Showing posts with label Information. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Information. Show all posts

Tuesday 3 May 2022




Information technology (IT) has become a vital and integral part of every business organization. From multi-national corporations who maintain mainframe systems and databases to small businesses that own a single computer, IT plays a role. The reasons for the omnipresent use of computer technology in business can best be determined by looking at how it is being used across the business world.

The following are the roles of information technology in modern business organization:

a.     Communication BETWEEN Employees, Suppliers and Customers: For many companies, email is the principal means of communication between employees, suppliers and customers. Email was one of the early drivers of the Internet, providing a simple and inexpensive means to communicate. Over the years, a number of other communications tools have also evolved, allowing staff to communicate using live chat systems, online meeting tools and video-conferencing systems. Voice over internet protocol (VOIP) telephones and smart-phones offer even more high-tech ways for employees to communicate.

b.     Inventory Management Systems: When it comes to managing inventory, organizations need to maintain enough stock to meet demand without investing in more than they require. Inventory management systems track the quantity of each item a company maintains, triggering an order of additional stock when the quantities fall below a pre-determined amount. These systems are best used when the inventory management system is connected to the point-of-sale (POS) system. The POS system ensures that each time an item is sold, one of that item is removed from the inventory count, creating a closed information loop between all departments.

c.      Data Management Systems: The days of large file rooms, rows of filing cabinets and the mailing of documents is fading fast. Today, most companies store digital versions of documents on servers and storage devices. These documents become instantly available to everyone in the company, regardless of their geographical location. Companies are able to store and maintain a tremendous amount of historical data economically, and employees benefit from immediate access to the documents they need.

d.     Management Information Systems: Storing data is only a benefit if that data can be used effectively. Progressive companies use that data as part of their strategic planning process as well as the tactical execution of that strategy. Management Information Systems (MIS) enable companies to track sales data, expenses and productivity levels. The information can be used to track profitability over time, maximize return on investment and identify areas of improvement. Managers can track sales on a daily basis, allowing them to immediately react to lower-than-expected numbers by boosting employee productivity or reducing the cost of an item.

e.      Customer Relationship Management: Companies are using IT to improve the way they design and manage customer relationships. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems capture every interaction a company has with a customer, so that a more enriching experience is possible. If a customer calls a call center with an issue, the customer support representative will be able to see what the customer has purchased, view shipping information, call up the training manual for that item and effectively respond to the issue.

The entire interaction is stored in the CRM system, ready to be recalled if the customer calls again. The customer has a better, more focused experience and the company benefits from improved productivity.




Management Information System (MIS) is a system designed in order to study people, technology, organizations and the relationships among them. MIS provides selected decision-oriented information needed by management to plan and evaluate the activities of the organization. Needless to say, the Information System is one of the most promising fields today. In order to understand the scope of MIS and nature of management, we first need to understand what is MIS.

Management Information Systems helps firms in realizing maximum profits on their investments. The whole system is designed with the aim of enhancing profits, exercising better control and performance planning at all levels. Information systems are used at all the levels of a business organization in order to collect, process or store data. However, this gathered information needs to be carried out in an efficient manner which actually helps in business growth. So, MIS professionals create information systems for data management. They manage the various information systems in such a way that it is able to meet the needs of management, staff as well as clients. MIS professionals play a critical role in areas of information security, integration as well as exchange. 

Management Information Systems (MIS) can be simply referred to as a system or process that facilitates the smooth working of the organisation. The nature of MIS is truly multifold because it plays a bigger role in business decisions, from costs to employee management. Here are the major features that portray the nature of MIS:

  • MIS is utilised by every level of a management.
  • It clarifies and focuses on the strategic goals and objectives for the management.
  • MIS provides an effective system to analyse costs and revenues and further reviews effectively and efficiently to bring a balanced in finances and costs.
  • MIS is maintained either through manual systems or automated systems or a combination of both.
  • It also plays a incremental role in identifying, locating, measuring, tackling and limiting risks.
  • It lays down a framework of rules and regulations for the management to bring a clear and concise communication between employees.
  • MIS provides an objective system of collecting, assessing and aggregating information for a business.


