Showing posts with label Project topics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Project topics. Show all posts

Monday 13 August 2018

Concepts and Attributes of Marketing

Concepts and Attributes of Marketing

Marketing is a way or philosophy of life, a discipline, as well as organizational function. Alexander (1990) officially defined marketing as the performance of business activities that direct the flow of goods and services from producers to consumers or users. The Ohio State University (1964) described marketing as the process in a society by which the demand structure for economic goods and services is anticipated or enlarged and satisfied through the conception, promotion and physical distribution of such goods and services. It is important to state that the scope of marketing is broadened beyond tangible or physical goods.

It entails service delivery and satisfaction of people (consumers) with non-physical products or services (Olakunori, 2002). The overriding goal of marketing and every marketing organization is the identification and satisfaction of the needs of consumers. This implies that marketing is all about people and the satisfaction of their needs. Marketing is perceived by Kotler (1980) as human activity directed at satisfying needs and wants through the exchange process. Mentzer and Schwartz (1985) described marketing as consisting of the activities performed by individuals or organizations for commercial and non commercial objectives, aimed at satisfaction through the exchange process of buyers’ demand for products, services, people and ideas.

Olakunori and Ejionueme (1997) posit that marketing is the identification and satisfaction of people needs through the exchange process. The business activities in marketing are much of concern to some situations. Anyanwu (1993) opined that marketing consists of business activities that seek to anticipate demand, help in developing and making the products or services available to the satisfaction of the consumers (users and at a profit to the organization). The dynamism in the world of technology is bringing a kind of metamorphosis to the concept of marketing. Kotler (1994) defined marketing as a social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating, offering and exchanging products of value with others.

Moreover, Modern (1991) posits that the most important managerial task within the organization is that of understanding the needs and wants of customers in the market, and of adapting the operations of the organization to deliver the right goods and services more effectively and efficiently than its competitors. According to the author, marketing concept situates between two targets; the company and the market. The input of company is determined by the technology, research and development. Consumer or buyer behaviour and causes of changes in demand largely influence the market. As the company (service or goods providers) hit the market, the feedback, new products and service demands are expressed to the providers.

