Showing posts with label Practice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Practice. Show all posts

Friday 4 February 2022




Records management is the gist of an organization because it is through records that an institution can provide a documentation of activities and plans. Records provide valuable information for critical decision making within organizations. However, organizational managers fail to recognize the contribution of effective records management practices in public administration. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the role of records management practices in the administration of public institutions. The specific objectives are: to find out the records management practices, to establish the role of departmental heads in the management of records in an organization, to examine the role of records management in facilitating accountability and transparency in organizational administration, and to establish an effective records management model in an organization . The research employed the records continuum theoretical model and a mixed approach of both qualitative and quantitative methods to collect data. The research was conducted on a total population of 150 employees. The study sample included 50 members of staff. The sampling technique used was the stratified sampling technique with a non-probability sampling design, which enabled the identification of a sample that only included employees that directly dealt with records in the various departments at the institution. A questionnaire with carefully identified questions was used in gathering data from the sampled participants. The study findings show that classification and indexing are the most important records management practices undertaken to enable easy accessibility to information at the organization, heads of departments assist in managing operations at various departments regarding to records, and that effective management of records can enable easy access to information, fulfillment of financial requirement and accountability as well as effective organizational administration. The findings are of significance to managers, employees, and policy makers in matters regarding management of organizations.



1.1 Background of the Study

Chapter one provides an introduction to the current study by placing it within its context. Therefore, the chapter explores the modern business records management context which delves into the contemporary issues affecting records management. Later, the chapter provides the study context, problem statement, aim and objectives of the study, and research questions. The significance of the study are also detailed to illustrate the essence of the study findings. Lastly, the chapter provides the significance, assumption, scope of the study, and the limitations.

It is unmistakable that the pace of business activities within organizations in the contemporary society is increasing daily due to the evolving technology. The productivity involves volumes of both electronic and physical documents that contain critical information. In many cases, organizations do not understand the complexity of tasks involved in records management until they fail to access a vital record (Abdulrahman, 2015). Therefore, records play a significant role in the effective and efficient management of an organization because they store plans and implementation processes of an organization’s services.

In both conventional and digital organizations, records stored in either electronic or physical form continue to be viewed as essential documents for administrative documentation. Records provide support for all activities carried out within organizations. Without proper records management, organizations cannot provide the necessary information and support, which in turn may lead to the loss of critical information in institutions. Proper records management practices are essential for an organization’s administration and the smooth running of the operations. Records management involves the incorporation of various practices aimed at proper information management. It also entails the systematic control of all records an organization maintains during the course of their life cycle for the attainment of operational business needs, fiscal and statutory requirements, as well as, the expectation of stakeholders (The National Archives of Scotland, 2013). Effectual maintenance of corporate information enables fast, reliable and accurate access or retrieval of records. It also ensures that redundant information is timely damaged and that important historic records are efficiently protected. Systematic records management enables organizations to; identify the records that they have, increase effectiveness and efficiency, support decision making, achieve business targets and objectives, meet regulatory and legislative requirements, protect the clients’, employees’, and stakeholders’ interests, and be accountable. Consequently, records are critical legal and historical tools that are necessary for the effective running of an organization.

Records are valuable administration instruments without which an institution’s operational functional and processes cannot be efficiently carried out. For instance, a successor to a certain organizational rank may need the institution’s records to find his or her bearing when he or she takes over the new position. The new employee or successor can use such records to decide whether he or she will continue with the previous organizational leader’s practices and techniques or modify them (Abdulrahman, 2015). Records play various roles in organizational administration because administrators and managers use them on routine basis to carry out various administrative roles such as decision making. Recorded information helps in enlightening and educating organizational managers and administrators on matters relevant to the organization. Records can also help in strategic plans and successful implementation of organizational processes. They can also serve as sources of research for information that can be used as evidence. Timely access of recorded information is essential for decision-making, planning, and organizational control. Public institutions in Kenya create, keep, and use records in their every day basis for administrative, legal, and audit functions among other purposes.