After understanding what is MIS and the nature of management, it is clearly seen that management information system can be used by any discipline, ranging from accounting, human resource management, auditors, engineers, builders etc. Information Systems is growing at a fast pace to become one of the most promising career fields in today’s world. With everything happening digitally, the demand for MIS professionals is increasing more than ever. MIS involves performing a number of task simultaneously such as- 

  • Processing data
  • Initiating transactions
  • Responding to inquiries
  • Producing reports and its summaries
  • Manage the data created within the structure of a particular business

MIS acts in an organization just like a nervous system in a body by providing with the relevant information for ease in the process of decision making.

The purpose of MIS is to work towards satisfying the information needs of everyone in the business. It means providing the relevant information to those who need it.

Thus, MIS has a lot of potential to become one of the most promising careers for individuals interested in the workings of a business.

The role of Management information system (MIS) is vital now-a-days in business environment across boards as there is no bounds or limited to which professional can used the it. This is solely because it has evolved over time to become an integral part of its business operations (Abdul and Khan, 2016). The use of management information system has increased for last few years not only by firms, but also by individuals and even governments. Because of the today’s global environment where competition is very high, it is the basic requirement of the organization to install management information system to compete the market and to earn more profitability, invest in innovation in their products, and to grow their businesses. All of these factors transformed the information system from data processing systems to decision support systems and became the foundation of the new business environment.


Development in information related equipment techniques and concepts collectively called information technology have been occurring at a breathtaking pace. New version of computers terminals, and other devices are announced almost daily in business new techniques for solving business problems. Many of these developments provide management information system to improve the effectiveness of information system and the quality of managerial decision making.


Other effects of an organizational nature are appearing, for instance information system functions are being organized to manage information system also, functional information system is being installed alongside accounting and other information systems e.g. personnel information systems.


Since each member of this combined group focuses upon information for managerial decision makers, the resulting combination is known as the management information system. The Management Information System is an important portion of a firm’s communication e.g. banks overall information system.


Corporate operations and decision-making are widely based on information that has been provided or generated by individual and specific Information Technology systems. Such systems are used to collect, harvest, organize, and generate an output that would back up fast and sound business decision. Firms adopt new management techniques and systems with the purpose of enhancing the decision-making processes, improve results and minimize output costs (Henry & Mayle, 2013). Consequently, this is a way to enhance company operation effectiveness. Various management techniques and management accounting practices improve financial performance if firms follow specific strategic priorities (Naranj-Gil, 2004).

Sunday 2 January 2022




The study examines the utilization of information communication technologies in collection management in state university libraries in north central zone. The specifically seek to: Identify the Information Communication Technologies facilities that are available in state university libraries in North Central Zone, determine the perception of librarians on the benefits of utilizing Information Communication Technologies in collection management, determine the extent to which Information Communication Technologies are utilized in collection management and identify barriers to effective use of Information Communication Technologies in collection management in state universities libraries. The study will employ descriptive survey research design. Random sampling technique will be used in choosing the sample. The researcher adopted the use of questionnaire as the research instrument while the data obtained were analyzed using tables and descriptive statistics. The study revealed that lack of ICTs information management policies, poor funding in libraries, the lack of skilled human resources to install and manage computer networks which cause slow Internet connection, and shortage of technological literate manpower to manage the ICT facilities are among the numerous challenges limiting the effective use of ICT in library collection management. Finally the study recommended that the required information and communication technologies should be acquired and utilised and management of libraries must ensure that adequate training in the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) be given to academic librarians.

Key words: utilization, information communication technologies, collection management, libraries



Recent advances in science and technology in general and developments in the field of information technology in particular have vastly influenced the concept of collection management in libraries and have brought in sweeping changes in information collection, storage and dissemination of information. Factors like information explosion, budgetary constraints, complex requirements of users, rising cost of publications and other related factors as well as development of digital libraries, internet, e-mail, CD-ROM, electronic publishing etc., have forced the libraries and librarians to change the style and approach of their functioning. Libraries have slowly started giving importance to “accessing the other library’s collection” rather than mere possessing almost all documents on a given subject i.e., shifting from “owning” to “access” and “sharing” (Oyewusi & Oyeboade, 2019).