Thursday 7 January 2016



 Good urban governance has been identified as indispensable or necessary to achieve sustainable development in contemporary times particularly in the developing world context. Good urban governance assures that political, social and economic priorities are based on broad consensus in society and that the voices of the poorest and the most vulnerable are heard in decision-making over the allocation of development resources.
This was why the UN-HABITAT in collaboration with the Government of Nigeria launched the good urban governance (GUG) campaign in Nigeria in April 2001 as part of its advocacy role to promote the Habitat Agenda, and in particular, the goal of achieving sustainable human settlements development and management in a rapidly urbanizing world. Besides, with more and more people preferring cities as their choice of settlement, the challenge lies not in stemming this tide of migration, but in managing and governing our cities better, to improve quality of life and living standards. The rapid urbanization in developing countries particularly in sub Saharan African societies requires more proactive and efficient actions to ensure its sustainability. 
Urban governance comprises the various forces, institutions, and movements that guide economic and physical development, the distribution of resources, social interactions, and other aspects of daily life in urban areas. This course examines governance from legal, political, social, and economic perspectives. In addition, we will discuss how these structures constrain collective decision making about particular urban issues (immigration, education…). Assignments will be nightly readings and a short paper relating an urban issue to the frameworks outlined in the class.
Urban governance has become a fashionable term, especially when “good” is used to qualify it. However, the concept has remained difficult to define, with attempt leading to as many definitions as there are researchers (Hufty 2009). It is the co-ordination, regulation, or steering of affairs between actors, in specific sectors (e.g. environment) or in a city, such as in urban governance.
Governance is a neutral concept in which the actors, mechanisms, processes and institutions can produce positive or negative results, hence the notion of “good urban governance”. As indicated in the UNDP policy document, good governance is a necessary ingredient to achieve equitable and sustainable growth and development.
In other to support the implementation of the Habitat Agenda goal of “sustainable human settlements development
Urban governance can be defined as the sum of the many ways individuals and institutions, public and private, plan and manage the common affairs of the city.
Urban governance also refers to the ways in which all stakeholders and institutions interact to plan and manage the common affairs of a city. A number of public and private agents are involved in this process in Nasarawa town. In terms of official government, agencies at the federal, state, and local levels are involved in strategy formulation and oversight of policies.
Aluko (2010) also defines urban governance as the act or process of governing a nation, state, or legal entity. It is the activity of governing a country, controlling, ruling, managing, regulating, influencing, or directing a place. Governance recognizes that power exists inside and outside the formal authority and institutions of government. Most formulations of governance recognize government, civil society and the private sector as the key actors. At the local level, these groups can be further specified to include: Central Government, state or provincial government (where applicable), local authorities, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), community-based organizations (CBOs), and the private sector. In the urban context, governance is the sum of many ways individuals and institutions plan and manage the common affairs of the city (Adegun, 2011).
Given the rapid pace of urbanization in developing countries, urban decision makers face a variety of challenges which are outlined in the following. However, these can not be examined separately since they all interact. Thus a city´s financial resources impact on its capacity to meet development goals just like its ability to manage diversity and security issues depends on its financial and capacity dimension. Below are common problems of urban governance in Nasarawa town. 
1.   Capacity: The inability of Nasarawa to keep pace with rapid urban growth first arose in the early 1990s till date. At this time slum and squatter settlements grew in number and extend throughout the town. Since the local government as well as stakeholders appeared to be overextended by the situation, often trying to limit these processes by zoning, low income residents reacted either via building uncoordinated individual dwellings or arranging “land-invasions”. However, in the course of time strategies shifted towards reforms in the governance of urban services including Public Private Partnerships (PPP) and co-operations with NGOs. 
2.    Financial resources: As aforementioned, the lack of capacity to meet service demands, is highly linked to an inadequate fiscal situation. Although there are several reasons for that, the devolution of responsibilities without sufficient financial authorities to the local level is a major one. As Nasarawa town face the problem of generating revenues, “informal” mechanisms of budget generation can emerge. Thus there is evidence of Nasarawa local governments gaining “off-budget revenues”. Those are composed of donations by enterprises (NGOs, CBOs FBOs etc) to specific public projects, profits from township-owned enterprises or incomes from the leasing of public land to enterprises. Although there is controversy on the legitimacy of such revenues, evidence shows that off budgets foster local participation and ownership in urban governance. While there are other prominent examples for participative fiscal governance mechanisms (such as Participatory Budgeting in Brazil), such processes bear the risk of local elites bestriding decision making, often referred to as “elite capture” (DEVAS 2004 : 30).
3.   Diversity: One of the major difficulties that is facing Nasarawa town is cultural and socioeconomic diversity this very pronounce with the presences of over five ethnic groups. Against the background of polarization and segregation, this challenge has a social as well as a spatial dimension. Thus the lack of coherence arises in dual structures. Gated communities offering exclusive schools and private water services stand opposed to illegal settlements without drainage, scant electricity and high crime rates. 
4.   Security: As crime rates are increasing in cities throughout the developing world, Nasarawa town is not left out; security has become a governance issue ever since. Hence the security dimension of city governance “implies that there are adequate mechanisms / process / systems for citizens’ security, health and environmental safety” and “signifies there are adequate conflict resolution mechanisms through the development and implementation of appropriate local policies on environment, health and security for the urban areas.”
5.   Authority: Since all dimensions of challenge mentioned above are interlinked, this applies to authority as well. As aforementioned, developing towns like Nasarawa have undergone massive change in the course of democratization and decentralization processes. While these transitions brought about devolution of powers and authorities to the local level, they were accompanied by massive demographic growth and geographical expansion. However, the urban growth, generally taking place at the fringes, is not necessarily in line with administrative borders. Finally, Nasarawa town is organized in different “models” of governance. 

