-making, planning, and organizational control. Public institutions in Kenya create, keep, and use records in their every day basis for administrative, legal, and audit functions among other purposes.

1.2     Statement of the Problem

Records are essential instruments in every organization particularly in reference to critical decision making including administrative decision making. Information contained in organizational records is the pillar of the institution’s business activities. Without information, an institution’s administration becomes incapacitated especially in its decision making. Globally, organizations’ systems are expanding at unprecedented rates due to technological advancements and population increases (Abdulrahman, 2015). Similarly, organizational problems in relation to planning, administration, organization, control, and monitoring are also increasing resulting to the need for improved records management practices among institutional administrators, educationist, policy makers, and planners.

Records in public institutions suffer from likelihoods of loss due to improper storage, unprotected disaster, and random destruction. These organizations also lack control guidelines that cover the management of records from their creation to their disposal (Abdulrahman, 2015). The absence of guiding principles gives doubt as to how organizational professionals and administrators have been handling managerial decisions. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate record management practices in public institutions to identify their role in the administrative functions of organizations.

Employees are facing various administrative challenges resulting from ineffective records management. For instance, at times, there are cases of missing or loss of records within the organization, which lead to wastage of so much time trying to locate them. The organization also lacks sufficient space to store some records given that new records are generated on a daily basis. Equally, the problem can be observed in literature as Bakare, Abioye, & Issa, (2016) also observe that there is a startling rate of loss and misplacement of records that contain useful information, which can guide in decision making, especially in public institutions. In another study, Abdulrahman (2015) also states that lack of effective records management can lead to problems such as difficulties in information retrieval for administrative decision making, delays in staffs’ salaries and fringe benefits, inaccurate demographic data and improper registration of employees, which may lead to missing out of employees on important communication. Therefore, there is a need for the acknowledgement of the essence of effective records management in organizational administration from the top management.

1.3     Aim of the Study

The aim of this study was to investigate the role of records management practices in the administration of public institutions.

1.4     Objectives of the Study

The specific objectives of this study include:

  1. Examine the role of records management in facilitating accountability and transparency in organizational administration
  2. Assess the role of records management in expediting risk management
  3. Evaluate the contribution of records management in tracing organizational activities and progress
  4. Develop an effective records management model

1.5     Research Questions

The research questions for this study are;

  1. What is the role of records management in facilitating accountability and transparency in organizational administration?
  2. What is the role of records management in expediting risk management?
  3. What is the contribution of records management in tracing organizational activities and progress?
  4. What is the effective records management model?

1.6     Significance of the Study

The findings of this study are of significance practically, theoretically, and in policy development. Practically, the outcomes inform various stakeholders such as the management and employees of public institutions concerning the essence of a records management practices in critical organizational operations, including management. Theoretically, the study findings augment the body of knowledge by contributing to the literature on the significance of records management practices in organizational administration. Additionally, the study also boosts easy access to records through emphasizing on the significance of effective records management practices in organizational management. In policy making, the findings inform policy makers concerning organizational policies, including the incorporation and support of record management in an organization as a regulatory policy in an effort to enhance effective organizational administration.

1.7     Assumptions of the Study

  1. Organizations do not recognize the significance of records management in organizational running.
  2. Records management practices are important in the management of organizations.

1.8 Scope of the Study

The study is also limited to the study objectives that include investigating the role of records in risk management, finance and auditing, and tracing organizational activities and progress. The factors are essential administrative functions. Hence, an investigation of the role of records on these aspects will create insight on the study topic.

1.9 Limitations of the Study

An effective completion of this study was constrained by limitations of time, finances, and access to sufficient and effective secondary resources to augment the accessible information. Time limits resulted from tight schedules between work and family activities. However, this challenge was resolved through creation of time each day after work. Additional time was also acquired during the weekends. Another challenge was financial resources to conduct the research. The challenge was resolved through setting aside some income each month for research purposes. The challenge of secondary resource accessibility was resolved through gaining access to some academic sites such as Google Scholar, Google Books, and ProQuest which sufficiently supplemented the Library sources.