1.2     Statement of the Problem

Records are essential instruments in every organization particularly in reference to critical decision making including administrative decision making. Information contained in organizational records is the pillar of the institution’s business activities. Without information, an institution’s administration becomes incapacitated especially in its decision making. Globally, organizations’ systems are expanding at unprecedented rates due to technological advancements and population increases (Abdulrahman, 2015). Similarly, organizational problems in relation to planning, administration, organization, control, and monitoring are also increasing resulting to the need for improved records management practices among institutional administrators, educationist, policy makers, and planners.

Records in public institutions suffer from likelihoods of loss due to improper storage, unprotected disaster, and random destruction. These organizations also lack control guidelines that cover the management of records from their creation to their disposal (Abdulrahman, 2015). The absence of guiding principles gives doubt as to how organizational professionals and administrators have been handling managerial decisions. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate record management practices in public institutions to identify their role in the administrative functions of organizations.

Employees are facing various administrative challenges resulting from ineffective records management. For instance, at times, there are cases of missing or loss of records within the organization, which lead to wastage of so much time trying to locate them. The organization also lacks sufficient space to store some records given that new records are generated on a daily basis. Equally, the problem can be observed in literature as Bakare, Abioye, & Issa, (2016) also observe that there is a startling rate of loss and misplacement of records that contain useful information, which can guide in decision making, especially in public institutions. In another study, Abdulrahman (2015) also states that lack of effective records management can lead to problems such as difficulties in information retrieval for administrative decision making, delays in staffs’ salaries and fringe benefits, inaccurate demographic data and improper registration of employees, which may lead to missing out of employees on important communication. Therefore, there is a need for the acknowledgement of the essence of effective records management in organizational administration from the top management.

1.3     Aim of the Study

The aim of this study was to investigate the role of records management practices in the administration of public institutions.

1.4     Objectives of the Study

The specific objectives of this study include:

  1. Examine the role of records management in facilitating accountability and transparency in organizational administration
  2. Assess the role of records management in expediting risk management
  3. Evaluate the contribution of records management in tracing organizational activities and progress
  4. Develop an effective records management model

1.5     Research Questions

The research questions for this study are;

  1. What is the role of records management in facilitating accountability and transparency in organizational administration?
  2. What is the role of records management in expediting risk management?
  3. What is the contribution of records management in tracing organizational activities and progress?
  4. What is the effective records management model?

1.6     Significance of the Study

The findings of this study are of significance practically, theoretically, and in policy development. Practically, the outcomes inform various stakeholders such as the management and employees of public institutions concerning the essence of a records management practices in critical organizational operations, including management. Theoretically, the study findings augment the body of knowledge by contributing to the literature on the significance of records management practices in organizational administration. Additionally, the study also boosts easy access to records through emphasizing on the significance of effective records management practices in organizational management. In policy making, the findings inform policy makers concerning organizational policies, including the incorporation and support of record management in an organization as a regulatory policy in an effort to enhance effective organizational administration.

1.7     Assumptions of the Study

  1. Organizations do not recognize the significance of records management in organizational running.
  2. Records management practices are important in the management of organizations.

1.8 Scope of the Study

The study is also limited to the study objectives that include investigating the role of records in risk management, finance and auditing, and tracing organizational activities and progress. The factors are essential administrative functions. Hence, an investigation of the role of records on these aspects will create insight on the study topic.

1.9 Limitations of the Study

An effective completion of this study was constrained by limitations of time, finances, and access to sufficient and effective secondary resources to augment the accessible information. Time limits resulted from tight schedules between work and family activities. However, this challenge was resolved through creation of time each day after work. Additional time was also acquired during the weekends. Another challenge was financial resources to conduct the research. The challenge was resolved through setting aside some income each month for research purposes. The challenge of secondary resource accessibility was resolved through gaining access to some academic sites such as Google Scholar, Google Books, and ProQuest which sufficiently supplemented the Library sources.

1.10 Operational Terms and Concepts


A record refers to information that an organization of person creates, receives, and maintains as evidence in the process of business transaction or pursuance of legal obligations.