Other Major Challenges the Local Authority Face In Urban Governance

The urban or local governments  in the course of urban governance are the primary providers of basic services  such as water supply, sanitation, sewerage, waste management, health, education and sometimes housing facilities.
Thus the following problems are face in the course of  providing such basic services to urban dwellers (Nasarawa town).
  1. Governance (Weakness)
  2. Slums and shelter (problems)
  3. Environment
  4. Local Economic Development
  5. Basic Urban Services
The assessment of urban governance in the study area revealed a number of fundamental issues and problems associated with urban governance. As indicated above, the LGA lacks a clear cut vision/mission to guide and direct city development initiatives and activities. Thus developmental projects are articulated and implemented in ad-hoc and unorganized manner. Fundamental and constitutionally assigned responsibility to this tier of government is not being discharged thereby contributing to ineffective or poor urban governance in the area.
It is therefore recommended that there is need for restructuring of the LGA administrative system and practice in the area to make them more functional and efficient. New department such as Planning, research and statistics to collect and keep records of the Nasarawa town and Local government should be created and developed. Similarly, the local government does not have a department that is responsible for physical planning and control of development. Yet the LGA is constitutionally assigned this role. The need to create land use planning and control becomes absolutely essential and it is therefore recommended. The tax and rates collection system.
Mutual cooperation of the private and public institutions to deliver reliable, affordable, profitable, eco-efficient urban infrastructure services, and indicated possibility for adapting to developing countries like Nigeria.
David Satterthwaite (2009); Editorial: What role for Majors in good city governance?  Journal of Environment and Urbanization. Vol 21 No.1 PP.3 – 17.
Kamal, A. (2000); “Accountable governance and poverty alleviation” Commission paper for  the Regional Workshops Democracy Forum 2000. “Democracy and Poverty: A  Missing Link? Kathmandu, Nepal.
Islam N. and M. M Khan (Editors) (1997); Urban Governance in Bangladesh and Pakistan, Centre for Urban Studies , Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Abiodun, J. O. (1997). “The challenges of growth and development in  Metropolitan Lagos”. In, C. Rakodi (Ed).
Adebayo, A. and Rowland, L. Management problems of rapid urbanization in Nigeria. Carton press ltd. Ibadan. 1973
National Population Commission (2009), 2006 Population and Housing Census of the Federal Republic of Nigeria  Structure Plan for Karu and Keffu Towns, Nasarawa State (author unknown) World Bank Report, The Economy and Employment Structure and Trends in Karu: Overview of Findings (



This study examined the contributions of modern communication equipment to job efficiency of the secretary in Abuja school of accountancy and computer studies.This research work is made up of five chapters with chapter one covering introduction, background of the study,     statement of the problem, purpose of the study, research questions, significance of the study, limitation of the study and definition of terms. Chapter two deals with review of related literature, importance of the modern communication equipment, what is modern communication and general problem in the maintenance of modern communication equipment. Chapter three is concerned with research design and methodology, population of the study, sample size and sample procedure, description of instrument, method of data collection analysis. Chapter four covers data presentation, analysis and discussion of findings,the final chapter which is chapter five gives the summary and conclusion to the entire research work and makes possible recommendations on the contributions of modern communication equipment to job efficiency of the secretary.