1.10 Operational Terms and Concepts


A record refers to information that an organization of person creates, receives, and maintains as evidence in the process of business transaction or pursuance of legal obligations.

Record creation

Record creation entails the development of consistent regulations to ensure accessibility and integrity through deciding techniques to track and log records by following specified processes for the registration, classification, and indexing of information.

Record Preservation

Record preservation refers to all the operations and processes involved in the protection and stabilization of documents against deterioration or damage and in the treatment of deteriorated or damaged documents.

Record keeping

Record keeping refers to the making and maintenance of accurate and reliable proof of business operations through recorded information.

Records management

Records management refers to the incorporation of various practices aimed at the proper management of an organization’s information. It also entails the systematic control of all the records of an organization during the course of their life cycle for the attainment of operational business needs, fiscal and statutory requirements, as well as, the expectation of the community at large.


Reinsurer refers to an organization that provides reinsurance services to other insurance companies.

Sunday, 2 January 2022




The study examines the utilization of information communication technologies in collection management in state university libraries in north central zone. The specifically seek to: Identify the Information Communication Technologies facilities that are available in state university libraries in North Central Zone, determine the perception of librarians on the benefits of utilizing Information Communication Technologies in collection management, determine the extent to which Information Communication Technologies are utilized in collection management and identify barriers to effective use of Information Communication Technologies in collection management in state universities libraries. The study will employ descriptive survey research design. Random sampling technique will be used in choosing the sample. The researcher adopted the use of questionnaire as the research instrument while the data obtained were analyzed using tables and descriptive statistics. The study revealed that lack of ICTs information management policies, poor funding in libraries, the lack of skilled human resources to install and manage computer networks which cause slow Internet connection, and shortage of technological literate manpower to manage the ICT facilities are among the numerous challenges limiting the effective use of ICT in library collection management. Finally the study recommended that the required information and communication technologies should be acquired and utilised and management of libraries must ensure that adequate training in the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) be given to academic librarians.

Key words: utilization, information communication technologies, collection management, libraries



Recent advances in science and technology in general and developments in the field of information technology in particular have vastly influenced the concept of collection management in libraries and have brought in sweeping changes in information collection, storage and dissemination of information. Factors like information explosion, budgetary constraints, complex requirements of users, rising cost of publications and other related factors as well as development of digital libraries, internet, e-mail, CD-ROM, electronic publishing etc., have forced the libraries and librarians to change the style and approach of their functioning. Libraries have slowly started giving importance to “accessing the other library’s collection” rather than mere possessing almost all documents on a given subject i.e., shifting from “owning” to “access” and “sharing” (Oyewusi & Oyeboade, 2019).

Collection development in libraries is tilting towards electronic documents / information sources using network facilities. The trend of printed materials is decreasing and need for accessing electronic information resources is increasing slowly day by day and the concept of collection development which implies building, growing, dealing with selection and acquisition of library materials is changing towards collection management. Combination of both print and electronic information resources like CD-ROM, On-line, internet is the dilemma faced by the libraries and librarians in recent past (Oyewusi & Oyeboade, 2019).

The library acts as a medium of getting the latest scientific and technological information either in print or in electronic form, for accessibility and use of the library patrons, Library resources include not only traditional print-on-paper media like books, journals, newspapers, and maps, but also ‘audio-visual materials like cinematograph film records, audiocassettes, video cassettes, projectors, microfiches, Compact Disk Read Only Memory (CD-ROM), computer software, online databases, electronic books and c-journals and other media via the Internet. Halsey (2006) added that libraries maintain collections that include not only printed materials but also art reproductions, maps, photographs, etc. In addition to maintaining collections within library buildings, libraries often offer telecommunications links that provide users with access to information at remote sites. University libraries are often considered the most important resource centres of an academic institution. Hence, they should be sufficient in quality, depth, diversity and current to support the institutions curriculum (Oyewusi & Oyeboade, 2019).