Record creation

Record creation entails the development of consistent regulations to ensure accessibility and integrity through deciding techniques to track and log records by following specified processes for the registration, classification, and indexing of information.

Record Preservation

Record preservation refers to all the operations and processes involved in the protection and stabilization of documents against deterioration or damage and in the treatment of deteriorated or damaged documents.

Record keeping

Record keeping refers to the making and maintenance of accurate and reliable proof of business operations through recorded information.

Records management

Records management refers to the incorporation of various practices aimed at the proper management of an organization’s information. It also entails the systematic control of all the records of an organization during the course of their life cycle for the attainment of operational business needs, fiscal and statutory requirements, as well as, the expectation of the community at large.


Reinsurer refers to an organization that provides reinsurance services to other insurance companies.

Monday 18 March 2019







The construction industry, perhaps more than most, is overwhelmed with risks (Deviprasad, 2007). Ehsan et al. (2010) iterated that it is highly risk prone, with complex and dynamic project environments creating an atmosphere of high uncertainty and risk. The industry is vulnerable to various technical, sociopolitical and business risks. Deviprasad, (2007) further stated that too often this risk is not dealt with satisfactorily and the industry has suffered poor performance as a result. According to Pritchard (2001), most of the decisions, including the simplest ones, involve risks. The procedure of taking a project from inception to completion, and then into use is a complex one that entails time-consuming design and production processes (Ahmed, 2004 in Opolot et al. undated). The main role in project management activities is to drive the operations in order to reach or to overcome the expectations of those who decided on the investment, the stakeholders (Monetti, et al., 2006).  Risk management is fundamental to accomplish those objectives, not only trying to keep away from bad results caused by some special events or uncertain conditions, but also acting as a guide in order to maximize the positive results.

Risk Management refers to the culture, processes, and structures that are directed toward effective management of risks –including potential opportunities and threats to project objectives. Although risk is widely studied, it still lacks a clear and shared concept definition: risk is often only perceived as an unwanted, unfavorable consequence.

Risk management may be described as a systematic way of looking at areas of risk and consciously determining how each should be treated. It is a management tool that aims at identifying sources of risk and uncertainty, determining their impact, and developing appropriate management response (Uher, 2003). A systematic process of risk management has been divided into risk identification, risk assessment,  risk mitigation and risk monitoring.  An effective risk management method can help to understand not only what kinds of risks are faced, but also how to manage these risks in different phases of a project. Owing to its increasing importance, risk management has been recognized as a necessity in most industries today, and a set of techniques have been developed to control the influences brought by potential risks (Schuyler, 2001; Baker, 2005).

Compared with many other industries, the construction industry is subject to more risks due to the unique features of construction activities, such as long period, complicated processes, abominable environment, financial intensity and dynamic organization structures (Flanagan, 1993; Akintoye,1997; Smith, 2003). Hence, taking effective risk management techniques to manage risks associated with variable construction activities has never been more important for the successful delivery of a project. Previous research has mainly focused on examining the impacts of risks on one aspect of project strategies with respect to cost (Chen et al., 2000), time (Shen, 1997) and safety (Tam et al., 2004). Some researchers investigated risk management for construction projects in the context of a particular project phase, such as conceptual/feasibility phase (Uher, 1999), design phase (Chapman, 2001), construction phase (Abdou, 1996), rather than from the perspective of evaluation of the management of the risk.

Risk management is one of those ideas, that sense that a logical, consistent and disciplined approach to the future’s uncertainties will allow us to live with them prudently and productively, avoiding unnecessary waste of resources. It goes beyond faith and luck, the twin pillars of managing the future before we began learning how to measure probability (Risk management reports, 1999).

Risk management is one of the most critical project management practices to ensure a project is successfully completed. Royer (2000) stated that experience has shown that risk management must be of critical concern to project managers, as unmanaged or unmitigated risks are one of the primary causes of project failure. Risk management is thus in direct relation to the successful project completion. Project management literature describes a detailed and widely accepted risk management process, which is constructed basically from four iterative phases: risk identification, risk estimation, risk response planning and execution, often managing the risk management process is included (Klemetti, 2006).         