Collection development in libraries is tilting towards electronic documents / information sources using network facilities. The trend of printed materials is decreasing and need for accessing electronic information resources is increasing slowly day by day and the concept of collection development which implies building, growing, dealing with selection and acquisition of library materials is changing towards collection management. Combination of both print and electronic information resources like CD-ROM, On-line, internet is the dilemma faced by the libraries and librarians in recent past (Oyewusi & Oyeboade, 2019).

The library acts as a medium of getting the latest scientific and technological information either in print or in electronic form, for accessibility and use of the library patrons, Library resources include not only traditional print-on-paper media like books, journals, newspapers, and maps, but also ‘audio-visual materials like cinematograph film records, audiocassettes, video cassettes, projectors, microfiches, Compact Disk Read Only Memory (CD-ROM), computer software, online databases, electronic books and c-journals and other media via the Internet. Halsey (2006) added that libraries maintain collections that include not only printed materials but also art reproductions, maps, photographs, etc. In addition to maintaining collections within library buildings, libraries often offer telecommunications links that provide users with access to information at remote sites. University libraries are often considered the most important resource centres of an academic institution. Hence, they should be sufficient in quality, depth, diversity and current to support the institutions curriculum (Oyewusi & Oyeboade, 2019).

1.1       Background of the study

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has made a significant impact in every human endeavour. The impact has been rather prominent in areas of service activities such as banking, health, transportation, education and libraries. (Chauhan, 2014) posited that the benefits of the utilization of ICT in library services especially collection management can be broadly explained in terms of economy, ease, extension (or expansion) and efficiency. (Devchoudhary, 2017) also observed that ICT has influenced the traditional library services; bringing out fundamental changes in the process of acquiring, processing, storing, retrieving and information delivery.

The term, Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as it relates to library and as noted by (deWatteville and Gilbert, 2011), is the acquisition, analysis, manipulation, storage and distribution of information; and the design and provision of equipment and software for these purposes. (Oketunji, 2016) defines ICT as computers and other technologies that are used in the acquisition, organisation, storage, retrieval and disseminating of information in libraries. (Mayer, 2006) added that ICT in libraries is a term that covers the acquisition, processing, storage and dissemination of information in textual, numerical, pictorial and audio-visual formats. He further stated that the term is restricted to systems dependent on microelectronics; that is the technology and techniques involved in the design, development and construction of extremely small electronic circuits such as computer on a single silicon chip.

Collection management is the aspect of the library and information work that is responsible for selecting and acquiring information resources that will enable library and information practitioners to perform their myriad functions to their users effectively (Aina, 2014). Collection management practices are the activities performed by librarians in libraries. These practices involve selection and acquisition of library materials required by the library (Adomi, 2018). ICT application in library operations requires continuing education and acquisition of new skills by the staff in the area of knowledge update. ICT is responsible for the changing roles of handling traditional operation in services in a digital format (Adeleke & Olorunsola, 2010).

Librarians now use ICTs anytime and anywhere for information searching and retrieval. It is becoming impossible to have access to information without the help of ICT, hence, cost implications of use of ICT for processing and resource sharing. For instance, the use of e-mail services like Google mail, yahoo mail, voice mail, and window live mail on collection management practices seems to have reduced the burden on selection practices in libraries. Materials are now being sourced online through sending of e-mails. Publishers and vendors now send e-mails on the available materials they have in stock to be accessed by the university librarians and/or acquisition librarians and approval is given as to the needs of the university before supplies are made. This has improved the relationship between the university libraries, publishers and vendors.

(Singh, 2004) observes that collection development and collection management have been used almost synonymously, although there are differences in meaning. Collection development is the selection and acquisition of library materials, considering users’ current needs and future requirements. Collection management is much more than collection building. It is managing the use, storage, and organization of the collection, and making it accessible to users. (Branin, 1994) notes that the paradigm of librarianship is clearly changing and the librarian’s role is diversifying. Librarians at present are more concerned with collection management than collection development. It is on this note that this study tends to examine the utilization of information and communication technologies in collection management in state university libraries in North Central Zone.