1.1       Background of the study

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has made a significant impact in every human endeavour. The impact has been rather prominent in areas of service activities such as banking, health, transportation, education and libraries. (Chauhan, 2014) posited that the benefits of the utilization of ICT in library services especially collection management can be broadly explained in terms of economy, ease, extension (or expansion) and efficiency. (Devchoudhary, 2017) also observed that ICT has influenced the traditional library services; bringing out fundamental changes in the process of acquiring, processing, storing, retrieving and information delivery.

The term, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as it relates to library and as noted by (deWatteville and Gilbert, 2011), is the acquisition, analysis, manipulation, storage and distribution of information; and the design and provision of equipment and software for these purposes. (Oketunji, 2016) defines ICT as computers and other technologies that are used in the acquisition, organisation, storage, retrieval and disseminating of information in libraries. (Mayer, 2006) added that ICT in libraries is a term that covers the acquisition, processing, storage and dissemination of information in textual, numerical, pictorial and audio-visual formats. He further stated that the term is restricted to systems dependent on microelectronics; that is the technology and techniques involved in the design, development and construction of extremely small electronic circuits such as computer on a single silicon chip.

Collection management is the aspect of the library and information work that is responsible for selecting and acquiring information resources that will enable library and information practitioners to perform their myriad functions to their users effectively (Aina, 2014). Collection management practices are the activities performed by librarians in libraries. These practices involve selection and acquisition of library materials required by the library (Adomi, 2018). ICT application in library operations requires continuing education and acquisition of new skills by the staff in the area of knowledge update. ICT is responsible for the changing roles of handling traditional operation in services in a digital format (Adeleke & Olorunsola, 2010).

Librarians now use ICTs anytime and anywhere for information searching and retrieval. It is becoming impossible to have access to information without the help of ICT, hence, cost implications of use of ICT for processing and resource sharing. For instance, the use of e-mail services like Google mail, yahoo mail, voice mail, and window live mail on collection management practices seems to have reduced the burden on selection practices in libraries. Materials are now being sourced online through sending of e-mails. Publishers and vendors now send e-mails on the available materials they have in stock to be accessed by the university librarians and/or acquisition librarians and approval is given as to the needs of the university before supplies are made. This has improved the relationship between the university libraries, publishers and vendors.

(Singh, 2004) observes that collection development and collection management have been used almost synonymously, although there are differences in meaning. Collection development is the selection and acquisition of library materials, considering users’ current needs and future requirements. Collection management is much more than collection building. It is managing the use, storage, and organization of the collection, and making it accessible to users. (Branin, 1994) notes that the paradigm of librarianship is clearly changing and the librarian’s role is diversifying. Librarians at present are more concerned with collection management than collection development. It is on this note that this study tends to examine the utilization of information and communication technologies in collection management in state university libraries in North Central Zone.

1.2       Statement of the study         

The role of the university library in any institution of higher learning in the area of acquisition, organization, dissemination, information storage, access and retrieval cannot be overemphasized. The present-day university library services are focusing more on deployment of ICT as a result of the changing pattern of information seeking behaviour of information users. Studies have shown that the university libraries in North Central Zone of Nigeria have been totally dependent on manual method of performing their routine functions with its attendant inadequacies such as low patronage of ICT services, lack of interest in utilizing ICT on collection management practices, shortage of skilled ICT manpower and good remunerations to retain the few skilled ones, capital investment on information and communication technology equipment, high cost of library software and database connectivity, maintenance and constant epileptic power supply amongst others. The Nigerian government has made tremendous efforts to ensure that ICTs are available and used in Nigerian universities. In spite of these developments, there appears to be problem of poor collection management practices among librarians in various institutions in North Central Zone. It would seem these lapses are likely to limit librarians in gaining access to and using information resources thereby limiting job effectiveness, efficiency and performance. Whether the utilization of ICT in library operations could remedy the manual system and bring about effectiveness, efficiency and performance in library operations is the concern for this study. The present study put in question is: what is the level of utilization of Information Communication Technology in collection management in state university libraries in North Central Zone, Nigeria?

1.3       Objectives of the Study

The general objective of the study is to examine the utilization of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in collection management in state university libraries in North Central Zone.