I will focus my attention on how the modern equipment has contributed to the efficiency of the work of a secretary. Communication is today becoming more complex in its composition and the equipment being put to use for effective work.
Some of the equipment includes: telephone, Tele-printers, computers, radio phone and others.
All these radio, Tele-communication message are technological innovations that support the natural ways in which people work.
The core subjects in office technology and management includes typewriting, shorthand, and office management. This is because before a person can fit into the work of a secretary, he/she must study these courses which will help him or her in the manipulation of communication equipment. In response to the increasing and essential demand for well-trained secretaries, the government is doing its best to see that adequate attention is given to the study of these courses.
No wonder why this course is being offered in the Universities and Polytechnics and these institutions have been encouraged to train many people to serve as secretaries in order to handle and operate the modern communication equipment in offices nationwide. Abuja School of Accountancy And Computer Studies, (ASACS), rectors is a good example of ASACS effort in this direction.
The management of the institution is not living in the past century, they are also moving with time in the provision of modern communication equipment.
There is some communication equipment which the secretaries use in their offices. However, it has been discovered that many problem are still facing the effectiveness of the secretary who is adequately exposed to these modern equipment.
The Abuja School of Accountancy and Computer Studies (ASACS) was established n may, 1995 and incorporated as a limited liability company. After three months of existence, the institution received approval as a professional training Centre from the following professional bodies.
a. Institute of Chartered Accountant of Nigeria (ICAN).
b. Chartered Institute of Administration (CIA).
c. Association of National Accountant of Nigeria (ANAN).
d. Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators of Nigeria (ICSAN)
e. Nigeria Institute of Purchasing and Supply Management (NIPSM).
f. Computer Association of Nigeria (CAN)
The school was established to provide high quality academic studies and professional development for individuals who intend to work as accountants, computer specialists and administrators. It started with 250 students in 1995 the population has increased to 2000 in 1999.
In recent years, large business organization machine, from a messaging system to inter- office telephone extension for quick communication, from hand written addresses to addressing machines and with the entrance of computer nearly all office manual work has been reduced.
All these machines are aimed of course at elimination unnecessary delay to secretary performance and improving the efficiency of those who operate them. The secretary could not perform their task satisfactorily if the use of modern communication equipment does not exist.
Communication is a process of creating, transmitting and interpreting ideas, facts, opinions, and feelings. As the years go by the work continue to witness dramatic changes and development in all areas of the secretarial administration, generally, thought of in terms of the media communication for instance, memos, reports, and the skill of communication. It is widely considered that organizing element of management should concern itself with the system and environment of the communication function.
In this work, Chester Bernard (2003) stressed “the need for communication theory because the structure, extensiveness and scope of organization are almost entirely determined by communication which is regarded as the foundation on which most organization are built.
The competence of the secretarial staff of the Abuja School of Accountancy and Computer Studies have continuously been questionable in the recent past.
This has remained a source of worry both for the management and the secretarial staff themselves.
Reasons for this have been associated with the ineffective operation of the secretaries. The situation arouse the curiosity of the researcher hence the desire to study the same.
Any work one does must have a purpose or rather an objective to justify that work. Again, the utmost aim of every work necessitate the success of the work, therefore the purpose of this study is primarily to know how far these modem communication equipment have help or contributed to job efficiency of secretaries in Abuja School of Accountancy and Computer Studies.
In considering the effectiveness of modern communication equipment, this reviews the performance of the secretaries in the institution.
The overall purpose of this is to
1.       Examine how this modern communication equipment has contributed to effective work of the secretary in their organization.
2.          Make suggestion on the improvement of modem communication equipment in the institution.
1.     What are these modern communication equipment?
2.     What are the modern communications available for the use of the secretaries?
3.     Are these equipment being serviced to provide adequate, and efficient services?
4.     Are these equipment contributing to the efficiency of secretaries in Abuja school of accountancy and computer studies?
The significance of the study arises from the fundamental role of modern communication equipment plays in our economic deve1opnents. Moreover, the secretarial services needed trained and qualified people n order to handle and maintain the equipment.
That is why Chester Bernard (2011) stressed that “the executive function is to develop and maintain a system of communication”. Again, since secretarial services is of immense help to both public and private establishments in any developing or developed society in terms of qualitative administrative procedures the research would create avenue for its improved standard to match the growing complex nature of administration in our country.
Above all these, the study will attempt to explain why many organizations do not have these modern communication equipment despites its advantages. It is expected that the study will contribute to the knowledge in the area of efficiency. To the institution, it will bring them to the knowledge of what contributions they can make to train more secretaries, particularly in the area of provision modern communication equipment.
In the process of carrying out the study a number of limitations were experienced. These includes
Firstly, I faced in the course of this research is the nonchalant attitude of some respondents, this hampered the process and smoothness of data collection.
My effort to get full opinions on some of the interview. Some feel very much at ease to reserve their comments on some vital issues, information of which could have added more colour and weight to the findings of the study.
Some were afraid that it might incriminate them by answering some of the interview questions in spite of the fact that the purpose of the research was clearly made known to them by the researcher.
Another limiting factor was financial problem this also takes it toll on the need to travel out wide to other institution.
SECRETARY: any personnel who is trained in the communication, shorthand and typewriting, storage and retrieval of information.
COMMUNICATION: Is a process of creating ideas, facts, opinions, and feeling.
COMPUTER: is a device that works under the control of stored program automatically accepting, storing and processing data to produce information
OFFICE: this is any place where clerical and administrative duties like receiving information, sorting out information, acted upon records, executive re-arranged, retrieved and kept for future reference.
ORGANIZATION: this is the arrangement of work with division of activities and with the allocation of duties, authority and responsibilities.
ADMINISTRATION: it is often use to refer to the acti1ities of the higher level on management group who determine major aims afraid policies of an organization.