1.2       Statement of the study         

The role of the university library in any institution of higher learning in the area of acquisition, organization, dissemination, information storage, access and retrieval cannot be overemphasized. The present-day university library services are focusing more on deployment of ICT as a result of the changing pattern of information seeking behaviour of information users. Studies have shown that the university libraries in North Central Zone of Nigeria have been totally dependent on manual method of performing their routine functions with its attendant inadequacies such as low patronage of ICT services, lack of interest in utilizing ICT on collection management practices, shortage of skilled ICT manpower and good remunerations to retain the few skilled ones, capital investment on information and communication technology equipment, high cost of library software and database connectivity, maintenance and constant epileptic power supply amongst others. The Nigerian government has made tremendous efforts to ensure that ICTs are available and used in Nigerian universities. In spite of these developments, there appears to be problem of poor collection management practices among librarians in various institutions in North Central Zone. It would seem these lapses are likely to limit librarians in gaining access to and using information resources thereby limiting job effectiveness, efficiency and performance. Whether the utilization of ICT in library operations could remedy the manual system and bring about effectiveness, efficiency and performance in library operations is the concern for this study. The present study put in question is: what is the level of utilization of Information Communication Technology in collection management in state university libraries in North Central Zone, Nigeria?

1.3       Objectives of the Study

The general objective of the study is to examine the utilization of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in collection management in state university libraries in North Central Zone.

The specific objectives of this study are to:

  1. Identify the Information Communication Technologies facilities that are available in state university libraries in North Central Zone
  2. Determine the perception of librarians on the benefits of utilizing Information Communication Technologies in State university libraries
  3. Determine the extent to which Information Communication Technologies are utilized in collection management in state universities libraries
  4. Identify barriers to effective use of Information Communication Technologies in collection management in state universities libraries.

1.4       Research Questions

The following research questions guided the study:

  1. What are the Information Communication Technologies facilities that are available in state university libraries in North Central Zone?
  2. What are the perceptions of librarians on the benefits of utilizing Information Communication Technologies in State university libraries?
  3. To what extent is Information Communication Technologies utilized in collection management in state universities libraries?
  4. What are the barriers that hinder effective use of Information Communication Technologies in collection management in state universities libraries?

1.5       Significance of the Study

The findings of the study will be significant to the following: librarians in state universities libraries and other academic libraries, state governments, and researchers.

In specific terms the findings will be useful to librarians in state universities libraries in the sense that they can apply the recommendations in improving the collection management and services to library users. It will also enable them be up-to-date with current practices in academic librarianship, thus fully equipping them to render efficient services to library patrons.

The findings of this study will serve as a reference document or tool for the library managers in educating the state governments on the need to adequately fund state universities libraries in respect of providing Information Communication Technologies services and facilities to enhance collection management.

The findings of the study will be useful to researchers in the field of librarianship and information science by allowing them identify the gap (s) that need filling. It will also afford researchers the opportunity to see the link or relationship of this study with other studies that have been conducted in the area and enable them identify the areas that need further investigation.

1.6       Scope of the Study

The study covered the utilization of Information Communication Technologies in collection management in state university libraries in north central zone. The scope of the study is further limited to Nasarawa state University Library to enable the researcher have elaborate examination of the research topics as it will be impossible to cover all the state university in the North Central Zone of Nigeria.