The specific objectives of this study are to:

  1. Identify the Information Communication Technologies facilities that are available in state university libraries in North Central Zone
  2. Determine the perception of librarians on the benefits of utilizing Information Communication Technologies in State university libraries
  3. Determine the extent to which Information Communication Technologies are utilized in collection management in state universities libraries
  4. Identify barriers to effective use of Information Communication Technologies in collection management in state universities libraries.

1.4       Research Questions

The following research questions guided the study:

  1. What are the Information Communication Technologies facilities that are available in state university libraries in North Central Zone?
  2. What are the perceptions of librarians on the benefits of utilizing Information Communication Technologies in State university libraries?
  3. To what extent is Information Communication Technologies utilized in collection management in state universities libraries?
  4. What are the barriers that hinder effective use of Information Communication Technologies in collection management in state universities libraries?

1.5       Significance of the Study

The findings of the study will be significant to the following: librarians in state universities libraries and other academic libraries, state governments, and researchers.

In specific terms the findings will be useful to librarians in state universities libraries in the sense that they can apply the recommendations in improving the collection management and services to library users. It will also enable them be up-to-date with current practices in academic librarianship, thus fully equipping them to render efficient services to library patrons.

The findings of this study will serve as a reference document or tool for the library managers in educating the state governments on the need to adequately fund state universities libraries in respect of providing Information Communication Technologies services and facilities to enhance collection management.

The findings of the study will be useful to researchers in the field of librarianship and information science by allowing them identify the gap (s) that need filling. It will also afford researchers the opportunity to see the link or relationship of this study with other studies that have been conducted in the area and enable them identify the areas that need further investigation.

1.6       Scope of the Study

The study covered the utilization of Information Communication Technologies in collection management in state university libraries in north central zone. The scope of the study is further limited to Nasarawa state University Library to enable the researcher have elaborate examination of the research topics as it will be impossible to cover all the state university in the North Central Zone of Nigeria.

1.7       Operational definition of the terms

  1. Information: Information is a data that has been processed. It is also referred to data that have a particular meaning within a specific context, or data that have been processed in such a way to be useful to the recipients. (Ayatse, 2005).
  2. Communication: This is the transfer of information from one point to another either electronically or non-electronically, with the information being understood by the receiver.
  1. Technology: According to the oxford advanced learners dictionary (7th edition) “technology is a specific knowledge used in practical ways in industry”. For example, designing new machines which are made to meet up the demand of current and future situation/trend.
  2. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT): Stands for “Information and Communication Technologies.” ICT refers to technologies that provide access to information through telecommunications. … This includes the Internet, wireless networks, cell phones, and other communication mediums
  3. Library: A library is a social institution charge with the responsibilities of selection, acquisition, organization, interpretation, conservation, retrieval and dissemination of information by trained or professional librarians and para-professionals.
  4. Academic Library: Any library attached to a post-secondary or tertiary institution or libraries attached to universities, Polytechnics, Colleges of educations, colleges of agriculture etc.        
  5. Collection Management: Collection management is the term most commonly used to describe the area of librarianship that deals with collections. Collectionmanagement incorporates the variety of functions involved in selecting, acquiring, storing and maintaining collections in a cost-effective manner.

Thursday, 30 December 2021





The study examines the impact of academic libraries on academic performance of undergraduates of federal polytechnic in north central (a Case study of Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa). The specific objectives of the study include to determine the present state of the institution library, find out the extent to which students make used of the library service in the institution, determine the impact of academic libraries on the academic performance of undergraduates and identify the problems encountered by students in academic libraries of North Central Zone. Identify the problems of academic library in federal polytechnics. The study will employ descriptive survey research design. Random sampling technique will be used in choosing the sample. The researcher adopted the use of questionnaire as the research instrument while the data obtained were analyzed using tables and descriptive statistics. The findings of the study shows that academic library render services such as circulation / borrowing service, bibliographic / references service, scanning, photocopying and printing, laptop loan / multi-media to her esteeming users and that Information communication technology have significant impact on services of the library as it has eased library operation, aid library in meeting users  need quickly, speed up the process of cataloguing and classification of library materials, enables most effective ways of resource sharing. The study recommends that the institution should provide information to support all key operations such as acquisition, circulation control, and serial management.