Risk management practice increases the likelihood of project performance in the Nigeria construction industry. It provides a holistic view of risks, challenges and potential problems and builds processes to help construction companies in monitor and manage them. This not only reduces the cost of housing project, but gives organization valuable strategies to reduce risk associated with project investments and tactical project activities. The construction company management will increase confidence in knowing that project will meet targeted goals and achieve expected outcome.

The professionals in construction industry will have information on factors that affect effective risk management in public housing construction projects. This will enable them to conscientiously incorporate risk management in their professional work and that would result in better project performance. The government in the developing policies regarding project risk management and other regulatory requirements of house scheme project in Nigeria. The policy maker will gain insight how well to incorporate the sector effectively to ensure effective mitigation of project risks for the building construction projects to achieve high project success. The study will contribute to the general body of knowledge and form a basis for further research.


Although technical issues are a primary concern both early on and throughout all project phases, risk management must consider both internal and external sources for cost, schedule, and technical risk. Early and aggressive detection of risk is important because it is typically easier, less costly, and less disruptive to make changes and correct work efforts  rather than the later, phases of the project. Many companies and organizations in the construction industry have an idea of risk management but do not implement it because they are not ready for possible challenges. Such as; increase in cost, time wasting, altered quality and also unhealthy scenario for workers (Deviprasadh, 2007).

In countries such as United States of America, United Kingdom and Canada, risk management has become a universal management process involving quality of thought, quality of process and quality of action (Sesel, 2003). In Nigeria however, the adoption of the risk management concept has been largely a part of the banking and financial sectors of the economy arising from responses to crisis that evolved within the financial sector of the economy in early 1990’s. With the emergence of the Project management profession in the late 1990s and the growing need to move organizations upward by adopting project management methodologies, risk management has become an integral part of the project architecture, being adopted by firms in Nigeria (Klemetti, 2006).  The uncertainties in the Nigerian situation vis-a-vis  the economical, political, environmental, social, cultural and financial environment in which the project is operated increases the uncertain outcomes which the risk management concept essentially attempts to predict and avert. This on the other hand may have a relationship with the performance of these projects. Global competition and technological innovations have increased the pressure in most Nigerian companies to deliver projects on time, within budget and with an acceptable quality of the deliverables of the project (Ehsan, (2006).

One of the major reasons for ineffective projects delivery in the Nigerian construction industry is the improper assessment of risk factors (Joshua, 2007). Many companies are not even aware of the kind or form of risks that they face in the process of construction. As a result the industry continues to suffer poor performances with many projects failing to meet time and cost targets (Joshua, 2007).  This study is going to examine the relationship between risk management practice and project performance in Nigerian construction industries.


1.4.1  AIM

This research is to analyze the relationship between risk management practices and project performance in Nigeria construction industry with a view to enhance the overall performance of Nigeria construction Industry.


In order to achieve the above aim, the following specific objectives shall be pursued:

  1. To find out if there is any significant relationship between risk management practice and project performance of Nigerian construction industry.
  2. To articulate the existing risk management practices in construction industry in Nigeria.
  3. To find out the risk factors perceived to be critical in Nigerian construction industry 


Field survey research method will be adopted in carrying out the research, together with information from construction professionals and contractors regards to risk management and project performance in Nigeria construction industry. Questionnaire will be used to gather information (data) from the respondents, review of past similar works, journals, conference / seminar papers and online resources will also play a vital in data collection.


The data shall be collected after the design, distribution and collection of questionnaires to some professionals in the Nigeria construction industry. The questionnaire will contain various questions for response on the analysis of conventional procurement strategies and their application in Nigeria construction industry.


The scope of the study will only cover the relationship between risk  management and project performance in Nigerian construction industry. It shall be limited to some selected construction firms and projects that are located in Abuja, the Federal Capital Territory. Essentially attention will be given to the experienced professionals within the construction industry that span minor and major players in the construction industry.


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