1.7       Operational definition of the terms

  1. Information: Information is a data that has been processed. It is also referred to data that have a particular meaning within a specific context, or data that have been processed in such a way to be useful to the recipients. (Ayatse, 2005).
  2. Communication: This is the transfer of information from one point to another either electronically or non-electronically, with the information being understood by the receiver.
  1. Technology: According to the oxford advanced learners dictionary (7th edition) “technology is a specific knowledge used in practical ways in industry”. For example, designing new machines which are made to meet up the demand of current and future situation/trend.
  2. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT): Stands for “Information and Communication Technologies.” ICT refers to technologies that provide access to information through telecommunications. … This includes the Internet, wireless networks, cell phones, and other communication mediums
  3. Library: A library is a social institution charge with the responsibilities of selection, acquisition, organization, interpretation, conservation, retrieval and dissemination of information by trained or professional librarians and para-professionals.
  4. Academic Library: Any library attached to a post-secondary or tertiary institution or libraries attached to universities, Polytechnics, Colleges of educations, colleges of agriculture etc.        
  5. Collection Management: Collection management is the term most commonly used to describe the area of librarianship that deals with collections. Collectionmanagement incorporates the variety of functions involved in selecting, acquiring, storing and maintaining collections in a cost-effective manner.


SOLD BY: Excellent Project| ATTRIBUTES: Title, Abstract, Chapter 1-5 and Appendices|FORMAT: Microsoft Word| PRICE: N2500| BUY NOW |DELIVERY TIME: Within 24hrs. For more details Whatsapp us on: 08055730284



This study examines impact of management information system on the performance of Abuja Infrastructural investment centre (AIIC) Abuja. The specific objectives of the study include to determine the extent to which the organization adopt the use of Management Information Systems (MIS); to identify how effectiveness Management Information System is to decision making and to evaluate the effect of Management Information System on the performance of Abuja Infrastructure Investment Centre (AIIC). The research design adopted for this study is survey design. The research analyzed the respondent’s opinion using tables while hypothesis was tested using Chi-square.  The findings of this study shows that Abuja Infrastructural Investment Centre adopts the use of Management Information Systems, the management information system is effective in decision making in Abuja Infrastructural Investment Centre Abuja and finally Management Information System has significant effect on the performance of Abuja Infrastructure Investment Centre (AIIC). Finally the study recommends that management of Abuja Infrastructural Investment Centre (AIIC). should ensure that better office equipment is procured to facilitate the office chores for efficiency and effectiveness in the organization and that trained and experienced personnel should be employed to handle the operations and it those ones are not well trained, the bank should provide a training course to acquaint them with the latest office machine that are procured.



1.1     Background to the Study

The role of Management information system (MIS) is vital now-a-days in business environment because it has evolved over time to become an integral part of its business operations (Abdul and Khan, 2016). The use of management information system has increased for last few years not only by firms, but also by individuals and even governments. Because of the today’s global environment where competition is very high, it is the basic requirement of the organization to install management information system to compete the market and to earn more profitability, invest in innovation in their products, and to grow their businesses. All of these factors transformed the information system from data processing systems to decision support systems and became the foundation of the new business environment.

Management Information Systems is a system that converts data into information, communicated in an appropriate form to managers at levels of an organization. The information can contribute to effective decision making or planning to be carried out (Patterson, 2005). MIS basically involves the process of collecting, processing, storing, retrieving and communicating the relevant information for the purpose of efficient management operations and for business planning in any organizations.  Thus, the success of effective decision-making, is consider as the heart of administrative process, is highly dependent partly on available information, and partly on the functions that are the components of the process (Nath & Badgujar, 2018). MIS Provide information in the form of pre specified reports and displays to support business decision making (O’Brien & George, 2017).

Development in information related equipment techniques and concepts collectively called information technology have been occurring at a breathtaking pace. New version of computers terminals, and other devices are announced almost daily in business new techniques for solving business problems. Many of these developments provide management information system to improve the effectiveness of information system and the quality of managerial decision making.

These changes and developments have both stimulated the need for more useful information and provided the means of attaining it. Consequently, information systems are exhibiting varied and interesting effects. For instance, computers and related equipment are being applied to the collection, processing and dissemination of information. Decision models are being employed to organized data for decision making reports are being tailor made for managers upon demand.

Other effects of an organizational nature are appearing, for instance information system functions are being organized to manage information system also, functional information system is being installed alongside accounting and other information systems e.g. personnel information systems.

Since each member of this combined group focuses upon information for managerial decision makers, the resulting combination is known as the management information system. The Management Information System is an important portion of a firm’s communication e.g. banks overall information system.