1.0       Introduction

The library occupies an important position in academic institutions such as University, Polytechnics, College of Education and other similar institution of higher learning. The importance of library in providing quality educational services cannot be overemphasized. The uniqueness of academic library set up in an institution must be a library that is made up of collection of print materials such as books, periodicals, newspapers, government publications, and non printed materials, such as audio – visual materials, machine readable format etc (Akinbode, 2012).

Library is simply described as a special designated building stocked with prints and non – print materials which are readily made available to the library users’ such as teachers, students, researchers, and staff of the institution through convenient book cataloguing and delivery system. Academic libraries are those attached to higher institution of learning like Universities, Polytechnics (Anafulu, 2016).

Libraries are service oriented organizations established for the provision of relevant information resources and quality services to meet their users’ information needs. (Sowole, 2015) noted that users are described as the reason (reason for existence) of the library. Meeting the information needs of users requires the provision of the actual information resources and services that will satisfy the needs of users. (Anafalu, 2016) stated that there are several factors that can influence user’s satisfaction; these factors include responsiveness, competence and assurances, tangibles and resources.

Providing quality services in academic libraries is now a major issue among academic librarians; they see the library more in terms of the provision of and access to service quality than as just a physical place. The roles of libraries and librarians themselves have been re-evaluating their role as reflected in many literatures. They emphasize the provision of good library service as more important to the users than the mere physical library building (Pikulsi and Cooper, 2017).

An academic library has an essential element for the development of literacy, teaching, learning, cultural and assimilation which are core imperative in every academic settings. There is no doubt that library has a significant role to play in our educational development given the singular reason, every educational sector emphasis it’s importance and has therefore do all what is humanly possible to provide learning materials in the library.

  1. Background Of The Study

Library is simply described as a special designated building stocked with prints and non – print materials which are readily made available to the library users’ such as teachers, students, researchers, and staff of the institution through convenient book cataloguing and delivery system. Academic libraries are those attached to higher institution of learning like Universities, Polytechnics (Anafulu, 2016).

Libraries are service oriented organizations established for the provision of relevant information resources and quality services to meet their users’ information needs. Sowole (2015) noted that users are described as the reason (reason for existence) of the library. Meeting the information needs of users requires the provision of the actual information resources and services that will satisfy the needs of users. Anafalu (2016) stated that there are several factors that can influence user’s satisfaction; these factors include responsiveness, competence and assurances, tangibles and resources.

Pikulsi and Cooper (2017) argued that providing quality services in academic libraries is now a major issue among academic librarians; they see the library more in terms of the provision of and access to service quality than as just a physical place. The roles of libraries and librarians themselves have been re-evaluating their role as reflected in many literatures. They emphasize the provision of good library service as more important to the users than the mere physical library building.

An academic library has an essential element for the development of literacy, teaching, leaning, cultural and assimilation which are core imperative in every academic settings. There is no doubt that library has a significant role to play in our educational development given the singular reason, every educational sector emphasis it’s importance and has therefore do all what is humanly possible to provide learning materials in the library.

The academic environment is a place for teaching, learning, and research and knowledge creation. The library is a vital facility for enhancing learning, teaching, and research, and as the hub of all academic activities, is established for provoking intellectual excellence. The library is an information resource that provides and enhances personal and national development, and more so influence students’ overall academic achievement. Thus, the effective utilization of information resources in the library is critical to students’ overall academic performance. The study skill(s) adopted determine to a large extent how well students utilize information resources culminating in academic success.  Fayose (2001) points out that the library is essential to any educational development. Availability of adequate library facilities encourages passionate study behaviour in students early in life. It also helps students inculcate the attitude of self-inquiry and self-development. It is against this background that this study seek to examine the impact of academic library on academic performance of undergraduate students of Federal Polytechnic of North Central Zone, Nigeria.