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The role of chemistry in our lives cannot be ignore on any cost as it involves everywhere in our surroundings. It helps us understand the working of different things and provides a new ways of making our life better. It is involved in the making of most of the things we use every day. However with these all advantages, there are several disadvantages of chemistry. No doubt, the aim of scientists is always to improve the quality of human life and other living bodies. But sometimes these new inventions can be harmful for the living bodies and their environment such as any introduction or removal of chemical substance in our environment can change the composition of it and effect the social, living organisms, or earth-wide. Many chemical substances such as DDT, CFCs etc. are very harmful for our environment but are widely use by today’s generation to make their life comfortable. 

Other disadvantages of chemistry is the hormone replacement therapy, and the Bhopal Disaster. The chemical analysis processes easiest, fastest approach is the EDAX capability.  There are several advance technologies which are used for the treatment of serious diseases such as X-ray analysis, chemotherapy can be very dangerous if not done properly and under a controlled condition.
While scientists’ aim to improve the quality of life for humans, plants, animals, and to save the environment, sometimes these are interpreted as quick fixes to real issues in society and our world. Any introduction or removal of a chemical in an environment can change the way a system works. (be it social, human, animal, or earth-wide) Repeated experiments on manufacture, testing, use, and long term effects of chemicals are essential to our survival. 
Look what happened with DDT, CFCs, hormone replacement therapy, and the Bhopal Disaster. While we learned a lot, there was a tremendous cost to the environment and/or humanity. We need to understand what we are really doing with our technology before we implement it. There is no such thing as a magic pill to save us all, unfortunately. The science of chemistry is good, but what we do with it can harm or help us. 
Another possible disadvantage of chemistry in our daily life would be an abuse of that knowledge. For example, the manufacturing of illegal drugs or explosive weaponry such as C4 and production of chemical weapons. 
Chemistry has played a lead role in agriculture providing fertilizer, pesticide etc but not without the disadvantage of pollution problem created out of indiscriminate use of chemicals in many areas of human activities like manufacturing, industry etc.
Surface water is now more polluted than the surface water from 1940s, for example, due to the increasing industrial chemistry pollutions. Wastewater if it is treated is not well treated because the conventional wastewater technology (i.e., biological treatment) is not until now well optimised especially in the undeveloped countries in terms of dissolved organics and pathogenic microorganisms removal.
In everything you see in this world, there will always be advantages and disadvantages Chemistry is not left out as it is vital to modern living, but since it comes with potential disadvantages, it is always recommended that people should be careful what we do with it because it can harm or help us.

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