Corporate operations and decision-making are widely based on information that has been provided or generated by individual and specific Information Technology systems. Such systems are used to collect, harvest, organize, and generate an output that would back up fast and sound business decision. Firms adopt new management techniques and systems with the purpose of enhancing the decision-making processes, improve results and minimize output costs (Henry & Mayle, 2013). Consequently, this is a way to enhance company operation effectiveness. Various management techniques and management accounting practices improve financial performance if firms follow specific strategic priorities (Naranj-Gil, 2004).

Furthermore, researchers assume that managers, as rational agents, are unlikely to adopt a management information system that does not improve their company’s financial performance (Chenhall, 2013). Therefore, management information is used to considerably improve decision-making and, as a result, improve financial performance. Likewise, firms that rate their management information system high will conceivably adopt it to a much bigger extent, with the ultimate goal of maintaining and improving their overall financial performance. Despite the limitations, some empirical studies attempt to relate financial performance to Management Information System (Management Information System) or new management techniques. The majority of them analyze the individual effect of a particular management method, although with a degree of divergence in results. In many companies, such management information systems have been implemented as a support in decision-making and a tool to attain high corporate performance. Still investigating the relationship between Management Information System and corporate performance requires further examining. It is against this background that this study seeks to examine the impact of management information systems on the performance of Abuja Infrastructural investment centre (AIIC) Abuja.

1.2     Statement of the Problem

In this turbulent era, organizations strive to improve their competitiveness by enhancing productivity through, innovation, quality and flexibility of services at the departmental and organizational levels. Despite the fact that management information system with its varied and interesting effects  revolutionize management, provide answers to its problems and add a large new innovation to the organization yet a lot of  organizations are still ineffective in their operation.  The problem of the study lies in the fact that the Abuja Infrastructural Investment Centre has not accommodated the change towards the use of technology in performing its functions and operations; it rather remained in the same position away from progress and excellence, due to the intensification of competition between private and public organizations as a result of the multiplicity and diversity of services and organizations that provide such services on one hand, and the high level of their needs and expectations and desires, and different standards of judgment of the quality of services that they consume the other hand.  So the problem of the study is illustrated by the lack of awareness and knowledge of the impact of using of management information systems technology and quality on the services provided by the Abuja Infrastructure Investment Centre Abuja.  These problems informed the need for this study to examine the impact of management information system on the performance of Abuja Infrastructural investment centre (AIIC) Abuja.

1.3     Objectives of the Study

The general objective of this study is to examine the impact of management information system on the performance of Abuja Infrastructural investment centre (AIIC) Abuja. The specific objectives of the study include:

  1. To determine the extent to which the organization adopt the use of Management Information Systems (MIS).
    1. To identify how effectiveness Management Information System is to decision making.
    1. To evaluate the effect of Management Information System on the performance of Abuja Infrastructure Investment Centre (AIIC).

1.4     Research Questions

          The study is guided by the following research questions

  1. To what extent does the organization adopt the use of Management Information Systems? 
    1. How effective is the Management Information System is to decision making?
    1. What is the effect of Management Information System on the performance of Abuja Infrastructure Investment Centre (AIIC)?

1.5     Statement of Hypothesis

H01: The organization does not adopt the use of management information systems in Abuja Infrastructural Investment Centre Abuja.

H02: Management Information Systems is not effective in decision making in Abuja Infrastructural Investment Centre Abuja.

H03: Management Information System has no significant effect on the performance of Abuja Infrastructure Investment Centre (AIIC).

1.6     Scope and Limitation of the Study

This work is aimed at examining the effect of effect of Management Information System on the performance of Abuja Infrastructural Investment Centre (AIIC) as the case study. The study limited its scope to three components of Management Information System (Management Information System) which include; ICT software application, ICT Hardware and Workers attitude (i.e. Human ware).

The limitations which include unavailability and inaccessibility of relevant data and material necessary for carrying out this study. Another is the unwillingness on the part of the respondents to give adequate and correct information necessary to carry out the work.