  1. Statement Of The Problem

Primarily academic libraries have a sole responsibility of ensuring there are relevant academic resources available for all members of the academic community including meeting national information needs. However several challenges or problems have tempered with the library ability to attain its utmost importance of enhancing academic performance of undergraduate students and the entire community of the institution. Such problems include lack of study skills and information seeking strategies by students which is due to absence of emphasis on teaching of study/information seeking strategies. Consequently, there is the problems of high level of information (knowledge) poverty that has consequences for the mass failure witnessed in today’s education. Lack of information resources is another problems faced by academic libraries as students cannot rely on the library because of the lack of library resources. They are likely to look elsewhere to satisfy their information needs in order to facilitate their academic performance. These problems jeopardizes the purpose of academic libraries in enhancing performance of the students and staff of the institution. Thus this study is necessary to examine the impact of academic library on academic performance of undergraduate students of Federal Polytechnic in North Central Zone of Nigeria.

1.3       Research Question

            This study is set to provide answers to the following questions.

  1. What is the present state of the institution library?
  2. To what extent do students make use of the library services in the institution?
  3. What is the impact of academic libraries on the academic performance of undergraduates?
  4. What are the problems encounters by students in academic libraries of North Central zone.

1.4       Objectives of the Objectives  

The general objective of this study is to examine the impact of academic library on academic performance of undergraduates of Federal Polytechnic libraries in north central zone, Nigeria – a case study of Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa.

The specific objectives of the study include:

  1. Determine the present state of the institution library
  2. To find out the extent to which students have used the library service in the institution
  3. Determine the impact of academic libraries on the academic performance of undergraduate students
  4. Identify the problems encounters by students in academic libraries of North Central zone.

1.5       Significance of the Study

The findings of this study on the impact of academic library on academic performance of undergraduate students of Federal Polytechnic libraries in North Central Zone, Nigeria are hoped to be of benefit to the library users (students and lecturers), the library management, librarians in the polytechnics and other academic libraries, polytechnic management, the government or proprietors of educational institutions, the library users who are all stake holders in the following ways:

  1.  The students and lecturers through the availability and accessibility of an enriched collection specifically developed to support teaching, learning and research.
  2. For the library management it will serve as a guide to the heads of academic libraries especially the acquisitions librarians in formulating a realistic and current acquisitions policy that would adequately develop the library collections according to the prioritized needs of the specific disciplines offered in the Polytechnics. Again it will assist them in making better and prioritized budgetary spread for acquisition in individual academic programmes offered in their institutions, and also solicit for alternative sources of support from donor agencies and individuals within and outside the country.
  3. For the librarians in the polytechnics and other academics it is hoped that the study will be of benefit to all academic libraries particularly those in polytechnics through identifying the areas of deficiency in the collections that may hamper their effective patronage by the users. It will also help them to sustain and improve on their collections, organize regular library publicity strategies, and user education among others.
  4.  It is hoped that Polytechnic management will benefit from the outcome of this study in making realistic budgetary allocation to the library, ascertaining whether the library is carrying out its responsibilities in line with mission and goals of the institution, and also providing the relevant information resources in all relevant fields

1.6       Scope of the Study

The study covered the impact of academic library on academic performance of undergraduates in Federal Polytechnic of North Central Zone of Nigeria. The scope of the study is limited to only the Federal Polytechnic Nasarawa.

1.7       Definition of Terms

  1. Academic Library: Any library attached to a post-secondary or tertiary institution or libraries attached to universities, Polytechnics, Colleges of educations, colleges of agriculture etc.        
  2. Library: A library is a social institution charge with the responsibilities of selection, acquisition, organization, interpretation, conservation, retrieval and dissemination of information by trained or professional librarians and para-professionals. Library is a store or ware house of knowledge. It serves as link between knowledge and users for social, economical, political and cultural development.
  3. Academic Performance: This referred to the extents to which students have been able to succeed in the school works as indicated by their results.
  4. Undergraduate: An undergraduate is a polytechnic or university student who is not a graduate student. Undergraduates are students of universities and colleges: they’ve graduated from high school and have been accepted to college, but they haven’t graduated yet.
  5. North Central Zone: North-Central Nigeria is one of the geopolitical zones that make up the federation.The following states make up the North Central zone of Nigeria: Benue, FCT, Kogi, Kwara, Nasarawa, Niger, Plateau

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