1.7     Significance of the Study

The significance of the study lies in the importance of management information systems on the performance of the Abuja Infrastructure Investment Centre, and its role in providing the appropriate data and information both internally and externally in order to support management function, giving advanced solutions for managers, helping administrators to take correct decision in a large margin, improve the administrative level in the Organization.

From the result of the study, the extent to which management information system techniques have been utilized in the banking industry and how far this has affected the overall performance of the bank will be determined. It is expected that the result of the study will enable the organization to achieve its desired objectives (customer satisfaction). This study will be of great benefit to bankers, investment analyst, government agencies, academics, private and public sectors, as it will add to the body of literature in thç relevant future study.

1.8.    Historical Background of the Case study

Abuja Infrastructure Investment Centre (AIIC) is an agency of the FCT Administration that promotes and facilitates private sector participation in the provision of public infrastructure and services within the Federal Capital Territory (FCT). In this regard, it ensures compliance with all Laws, Regulations and approved National Policies on Public Private Partnership (PPP) in PPP projects of the FCT as well as adherence to global best practice in other private sector collaboration project.

The journey to the conceptualization of the AIIC began with a memo dated July, 2008 submitted to erstwhile Honourable Minister of the FCT, Dr. Aliyu Modibbo, by his Senior Special Adviser on Infrastructure and Donor Coordination, who was also the head of the FCT PPP unit under the office of the Honourable Minister.

To ensure effective take off of the AIIC, the defunct PPP Unit provided the platform, and thus, re-designated as the Abuja Infrastructure Investment Centre (AIIC). The ATIC, therefore, took over the functions and responsibilities of the defunct PPP Unit.

In view of the inadequacy of the administrative approval in the establishment of the AIIC, the FCTA got the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Mhaji Musa Yaradua, GCFR to ratify the establishment 9±’ the centre which culminated in the promulgation of Abuja Infrastructure Investment Centre (Establishment Order), No. 1 of 2009. The AIIC thus has similar status with other agencies of the FCTA that were established under the FCTA Establishment Order No 1 of 2004.

Conscious of the expectations of its founding fathers, the mandate of AIIC is to work with Secretariats, Departments and Agencies of the FCT Administration in promoting and facilitating private sector participation in FCT infrastructure and services. It therefore engages in investment promotion activities and creates structures and frameworks for the provision of infrastructures and services in the Federal Capital Territory including the Area Councils.

It is in this light the FCT Administration unbundled the private sector participation in the provision of public infrastructure and services under three basic categories:

  1. Public Private Partnerships as regulated by the infrastructure Concession Regulatory Management Information systems;
    1. Private Sector Collaboration using global best practices; and
      1. Provision of enabling environment to entrepreneurs.

1.9     Definition of Key Terms

Management Information System: It defined as “a computerized platform are told that through computers, management and use of the organization, through data analysis and reach rational decisions designed to give the established maximum benefit from the use of computers and the systems to assist in the provision of information, and are analyzed and make the right decisions administratively.

Quality of service (QoS): It is an activity in order to improve and enhance customer satisfaction, such as the techniques used in e-business or which help usually improve the services provided to the customer telephone networks.

System: is a group of components that interact to achieve some purpose.

Information: Information can be said to be a stream of data that have been processed to the form that makes sense to its users

Information System: An information system is a collection of activities, procedures, methods, technology and peoples that are organized to get the valuable related data and information.

Efficiency: The power or ability to produce the desire or satisfactory result. It could also be classified as output all over input.

Data: Data i the representatives of facts, observation or occurrence which can take different form as numbers, codes, word etc.

Properties: that which a person owns; the possession or possessions of a particular thing, which could be goods, land etc.

Tenancy Rate: the temporary possession or occupancy of something (such as a house) that belongs to another, and paying a certain amount of money for occupying the house.

Software: is a collection of data or computer instructions that tell the computer how to work. This is in contrast to physical hardware, from which the system is built and actually performs the work.

Workers Attitude: involves feelings, values, beliefs and disposition that make individuals to ICT or behave in a certain way in workplace.

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